渋谷 知美
The Japan Sociological Society
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.51, no.4, pp.447-463, 2001-03-31 (Released:2010-04-23)
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本稿では, 現代日本の社会学 (ならびに近接領域) において行われている「男性研究者による男性学」「女性研究者による男性研究」の問題点をフェミニズムの視点から列挙し, これをふまえて, 「向フェミニズム的な男性研究」が取るべき視点と研究の構想を提示することを目的とする.「男性研究者による男性学」批判においては, 男性学の概念「男らしさの鎧」「男性の被抑圧性」「男らしさの複数性」「男女の対称性」を取りあげて, 男性学がその関心を心理/個人レベルの問題に先鋭化させ, 制度的/構造的な分析を等閑視していることを指摘した.また, 「女性研究者による男性研究」批判においては, 「男性」としての経験を有さない「女性」が, 男性研究をするさい, どのような「立場性positionality」を取りうるのかが不明確であることを指摘した.そののち, 「向フェミニズム的な男性研究」の視点として, 第1に「男らしさの複数性」を越えた利得に着目すること, 第2に男性の「被抑圧性」が男性の「特権性」からどれだけ自由かを見極めることの2点を挙げ, それにもとづいた研究構想を提示した.
渋谷 知美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.65, pp.25-47, 1999-10-15 (Released:2011-03-18)

This paper shows the images of youth sexualities in mid-last-Meiji period and examines the way in which sexualities of youth was discussed as problematic by society and the reactions of youth to the problematization. To do this, I examined articles aboutGakusei-Fuki ProbleminKyoiku-Jironpublished in Meiji period. The perspective of social-constructionism approach developed by Kitsuse and Spector was employed in this study. The questions I asked here were:(1) what sexual behaviors were considered problematic?;(2) what rhetoric was used to make them problematic?; and (3) what reactions were arisen. In these problem areas, I also examined the countermeasures taken by educators and administration, the counter discourse and the behaviors of students.The following are the findings of this study.(1) Male students: buying prostitute, sexual violence against younger boys (including gay sexual behaviors), women or girls and having a date with female students were considered sexually delinquent. Female students; prostituting, becoming a mistress and having a date with male students were thought to be sexually improper.(2) In most articles, these sexual behaviors were problematized without providing reasons. Simultaneously, the authors immediately concluded that sexual behavior of youth must be controlled with vigor.(3) Educators thought that bad manners ubiquitously seen in Japan were the factors of youth's problematic behaviors and suggested that students should be strictly supervised. These arguments were realized as the purity of environment around students and the supervision of youth by administrators and educators. Contrary to these movements, however, heated problematizations on sexual behaviors of youth caused some counter discourses. They also led student's movement of self government.
渋谷 知美
社会学評論 (ISSN:00215414)
vol.51, no.4, pp.447-463, 2001-03-31

本稿では, 現代日本の社会学 (ならびに近接領域) において行われている「男性研究者による男性学」「女性研究者による男性研究」の問題点をフェミニズムの視点から列挙し, これをふまえて, 「向フェミニズム的な男性研究」が取るべき視点と研究の構想を提示することを目的とする.<BR>「男性研究者による男性学」批判においては, 男性学の概念「男らしさの鎧」「男性の被抑圧性」「男らしさの複数性」「男女の対称性」を取りあげて, 男性学がその関心を心理/個人レベルの問題に先鋭化させ, 制度的/構造的な分析を等閑視していることを指摘した.また, 「女性研究者による男性研究」批判においては, 「男性」としての経験を有さない「女性」が, 男性研究をするさい, どのような「立場性positionality」を取りうるのかが不明確であることを指摘した.<BR>そののち, 「向フェミニズム的な男性研究」の視点として, 第1に「男らしさの複数性」を越えた利得に着目すること, 第2に男性の「被抑圧性」が男性の「特権性」からどれだけ自由かを見極めることの2点を挙げ, それにもとづいた研究構想を提示した.
渋谷 知美
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.65, pp.25-47, 1999

This paper shows the images of youth sexualities in mid-last-Meiji period and examines the way in which sexualities of youth was discussed as problematic by society and the reactions of youth to the problematization. To do this, I examined articles about<I>Gakusei-Fuki Problem</I>in<I>Kyoiku-Jiron</I>published in Meiji period. The perspective of social-constructionism approach developed by Kitsuse and Spector was employed in this study. The questions I asked here were:(1) what sexual behaviors were considered problematic?;(2) what rhetoric was used to make them problematic?; and (3) what reactions were arisen. In these problem areas, I also examined the countermeasures taken by educators and administration, the counter discourse and the behaviors of students.<BR>The following are the findings of this study.(1) Male students: buying prostitute, sexual violence against younger boys (including gay sexual behaviors), women or girls and having a date with female students were considered sexually delinquent. Female students; prostituting, becoming a mistress and having a date with male students were thought to be sexually improper.(2) In most articles, these sexual behaviors were problematized without providing reasons. Simultaneously, the authors immediately concluded that sexual behavior of youth must be controlled with vigor.(3) Educators thought that bad manners ubiquitously seen in Japan were the factors of youth's problematic behaviors and suggested that students should be strictly supervised. These arguments were realized as the purity of environment around students and the supervision of youth by administrators and educators. Contrary to these movements, however, heated problematizations on sexual behaviors of youth caused some counter discourses. They also led student's movement of self government.
渋谷 知美
東京大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13421050)
vol.44, pp.129-139, 2004

The first purpose of this paper is to present the model of the parents who are over-attached to their children (they are called parents who cannot KOBANARE in Japanese) through the analysis of their attributes, the opinions on relationship between children and parents, gender division of labor and life style, and the family environment including the number and age of children and relationship between mother and father. The second purpose is to clarify the relations between each variable. The data employed in this study is quantitative data surveyed with random sampling in 1995. To sum up the major characteristics of the parents who are over-attached to their children are having lower income, younger children, positive prospect for the education of the children, being younger, enthusiastic about education, conservative about the gender division of labor. The variables which have independent influence is their attributes, the opinions regarding relationship between parents and children, and gender division of labor.