古川 福実 船坂 陽子 師井 洋一 山本 有紀 米井 希 松永 佳世子 秋田 浩孝 上田 説子 薄木 晶子 菊地 克子 幸野 健 田中 俊宏 林 伸和
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.118, no.3, pp.347-356, 2008

Chemical peeling is one of dermatological treatments for certain cutaneous diseases or conditions or aesthetic improvement, which consists of the application of one or more chemical agents to the skin. Chemical peeling has been very popular in medical fields as well as aesthetic fields. Since scientific background and adequate approach is not completely understood or established, medical and social problems have been reported. This prompted us to establish and distribute standard guideline of care for chemical peeling. Previous guidelines such as 2001 version and 2004 version included the minimums for the indications, the chemicals used, their applications, associated precautions, and postpeeling care and findings. The principles were as follows :1) chemical peeling should be performed under the control and the responsibility of the physician. 2) the physician should have knowledge of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and understand the mechanism of wound-healing. 3) the physician should be board-certified in an appropriate specialty such as dermatology. 4) the ultimate judgment regarding the appropriateness of any specific chemical peeling procedure must be made by the physician in light of all standard therapeutic ways, which are presented by each individual patient. Keeping these concepts, this new version of guidelines includes more scientific and detailed approaches from the evidence-based medicine.
古江 増隆 山崎 雙次 神保 孝一 土田 哲也 天谷 雅行 田中 俊宏 松永 佳世子 武藤 正彦 森田 栄伸 秋山 真志 相馬 良直 照井 正 真鍋 求
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.119, no.9, pp.1795-1809, 2009-08-20 (Released:2014-11-28)

田中 俊宏
経営史学 (ISSN:03869113)
vol.14, no.2, pp.31-53, 1979-10-10 (Released:2009-11-06)

French railway industry had the first boom years in the Monarchie de Juillet. But it is worthy to mention that in this period english capitalists also were interested in french railway construction and its exploitation. Their capital invested in french railway companies amounted to one-third of the total stock capital. Sometimes the french co-operated with the english and sometimes the french intended to exclude the english from the management of railway company. The object of this paper is to analize this english impact-french response relation. Firstly, the author extracts five main 'groups' which existed among french interests and english interests; the Laffitte & Blount group, the London Merchant Bankers group, the Haute banquiers group, the Talabot group and the Paris-Orléans group. Secondly, the author intends to clear the characteristics and behavior-pattern of each group. Thirdly, the author analizes which group acquired the predominant position in the board of directors. In the beginning, the board of directors ordinarily was composed of members of many different groups. But later, among directors, the comté de direction was formed, which include just a few members who belonged to the same group. And actually it took charge of management. Other director consequently were resigned to the feeble position. In this process, the english directors were often eliminated from the center of management.
古川 福実 松永 佳世子 秋田 浩孝 上田 説子 薄木 晶子 菊地 克子 幸野 健 田中 俊宏 林 伸和 船坂 陽子 師井 洋一 山本 有紀 米井 希
公益社団法人 日本皮膚科学会
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.118, no.3, pp.347-356, 2008-03-20 (Released:2014-12-03)

Chemical peeling is one of dermatological treatments for certain cutaneous diseases or conditions or aesthetic improvement, which consists of the application of one or more chemical agents to the skin. Chemical peeling has been very popular in medical fields as well as aesthetic fields. Since scientific background and adequate approach is not completely understood or established, medical and social problems have been reported. This prompted us to establish and distribute standard guideline of care for chemical peeling. Previous guidelines such as 2001 version and 2004 version included the minimums for the indications, the chemicals used, their applications, associated precautions, and postpeeling care and findings. The principles were as follows :1) chemical peeling should be performed under the control and the responsibility of the physician. 2) the physician should have knowledge of the skin and subcutaneous tissue and understand the mechanism of wound-healing. 3) the physician should be board-certified in an appropriate specialty such as dermatology. 4) the ultimate judgment regarding the appropriateness of any specific chemical peeling procedure must be made by the physician in light of all standard therapeutic ways, which are presented by each individual patient. Keeping these concepts, this new version of guidelines includes more scientific and detailed approaches from the evidence-based medicine.
古江 増隆 山崎 雙次 神保 孝一 土田 哲也 天谷 雅行 田中 俊宏 松永 佳世子 武藤 正彦 森田 栄伸 秋山 真志 相馬 良直 照井 正 真鍋 求
Japanese Dermatological Association
日本皮膚科学会雑誌 (ISSN:0021499X)
vol.119, no.9, pp.1795-1809, 2009

山口 明彦 藤本 徳毅 寺村 和也 加藤 威 古田 未征 田中 俊宏
皮膚の科学 (ISSN:13471813)
vol.15, no.2, pp.57-62, 2016 (Released:2016-06-02)

30歳代,男性。2009年3月上旬より特に誘因なく両下腿に紅斑が出現し,徐々に上肢にも拡大し発熱を伴うようになったため前医を受診した。セファゾリンの投与を受けたが軽快せず,D-dimmer 上昇,血小板低下を認め,原因不明の播種性血管内凝固と診断された。メシル酸ナファモスタットを投与され凝固異常は改善したが,発熱が持続しイミペネムの投与を開始されたが無効であった。このためステロイド内服やステロイドパルス療法も行われたが,発熱が持続するため当院転院となった。受診時,患者は Yamaguchi らの基準のリンパ節腫大以外のすべての項目を満たし,検査結果と合わせて感染症,悪性腫瘍,膠原病を除外し,成人発症 Still 病と診断した。ステロイドの単独治療,ステロイドパルス療法,メトトレキサート,シクロスポリンの併用,二重濾過血漿交換,コルヒチン内服のいずれにも著明な反応を示さず,軽快と増悪を繰り返した。治療抵抗性の成人発症 Still 病であり,IL-6 の高値を認めたため Tocilizumab の適応と判断し,Tocilizumab とステロイド内服の併用療法を開始したが病勢は完全には治まらず,最終的に Tocilizumab とメトトレキサート,ステロイド内服の併用により長期の寛解を得ることができた。Tocilizumab の難治性成人発症 Still 病に対する有効性については,今後も本例のような症例の積み重ねが必要と思われる。(皮膚の科学,15: 57-62, 2016)