稲岡 信之 加藤 裕司 久保野 雅史 熊井 信弘 辻 弘 中村 豊 長谷川 和則
研究報告 (ISSN:10091860)
vol.27, pp.131-146, 1988

本校では中学を卒業すると全員が高校へ上がってくるが、この生徒達と試験を受けて高校から入ってくる生徒(40数名)との間には学力差がある。本校の中学を卒業した生徒の英語力の方が低いのである。また、これらの生徒の中には英語に対する興味を失いかけている者もいる。その最も大きな原因は「高校入試」のために勉強してきたか否かであろう。 ...
北條 礼子 渡邊 由紀子 熊井 信弘
上越教育大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09158162)
vol.21, no.2, pp.513-526, 2002

本研究の目的は,公立小学校への英語導入に関して,教職の有無によって意識に違いがあるかどうかを明らかにすることである。2000年9月に本学大学院1年生215名(教職経験者134名,教職未経験者81名)を対象に,27項目から成るアンケートを用いて集団調査を実施した。集計結果は,分散分析,因子分析,x^2検定により分析した。その結果,公立小学校への英語導入の利点として,教職経験者は教職未経験者と比べると,英語導入によって,「内容を全体的に捉える力が伸ばせる」とも「広い視野と柔軟な思考力を養える」とも感じていないことが明らかになった。また,公立小学校への英語導入の問題点として,教職経験者,未経験者とも小学校での英語担当日本人教月の不足,1クラスの人数が多すぎることを問題点として捉えていることや,教職未経験者が地域に英語導入は当然という雰囲気があると感じていることがわかった。In 2002, English will be introduced to some public elementary schools as one of the alternatives under the newly started curriculum, General Studies. The purpose of this study is to compare how teachers and students in pre-service training feel about this movement. The survey was conducted in July of 2002 with 215 graduate school students of Joetsu University of Education (134 teachers and 81 teachers-to-be), using 27 questionnaire items. The data were analyzed by ANOVA, factor analysis and a chi-square test. The results revealed that: 1) teachers do not necessarily feel that English will enhance the flexibility of pupils' thinking; 2) both teachers and teachers-to-be feel that there are few Japanese teachers who could teach English at elementary school and that there are too many pupils in one class; and 3) teachers do not feel that introducing English into elementary school is strongly expected by pupils' parents and communities.
熊井 信弘
言語・文化・社会 (ISSN:13479105)
no.4, pp.91-102, 2006-03

The first hypermedia dictation program called"QuickDictation" was developed by Sugiura with software called HyperCαrd in 1993. The same kind of dictation program,"QuickTime Dictation",was produced by Kumai in 1996 by utilizing video files, which offered realistic communication situations to learners. In this program,1earners watch video files on a screen and enter the exact words they hear. The program automatically evaluates the learners'answers and shows them how well they did in the exercise by providing feedback information once the task is completed. Analysis showed a high rate of preference by learners for this program. However there are some drawbacks which need further improvements. One of them is that the program functions as a mere tester rather than as ahelper. The program only shows whether the answers are correct or not, yielding no other information or clues such as what is wrong with the answers and what learners should do to provide the right answers. Another drawback is that the program worked only on Macintosh computers, which were not the main stream computer system at that time, and could therefore not be executed via the computer network or the Internet. What's worse, the learners'results could not be saved for later reference or analysis. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the new version of the video dictation program was developed, and to discuss some improvements in terms of technology and educational implications. This video dictation program is designed to improve learners'1istening skills, espe一 cially bottom-up processing. The software was produced with quiz authoring software, Q厩zル1αker 2.Oby Articulate. In this program learners watch video files which include the sound changes they learn in the classroom and enter what they hear on the screen. Their answers are automatically recorded and processed by the program. Then the learners get immediate feedback on their results. The results are accumulated in the server, called 五θαγ痂g、Mαnαgement System(Moodle or WebClass)and can be obtained in the form of Excel files for future reference and analysis. With the help of such online programs, teachers can shift these basic practices to the homework assignment outside the classrooms so that they can concentrate more often on those communicative activities and authentic tasks which are only possible during class-time.