水谷 知生
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.82, no.4, pp.300-322, 2009-07-01 (Released:2011-08-25)

現在,九州と台湾の間の島々を示す地域名称として「南西諸島」,「琉球諸島」,「薩南諸島」などが重層的に用いられている.本稿ではこの地域の地域名称の使用,浸透の経過を政治的な背景とともに明らかにした.「南西諸島」をはじめこの地域の島々の地域名称の多くは,明治期に海軍省水路部により付与されたが,「薩南諸島」は民間で用いられ,広く使われるようになった.地域名称は教科書類によって一般に浸透し,名称の整理には教科書検定制度が役割を果たした.奄美諸島は,江戸期には,薩摩藩の直轄領でありながら対外的には琉球領として扱われたが,明治初期の日清間での琉球領有を巡る論争の際,日本政府は「琉球諸島」を沖縄諸島以南と整理し,奄美諸島を含めないこととした.一方,第二次世界大戦後,米国は軍事上の必要性から奄美諸島以南を日本本土と切り離す意図を持ってこの地域をRyukyu Islandsとした.「琉球諸島」の名称の使用には特に政治的な意図が多く働いた.
水谷 知生
公益社団法人 日本造園学会
ランドスケープ研究 (ISSN:13408984)
vol.80, no.5, pp.405-408, 2017-03-31 (Released:2017-09-13)

It has been indicated that “The Japanese Landscape Theory” by Shiga shigetaka, which was published in 1894, was the key to change the way Japanese see natural landscape. The change occurred during this period seems to have resulted in the designation of National Parks in 1930s, and further investigation of the background is required. This paper examines the transition of landscape photographs published in the “Taiyo” magazine, which is considered to be one of the factors influencing the way of seeing natural landscapes in Japan by distributing a large quantity of printed landscape photographs to the public. As the “Taiyo” magazine started to publish photographs selected by competitions, photographs of unidentified landscape increased in number after 1902, whereas “Meisyo” had been mainly featured before around 1900. This paper suggests that the distribution of photographs which had been influenced by landscape painting, hence emphasizing artistic beauty of landscapes, had changed the way general readers see natural landscapes.
水谷 知生
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.67, no.5, pp.412-429, 2015 (Released:2018-01-30)

The institutionalization through law of natural landscapes for use and conservation in Japan began with the enactment of two laws ― the National Monuments Preservation Law of 1919, which defined meisho (places of scenic beauty), and the National Parks Law of 1931, which defined national parks.This study details the administrative affairs of parks and meisho through the Meiji era and discusses the influences of those affairs on the institutionalization of the use and conservation of natural landscapes. The research method used in this study is based on the analysis of contemporaneous material, including administrative papers, magazine reports, and press reports.The Geography Bureau and the Geography Division of the Department of Home Affairs were in charge of the administrative affairs concerning parks and meisho. These affairs were based on the perspective of state-owned land management.During the period from 1900 to 1910, the Geography Division with the Shrine and Temple Bureau investigated the preservation of historic sites and meisho, leading to the National Monuments Preservation Law. Around the same time, the jurisdiction over parks was moved to the Sanitary Bureau. After the jurisdiction was given to them, there was little work concerning parks.From 1910 on, requests were submitted to the Diet asking for the establishment of large parks in the Mt. Fuji or the Nikko areas. However, in response to these requests, the Department of Home Affairs did not consider the establishment of parks, but instead considered the preservation of these areas as meisho. After the Sanitary Bureau presented intensive research on parks in 1920, the Department of Home Affairs changed its approach and considered both perspectives on the use of parks for recreation as well as for the preservation of meisho.Although members of the National Monument Committee conducted the research regarding the preservation of meisho, the investigators’ views of the natural landscapes were different. Therefore, their work did not result in the institutionalization of large natural landscapes. In contrast, the research of the Sanitary Bureau led to the enactment of the National Parks Law of 1931.The origin of the institutionalization of natural landscapes for use and conservation in the Taisho era was in the administrative affairs concerning parks and meisho beginning with government decisions in the early Meiji era. The transfer of jurisdiction of parks around 1897 had an impact on the enactment of the National Parks Law.
水谷 知生
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 = Geographical review of Japan (ISSN:18834388)
vol.82, no.4, pp.300-322, 2009-07-01

現在,九州と台湾の間の島々を示す地域名称として「南西諸島」,「琉球諸島」,「薩南諸島」などが重層的に用いられている.本稿ではこの地域の地域名称の使用,浸透の経過を政治的な背景とともに明らかにした.「南西諸島」をはじめこの地域の島々の地域名称の多くは,明治期に海軍省水路部により付与されたが,「薩南諸島」は民間で用いられ,広く使われるようになった.地域名称は教科書類によって一般に浸透し,名称の整理には教科書検定制度が役割を果たした.奄美諸島は,江戸期には,薩摩藩の直轄領でありながら対外的には琉球領として扱われたが,明治初期の日清間での琉球領有を巡る論争の際,日本政府は「琉球諸島」を沖縄諸島以南と整理し,奄美諸島を含めないこととした.一方,第二次世界大戦後,米国は軍事上の必要性から奄美諸島以南を日本本土と切り離す意図を持ってこの地域をRyukyu Islandsとした.「琉球諸島」の名称の使用には特に政治的な意図が多く働いた.