夏原 隆之 中山 雅雄 加藤 貴昭 永野 智久 吉田 拓矢 佐々木 亮太 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.60, no.1, pp.71-85, 2015 (Released:2015-06-13)
4 3

Some of the mechanisms underlying superior performance in sports may be clarified by investigating the role of visual information in the execution of particular responses by expert athletes. The aim of this study was to examine how soccer players process visual information when executing a tactical pass in a 4 vs. 4 attacking play scenario. To identify the cognitive processes operating during task execution, we measured eye movement and correlated it with verbal reports from players. The subjects comprised 30 soccer players with differing proficiencies (15 “experts” and 15 “sub-experts”). 2 tests were carried out: a test to evaluate the level of passing skill, and a decision-making test to evaluate the reproducibility of tactical passing and the accuracy of passes aimed to specific locations. Eye movements were measured during the decision-making test. Furthermore, in each trial of the decision-making test, verbal reports were collected. These related to how and why participants decided to pass the ball to any particular player among the 4 attackers on screen and, in order to determine their best judgment, how they captured the play situation and what they paid attention to. The results revealed that for execution of the pass, the experts were significantly more proficient at passing accurately to the aimed location, and their passing judgment was more reproducible in comparison to the sub-experts, although both groups had a uniform level of passing skill in terms of pass execution. In addition, eye movement data obtained during pass execution confirmed that in the play observation phase, while experts maintained their line of sight on other objects, they also maintained a longer gaze on defensive players to identify gaps between them. Also in the ball approach phase, the experts maintained a longer gaze on the player who was judged to be the best choice for receiving an accurate pass. These observations suggest that the superior passing performance of expert soccer players is attributable to accurate and efficient extraction of visual information and utilizing it in the context of their accumulated knowledge base.
平嶋 裕輔 中山 雅雄 内藤 清志 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.805-816, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the principal factors related to shot situations that affect the outcome of goalkeeping saves in soccer and to build a regression formula that would predict the difficulty of saving a shot. The samples were 551 shots at goal in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. The shots data were collected using game performance analysis. For statistical processing, the principal factors affecting the outcome of a save in soccer were revealed using logistic regression analysis. The principal factors that influenced the results of a save attempt were: the duration between initiation of the shot and when the ball reached the goal, the presence or absence of a defender in front of the shooter, the presence or absence of a defender located lateral or posterior to the shooter, the part of the body used to perform the shot, i.e. the head or the leg, the type of shot, i.e., a liner, a lob, or a grounder, the shot course in a mediolateral direction, the shot course in a vertical direction, the presence or absence of a change in the direction of the shot by other players, the shooter's position angle in relation to the goal line and the line from the goal post to the shooter, and the distance from the center of the goal to the ball when the ball reached the goal line. In addition, a regression formula was constructed to predict the difficulty of the save by combining the odds ratios of the main factors. It was verified that the difficulty in making a save could be accurately predicted using the regression formula (84.8%). As a future task, using our regression formula, it would be practically important to develop predictors for evaluating the ability of a goalkeeper.
夏原 隆之 中山 雅雄 川北 準人 荒木 香織 市村 操一
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.67, pp.379-396, 2022 (Released:2022-05-26)

The successful development of Transformational Leadership (TFL) theory has influenced research in organizational psychology since the 1980s. Research shows that TFL has been effective not only in the domain of business but also in the military, education, parenting, and public sectors. Sport psychology researchers became interested in TFL in the early 2000s. The TFL behaviors in sport include individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, fostering teamwork, high performance expectation, and appropriate role modeling. The focus of the current review paper is to examine and organize research on TFL in the sport coaching literature. More specifically, the effects of coaches’ TFL behavior on the psychological and behavioral aspects of athletes are reviewed. The previous literature was organized into 7 themes: performance, training attitude, motivation, self-efficacy, cohesion, satisfaction, and psychological development. It is recommended that future research should examine the effect of TFL on desired psychological and behavioral outcomes of athletes and include it in sport coaching education.
平嶋 裕輔 浅井 武 深山 知生 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.17088, (Released:2018-04-16)

The present study was verify of reliability and validity the regression equation constructed using the game footage from the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Formulated using multivariate logistic regression analysis, this equation’s purpose was to predict the probability of a goalkeeper’s failure to stop shots at goal. The 2014 dataset consisted of 587 shots at goal from within the frames during 64 games played by 32 teams that participated in the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. The results showed that for the probability of failing to block a shot predicted by the regression equation, the two inter-rater interclass correlation coefficient was high (0.91), thus demonstrating reliability. Furthermore, when a contingency table was created with a cut-off value of 0.5, accuracy was high (85.9%); when an ROC curve was drawn and the area below the curve was measured (0.874), it was notably distinct, indicating generalizability. Therefore, the regression equation predicting the probability of failure to block a shot has high generalizability for predicting world-class goalkeepers’ probability of failure to block shots. This is considered a useful formula for evaluating goalkeepers’ blocking ability.
平嶋 裕輔 中山 雅雄 内藤 清志 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.13106, (Released:2014-09-20)

The purpose of this study was to clarify the principal factors related to shot situations that affect the outcome of goalkeeping saves in soccer and to build a regression formula that would predict the difficulty of saving a shot. The samples were 551 shots at goal in the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa. The shots data were collected using game performance analysis. For statistical processing, the principal factors affecting the outcome of a save in soccer were revealed using logistic regression analysis. The principal factors that influenced the results of a save attempt were: the duration between initiation of the shot and when the ball reached the goal, the presence or absence of a defender in front of the shooter, the presence or absence of a defender located lateral or posterior to the shooter, the part of the body used to perform the shot, i.e. the head or the leg, the type of shot, i.e., a liner, a lob, or a grounder, the shot course in a mediolateral direction, the shot course in a vertical direction, the presence or absence of a change in the direction of the shot by other players, the shooter's position angle in relation to the goal line and the line from the goal post to the shooter, and the distance from the center of the goal to the ball when the ball reached the goal line. In addition, a regression formula was constructed to predict the difficulty of the save by combining the odds ratios of the main factors. It was verified that the difficulty in making a save could be accurately predicted using the regression formula (84.8%). As a future task, using our regression formula, it would be practically important to develop predictors for evaluating the ability of a goalkeeper.
鈴木 健介 浅井 武 平嶋 裕輔 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.261-275, 2021 (Released:2021-04-29)

In soccer, as the number of goals determines victory or defeat, the top priority of soccer attacks is to score goals. In many competitions, more than 70% of goals are scored by shooting from within the penalty area (PA). Thus, entering the PA is an important factor in scoring goals to win games and advance in a tournament. However, as no previous research has analyzed in detail attacking play involving entry into the PA, players are unable to receive effective coaching. Focusing on the group stage of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the present study compared attacking play into the PA between top-ranked teams that advanced (top teams) and lower-ranked teams that were defeated and did not advance (lower teams) in order to identify the characteristics and differences of the two groups. Samples were obtained from all 48 games played in the tournament at this stage. For statistical analysis, the unpaired t test and c2 test were used. No significant inter-group differences were found in the number of attacks or entering the PA and the number of shots, but the top teams had higher success rates in shooting and attacking, suggesting that they had excellent finishers or created better shooting situations. With regard to movements for receiving passes by players who entered the PA, the top teams showed a higher frequency of moving from the outside to the inside of the PA and receiving passes there, suggesting that their players received the ball as they moved toward the PA. Moreover, compared to the players of lower teams, they received passes inside the PA when no opposition defenders were in the attacking direction. These findings suggest that players of top teams evaded marking by opponents by receiving the ball while moving toward the PA. Furthermore, since top teams had higher scoring rates when their players dribbled into the PA, they likely had players more highly skilled in dribbling, thus resulting in goals.
鈴木 健介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.265_2-265_2, 2016

<p> 現在のサッカーは、プレーするのに十分な時間とスペースが確保されていた1970年頃のサッカーから変化し「Less Time、Less Space」と形容されるような、相手チームに時間とスペースを与えないコンパクトな守備組織の形成が主流となっている。試合に勝利するためにはこのようなハイプレッシャーの中でも正確で早い判断と技術を発揮しゴールに向かい、得点をあげる必要がある。特にディフェンスとミッドフィルダーとの間のエリアを指す「バイタルエリア」における技術発揮は多くの指導書等で重要視されている。しかし、バイタルエリアにおいてどのようなプレーが行われているかという分析・研究は報告されていない。そこで本研究は2014W杯優勝チームであるドイツ代表の選手が最も多く所属するドイツのトップリーグであるブンデスリーガと、日本のトップリーグであるJリーグのバイタルエリアでの攻撃プレーを対象に、記述的ゲームパフォーマンス分析を行うことで、バイタルエリアにおけるプレーの特徴及び、それぞれのリーグにおける同エリアでのプレーの特徴や違いを明らかにすることを目的とした。</p>
平嶋 裕輔 浅井 武 鈴木 健介 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.70, pp.223_3, 2019

<p> ゴールキーパーにとって最も重要なプレーはシュートストップである。このシュートストップは、現在、セーブ率を用いて評価されることが一般的である。しかし近年、セーブ率は、被シュート1本毎のシュートストップ難易度が考慮されておらず、現場に有効な評価指標ではないとその妥当性を疑問視する声もある。そこで本研究は、2014FIFAワールドカップ全64試合を対象に、128名のGKをセーブ率によって評価し、その結果と被シュート1本当たりの平均シュートストップ失敗確率、被シュート数、予測失点との関係を明らかにし、セーブ率の問題点を検証することを目的とした。被シュート1本当たりの平均シュートストップ失敗確率及び予測失点の算出には、平嶋ほか(2014)が開発したシュートストップ失敗確率予測回帰式を用いた。その結果、セーブ率と被シュート1本当たりの平均シュートストップ失敗確率、予測失点との間に有意な負の相関関係が認められた。つまりセーブ率は、シュートストップの難易度が考慮されておらず、平均シュートストップ失敗確率の低い選手、予測失点が少ない選手の評価が高くなるという大きな問題点を有するということが明らかとなった。</p>
中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.35_1, 2016

<p> 担任制で授業を行う小学校には運動を苦手とする教員もおり、特に手でボールを扱うスポーツに比べ、足でボールを扱うサッカーは教えにくい運動の一つです。一方で、サッカーはルールが比較的簡単で、特別な道具を必要としない手軽さがあり、ゲームそのものにおもしろさを感じられるスポーツでもあります。</p><p> JFAが蓄積してきた経験や知見に基づき、教員の方々にサッカーの楽しさや価値を理解してもらいサッカーの授業の進め方を提案できないかを模索しながら、これまでに約70回、約1800名の教員を対象にした研修会を行っています。また、教員が『すぐに使える教科書』というコンセプトで作成した書籍を発刊しました。</p><p> 子どもたちがサッカーそのものを楽しむ、サッカーの良さを感じることができる授業が展開できるように、1時間ごとの指導案を例示してあります。単元が進むにつれて、子どもたちが向上していくようにスモールステップの展開にしてあり、実践した教員が「これならできそうだ」「ほかの体育でも活用できそうだ」というような場の設定や声かけ、グルーピング、苦手・得意な子への対処などの指導法にも触れています。</p>
夏原 隆之 加藤 貴昭 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
The Japan Journal of Coaching Studies
コーチング学研究 (ISSN:21851646)
vol.31, no.1, pp.1-10, 2017-10-01 (Released:2019-03-01)

Accurately judging a situation during soccer is one of the important factors for executing superior performance. In order to acquire decision making ability, in practice and instruction sessions, it is considered desirable to adapt scientific knowledge to coaches' rules of thumb and experiences. However, it has been pointed out that practice and instructions based on scientific evidence are hardly executed. Therefore, in this review, we aimed to examine the relationship between the perceptual-cognitive skills and coaching science related to decision making for the perceptual-cognitive skill research in soccer through an overview of the research results that have been clarified so far about each factor of pattern recognition, visual search behaviors, and anticipation that constitute perceptual-cognitive skills, and the knowledge that supports them. In addition, one of the important tasks in perceptual-cognitive skill research is acquiring perceptual-cognitive skills and developing effective coaching and training methods. Therefore, from the standpoint of motor learning research, we discuss future works on perceptual-cognitive skills of soccer, while exploring the relationship between acquisition of perceptual-cognitive skills and coaching science. It is suggested that the theoretical background clarified through this review would be useful for obtaining scientific knowledge about decision making in an environment with severe temporal and spatial constraints.
鈴木 健介 浅井 武 平嶋 裕輔 松竹 貴大 中山 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.19002, (Released:2019-08-20)

In football it is necessary to score more goals than one’s opponents in order to win the game. One strategy for gaining goals and scoring opportunities is attacking through the gap between an opposing defender (DF) and a midfielder (MF) (the DF-MF gap). However, research on this form of attack has revealed that it is merely more likely to lead to scoring and scoring opportunities than other forms of attack. In the present study, therefore, through a comparison between the Japanese J League (JL) and the German Bundesliga (BL), we examined the features of DF-MF attack play in the JL and BL and differences between them, in order to clarify the challenges in the JL for creating scoring opportunities. We determined the number of passes into the DF-MF gap, the number of passes from players receiving the ball in the DF-MF gap, and the relationship between receiving the ball in the DF-MF gap and the opposing DF. The sample used for analysis was a total of 40 games: 20 in the JL (2015 season) and 20 in the BL (2015/2016 season). For statistical analysis, independent t test and chi-squared test were conducted. In comparison to the BL, the rate of penetration into the DF-MF gap was lower in the JL. In addition, it became clear that in the JL there was a lower proportion of scoring opportunities such as penetration into the PA and shots when penetrating into the DF-MF gap than was the case in the BL. This was considered to be due to the fact that in the JL, the number of balls received in the DF-MF gap in the direction of goal was lower than that in the BL. Furthermore, in the JL, when the ball was received in the DF-MF gap, the proportion of moves defended from the opponent goal side was higher than in the BL, suggesting a problem in how the ball is received. These findings suggest that in the JL it is necessary to increase the opportunity for scoring by making it easier for the ball to advance in a goalward direction by receiving the ball when separated from the opponent DF.
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.111_1-111_1, 2016

<p> 本研究では、熟練したサッカー選手の状況判断時における脳内情報処理の特性を明らかにする事を目的に、競技レベルの異なる大学生サッカー選手26名(Expert群:13名、Sub Expert群: 13名)を対象に実際のプレー状況を想定した選択反応課題(3vs1パス回し課題、4vs2パス回し課題)における事象関連電位(event related potential:ERP)、筋電図反応時間(electromyography reaction time:EMGRT)及び反応時間(Reaction Time:RT)の測定を行った。結果、EMGRT、RTではExpert群がSub Expert群より有意に短かった。ERPにおいてはP300潜時、振幅ともに有意差は認められなかった。状況判断におけるExpert群とSub-Expert群の大きな違いは、正確に速く運動を実行できる(出力できる)ことであった。これらのことから、熟練したサッカー選手は状況判断を行い、プレーを実行する際「どのような状況か」という評価よりも、「何をすべきか」という反応・運動の処理が、より先行して賦活していることが示唆された。</p>
松竹 貴大 夏原 隆之 小井土 正亮 鈴木 健介 田部井 祐介 中山 雅雄 浅井 武
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.67, no.1, pp.107-123, 2018-02-01 (Released:2018-01-19)

In this study, observing football players under simulated playing conditions to measure event-related potentials (ERPs, i.e. P300), electromyography reaction time (EMG-RT), and reaction time (RT), we investigated neural correlates of information processing during selective reaction challenges. A high performance group included 13 collegiate football players who had previously won the All Japan University Championships. A low performance group included 13 collegiate football players who never competed at the national level or played in prefectural or regional competitions. We conducted a 4 vs. 2 ball possession task (i.e. a Go/NoGo task) under simulated playing conditions that required situational assessment. Our results showed that the high-performance group had a significantly higher correct response rate than did the low-performance group in 4 vs. 2 ball possession tasks. Moreover, the EMG-RT and RT of the high-performance group were significantly shorter than that of the low-performance group. Furthermore, the P100 and P300 latencies of the high-performance group was significantly shorter than those of the low-performance group. These findings indicated that high-performance football players could perform the task-relevant stages of information processing (such as visual information processing, stimulus evaluation, and motor response output) in a short time. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and P100 (Go, NoGo stimulation), indicating that initial visual information processing did not contribute to the execution of the final motor response. There was no correlation between EMG-RT and Go P300 latency, whereas a significant correlation with NoGo P300 latency was shown. This suggested that the stimulus evaluation system by NoGo stimuli (response inhibition) is strongly involved in the final motor output reaction.
中山 雅雄 浅井 武
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.54, no.2, pp.343-353, 2009-12-10 (Released:2010-02-13)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the elements that constitute an effective environment for passing practice in soccer by analyzing the relationship between player age range as an organism constraint and the width of the area in which the ball is possessed in a three vs. one (3 vs. 1) task constraint. The task consisted of passing the ball employing one or two touches to maintain possession in a 3 vs. 1 formation in three different square-shaped areas measuring 8m×8m, 10m×10m and 12m×12m. The participants were divided according to age, and categorized as under (U)-10 (fourth grade elementary school), U-12 (sixth grade elementary school), U-14 (second grade junior school) and U-16 (first grade high school). The following criteria were then investigated: passing performance (passing success rate and the number of passing sequences), speed of the passing movement, support available to the player, and decision-making about the passing direction.It was found that U-10 players performed worse in the task than players in the other age groups. Moreover, passing speed was affected by the width of the play area for the U-10 and U-12 players, but not for the U-14 and U-16 players. The distance between the support players was the same for all age groups; however, for the U-10 players, the support angles were more acute than those for the other age groups, thus preventing the U-10 players from adopting useful supporting positions. Furthermore, it was found that the width of the play area did not affect passing performance, but did affect the speed of the passing movement in the 3 vs. 1 task. The distance and the angle of support differed among the players in the different age groups.It is concluded that a wider area in the 3 vs.1 possession task creates easier choices for U-10 and U-12 players, leading to easy understanding of the passing motions. For the U-14 and U-16 players, making the area narrower is effective for maintaining a higher 3 vs.1 possession level. From these perspectives, considering the width of the area for 3 vs.1 possession is important in relation to the developmental stage of soccer players.