玉 真之介
農業史研究 (ISSN:13475614)
vol.47, pp.22-34, 2013 (Released:2017-03-23)

The aim of this paper is to examine how natural disasters affected policies for farming villages in prewar Japan by looking at the reconstruction of community storehouses by the government after poor rice harvest due to cold weather in Iwate Prefecture in 1934. In contrast to economic development and tenancy disputes, natural disasters in modern Japanese history have not attracted historians' attention in Japan. From a historical perspective, however, natural disasters always highlighted the mutual help in farming communities, which was based on traditional "mura" or hamlet relationship in Japanese rural areas. The "mura" relationship was used by the government for mobilizing rural communities to its total war system, which is characteristic of Japanese rural policies in 1930's. This paper analyzed the reasons why and the process in which the government reconstructed community storehouses in affected areas after the 1934 disaster. It has been found that the function of community storehouses that the government had hoped for most was not only stockpiling of rice for a future lean year but also rice loan from the storehouse to poor farmers who run short of food before harvest of each year. This also suggests that the government, especially the Naimusyo or the Interior Ministry, recognized the function of "mura" as a traditional mutual help, changing its long-time negative attitude toward the "mura" relationship into a positive one, realizing its availability.
玉 真之介 岩手大学 大学教育総合センター TAMA Shinnosuke

第一版は2006年,第二版は2007年,第三版は2009年,第四版は2012年に刊行.第四版から著者が「岩手大学 大学教育総合センター」に変更。
玉 真之介
青森県史研究 (ISSN:13427431)
no.8, pp.1-20, 2003-12

玉 真之介
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-10, 1992

The aim of this paper is to reconsider the concept of "modern estate ownership" and to suggest a new approach of the farm land problem by dividing farm land into land systems and tenant systems. In the past, land problems were viewed in terms of the relationship between landowner and tenant farmer. The establishment of tenant rights, in particular, was considered one of the main elements of "modern estate ownership." The farm Land problem in Japan, therefore, has been seen as an incomplete modernization of estate ownership. However, this thinking has overlooked the fact that private land ownership was established after the Meiji Restoration and that Japanese capitalism was generally developed under the regime of private ownership. Moreover, this thinking has also ignored the difference between the many small land owners in Japan and the large holdings of aristocratic landlords in Britain. Thus, we should deal with farm land problems as one part of a land system that was already established in particular historical context and also as a part of a tenant system in which the relationship between land owner and tenant farmer rested on commercial base. In that sense, we must recognize that land systems in different countries are affected by different natural conditions. We must also pay more attention to the situation of both landowners and tenants under the circumstance where capitalistic accumulation in the manufacturing sector affected peasant agriculture.
玉 真之介
農業経済研究 (ISSN:03873234)
vol.72, no.4, pp.157-164, 2001-03-26 (Released:2016-10-06)

The aim of this paper is to focus on the development policies of the Manchurian government, which was under Japanese control, regarding Japanese immigration. Japanese immigration into Manchuria in the 1930s and 1940s has been examined only from the viewpoint of Japanese domestic matters and nobody has as yet looked at it from the perspective of agricultural policy and agricultural production in Manchuria. The development policies of the Manchurian government had frequently changed because to the Second Sino-Japanese War and the clashes between Japan and the Soviet Union along the Manchurian-Soviet border. After the outbreak of the Second World War in Europe in 1939, efforts to achieve food self-sufficiency within the yen block were put into effect and the agricultural administration in Manchuria was enlarged. Agricultural production in Manchuria, however, faced serious problems, such as diminishing fertility and labor shortages. Policymakers had to try and innovate farming system to overcome these structural problems. It was at that very time that a ray of hope emerged for agricultural policymakers in Manchuria. Farming technology in Hokkaido was beginning to offer potential solutions to the problems being faced by Japanese settlers in Manchuria.
玉 真之介
vol.38, pp.137-165, 2002-10

池田 浩士 村上 勝彦 玉 真之介 田中 学 坂下 明彦 川村 湊 馬 興国 劉 立善 劉 含発 衣 保中 黄 定夫 梁 玉多 山室 信一 森 久男 我部 政男 井村 哲郎 蘭 信三 徐 明勲 歩 平

玉 真之介
農業経済研究 (ISSN:03873234)
vol.86, no.1, pp.1-11, 2014-06-25 (Released:2016-03-26)

玉 真之介
農業史研究 (ISSN:13475614)
vol.35, pp.12-22, 2001 (Released:2017-03-24)

The tenancy disputes which occurred in the countryside of Japan after World War I had a clear-cut regional character. In the 1920's, disputes were concentrated in the regions of western Japan, with the execption of the South-Kyushu region. There were fewer disputes in the regions of eastern Japan, with the exception of the South-Kanto region. Although there have been many attempts to interpret this regional character, nobody has factored in the regional character of birth rates in pre-war Japan. The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between birth rates and the agricultural structure of each of these regions, and to consider the regional character of birth rates as a contributing factor in the regional character of tenancy disputes around 1920 in Japan. The followings are main findings regarding regional birth rates, agricultural structure and tenancy disputes: 1) The birth rate in eastern Japan (outside the South-Kanto) was higher than the national average during the pre-war period, while that in western Japan (outside South-Kyushu) was not only lower than the national average, but also started to decrease after 1910; 2) The number of farm households in the Tohoku and North-Kanto regions in eastern Japan and in the South-Kyusyu regions, where the birth rates were especially high, increased steadily. On the other hand, the number of farm households in the Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku, and Shikoku regions of western Japan decreased steadily during the inter-war period; 3) During the recession which followed World War I, many tenant farmers returned their land to landowners in the Chubu and Kinki regions because of the low-profitability brought on by the low market price of rice. This triggered the tenancy disputes in these regions; 4) These tenancy disputes spread to western Japan (outside South-Kyushu), where the number of farm households had decreased and bargaining power had shifted from the landowners to the tenant farmers; 5) Tenancy disputes were fewer in eastern Japan (outside the South-Kanto), where the number of farm household was still increasing and landowners could held bargaining power against tenant farmers.
玉 真之介
青森県史研究 (ISSN:13427431)
vol.8, pp.1-20, 2003-12

一九三六(昭和一一)年から開始された満洲林業移民と営林実務実習生制度については、これまで研究がなされてきていない。そ れは満洲移民の中でそれが占めるウエイトが小さいためであるが、視角の定め方によっては、この意味は小さいとは言えなくなる。すなわち、本稿が着目するのは、この二つがスタート時点から満洲への「技術移転」という目的を明確に持っていたという点である。「満洲国」が日本の傀儡国家であり、そこにおける資源開発も日本の総力戦体制の構築・維持のためのものであったことは、すでに明らかにされてきているが、その目的を達成する手段として「技術移転」が進められた点についての検討は、未だ十分とは言えない。実際、農業移民についても後半になればなるほど、技術移転が重要視されていったのである。 この満洲林業移民と営林実務実習生制度は、青森・秋田の両営林局(現、東北森林管理局)が移民の募集や実習生の受入の中心になったものであった。その結果、林業移民の多くが青森県の林業労働者で構成された。また、営林実務実習生制度については、通算すると一〇〇名を超える中国人実習生を青森県で受け入れ、営林実務の訓練を行っている。本稿では、当時の関連文献並びに東北森林管理局青森分局所蔵の一次資料から、青森県と満洲国(中国)との林業技術面における関わりの歴史としてもこの二つを考察した。その結果、満洲林業移民については、初年度は熟練技術者を主眼としたものであったが、翌年からは大量農業移民政策の影響を受けて、農業移民としての定着に重点が変更され、そのために多数の退団者が出たことが明らかとなった。また、営林実務実習生制度については、優秀な実習生が渡日すると共に、濃密なカリキュラムが準備され、林業技術の移転に一定の役割を果たすものであったとの評価も可能であ ることを論じた。また、小学校の運動会への参加など、実習生と地元との交流についても触れた。
玉 真之介
農業市場研究 (ISSN:1341934X)
vol.1, no.1, pp.1-10, 1992-09

The aim of this paper is to reconsider the concept of "modern estate ownership" and to suggest a new approach of the farm land problem by dividing farm land into land systems and tenant systems. In the past, land problems were viewed in terms of the relationship between landowner and tenant farmer. The establishment of tenant rights, in particular, was considered one of the main elements of "modern estate ownership." The farm Land problem in Japan, therefore, has been seen as an incomplete modernization of estate ownership. However, this thinking has overlooked the fact that private land ownership was established after the Meiji Restoration and that Japanese capitalism was generally developed under the regime of private ownership. Moreover, this thinking has also ignored the difference between the many small land owners in Japan and the large holdings of aristocratic landlords in Britain. Thus, we should deal with farm land problems as one part of a land system that was already established in particular historical context and also as a part of a tenant system in which the relationship between land owner and tenant farmer rested on commercial base. In that sense, we must recognize that land systems in different countries are affected by different natural conditions. We must also pay more attention to the situation of both landowners and tenants under the circumstance where capitalistic accumulation in the manufacturing sector affected peasant agriculture.