小峯 敦 藤田 菜々子 牧野 邦昭 古家 弘幸 橋本 努 原田 太津男 堂目 卓生

本研究は、3つの時代と2つの国(および全世界)という特徴的な時期・国に焦点を当て、「戦争・平和と経済学」の複雑な関係を歴史的・思想的に精査することで、「経済学は戦争を回避し平和を構築することに貢献できるのか」という根源的な問いに回答する。初年度に続き、二年目はこの共同研究を軌道に乗せ、特に、(a))学術雑誌(英語)の「戦争と平和の経済思想」シリーズを特集させること、(b)近隣の社会科学者や政策担当者に開かれた形で、日本語による専門書・啓蒙書を編纂すること、という二点を推進した。その具体例として、(a)学術雑誌History of Economic Thoughtにおいて、War and Economicsというシリーズを2017年度中に3回連載し、研究分担者・連携研究者による3本の英語論文を掲載した。また、(b)いくつかの出版社と交渉し、『戦争と平和の経済思想』(晃洋書房、2018年度後期に出版予定)として出版するべく、11人による原稿を集め、草稿を検討する研究会も行った。2017年度における最大の実績は、Fabio Masini (the University of Roma Tre, Italy) とMaria Paganelli (Trinity University, USA)という研究者を招き、2日間に渡り、広島修道大学で国際会議を開催したことである(2017.9.4-5)。平和記念館の資料にもアクセスできたことは大きな収穫であった。二番目の実績は、経済学史学会・全国大会で、スミス研究の世界的権威Nicholoas Phillipsonの招待講演を実現したことである。特に、現実主義的な側面をスコットランド啓蒙研究の立場から、一般会員にも平易に講演された。
小峯 敦
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.36, no.36, pp.64-76, 1998 (Released:2010-08-05)

The purpose of this paper is to reconsider the contribution of Montagu Collet Norman (1871-1950) in comparison with that of John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). Norman, Governor of the Bank of England (1920-1994), was one of the key figures responsible for the monetary and industrial policies in interwar Britain.There exist two sharply contrasting interpretations of Norman's work. The first interpretation is represented by Pollard [1922], who criticized Norman for implementing “the Designed Deflationary Policy.” The second can be found in Clay [1957] and Sayers [1976], who appreciated Norman's promotion of “Rationalization in Industry.” Of those in the second camp, Tanaka [1976] in particular characterized Norman's actual intention as “the Dis-deflationary Policy, ” i. e., as a policy intended to avoid further deflationary effects derived from the previous high bank rate.In this paper, I concluded, when reading and reconstructing Norman's and Keynes's letters, memoranda, and other evidence for the Macmillan Committee (1930), that neither of these two understandings of Norman is appropriate. In the present work I introduce a new label for Norman's work: “the Dogma of Independence between Depression and Monetary Policy.”Finally, upon rethinking the motives and results of the monetary and industrial policies of the 1920s in comparison with Keynes's ideas, I conclude that an understanding of Norman's “innovative contribution” as fairly restricted would be the most appropriate.
渡会 勝義 新村 聡 小峯 敦 石井 穣 江里口 拓

小峯 敦

小峯 敦
The Japanease Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.58, no.1, pp.120-138, 2016 (Released:2019-08-31)

A brief yet hopefully exhaustive sketch of recent studies on Keynes brings us four concluding remarks. First, thanks to professionalisation of the history of economic thought, the 14 academic journals (their abbreviations are shown be-low), at least, are ready to accept articles on historical and theoretical perspec-tives of Keynesʼs ideas. This directly leads to an increase in academic papers (in English) in quantity, and consequently, to better understandings of Keynes in quality. However, confining to narrow academic circles could also bring a fall of influential powers in the history of economic thought, despite of its role to bridge both among other disciplines one another and academia with ordinary people. Second, one of the most conspicuous characteristics of the research trends is to emphasise Keynesʼs multiple phases of international relations in practice and in theory. These cover not only the international monetary system but also corporative designs to balance both among national and international interests and among just, fair world and economic efficiency towards a peaceful world. Third, Keynesʼs ideas provoke current economists to study on recent fashionable themes such as on happiness, behavioural economics, neuroscience, and psycho-logical economics. Among them, the relation between agents on a micro level and economic phenomena on a macro level is the most difficult theme to solve. Nevertheless, Keynesʼs insight into the organic whole in macroeconomics can serve as a clue. Fourth, strict interpretations of original texts are necessary, sometimes by way of unpublished primary sources, to extract the relevant usage of economics. The history of economic thought serves this end. In the near fu-ture, historians of economics can even apply a new method, such as text-mining and handling big data, to this academic area. Judging from both the numerous articles mentioned above, and the Keynes Societies of Germany and Japan that were established in 2003 and in 2011 re-spectively, studies on Keynes seem to be more active than before. It is, neverthe-less, questionable whether the mere efforts by historians of economics could reach economic theorists along with general readers. I would like to end this review article by citing OʼDonnell (2011), which raises three fundamental questions: (i)Why is Keynes so different from ortho-dox economists?; (ii)Why is Keynes more difficult to understand than ortho-dox economists?; and (iii)Why is Keynes more appealing than orthodox econ-omists? Although OʼDonnell (2011, 10-11) answers these questions, it is now important to tackle the three knots, regardless of historians of economics, theo-retical economists, or even general readers. If I were asked to choose just two words to characterize Keynesʼs thought as a whole, they would be reason and humanity. (OʼDonnell 2011, 11)
小峯 敦
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.51, no.1, pp.60-75, 2009 (Released:2019-06-21)

Frederic Lavington (1881–1927) played a significant role as a node between Marshall’s and Keynes’s eras. While Marshall trusted on the individual chivalrous entrepreneur, Keynes no longer depended on such an individual and placed his hopes on semi-autonomous bodies guided by public authorities. Although Lavington was a devotedly orthodox Marshallian, he was also a revolutionary theory developer, and he was located in the transition period between the two important figures. He recognised an inherent instability in the modern economies of the time but still held an optimistic view of capitalism. Lavington relied on able entrepreneurs as a group, who he believed could eliminate the contradictions between individual rational calculations and collective disturbing consequences. Lavington’s insight on capitalism can be understood as a threefold-layer structure, at the core of which is an entrepreneur. This structure comprises the following: (1) theory construction, related to revolutionary devices such as liquidity preference and portfolio selection, (2) contemporary recognition, related to the trade cycle and (3) normative behavour, related to leaders in industry. The first is concerned with rational behaviour under uncertainty; the second, with unexpected disturbances and the third, with a coordination problem: if the captains of industry work well in business organizations, the gap between the micro- and macro-layers tends to reduce. Although he was very close to Keynes in the light of points (1) and (2), Lavington shared almost the same view of Marshall in the light of point (3). This duality had made evaluations on him extremely difficult. JEL Classification: B10, B31, L16
小峯 敦
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.32, no.32, pp.74-85, 1994 (Released:2010-08-05)

Although R. G. Hawtrey (1879-1975) had been an outstanding monetary economist in the 1920s and 1930s, and was greatly respected by Keynes, the subsequent ‘Keynesian Revolution’ made Hawtrey's analysis out-of-date. But recently the situation has been changing. Now it is time for a reappraisal.In a Treasury memorandum entitled “Germany and the Reparations Burden” (Sep. 1928) and in working paper No. 66 of the Macmillan Committee (Jan. 1931), Hawtrey independently devised the ‘multiplier theory’ (that is, if investment increases, output will also increase until additional saving is balanced to additional investment). This preceded the work of R. F. Kahn. Interestingly Keynes (and later Kahn), who read these papers, appreciated Hawtrey's analysis. Nevertheless we cannot insist that Hawtrey's thought including the multiplier theory) influenced Keynes's thought. Why?The clue to solving this paradox lies in the nature of Hawtrey's ‘dealers economics’. He always put stress upon the role of dealers (market intermediaries who hold stocks) and trade fluctuations triggered by money-flow change. On the other hand, Keynes emphasized the role of entrepreneurs and money-stock change (ex. liquidity preference). The difference is deeper than it seems. That is the reason why Hawtrey cannot occupy a crucial place in the making of Keynes's ‘General Theory’.
西沢 保 後藤 玲子 渡辺 良夫 小峯 敦 伊藤 邦武 藤井 賢治 池田 幸弘 本郷 亮 山崎 聡

19世紀末以降のケンブリッジ、オクスフォード、LSEの経済思想の展開を、現代福祉国家の変容・危機を視野に入れて、共同研究を進め成果を得た。具体的には、1. 「創設期の厚生経済学と福祉国家」から厚生経済学史の再検討へ、2. リベラリズムの変容と福祉国家-ニュー・リベラリズムからネオ・リベラリズムへ、3. マーシャル、ケインズと同時代の経済思想、4. ケインズと現在の世界経済危機-戦間期との比較考証、の4点を中心に国際共同研究を進め成果を得た。
小峯 敦
新潟産業大学経済学部紀要 (ISSN:13411551)
vol.20, pp.105-128, 1999
