榊原 禎宏
京都教育大学紀要 (ISSN:03877833)
vol.113, pp.101-114, 2008-09

本稿は,学校組織構造をめぐる従来の議論が,上と下,縦と横という隠喩のモデルに依拠し「上意下達」「同僚性の阻害」等の素朴なイメージから抜け出せないために,職務,職位,スタッフの関係を双方向から問うように進まなかったことを明らかにした。そして,学校において職務対象の分割が困難であり,また職務遂行を取り巻く環境の不確実性が高いことから,経営過程においては業務ではなくスタッフこそが動くべき変数であることを論じた。さいごに,こうした学校組織構造をより喩えうるモデルとして「中心-周辺型」モデルを挙げ,上下ではなく円環のネットワークとして学校における仕事の分割と集約,個業と協働を捉えることができるのではないかと仮提示を行った。The purpose of this paper is to rediscuss the characteristics of the organisational structure of schools, from the point of view of the metaphor which we have used of a "flat organisation", that is so to say a "lid of a pan" or "pyramid organisation" for a long time. Through an examination of difficulty for division of school work and uncertainty of circumstances around school, we could comprehend that not school work, but school staff should move in school performance. As a tentative conclusion it is proposed that school organisations should be described by a "centre-fringe" model in one metaphor.
松村 千鶴 浅田 昇平 榊原 禎宏
京都教育大学紀要 (ISSN:03877833)
vol.117, pp.73-81, 2010-09

日本の教員の学校間等異動は,教育委員会の行政=経営活動として専ら捉えられる。その眼目は,①全県的な教育水準の維持向上,②各学校の課題への対応,③個人への報奨等処遇,と理解できるが,人的な公教育資源の長期的開発という観点からする,校長に至る異動については,経験的知見をほとんど越えていない。 本稿はこうした問題設定から,事例自治体での教諭の最終年度から学校長への登用年度までの個人の軌跡を辿ることを通じて,人事行政がいかなる教育資源の「適正さ」を担保しているかについて基礎的作業を行った。その結果,自治体内のローカル・ルールの存在,とりわけ教育行政機関での勤務の点で顕著なことを見出した。今後,各学校の時期ごとのプロフィールとの対応関係のほか,他の事例での追試が課題である。Personnel placement (rotation, reshuffling, promotion) policy for Japanese teaching staff is based entirely on the premise that Board of Education administration is a managerial activity. The core ingredients of this are: 1) cross-prefectural maintenance and improvement in levels public of education; 2) an individual school approach to school subjects; and 3) while it is understandable that compensation, etc. is on a per person, individual basis, the transfer to position of Principal, viewed from long-term development of a human public education resource, it does not go beyond experiential knowledge. This study, upon laying out the issue, conducted, from local government case studies focusing on individual career promotions to Principal, a base inquiry into whether personnel administration appropriately supports all educational resources. Results reveal the existence of local rules in local area governments and striking points in the workings of the educational administrative body. Further investigation, to look into corresponding relationships with such things as individual school time scheduling profiles will follow from this work.
榊原 禎宏
vol.38, pp.35-49, 2012

The purpose of this paper is to analyze school systems from the point of view of the working circumstances for school staff, especially for the teachers. For the improvement of teachers' working conditions, it is necessary to clarify the characteristics of school education in Japan and some alternative choices related also to school administration should be suggested. Concretely they are described, explained, and proposed below. 1. working in school education and the health of the teacher One basic characteristic of the teaching and learning process in school education is that teaching does not correlate directly with learning. We should always acknowledge the difference and sometimes contrary relation between them. In addition to that, although learning activities cannot be observed empirically, yet the teaching staff is asked to somehow demonstrate the educational "effect" of their work. With this background, teachers should be aware that they are apt to develop some irrational belief in their work, and that might in turn cause them health problems, for example from the stress of prolonged overwork. 2. today's school risk that has not been clearly recognized Two points of school risk in Japan should be discussed. One is that the view of school has changed from that of the past several decades. Although outside of school the community, family, work, and life have drastically developed, the basic conditions of school have remained static. On the other hand, because of the lack of laws and regulations for schools, the definition of teacher's work is vague, which often brings long hours of overwork. As one example in Germany, it is total clear that "educational freedom" of each teacher is defined not only in act, but also in regulation in states. It means that each stakeholder in schooling has rights and responsibilities, and legislation has developed to a point that the balance among stakeholders is strained. 3. internal transfer system which regularly reassigns teachers between schools One explicit characteristic of personnel management in Japan is the regular transfer of staff between schools. This is a big burden on teachers and other school staff members. Every some years they must continually reconstruct the relationships between colleagues, the students, the parents, and the other residents of the school district. Besides simple lateral transfers, not a small number of cases arise where the transfer is between different types of schools.4. staffing and working in schools and school management School principals and vice-principals take their posts for only a few years, a much shorter time than that of teachers, on average. It is not easy for them to show school management plans and ideas to their subordinates and colleagues after only few days in the new post. Furthermore, a teacher's work is basically independent and autonomous. That asks teachers to manage their cognition and emotion in a very short time in the class. With this background teachers might make unexpected misjudgments or surfer from the framework that they have built up by themselves. 5. possible school design I propose two points by choice, one of them is to orient highly centralized school system or decentralized, independent management in each school. The other is not only to preach to the teachers, but also to improve the working circumstances objectively. From now on, an experimental attitude and experimental practices in school should be more highly regarded and more strongly promoted for better and effective working.
榊原 禎宏
京都教育大学紀要 (ISSN:03877833)
no.123, pp.171-181, 2013-09

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the characteristics of the discourse and model of "hypothesis-verification" in a school context, leading to the conclusion in this study that the style lacks basic premises. For a productive internal school study, exploratory rather than exploitative trials should be set up on the one hand, and, on the other, the words examined and reconstructed that stem from events in the teaching-learning activity. At the same time, internal school studies, which are actually only studies concerning lessons, should be replaced with studies relating entirely to activities in the school.本報告は,①主に小学校・中学校で実施されている校内研究や校内研修のほとんどが,授業研究として取り組まれており,そのうち「仮説-検証」の形式に則っているものが多数見られること,②その用例は科学的文脈で用いられるものと異なって,同義反復的な学校独特のものであり,作文する研修主任を苦しめていること,③これを修正するには,「~すれば,~となる」と授業像の深化・先鋭化を志向するのではなく,また,授業者の認知に無前提に依拠する「振り返り」に留まるものでもなく,授業の自己言及的性格を分析・解体する過程として,授業像の拡幅化・多様化が必要なこと,を述べた。
榊原 禎宏 大和 真希子
教育実践学研究 : 山梨大学教育学部附属教育実践研究指導センター研究紀要 (ISSN:13454161)
vol.7, pp.43-56, 2001
