浅野 一朗 藤井 繁佳 尾崎 和人 竹原 功 矢野 夕幾 福原 育夫
一般社団法人 日本食品工学会
日本食品工学会誌 (ISSN:13457942)
vol.6, no.2, pp.133-141, 2005-06-15 (Released:2010-06-08)
8 9

コーヒー飲料製造業において, コーヒー抽出粕は燃料や産業廃棄物として処理されている.コーヒー抽出粕にはβ-マンナンが多く含まれており, 著者らはコーヒー抽出粕の有効利用法として, 抽出粕に含まれるマンナンを加水分解して得られるマンノオリゴ糖 (MOS) の生理機能性について検討してきた.本研究では, MOSを含むコーヒー飲料の体脂肪に及ぼす影響について, 二重盲検ヒト試験で検討した.肥満 (1度) (25kg/m2≦BMI<30kg/m2) の成人30名を2群に分け, 一方には1日300mLの飲用でMOSを3gが摂取できる試験コーヒー飲料を.もう一方にはMOSをコーンシロップソリッドで置換したコントロールコーヒー飲料をそれぞれ12週間摂取させた.そして, 摂取開始時, 4週目, 8週目, 12週目に医師による診察, 採血尿, 理学検査, CT撮影を行った.試験飲料群は, コントロール飲料群に比べ臍部横断面全脂肪面積, 皮下脂肪面積, 内臓脂肪面積の有意な低下が観察された.これより, 本試験飲料 (MOS摂取量: 3g/日) の摂取により, 体脂肪を減少させることができると考えられた.
三原 悠 浅野 一朗 段 智久 岡村 秀雄 松村 千里 羽賀 雄紀 中坪 良平
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.56, no.3, pp.473-483, 2021-05-01 (Released:2021-06-02)

As a way to improve the combustion characteristics of wood tar which is highly viscous and flame retardant, the authors blended it with liquefied dimethyl ether (DME), which can improve fuel fluidity, ignitability and spray atomization. Moreover, heavy fuel oil (bunker-c oil) was added to increase the heating value of this fuel sample. The sample, which has the blending ratio of 35 % wood tar, 30% DME and 35% bunker-c by weight, was used in a combustion test with a three-cylinder in-direct injection diesel engine. Additionally, the authors also investigated particulate matter (PM) produced after burning four samples that mixed liquefied DME with flame retardant fuels in the same engine to analyze its environmental and biological impacts. The four samples prepared for the experiment were (1) 70% distillate oil (bunker-a) and 30% DME; (2) 85% bunker-c and 15% DME; (3) 70% bunker-c and 30% DME; (4) 35 % bunker-c, 30% DME and 35% wood tar.  The results of the engine test suggested the possibility that wood tar could become more combustible by optimizing the flow rate of fuel and the blend ratio of liquefied DME and bunker-c. In the (4) case, PM showed no high mutagenic potentials and there were lower concentrations of such inorganic substances as vanadium and nickel. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations in PM decreased by blending liquefied DME with bunker-c, whereas did not decrease for the wood tar.
浅野 一朗 中村 保幸 星野 宏充 青木 敬司 藤井 繁佳 井村 直人 飯野 久和
Japan Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry
日本農芸化学会誌 (ISSN:00021407)
vol.75, no.10, pp.1077-1083, 2001-10-01
10 29

コーヒー抽出粕の熱加水分解抽出物を脱塩,脱色して精製したマンノオリゴ糖混合物から,活性炭クロマトグラフィーによりβ-1, 4-D-マンノビオース, β-1, 4-D-マンノトリオース, β-1, 4-D-マンノテトラオース, β-1, 4-D-マンノペンタオースを単離精製した.これらのマンノオリゴ糖について,ヒト腸内フローラ構成菌種による資化性を調べた.重合度にかかわらずマンノオリゴ糖は, <i>Bifidobacterium adolescentis</i>と<i>Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus gasseri</i>に利用された.一方腸内有害菌にはほとんど利用されなかった.その結果,マンノオリゴ糖にはヒト腸内フローラの改善作用をもっことが期待できると考えられた.
橋本 正孝 段 智久 浅野 一朗 大谷 友人
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.44, no.3, pp.456-462, 2009 (Released:2012-06-02)
2 2

Palm oil is being seriously looked at as one of the alternative fuels to fossil fuels, this being due to the aspect of vegetable oils and the so called carbon neutral state. However, at room temperature, the viscosity of palm oil is too high to apply as a fuel for the internal combustion engine. In this study, pure palm oil is mixed with fossil fuels, this in order to reduce the viscosity. In the experiment palm oil was blended with gas oil and then marine diesel oil, by weight ratio, and the kinematic viscosity of the mixed fuels were measured. In the cases of 20% palm oil used, and 50%, was found to be useable without any heating of the fuels. Engine performances, such as cylinder pressure histories and exhaust emissions, were examined with a pre-combustion chamber type diesel engine. We discovered that a palm oil blended fuel shows earlier ignition and shorter combustion period than gas oil or marine diesel oil. NOx emissions show a lower concentration for all palm blended cases, and the reduction ratio is proportional to the palm mixing amount. From these results, we can suggest that palm oil could be used for the diesel engine by mixing with the fossil fuels without heating the fuels.
段 智久 橋本 正孝 浅野 一朗 中村 卓朗
The Japan Institute of Marine Engineering
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.41, no.3, pp.438-443, 2006-05-01 (Released:2010-05-31)

Dimethyl Ether (DME) was mixed with waste vegetable oil to improve combustion and exhaust emissions in a high speed diesel engine. Past research has shown that the properties of DME, such as lower boiling point and higher cetane number, would affect atomization process and combustion progress of DME/Marine diesel oil blending fuel. In this study, the effect of mixing DME with waste vegetable oil was investigated by using the 4-stroke single cylinder direct injection diesel engine. The combustion pressure history, injection pressure, exhaust gas emissions were measured in variation with mixing ratio of DME and engine load. The emissions of smoke and nitrogen oxide were found to reduce with increase in mixing ratio of DME.
段 智久 橋本 正孝 浅野 一朗 山縣 正史
The Japan Institute of Marine Engineering
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.39, no.6, pp.409-414, 2004-06-01 (Released:2010-05-31)

We improved the system of a high-speed single-acting 4-stroke diesel engine to allow it run on a mixed fuel comprised of A-heavy oil and DME (Di-Methl Ether), fuel components that discharge no soot, no SOx, and little NOx in combustion. The combustion pressure, rate of heat release, exhaust gas components, and other conditions were measured in experiments using diesel oil, A-heavy oil, and the mixed fuel comprised of DME and A-heavy oil.As a result, the ignition timing was earliest with diesel oil, median with the mixed fuel, and latest with A-heavy oil. Mixed fuel discharged a slightly reduced level of NOx. Overall, results indicated that the engine would require further improvements before long-term operation became possible.
三原 悠 浅野 一朗 段 智久 岡村 秀雄 松村 千里 羽賀 雄紀 中坪 良平
公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会
マリンエンジニアリング (ISSN:13461427)
vol.56, no.3, pp.473-483, 2021

<p>  As a way to improve the combustion characteristics of wood tar which is highly viscous and flame retardant, the authors blended it with liquefied dimethyl ether (DME), which can improve fuel fluidity, ignitability and spray atomization. Moreover, heavy fuel oil (bunker-c oil) was added to increase the heating value of this fuel sample. The sample, which has the blending ratio of 35 % wood tar, 30% DME and 35% bunker-c by weight, was used in a combustion test with a three-cylinder in-direct injection diesel engine. Additionally, the authors also investigated particulate matter (PM) produced after burning four samples that mixed liquefied DME with flame retardant fuels in the same engine to analyze its environmental and biological impacts. The four samples prepared for the experiment were (1) 70% distillate oil (bunker-a) and 30% DME; (2) 85% bunker-c and 15% DME; (3) 70% bunker-c and 30% DME; (4) 35 % bunker-c, 30% DME and 35% wood tar.</p><p>  The results of the engine test suggested the possibility that wood tar could become more combustible by optimizing the flow rate of fuel and the blend ratio of liquefied DME and bunker-c. In the (4) case, PM showed no high mutagenic potentials and there were lower concentrations of such inorganic substances as vanadium and nickel. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) concentrations in PM decreased by blending liquefied DME with bunker-c, whereas did not decrease for the wood tar.</p>