芦田 和重 佐藤 哲大 中村 建介 湊 小太郎
vol.2013, no.1, pp.1-8, 2013-03-14

DNA の塩基配列中の変異が原因とされるガンなどの疾病について,変異箇所を特定することで診断や治療が行える可能性が期待されている.解析対象の塩基配列中のどの位置にどのような変異が発生しているかを特定する技術は変異コールと呼ばれており,ゲノム解析の中心となる技術の一つである.正確な変異箇所の特定のため高精度の変異コールが必要とされているが,現在の変異コールは精度が低く,アライメントの手法次第では INDEL が検出できない場合や,INDEL 検出の精度を上げることにより SNP 検出の精度が下がるなどの問題がある.そのため,解析の手法を変えた複数回の解析が推奨されており,解析に必要な時間やコストが増大する原因となっている.この問題を解決するため,より精度の高い変異コールツールを開発する必要がある.本研究では,真正細菌の塩基配列中から SNP と INDEL を高精度に同時検出できる変異コールの実現を目的とし,既存のツールによる変異コールの問題点の指摘と,独自のアルゴリズムによる変異コールツールの作成を行った.また,複数の真正細菌を対象とし,作成したツールの精度検証を行った.その結果,SNP 検出の精度を下げない INDEL 検出の実現と,既存のツールによる変異コールでは検出できなかった INDEL の検出に成功した.Identifying mutations in genome DNA sequences is one of most fundamental methods to diagnose or predict hereditary disease or cancer. The technology of specifying mutation is called "mutation calling", and is one of the most important technologies in genomics. Although the highly precise mutation calling is needed for pinpointing mutation, the present mutation calling process has low accuracy and there are some problems. In a certain alignment algorithm, INDEL is undetectable; and the precision of SNP calling falls by raising accuracy of INDEL calling. Therefore, two or more analyses with different tools are recommended, but it causes increasing time and cost. To solve these problems, it is necessary to develop a mutation calling tool with higher-precision. The purpose of this research is to build the mutation calling tool which can detect SNP and INDEL simultaneously with high precision. We investigated some problems of the mutation calling by the known procedure and created a new tool with original algorithm. Moreover, accuracy verification of our tool was performed by analysing two eubacteria. As a result, it enabled the INDEL calling which does not lower the accuracy of SNP calling, and identifying of INDEL which was not detectable in the mutation call by the known procedure.
藤本 知之 杉浦 忠男 長屋 岳志 佐藤哲大 湊 小太郎
情報処理学会研究報告バイオ情報学(BIO) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.99, pp.63-70, 2006-09-15

これまでに我々はガラス基板上にDNAを伸張固定してGC特異的に蛍光染色し,エバネッセント顕微鏡を用いてDNAを一分子イメージングすることでDNAのGCコンテントの一次元分布を計測できた.しかしガラス基板上に固定されたDNAの単位長さ当たりの塩基数が異なるため,データベースの予測と必ずしも一致しない.そこで,塩基数の違いを較正する新たな解析モデルとその適用結果について報告する.We have analyzed single molecular DNA with single molecular imaging by evanescent field microscope and identified the DNA by comparing measured results of one dimensional distribution of local GC content to estimation from genome database. The number of base pair within the unit length of the DNA fixed on the glass substrates are different from estimation, however, measured results have not matched with genome database well. We report on the new analytic-model and the new application result considering calibration of the difference of the base pair number.
杉浦 忠男 長屋 岳志 佐藤哲大 湊 小太郎
情報処理学会研究報告バイオ情報学(BIO) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.2006, no.13, pp.25-32, 2006-02-09

ゲノムDNA上ではGCコンテントの分布は一様ではない。このことを利用すれば一分子イメージングしたDNAを識別できると考えられる。そこで我々はガラス基板上にDNAを伸張固定してGC特異的に蛍光染色し、エバネッセント顕微鏡を用いてDNAを一分子イメージングすることでDNAのGCコンテントの一次元分布を計測でき、その結果がゲノムデータベースからの予測とよく一致することを確認した。GC content on genome DNA is not uniform. By use of this feature we can analyze and identify single molecular DNA with one-dimensional distribution of local GC content. We propose a method to analyze single molecular DNA with single molecular imaging by evanescent field microscope and to identify the DNA by comparing measured results of one dimensional distribution of local GC content to estimation from genome database. We have performed the method and have confirmed good correspondence with each other.
新川 拓也 河内 了輔 萩野 知香 西 恵理 高田 慶応 湊 小太郎
一般社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.49, no.3, pp.501-507, 2011

The aim of this study was to clarify the mechanical action of the infant tongue during sucking. Therefore we developed an artificial nipple that contained multiple small built-in force sensors which was capable of measuring tongue-artificial nipple contact pressure in real-time. A force sensor was a cantilever structure composed of a thin stainless steel beam and all-purpose foil strain gauges attached to the surface of the beam. The signals obtained from the force sensor were amplified, and were transferred to a PC via a USB port. Using this system, measurements were taken in three infants. The output waveform was observed in all subjects, and the rate of sucking was about two times per second. In addition, the pressure waveform indicated peristalsis-like movement of tongue in infants with established oral feeding. This system can quantitatively measure individual differences in tongue movement.
馬場 新悟 菅 幹生 大城 理 湊 小太郎 松田 哲也 小森 優 高橋 隆 徳富 義宏
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. MBE, MEとバイオサイバネティックス (ISSN:09135685)
vol.100, no.350, pp.23-27, 2000-10-06
4 1

近年, ロボット手術支援など医療分野で力覚提示技術が注目されている.しかし, そのヒューマンインターフェースに関する性質は必ずしも十分には検討されていない.この研究では, 力覚フィーフォバックディスプレイ装置でペン型ジンバルのインターフェースを利用する場合を対象に, 人間の力覚特性, すなわち, 振動刺激閾値周波数特性とその弁別閾の特性を心理物理的実験によって明らかにした.これらの結果は, 力覚デバイスを用いてVRシステムを設計する際の基礎的データとして利用できる.
河内 了輔 新川 拓也 河原崎 景太 藤川 智彦 武井 安津子 湊 小太郎
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.50, no.6, pp.564-570, 2012-12-10 (Released:2013-07-31)

In this study, we developed a point-contact force sensor, and this sensor was used to develop a measurement system that was shaped in the form of a feeding bottle. Unlike in a cantilever force sensor, in the proposed force sensor, the point of force measurement does not move. Thus, the force sensor can measure a force at a specified point. The force sensor consists of a pressure transducer and a steel ball with a diameter of 3 mm. Any force applied to the artificial nipple is transmitted to the pressure transducer, which is in point contact with the steel ball. The force sensor is linear up to a load of 3.92 N, has a hysteresis of 1%, and has a response time of 4 ms. The force is measured at distances of 8 mm (channel 1) and 14 mm (channel 2) from the tip of the nipple. In the measurement system, the sensor signals are converted (A/D) at a sampling rate of 100 Hz and a quantization resolution of 10 bits. After the A/D conversion, the force signals are transferred to a data indicator and a data logger for real-time display on an LCD and for storage ona micro SD card, respectively. Using this system, we performed measurements on four infants. A signal peak was observed from channel 2 and then from channel 1. This result could be attributable to the peristaltic movements of the infant's tongue. The same result was observed for all subjects. These results indicate that the proposed system can be used to measure any force that is applied to an artificial nipple. Moreover, the mother of a subject also performed measurements using the system. This confirmed that the system was easy to operate and that measurements could be performed in a normal feeding posture.
小林 直樹 田村 俊世 湊 小太郎
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.51, no.1, pp.31-37, 2013-02-10 (Released:2013-09-10)

In the principle model of pulse oximetry, the measured absorbance change occurs by a thickness change of the arterial blood. However, we cannot explain the absorbance change of the tissue only by thickness change of the arterial blood when we consider these three phenomena of circulatory dynamics:1) arterial blood flows into the tissue as pulsatile flow, 2) Oxygen saturation decreases by oxygen consumption in the tissue, and 3) venous blood flows out from the tissue. In this study, we made a new electrical model of pulse oximetry and examined the mechanism of the absorbance change when the height of the hand is changed. We measured absorbance ratio and SpO2 at three vertical hand positions, 1) on the table (middle), 2) rise over the head (up), 3) lowered (down), with six healthy volunteers. The absorbance ratios increased in the lowered hand position and there was an error to underestimate SpO2. The mean ± SD of SpO2 in the 6 subject at the middle, up, and down positions were 98.0 ± 1.28, 98.4 ± 0.84, 96.3 ± 1.69(%), respectively. We simulated pulse oximetry using our new electrical model, and we were able to express a mechanism to increase the absorbance ratio at the lowered hand position.