小峯 敦 藤田 菜々子 牧野 邦昭 古家 弘幸 橋本 努 原田 太津男 堂目 卓生

本研究は、3つの時代と2つの国(および全世界)という特徴的な時期・国に焦点を当て、「戦争・平和と経済学」の複雑な関係を歴史的・思想的に精査することで、「経済学は戦争を回避し平和を構築することに貢献できるのか」という根源的な問いに回答する。初年度に続き、二年目はこの共同研究を軌道に乗せ、特に、(a))学術雑誌(英語)の「戦争と平和の経済思想」シリーズを特集させること、(b)近隣の社会科学者や政策担当者に開かれた形で、日本語による専門書・啓蒙書を編纂すること、という二点を推進した。その具体例として、(a)学術雑誌History of Economic Thoughtにおいて、War and Economicsというシリーズを2017年度中に3回連載し、研究分担者・連携研究者による3本の英語論文を掲載した。また、(b)いくつかの出版社と交渉し、『戦争と平和の経済思想』(晃洋書房、2018年度後期に出版予定)として出版するべく、11人による原稿を集め、草稿を検討する研究会も行った。2017年度における最大の実績は、Fabio Masini (the University of Roma Tre, Italy) とMaria Paganelli (Trinity University, USA)という研究者を招き、2日間に渡り、広島修道大学で国際会議を開催したことである(2017.9.4-5)。平和記念館の資料にもアクセスできたことは大きな収穫であった。二番目の実績は、経済学史学会・全国大会で、スミス研究の世界的権威Nicholoas Phillipsonの招待講演を実現したことである。特に、現実主義的な側面をスコットランド啓蒙研究の立場から、一般会員にも平易に講演された。
橋本 努
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.42, no.42, pp.118-128, 2002 (Released:2010-08-05)

The Symposium on Austrian Economics held at South Royalton, Vermont, in 1974 was a pivotal event for the revival of the Austrian School of Economics. Graduate students of New York University have initiated various interesting studies under the instruction of Israel Kirzner in the 1970s. According to Kirzner, the doctrinal vitality of the Austrian Economics was revived through Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich von Hayek and not through Fritz Machlup. Although a tension has been maintained between this group and neoclassical economics, it has created its own theories from within. In the 1980s, this school attracted interest in regard to its policy implications of so-called neo-liberalism. After the collapse of certain communist countries in 1989, this school was viewed as the main intellectual source for explaining why the ideology of socialism failed. Since the 1990s, this school has devoted its research to empirical matters and its methodological principles have been interpreted in a more pragmatic way. The Austrian Economists are now concerned with this school's development rather than its justification.The core theory of the Austrian Economics lies in the fields “the knowledge theory” and “the process theory of the market.” Roughly speaking, there are three major versions of the core theory in the recent development of the Neo-Austrian School of Economics. The first is the Rothbardian catallactic theory, which emphasizes rational actions in every transaction in the market and is less concerned with the coordination problem of the market. The second is the Kirznerian entrepreneurial theory, which emphasizes the capacity of alertness rather than the action itself, and devotes much concern to the problem of market coordination. The third is the Lachmannian kaleidic process theory, which emphasizes radical uncertainty and an ever-changing market process where the coordinating forces of the market are not sufficient for attaining a stable and conventional market economy.Based on these three versions of the Austrian theory, its current research proceeds in various directions. The basic question of this school regards how market order is possible under the condition of the insufficient coordination of the market process. The leading Austrians are now investigating this question from various points: for example, R. Koppl's phenomenological and linguistic game theory, Y. B. Choi's convention-paradigm theory, D. Lavoie's hermeneutic theory, and so on.On the other hand, this basic question is related to the following question: how can we constitute a good condition for utilizing the function of “the invisible hand” for better growth of a society under the condition of insufficient coordination? D. Harper. P. Lewin, and so on now study this question. There is also a derived question regarding the ethics of a market economy, which M. Rizzo and L. Yeager are now studying.
橋本 努
経済社会学会年報 (ISSN:09183116)
vol.40, pp.58-67, 2018 (Released:2021-04-01)

The idea of liberalism, including Keynesian-type welfare state model, has not regarded “meaningful work” as a target of distribution. However, I would like to show a path to respond to this distribution problem of “meaningful work” from a liberal perspective. First, I shall point out that Marxists' ideas face some difficulties of the distribution of meaningful work. Second, I shall examine J. Rawls' and M. Walzer's responses to meaningful work distribution. Third, I shall raise my viewpoint of liberalism through examination of the concept of meaning. Last, I shall clarify policy implications of my standpoint. Through the above, I would like to show that a certain type of liberalism can propose how we can distribute “meaningful work.”
橋本 努
法哲学年報 (ISSN:03872890)
vol.2004, pp.18-29,205, 2005-09-30 (Released:2008-11-17)

To what extent the libertarian defense of the self-ownership is valid? In this paper, I would examine Prof. Morimura's original theory on the justification of self-ownership which can be called as “physiological-intuitional defense of libertarianism.” A paradigmatic example which supports the theory is a lottery of eyeball: a public lottery in which every ordinary person is forced to participate and some elected. are asked to transplant his or her pair of eyeballs to the blind persons. Libertarians would not agree this lottery run by the government since physiologically imagined pain would be a good reason to deny it in the light of property rights for our own body parts. However, what about a lottery which transplants cornea under the condition of negligible pain and negligible deterioration of the eyesight? Some people would agree to join this lottery and the government could run it under the condition where people have a right not to take part in. This kind of lottery of transplantation shows how our physiological sense of self-ownership is ambiguous. The sense of the self-ownership of our body depends how we focus on its body parts. In addition, even if we could justify our body-ownership as a basis of our self-ownership, the degree of its justificatory power for our labor and products would not be the same. The question is to what degree a fundamentalist method of developing a systematic logic for self-ownership would be valid. I raise some alternative ways for the justification of private property rights system from a point of a Hayekian growth-oriented liberalism. Especially, I would examine a boundary problem of self-enslaving contract and a problem of “a pleasure of ownership” as a basis of private property rights system.
橋本 努
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.59, no.2, pp.19-34, 2018 (Released:2019-09-02)

Abstract: This paper raises a fundamental question and offers an original framework on war and peace arguments based on primarily examining contributions in the field of war and economic thought after World War II. Among the prominent figures in this field, I select three thinkers in the field of economic thought, E. Schumacher, J. Galbraith, and K. Boulding, who present-ed their own systematic visions of a peaceful society. The fundamental question on war and peace raised here is, how we receive the principles of bios and eros, and of prosperity, from an ideally peaceful situation, wherein the nature of peace is defined as “the negation of bios” (i.e., the principle of death). In order to examine this question, I propose an original frame-work and define the concepts of war and peace using categories of conflict and violence. In light of this fundamental question, in this paper, I reveal the contributions of the three thinkers to our understanding of creating a peaceful world. First, I present the background and explain the reasons for selecting these three figures. Second, I present the fundamental question and my theoretical framework to explore the responses of the three thinkers to the question. Finally, I clarify their responses and present an overview of their contributions to-wards a peaceful society. JEL classification numbers: B 20, B 52, P 40.