横手 慎二
現代史研究 (ISSN:03868869)
no.47, pp.92-98, 2001
横手 慎二
法学研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.75, no.5, pp.1-26, 2002-05

初めに : 問題の設定一 スターリンの日本についての学習二 独ソ戦期の日本に関する言動三 一九四五年の日本認識論説
横手 慎二
法学研究 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.83, no.12, pp.29-56, 2010-12

はじめに第一節 捕虜・抑留者ラーゲリの成立第二節 捕虜の強制労働第三節 戦後賠償としての「シベリア抑留」結び小此木政夫教授退職記念号
石井 規衛 横手 慎二 富田 武 和田 春樹 劉 孝鐘 水野 直樹 ADIBEKOU Gra

本研究の目的は、モスクワのロシア国立社会政治史文書館(旧ソ連共童党文書館)に所蔵されており、あらたに閲覧が可能となったソ連共産党攻治局の日本関係文書とコミンテルンの日本共産党文書を網羅的に調査し、あわせて朝鮮共産党文書についての予備的調査をおこなうことである。現地の研究分担者に第一次目録を作成してもらい、2年間に4回、のぺ8人、私費で2回、のべ3人が現地調査をおこなった。コミンテルン文書については、日本共産党文書(617ファイル)、日本委員会文書(9ファイル)、クーシネン書記局文書(100ファイル)、片山潜文書(96ファイル)の閲覧を終え、コミンテルン書記局文書、東洋委員会文書などを必要に応じて点検した。以上の検討結果、コミンテルンの日本関係文書については検討を完成し、必要な資料のコピーを入手した。朝鮮共産党にかんしては、朝鮮共産党文書(247ファイル)を閲覧したが、資料の入手は一部にとどまった。攻治局の日本関係文書については、金期間の検討を終了し、必要な資料のコピーを入手した。これらの獲得した資料から最重要の資料を選択し、「資科目録 コミンテルンと日本共産党 1917-1941」を作成し、それに研究論文「コミンテルンと日本共産党」を作成し、合わせて資料註を用意して、『資料集 コミンテルンと日本』を準備した。資料を翻訳の上、出版する予定である。政治局の日本関係文書については、ロシア語で『解説目録ソ連共産党攻治局議事録における日本 1921-1941』を完成した。12月にはロシア側の研究分担者G.アジベーコフ氏を日本に招き、作業の調整をおなうとともに、わが国の専門家を招いた、成果の発表をおこなった。
横手 慎二
法學研究 : 法律・政治・社会 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.66, no.12, pp.191-212, 1993-12

はじめに : 問題の設定一 外務人民委員部の粛清二 新しい人材 : 制度による補充三 新しい人材 : 制度外からの補充四 冷戦期のソ連外務省 : 結びに代えて阪埜光男教授退職記念号
横手 慎二
法學研究 : 法律・政治・社会 (ISSN:03890538)
vol.82, no.9, pp.1-56, 2009-09

はじめに一 ソ連支配地域の日本人救済問題二 本国送還をめぐる交渉三 送還協定の成立四 送還開始と冷戦の波及論説
横手 慎二
一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.2001, no.126, pp.23-36,L6, 2001

In this paper I will analyze the domestic aspects of Khrushchev's foreign policy with a special attention to the Far Eastern states: Communist China, North Korea and to some extent Japan. (I am preparing a more detailed study on the post-W. W. II Japan-Soviet relations in another form.)<br>Many scholars including G. Richter pointed out the existence of the different opinions among the Soviet leaders in the post-Stalin years. However, these studies are overly concerned with the doctrine of peaceful coexistence and less attentive to the impact on the Soviet leaders of the other new line which Khrushchev forwarded forcefully, the denunciation of Stalin and his policy. It was the July 1955 plenum of the CC of the KPSS where Foreign Minister Molotov and the First Party Secretary Khrushchev collided over the problem for the first time. Molotov asserted that the Soviet delegation led by Khrushchev should not have accepted the argument of the Yugoslavia party that it was no other than Stalin who was responsible for the rupture of the relations between the two countries. Khrushchev was skillful enough not to make a direct criticism against Stalin at this time only by making long citations from Lenin's writings and ascribing Molotov's objection to his face saving deeds. After Khrushchev's secret speech on the cult of Stalin at the 20th KPSS congress in 1956, Molotov, clearly realizing that both the Chinese and the Korean party leader-ships were bitterly critical against Khrushchev's anti-Stalinist position, was determined together with Malenkov and Kaganovich to relieve Khrushchev of his post of the First Party Secretary. But again Khrushchev displayed great shrewdness by convening the CC plenum and sweepingly dismissing them from their posts as the anti&mdash;party group in June 1957.<br>The important point is that Molotov, having faithfully supported the Soviet-China collaboration policy during the past years, claimed at this plenum that Khrushchev's foreign policy of putting the first priority on the US-Soviet Relations would make the policy of the cohesion of the communist camp difficult. The deterioration of relations between the USSR and the two communist countries of North East Asia, which clearly contrasted with the gradual progress in the US-USSR relations in the following years, fully demonstrated the sharpness of Molotov's argument. By the end of the 1950s, Communist China grew far apart from the USSR. At the same time, North Korea, though moving to conclude its alliance treaty with the USSR, went its separate way with its own unique ideology. (And Japan started to strengthen its security relations with the US.) With these developments in the background, some of the party leaders, who were discontented with Khrushchev's policy, came to realize the validity of Molotov's arguments. We know now that Polianskii, who took the lead in pushing Khrushchev out from the top of the party in the October plenum in 1964, made a party report to the effect that the Khrushchev's US-first policy did damage to the policy of cohesion of the communist camp: especially, to Soviet-China relations. Some of the naive politicians in Moscow thought that they could make use of the dismissal of Khrushchev in order to repair the relations with Communist China. Polianskii, Shelepin, Trapeznikov and others faithful to the communist ideology strongly supported the policy of rapprochement with China. But they met vehement opposition from Andropov, Zymyanin and others who were in charge of the foreign affairs in the CC departments and the Foreign Ministry. These opponents were concerned with the negative effects on the peaceful coexistence policy by adopting the policy of collaboration with Mao Ze-tong, who looked fanatically anti-capitalist in their eyes<br>Thus, Moscow's foreign policy choices in the 1960s were constrained as either a detente policy with the US or that of collaboration with China because of the domestic ideological situation created after