滝波 章弘
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.46, no.2, pp.121-143, 1994-04-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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Since the second half of the 1970's, there have been many studies in the literature of tourism on the spatial behavior pattern. But most of these studies have failed to built a general model of tourist space, focusing too closely on specific facts derived from simple correlation analysis between a certain spatial pattern and other socioeconomic or spatio-temporal variables. In the present article, we discuss the fundamental geographical notions of region and distance, creating a concentric tourist spatial model by integrating two existing models: S. C. Plog's (1973) and J.-M. Miossec's (1977). What we mean by the concentric model is that the trip “distance” influences the tourist's behavior, perception and the frequency of trips, and vice versa.We collected the data for this study in September 1992 at an elementary school in Yokohama (a large city situated about 30km south of Tokyo). It is a binary matrix of 338 recreational family trips from Yokohama in the line and 94 tourist-/trip-variables in the row which indicate different types of tourists and trip patterns. Trip-variables include destination (s), trip duration, trip organizer, group composition, means of transportation, nature of activity at the destination, tourist's image of the destination, etc. Tourist-variables include quantity of information and ability to use it, duration of holidays, expenditures for tourism and frequency of recreational trips per year, etc.First of all, we showed how several “tourism regions” (S. L. J. Smith, 1989) are created by the two “regionalizations” (Smith): the regionalization based on the denomination by tourists of the destination zone and the regionalization based on the route taken in a real trip.Next, we summarized the trip matrix data and verified the concentric spatial model, applying Hayashi's “theory of the quantification 3” -mathematically almost the same analysis as the correspondence analysis in the Anglo-Saxon or French world. This analysis of quantification changes the original and arbitrary arrangement of the trips on the axis of the line into a new significant and revealing arrangement (simultaneously, every trip is given a quantity indicating its point on the axis). In other words, this method locates closely on the axis trips which resemble each other in their reaction pattern to the variables, and it distances trips which do not resemble each other. This analysis also changes the original arrangement of the variables on the axis of the row into a new meaningful arrangement; it locates closely/distances the variables according to their reaction pattern to the trips. This analysis replaces, in fact, both the trips and the variables on the axes in order to keep the highest possible correlation between the quantified trips and the quantified variables. The highest possible correlation means the new arrangements of the trips and of the variables have the same structure and the same meaning. Thus this analysis creates from one original binary matrix several new binary matrices independent from each other which summarize the data structure of tourist behavior, whereby the first matrix is the most important, and the second matrix is the second most important. We can explain these new matrices with the variable-axes.We found three important variable-axes: the trip “distance” (the most important element), the nature of the activity in the destination zone and the tourist's ability to travel (economic status and information level). Observing the three-dimensional data space composed by these axes, we found one dominant and five secondary variable masses of the tourist's profile and behavior pattern. The dominant one is about a two day 100km family trip, not planned by a tourist agency but by the family itself, for the purpose of enjoying nature and practicing sports.
滝波 章弘
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.50, no.4, pp.340-362, 1998-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)
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What do tourists experience in travel? What is the meaning of contemporary tourism? These questions have been proposed since the mid 1970's by geographers, anthropologists, and psychologists of tourism in the English-speaking world. Most of the studies attempt to verify MacCanell's theory of authenticity, Turner's process of communitas or Cohen's systematic typology of tourist experience. Are these hypothesis also applicable to the Japanese contemporary tourist experience?The popular travel monthly“Tabi”proves an indispensable source concerning Japanese tourism. Each edition contains travel essays contributed by readers. I compared 155 travel writings in“Tabi”from 1992 to 1995 with the contributors ranging from the young to the aged.In the first analysis, I examined three hypothesis. Turner's communitas was verified only in 3 essays; MacCanell's authenticity in 25 essays; and Cohen's typology in 47 essays. These results show that the existing models are insufficient to explain the Japanese tourist experience.In the second analysis, I tried to treat the 155 travel narratives without hypothesis. Based upon the structuralist textual analysis, I extracted six main subjects: encounter of people, perception of panorama or landscape, discovery of another world, observation of culture and history, solution of problem which arise during travel, and recognition of ones life.The relations between the demographic category and the subjects of tourist experience are summarized as follows. The younger writers emphasize the spatial contrast: they often compare their chosen destination with their everyday environment, and the smaller places they explored with popular tourist sites. The comparison is not neutral: what is unknown or idyllic is evaluated positively, while what is popular or metropolitan is portrayed negatively. The older writers are likely to underline the spatio-temporal contrast: they frequently speak of a spiritual experience following an ordeal, e.g., reverence of a panoramic view after a painful ascent. In terms of encounter, the nuance between age-groups is also clear. The younger tend to analyze systematically the encounter: they underline the contrast between the fragile tourist from the city and the kind and tough local people. For the older, the encounter is more realistic: there exists mutual communication between the local and the tourist.Regarding gender, more of the men observe the culture, history, and life style of the destination than women. Observation often leads to comprehension by accompanying the discourse of cultural comparison between native country and destination. On the other hand, women are more concerned with the solution of problems which may happen in their travel. In some cases, they write about the aid given by a local person in an encountered difficult situation; and in other cases they stress their sense of accomplishment after surmounting difficulties. Women are more concerned with self-presentation than men.Under divers tourist experiences, we can find out one common structure the spatiotemporal contrast. Men seek the spatial contrast between life-space and tourist space, between famous place and little place, and so on. Women pursue temporal contrast between difficult situation and accomplishment, between assisted tourist and assisting local person, and so on.The structure of contrast in the tourist experience resembles the system of objects proposed by Baudrillard. Both try to contrast some elements with others: goods in Baudrillard, and spatio-temporal experiences in travel writings. In this respect, we can say that travel writing is a part of a contemporary semiotic world. But we can also remark that there is a considerable difference: the contrast is symmetric in the system of goods and asymmetric in the narrative of travel. The asymmetry of the latter is the result of the real space.
滝波 章弘
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.9, pp.621-644, 2003-08-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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滝波 章弘
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Ser. A (ISSN:00167444)
vol.68, no.3, pp.145-167, 1995-03-01 (Released:2008-12-25)
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滝波 章弘
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.9, pp.621-644, 2003-08-01
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滝波 章弘
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 (ISSN:13479555)
vol.76, no.9, pp.621-644, 2003

滝波 章弘
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
vol.2013, 2013

本発表は、パリの北東15kmにあるオルネ=スゥ=ボワの郊外団地について、2007年、2008年、2010年の調査をもとに報告するものである。フランスの郊外問題は1980年代初めからあったが、2005年秋の暴動がメディアに取り上げられて以降、世界的に知られるようになった。そして、「若者」、「移民」、「暴動」、「麻薬」、「強盗」などの語が、郊外と連動して報道される。フランスは多文化社会であり、とりわけ「シテ」と呼ばれる郊外団地は、旧植民地のマグレブ諸国や西アフリカ諸国だけでなく、トルコ、ポルトガル、インドなどの人々も少なくなく、いわゆる「移民系」のマイノリティの空間と化している。以下、オルネ=スゥ=ボワ3000地区を取り上げ、1)郊外文化、2)朝市とメディアの態度、3)余暇的イベントの実態、4)サッカーの報道と実践に注目しながら、郊外団地の現実と表象、およびその領域化の様相を明らかにする。なお、ここで述べる領域化とは、意識的・制度的・物理的な境界によって空間が囲まれることを指す。 郊外文化は、マイノリティ発祥の新しいフランス文化を構成するが、よく知られているのはラップとシテ言葉である。それらは、サルコジが挑発的に言ったように、マジョリティから、「ラカイユ」の文化とみなされる傾向も強いが、それだけにマイノリティは反発する。領域化の手段である地理的呼称にも独自性がみられる。例えば、オルネ=スゥ=ボワ、その北部に位置する3000地区、さらにオルネ=スゥ=ボワが属するセーヌ=サンドニ県、あるいは3000地区内の区画(アパート群)には、独自呼称があり、それがマイノリティの人々によって強調される。 フランスは、大型ショッピングセンターが隆盛している国の一つだが、同時に、パリでも郊外でも、昔ながらの朝市が数多く残っている。3000地区でも週3回、朝市が開催され、近隣の市町村からの来訪者も少なくない。いわば、ポジティブな場所であるが、マイノリティに共感的なメディアであっても、記者がマジョリティの欧州系か、マイノリティのマグレブ系(フランスでは出自の明示化が好ましくないので、氏名から判断)かによって、訪問記事の在り方も違ってくる。 3000地区では、社会活動の一つとして音楽や演劇やダンスなどの芸術にも力を入れている。そのセンターが文化施設カップである。そこでの催し物には、外部向けのイベントと内部向けのイベントがあり、さまざまな点で異なっている。それは、マジョリティとマイノリティの隔絶を意味するが、社会的な活動として止むを得ない部分もある。 郊外文化や芸術だけでなく、サッカーもまた、郊外を特徴づけるものと言える。すでに1998年のW杯で有名になったように、フランスのサッカーは多文化な選手構成で、いわゆる「ブラック・ブラン・ブール」を代表する。しかしながら、2002年のルペンの悪夢や2005年の郊外暴動を経た2006年のW杯においては、フランスが準優勝したにもかかわらず、「ブラック・ブラン・ブール」には冷めた視線が注がれた。その方法は巧妙で、一見熱気を取材しながら、それに対して専門家の見地を交えて、水を差すというものであった。一方、シテのメディアにはそうした姿勢はなく、マジョリティと繋がろうとする意識がみられた。 オルネ=スゥ=ボワではサッカーが盛んであり、多くのプロ選手を輩出しているが、地元クラブの活動には問題が多い。それでも、サッカー関係者には、ローカルなサッカー文化を評価しつつ、グローバルなスタイルにあわせようとする意識がみられ、社会の融合を目指そうとする姿勢を見出せる。 社会の人々やメディアの多くが「シテ」に対してマイナスのイメージを抱いているのは事実である。そして、そこには先入観やステレオタイプも少なからず存在する。それに対して、「シテ」の人々やメディアは、ときに反発や対抗を示し、ときに融和や強調を模索する。現実や表象は、決して一枚岩ではないし、簡単にまとめられるものでもない。