松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.111_1-111_1, 2016

<p> 本研究では、熟練したサッカー選手の状況判断時における脳内情報処理の特性を明らかにする事を目的に、競技レベルの異なる大学生サッカー選手26名(Expert群:13名、Sub Expert群: 13名)を対象に実際のプレー状況を想定した選択反応課題(3vs1パス回し課題、4vs2パス回し課題)における事象関連電位(event related potential:ERP)、筋電図反応時間(electromyography reaction time:EMGRT)及び反応時間(Reaction Time:RT)の測定を行った。結果、EMGRT、RTではExpert群がSub Expert群より有意に短かった。ERPにおいてはP300潜時、振幅ともに有意差は認められなかった。状況判断におけるExpert群とSub-Expert群の大きな違いは、正確に速く運動を実行できる(出力できる)ことであった。これらのことから、熟練したサッカー選手は状況判断を行い、プレーを実行する際「どのような状況か」という評価よりも、「何をすべきか」という反応・運動の処理が、より先行して賦活していることが示唆された。</p>
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 小井土 正亮 鈴木 健介 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.1, pp.107-123, 2018-02-01 (Released:2018-01-19)

In this study, observing football players under simulated playing conditions to measure event-related potentials (ERPs, i.e. P300), electromyography reaction time (EMG-RT), and reaction time (RT), we investigated neural correlates of information processing during selective reaction challenges. A high performance group included 13 collegiate football players who had previously won the All Japan University Championships. A low performance group included 13 collegiate football players who never competed at the national level or played in prefectural or regional competitions. We conducted a 4 vs. 2 ball possession task (i.e. a Go/NoGo task) under simulated playing conditions that required situational assessment. Our results showed that the high-performance group had a significantly higher correct response rate than did the low-performance group in 4 vs. 2 ball possession tasks. Moreover, the EMG-RT and RT of the high-performance group were significantly shorter than that of the low-performance group. Furthermore, the P100 and P300 latencies of the high-performance group was significantly shorter than those of the low-performance group. These findings indicated that high-performance football players could perform the task-relevant stages of information processing (such as visual information processing, stimulus evaluation, and motor response output) in a short time. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and P100 (Go, NoGo stimulation), indicating that initial visual information processing did not contribute to the execution of the final motor response. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and Go P300 latency, whereas a significant correlation with NoGo P300 latency was shown. This suggested that the stimulus evaluation system by NoGo stimuli (response inhibition) is strongly involved in the final motor output reaction.