佐久間 汐子 清田 義和 中林 智美 高徳 幸男 石上 和男 宮崎 秀夫
一般社団法人 口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.55, no.5, pp.567-573, 2005-10-30 (Released:2018-03-23)

新潟県三島町では, 1歳児を対象に3歳まで6カ月ごとのフッ化物歯面塗布(F塗布)とフッ化物配合歯磨剤(F歯磨剤)の配布による家庭内応用を組み合わせたう蝕予防事業を実施した.本研究は, 本事業の有効性, F塗布とF歯磨剤の受け入れやすさの比較, F歯磨剤の付加的効果について評価することを目的とした.対象児は, 当該町の1990年度〜1998年度の3歳児健康診査, 1997年度〜2001年度就学児健康診査の受診児である.う蝕有病者率は有意に低下し, 3歳児では事業開始前の42〜47%から17%に, 就学児では同様に73%から51%に低下した.また, 就学児を個人別に分類すると, 事業参加群の1.54本に対し, ほかの2群は3本以上であった.受け入れやすさについては, F塗布の定期受療児の割合83.6%に対し, F歯磨剤を1日1回使用した幼児の割合は55.2%であった.F塗布の定期受療児でF歯磨剤の「1日1回使用」群と「使用せず」群との3歳児および就学児の有病者率の比較は, 就学児で有意差が認められた.さらに, 就学児のdf歯数を目的変数とする段階式重回帰分析で, 有意な説明変数は「1〜3歳までF歯磨剤を使用せず」のみであった.以上より, F歯磨剤の付加的効果が示唆された.乳歯う蝕予防対策としては, 受け入れやすさを考慮すると, 6カ月ごとのF塗布を基本にF歯磨剤の使用を付随する形で指導することが望ましいと考えられる.
葭原 明弘 安藤 雄一 池田 恵 小林 清吾 小黒 章 石上 和男 永瀬 吉彦 澤村 恵美子 瀧口 徹
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.46, no.3, pp.339-345, 1996-07-30

永瀬 吉彦 佐々木 健 石上 和男 小泉 信雄 八木 稔 瀧口 徹 小林 清吾 堀井 欣一
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.39, no.2, pp.274-285, 1989-04-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

We conducted a program for preventing gingival inflammation for 3 years in a junior high school in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The program consisted mainly of instruction in oral prophylaxis and oral health education.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the program.The results were as follows;1. The prevalence of gingival inflammation in the students was about 70%.2. At the baseline, the average number of segments with gingival inflammation in 3rd grade students was greater than in 1st and 2nd grade students, and the differences were statistically significant (p<0.05).3. This study indicated that the program for preventing gingival inflammation was very effective, and the maximum value of the reduction rate was 55.4%. Especially effective was the fact that we screened out the serious cases and instructed them individually.4. The degree of gingival inflammation in the students decreased for about 1 year. But after 1 year, the degree was reversed slightly. However, the reduction rate between baseline and after 2.5 years was still high and about a 40% effect remained.5. A Highly statistical relationship between plaque and gingival inflammation was found both at the baseline and after 1 year. The partial correlation coefficients were 0.37 (p<0.001) and 0.18 (p<0.001).6. Instruction for improving individual toothbrushing habits helped the students to form desirable habits for a short period, but it was difficult to maintain these favorable habits for long periods.
小林 清吾 田村 卓也 安藤 雄一 矢野 正敏 高徳 幸男 石上 和男 永瀬 吉彦 佐々木 健 堀井 欣一
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.43, no.2, pp.192-199, 1993-04-30 (Released:2010-10-27)
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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a fluoride mouth-rinsing program (FMR) on dental health after the FMR program was completed. The state of dental health, including caries prevalence, was examined under blind recording conditions concerning participation in the FMR for 11th grade students in 10 public high schools, from 11 municipalities in Niigata Prefecture. The procedures of the FMR were carried out in these areas weekly, with 0.2% NaF, or daily, with 0.05% NaF, supervised by the classroom teachers in each school. The subjects, 321 in total, were classified into 3 rinse groups, each of which participated in the FMR for different periods of time, and a control group. The results of the statistical analysis showed increasing benefits in relation to increasing periods of participation. The reduction rate of caries prevention was the highest in the F11-group, subjects who participated in the program for 11 years from 4 to 14years of age. The F11-group was 56.0% lower in the mean DMFT and 81.8% lower in the mean number of highly progressed carious teeth than the control group, with statistical significance in both cases. The percentage of students who had toothaches or who were absent from school in order to visit a dentist was lower in the rinse groups than in the control group. We conclude that, in countries such as in Japan where caries prevalence is relatively high, a school-based FMR program throughout the school years is profoundly effective in preventing the occurrence and the progression of caries, and it could be the foundation of lifelong dental health care.