片平 博文
The Association of Japanese Geographers
地理学評論 (ISSN:00167444)
vol.53, no.1, pp.1-17, 1980-01-01 (Released:2008-12-24)
1 1

片平 博文 岩崎 一孝
The Human Geographical Society of Japan
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.40, no.4, pp.297-318, 1988-08-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

Exploitation of the semi-arid region of Australia began in the late 19th century. Major expansion of farm land started at the beginning of this century. The landscape covered with the dense mallee changed to wheat fields or green pasture lands. The change was very rapid and drastic.In this paper the authors examine the characteristics of marginal land for agriculture in the semi-arid region by analyzing the relationship between wheat growing and rainfall. The condition of marginal land for agriculture and the reality of wheat growing in the semi-arid region will be clarified based on the analysis of the correlation between wheat yield (bushels per acre) and winter rainfall from June to September, which coincides with the growing season for wheat. The Murray Mallee region of South Australia in the period 1907-1946, was selected as the main study area (Fig. 1). This study uses the following sources: “Statistical Register of South Australia-Production” compiled in the South Australian Parliamentary Paper, and “Report of Monthly and Yearly Rainfall, 1907-1946” collected by the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia. The 33 hundreds and stations examined are: Cadell (Morgan P. O.), Paisley (Notts Well), Waikerie (Waikerie Lands), Holder (Maggea), Moorook (Moorook), Nildottie (Swan Reach), Mantung (Caliph P. O.), Bandon (Copeville) and Mindarie (Mindarie) in County Albert, Murtho (Wilkadine), Paringa (Renmark P. O.), Gordon (Taldra P. O.), Pyap (Pyap), Bookpurnong (Loxton P. O.), Allen (Alawoona), Kekwick (Paruna) and McGorrery (Meribah P. O.) in County Alfred, Vincent (Perponda), Wilson (Borrika), McPherson (Sandalwood), Hooper (Wynarka), Marmon Jabuk (Karoonda), Sherlock (Moorlands), Roby (Coomandook), Peake (Peake), Price (Parrakie P. O.), Livingston (Kiki) and Coneybeer (Coonalpyn) in County Buccleuch, Billiatt (Gurrai P. O.), Kingsford (Karte), Bews (Lameroo P. O.), Parilla (Parilla) and Pinnaroo (Pinnaroo P. O.) in County Chandos (Figs. 2 and 3). The statistics from these hundreds and stations provided sufficient working data.Originally, wheat yield was not stable here because of the influence of variable rainfall (Fig. 4). In the semi-arid region, if rainfall is plentiful, the wheat yield increases proportionally. But if there is a scanty rainfall, mainly in winter, the wheat growing will suffer deadly damage. The characteristics of the correlation between annual wheat yield and annual winter rainfall (1907-1946) can be classified into four types: Types I-IV (Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10). Fig. 11 shows the distribution of the four types. The data shows that hundreds included in the same type tend to be in close proximity.D. W. Goyder, the Surveyor General of South Australia, defined the extent of servere drought in 1865. This is called “Goyder's Line of Rainfall”. It was a base line against which the safe and the unsafe areas for semi-arid agriculture were measured. It has a considerable validity even today. In the Murray Mallee region, “Goyder's Line of Rainfall” was drawn from Swan Reach in the hundred of Nildottie to the south of Peebinga in the hundred of Peebinga near the Victorian boundary.From analysis of the four types shown in Figs. 7, 8, 9 and 10, it is clear that “Goyder's Line of Rainfall” is not a fixed or static line but a boundary belt which moves dynamically within the Type II area, that is the safe and the unsafe wheat growing area. Also it can be suggested that the wheat growing conditions in the marginal land change drastically at the border, the difference being as high as 100 to 120mm of winter rainfall from June to September.
片平 博文
人文地理学会大会 研究発表要旨
vol.2005, pp.20, 2005

『日本後紀』以降の六国史や『小右記』『権記』『殿暦』などの公家の日記等によれば、平安時代を通じて、平安京は数多くの洪水に見舞われてきたことがわかる。これらの史料類から把握できる洪水の多くは、「都城両河洪水」などの記述からも明らかなように、東の賀茂川や西の桂川が溢れたことによって生じたものと考えられる。洪水の中には、賀茂川と桂川とが同時に溢れたケースや、賀茂川が溢れることによって発生したケースなどがある。ところが、頻繁に平安京を襲った洪水の中には、賀茂川や桂川以外の河川によって引き起こされたと考えられるケースも認められる。このような洪水は、天安2年(858)5月のほか、長和4年(1015)7月、寛徳3年(1046)5月、永久元年(1113)8月、長承3年(1134)5月などの記述にもみられ、東堀川や西洞院川などの小河川が、11_から_12世紀になってもしばしば溢れていたことがわかる。 これら小河川から溢れた水は、どこから来たのだろうか?それを解く手がかりとして、『日本三代実録』貞観16年(874)8月の記事が注目される。そこには、台風と思われる大風雨によって賀茂川・桂川などが溢れ、内裏や京内に甚大な被害の出たことが記されている。京外でも、與渡の渡口や山崎橋付近に大きな被害が出たことが知られる。注目すべきはそれに加えて、平安京の北部にあたる栗栖野(西賀茂)や鷹峯付近の被害状況がとりわけ具体的に記述されているということである。この記事からは、貞観13年(871)の大雨や同16年の大風雨によって、栗栖野や鷹峯付近は大被害を受け、しかも同時に京内も橋が流出するほどの被害が出ている。この事実は、両地域の被害に関連のあることを示唆するものと考えられる。以上の分析を受けて史料類を検討した結果、栗栖野・鷹峯付近と左京の小河川とを結んでいたと考えられる水系の存在が確認された。
片平 博文
vol.24, pp.61-79, 2012