橋本 和也 Kazuya HASHIMOTO 京都文教大学人間学部文化人類学科 KYOTO BUNKYO UNIVERSITY Department of Cultural Anthropology
人間学部研究報告 = Reports from the Faculty of Human Studies, Kyoto Bunkyo University
vol.11, pp.1-15, 2009-03-31

In this paper I will review the two meanings of authenticity (namely, objective and constructive authenticity): I will propose that we need further investigation into today's tourist experiences and clarify an alternative notion of authenticity for tourists from an "existential approach". In the notion of "staged authenticity", MacCanell supposed "objective authenticity," which involves a museum-linked usage of the authenticity of the originals that are also the toured objects to be perceived by tourists. By "constructive authenticity" is meant the result of social construction. Therefore things appear authentic not because they are inherently authentic, but because they are constructed. This notion is thus relative, negotiable, contextually determined, and even ideological. It can be the projection of one's dreams, stereotyped images, and expectations imposed on toured objects. As E. Cohen said, "Authenticity is an eminently modern value" [Cohen 1988:374]. Its emergence is closely related to the impact of modernity upon the unity of social existence. And "Modern man is seen, from the perspective of a contemporary existential philosophical anthropology, as being in quest of authenticity." Since modern society is inauthentic, the alienated modern tourist in quest of authenticity looks elsewhere for the pristine, the primitive, the natural life which is as yet untouched by modernity. He hopes to find it in other times and other places, since it is absent from his own world [Cohen 1988:374]. From the existential point of view, we can clarify the meaning of the experiences for the tourists. The tourists themselves think they have gained authentic experiences. This can, however, still be judged as inauthentic, if the toured objects are in fact false, contrived, or what MacCanell calls "staged authenticity". Here we need an "existential approach" for the analysis of this kind of touristic experience of today. "The issue of whether the toured objects are authentic is irrelevant or less relevant. What tourists seek are their own authentic selves and inter-subjective authenticity" [Wang 1999:366]. Therefore the notion of sincerity becomes important. For example, marae visit (in New Zealand Maori tours), a so-called staged back-region approach, is taken by local operators in which the point of contact is made to revolve around issues of sincerity as well as authenticity. The notion of sincerity implies an interactive sharing of experience between participants within a given tourism encounter [Taylor 2001:16]. The notion of sincerity is significantly different from that of authenticity in that it occurs in the zone of contact among participating groups or individuals, rather than appearing as an internal quality of a thing, self, or Other. An existentially "authentic" encounter could be available only in an ideal traditional society. Today we cannot expect the ideal communitas which would be observed in the liminality. For us in a touristic experience it must be a kind of pseudo-communitas which can be found in the "liminoid" circumstance which Turner named instead of a liminal one. Since the existential approach can explain a wider spectrum of tourist phenomena than the conventional approach, it therefore opens up broad prospects for tourist experiences.
神田 孝治 遠藤 英樹 須藤 廣 松本 健太郎 吉田 道代 高岡 文章 藤巻 正己 藤木 庸介 濱田 琢司 鈴木 涼太郎 山口 誠 橋本 和也

本研究は,近年におけるツーリズム・モビリティの新展開に注目し,それを特定の地域に焦点をあてるなかで検討するものである。その際に,「科学技術の進展とツーリズム」,「ダークツーリズム」,「サブカルチャーとツーリズム」,「女性とツーリズム」,「アートとツーリズム」,「文化/歴史遺産とツーリズム」という6つのテーマを設定している。本年度は初年度であったが,各テーマに関連するいくつもの成果が生み出された。特に,「科学技術の進展とツーリズム」に関わるものは,神田孝治・遠藤英樹・松本健太郎編『ポケモンGOからの問い─拡張される世界のリアリティ』(新曜社, 2018)を筆頭に,多数発表されている。本研究課題の成果が,モバイルメディアがもたらす新しいツーリズムに関する研究を牽引するものとなっていると考える。また,研究会も積極的かつ有益な形で実施された。第1回研究会は,観光学術学会や人文地理学会地理思想研究部会と共催するなかで,Durham UniversityのMike Crang氏による“Traveling people, things and data: borders and global flows”と題した講演とそれを受けたシンポジウム「ツーリズム,モビリティ,セキュリティ」を実現した。第2回研究会は,観光学術学会との共催によるシンポジウム「おみやげは越えていく―オーセンティシティ・ローカリティ・コモディティ」と,和歌山大学・国際観光学研究センターのAdam Doering 氏による“Mobilities for Tourism Studies and “beyond”: A Polemic”と題した講演会を実現した。こうした取り組みが,モビリティに注目した先端的な観光研究の知を,広く関連する研究者に提供する役割を果たしたと考える。