沼津 直樹 藤井 範久 小井土 正亮
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.519-536, 2022 (Released:2022-07-08)

This study aimed to clarify the biomechanical characteristics of preparatory motions required for defensive diving by soccer goalkeepers (GKs). Seventeen collegiate male GKs and 14 collegiate male outfield players (strikers) participated. The experimental setup was based on a previous study (Numazu et al., 2019), and the experiment was conducted using simulated shooting situations in the penalty area. Three-dimensional coordinate data for the GKs and strikers were captured using 2 motion capture systems with 24 cameras (250 Hz, 16 cameras for the GKs and 8 cameras for the strikers). The 2 systems were synchronized by an analog signal (1000 Hz). We analyzed 430 trials where the GKs dived toward the shot (NU: 75 trials, NM: 94 trials, NL: 37 trials, FU: 58 trials, FM: 83 trials, and FL: 83 trials). The participating GKs performed a small jumping motion vertically upward, similar to a split-step, as a preparatory motion. The primary variables computed were as follows: elapsed time of preparatory motion, velocity of the center of gravity at takeoff in the frontal plane, stance width divided by leg length, height of preparatory motion, segment angle of the trunk in the sagittal plane, and angles of the lower limb joints. The major findings were as follows: 1) To respond quickly to the shot, the GKs leaned the trunk forward and flexed the lower leg joints, externally rotated the hip joints of both legs, abducted the hip joints, and opened the feet to 70% of the leg length. 2) GKs performed the take-off of the preparatory motion simultaneously when the striker made contact between the support leg and the ground. 3) It was considered that GKs changed their movement to match the flight trajectory of the ball later than CSon.
沼津 直樹 藤井 範久 小井土 正亮
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.2, pp.647-664, 2019-12-16 (Released:2019-12-20)
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the biomechanical characteristics of soccer goalkeepers (GKs) diving for shots placed distantly from the GK. Fifteen collegiate male GKs and 13 collegiate male outfield players acting as strikers participated. The experimental situation involved shooting from inside the penalty area. The strikers were instructed to execute an instep kick placing the ball 16.5 m away from the GK after pushing the ball forward. The GKs were instructed to dive with a preparatory motion toward the shot ball. Three-dimensional coordinate data for the strikers and GKs were captured using 2 motion capture systems – one with 16 cameras for the GKs and the other with 8 cameras for the strikers (250Hz). The systems were synchronized with an analog signal via an A/D converter (1000 Hz) and input to a computer. The shooting areas were divided into 12 (i.e. 2 shooting directions to the right and left sides of the GKs, 2 shooting distances close to and far from the GKs, and 3 shot heights, close to the ground, and also at high and medium heights). The strikers were informed of the target shooting area randomly in each trial, and 213 trials in which the GKs dived toward shots placed in the far area were selected. We calculated the velocity of the center of gravity and the joint angles of the lower limbs. The major findings were as follows. 1) Regardless of shooting height, it appeared that the GKs performed almost the same motion until landing because they began to move after determining the diving direction. 2) In order to dive to lower-placed balls, leaning the trunk towards the diving direction was necessary to allow placement of the hand in the lower position. 3) Regardless of shooting height, the side contralateral (CS) to the leg in the diving direction had the same role of achieving movement of the center of gravity in the diving direction. 4) The GKs dived toward lower-placed shots by flexing the knee joint of their CS leg and the hip and knee joints of their ball side (BS) leg before the BS leg touched the ground. 5) The GKs dived towards individual shot heights by appropriately adjusting the posture of their BS leg before the BS leg touched the ground.
小井土 正亮 原仲 碧 中村 剛
スポーツ運動学研究 (ISSN:24345636)
vol.29, pp.29-43, 2017 (Released:2020-05-08)

The aim of this study, as a case study of college football short-term tournament, was to clarify the practical wisdom related to member selections in team sports. The participant is a head coach of a men’s university football team in Japan. After the short-term tournament, a dialogue was held by the second author with head coach. Group interviews consisted of focus group basis for 5-6 players. Audio data obtained by the interviews were converted to the text. This was followed by discussions among the head coach and co-authors for phenomenological reflection. The results highlighted two practical wisdoms in the coaching scene that are “management for players’ motivation” and “maintenance of team functionality”.
鍋倉 賢治 小井土 正亮 青柳 篤 岡部 正明 辻 俊樹 濵谷 奎介
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.167_1, 2016

<p> サッカーの勝敗は、選手個人のボールを扱う技術の正確性、チーム戦術に負うところが大きい。選手がボールを扱う局面に目を向けると、一瞬のスピードやジャンプ力、当たり負けしない体幹の強さが求められ、これが局面における相手との勝敗に影響する。さらに、このようなスピード、パワー、クィックネスといった運動能力を90分という長い時間、間欠的に繰り返し発揮し続けなければならない。そのため、選手の持久的な能力を客観的なデータを用いて評価することは非常に重要な意味を持つ。そこで本研究では、プロサッカー選手の持久性体力を評価し、サッカー選手に求められる持久力の基礎的知見を得ることを目的とした。対象は2016年シーズンJ1リーグ所属チームのGKを除く25名(23.7 ± 4.5歳)である。トレッドミルにおいて漸増負荷試験を行い、呼気ガスパラメーターを測定し、最大酸素摂取量(VO2max)などを評価した。全員のVO2maxの平均値は58.5 ± 4.4ml/kg/minであり、別に測定した一流大学選手よりもやや低く、他国プロサッカー選手とほぼ同等であった。今後、ゲーム中の運動量や心拍数と合わせて検討していくことで、要求される持久力などが明らかになるものと期待される。</p>
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 小井土 正亮 鈴木 健介 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.1, pp.107-123, 2018-02-01 (Released:2018-01-19)

In this study, observing football players under simulated playing conditions to measure event-related potentials (ERPs, i.e. P300), electromyography reaction time (EMG-RT), and reaction time (RT), we investigated neural correlates of information processing during selective reaction challenges. A high performance group included 13 collegiate football players who had previously won the All Japan University Championships. A low performance group included 13 collegiate football players who never competed at the national level or played in prefectural or regional competitions. We conducted a 4 vs. 2 ball possession task (i.e. a Go/NoGo task) under simulated playing conditions that required situational assessment. Our results showed that the high-performance group had a significantly higher correct response rate than did the low-performance group in 4 vs. 2 ball possession tasks. Moreover, the EMG-RT and RT of the high-performance group were significantly shorter than that of the low-performance group. Furthermore, the P100 and P300 latencies of the high-performance group was significantly shorter than those of the low-performance group. These findings indicated that high-performance football players could perform the task-relevant stages of information processing (such as visual information processing, stimulus evaluation, and motor response output) in a short time. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and P100 (Go, NoGo stimulation), indicating that initial visual information processing did not contribute to the execution of the final motor response. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and Go P300 latency, whereas a significant correlation with NoGo P300 latency was shown. This suggested that the stimulus evaluation system by NoGo stimuli (response inhibition) is strongly involved in the final motor output reaction.