樋出 守世 井上 一彦 今井 奨 山本 実
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.41, no.2, pp.206-213, 1991-04-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

1. Japanese third molars were divided into sample groups based on the donor's year of birth, and 90Sr level in each sample group of 10 teeth was determined to compare it with the previously reported data obtained from sample groups of 28 teeth.2. Trace and detection-limit amounts of 90Sr were detected in the teeth from donors born in 1929-1931. The 90Sr level increased in the teeth from donors born in 1935, and reached a peak value of 66.9-72.8mBq/g Ca in the teeth from donors born in 1953. It decreased afer 1954 and reached 25.5mBq/g Ca in the teeth from donors born in 1970.3. Compared with previous data using 28 teeth as a sample group, good accordance was observed in period showing detection-limit level of 90Sr, tendency of increase thereafter, peak period, radioactivity at peak period, tendency of decrease after 1953 and radioactivity after peak period.4. These results clearly indicate that a small sample, that is, 10 teeth, is sufficient for the examination of annual change in the 90Sr level.
近藤 武 矢崎 武 奥寺 元
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.23, no.1, pp.45-51, 1973 (Released:2010-10-27)

日本の代表的産地の緑茶について, その浸出液中フッ素濃度を測定した結果, 一般的に高級茶 (玉露) に高濃度のフッ素を認め, さらに1回目の浸出で比較的多量のフッ素が浸出され2回目以後は少ない傾向がみられた。これらはお茶のおいしさを決める一つの科学的方法となるかもしれない。日本人のお茶からの平均的フッ素摂取量は0.48~0.97mg/日と計算され, 1日の食品よりのフッ素摂取の主要な部分を占るものと考えられた。成人男子について飲用実験を行つたところ, 緑茶浸出液中のフッ素の吸収はNaF溶液にくらべ遅れるが, 排泄は比較的速かに行なわれる傾向が認められ, NaFと緑茶中のフッ素との代謝のちがいを思わせた。また, この実験中, 尿中に排泄されるフッ素量について検討したところ, 尿中フッ素濃度 (ppm) は採尿量, 採尿時間により変動が大きいために, 尿中フッ素の測定と評価は一定時間内の蓄尿中のフッ素量 (μg) をもつて行なわれるべきものと考えられた。
西 真紀子 熊谷 崇 ウェルトン ヘレン
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.66, no.4, pp.399-407, 2016 (Released:2016-08-03)

リスク評価(CRA)に基づき,患者個人にカスタマイズドしたう蝕予防,つまりパーソナライズド・カリエス予防(PCP)は日本人にまだ新しい医療サービスである.Rogersのイノベーション普及理論によると,普及の初期段階のキーパーソンは,イノベーションについての知識が高いとされている.われわれは,PCPプログラムへのアクセス困難が,この新しいプログラムの普及を妨げていると仮定した.アンケート調査による本横断研究の目的は,う蝕と歯周病のリスク評価を促進することを目的としたあるNPO 法人(PSAP)を通した成人(20 歳以上)を対象に,(1)PCP 利用者の割合を調べ,(2)PCPプログラムを受けていない理由をまとめ,(3)カリエスリスクについての知識がPCPへのアクセスと関係しているかを決定することにより,この仮定を調査することである.被験者はPSAPの初期の賛同歯科医院会員の患者(グループA:N=389),新規の賛同歯科医院会員の患者(グループB:N=78),新規一般会員(グループC:N=68)とした.主要なアウトカム変数は,患者によるPCPプログラムの利用,PCPプログラムを受けていない理由,選ばれたカリエスリスクファクター/インディケータの合計と,8つのリスクファクター/インディケータを選んだ回答者の割合である. グループAはPCPプログラムの利用率が最も高く(83.0%, 99% CI: 71.4–94.7),グループB (59.0%, 99% CI: 21.8–96.1),グループC (27.9%, 99% CI: 13.4–42.5)と続いた.グループAとCには,統計学的有意差があった(p<0.01).PCPプログラムを受けていない最も多い理由は,グループAB(グループAとBの混合)で"それについて知らなかった"(68.4%),グループCで"かかりつけ歯科医がしてくれない"(53.1%)だった.彼らはグループABのPCP非利用者よりカリエスリスクの知識が高く,リスクファクター/インディケータの中にはグループABのPCP利用者よりもよく知っているものもあった.これらの知見を一般化すると日本における潜在的なPCP利用者は,彼らの歯科医師がこのサービスを提供していないためにPCPプログラムへアクセスする機会がないのだろう. 結論として,PCPプログラムへのアクセスは,歯科医師が提供しているサービスに決定され,患者の知識はPCPへのアクセスに関係なかった.日本において社会決定要因へのアプローチを通してPCPプログラムの利用可能性を高めるために更なる努力が必要である.
川崎 浩二 飯島 洋一 高木 興氏 小林 清吾
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.41, no.5, pp.676-683, 1991-10-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

The progression rate of newly occurred pit and fissure incipient caries of first molars was investigated every 6 months for 24 months. The subjects were 93 1st and 2nd grade elementary school children who did not perform school-based fluoride mouthrinsing. The progression rate after 12 months was approximately 60%, and the non-progression rate was approximately 40%. Cumulative progression rates after 12 months were approximately 60% for the 1st grade, and 40% for the 2nd grade, and the same rates after 24 months were 70% for the 1st grade, and 60% for the 2nd grade. These data were compared with our previous data derived from the same grade of elementary school children who performed school-based fluoride mouthrinsing. There was no statistical difference in the progression of incipient caries between these two schools. This lack of difference may be explained in terms of the complicated form of pits and fissures, or it may be that the fluoride mouthrinsing period was too short to be effective against caries progression.
小澤 亨司
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.31, no.2, pp.108-130, 1981 (Released:2010-03-02)

手指の消毒に関しては, Fürbringer以来多くの研究があり, 各種消毒薬の開発, 消毒方法, 消毒時間という点で数多く論義されてきたが, 消毒, 滅菌は医療の原点ともいうべきものであり, これを確実に行う事は, 医療従事者の義務である。特に歯科治療においては, 素手で治療を行なうという点で, 歯科医師と患者との間における相互感染の機会も多いと思われる。そこで歯科医師の手指汚染と消毒法ならびに歯科医師の手指消毒に関する現状をアンケート法により調査した。これらの成績は次の通りである。1) 各種消毒薬の手指に対する消毒効果は, 5分間消毒後の消毒率は0.1%塩化ベンザルコニウム98.5%, ヒビスクラブ97.8%, 0,02%クロールヘキシジン95.4%, 2%クレゾール90.5%であった。2) 歯科医師の手指細菌数の1日の時間的変動については, 患者数が他の日より少ない場合に菌の増加傾向がみられた。手指消毒前に石ケンによる手洗いを行わないものでは, DHL培地に陽性を示したものがあり, グラム染色を行った結果, グラム陰性の桿菌とグラム陽性の球菌がみられた。3) 診療行為別による手指の汚染については, 汚染率は診療前に比してクラウン形成が15.6倍で最も大であり, 以下髄腔開拡13.9倍, スケーリング12.8倍, クラウン装着10.0倍, インレー形成9.4倍, 抜歯9.2倍の順であった。4) 歯科医師の手指消毒に関するアンケート調査では, (1) 使用消毒薬はクレゾールが最も多く, 以下塩化ベンザルコニウム, クロールヘキシジン, 塩化ベンゼントニウムの順であり, 消毒薬を使用しないで普通石ケンのみを使用している歯科医師もあった. (2) 消毒薬に手指を浸す時間は, 5秒前後が41.7%で最も多く, 以下2秒前後, 15秒前後, 30秒以上の順であった。
鷹木 達
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.36, no.3, pp.306-327, 1986 (Released:2010-10-27)

A previous report has shown the anticariogenic effects of combined topical fluoride application in school dental health programs (Isozaki, 1984). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the cariostatic effects on each tooth surface in school children given topical fluoride treatments by using Cohort analysis.The subjects of this study were 827 school children (437 boys and 390 girls) who were in the 1-6 grade in 1975. Topical fluoride application was given once a year using an acidulated phosphate fluoride solution (0.9% F-, pH 3.6), and fluoride mouthrinsing was practiced 5 times a week after every school lunch with a phosphoric acid-acidfied sodium fluoride solution (0.05% F- pH 5.0). Cohort observations on each tooth surface were carried out for anticariogenic effects from 1976 to 1980 according to the school grade levels of the subjects.Cohort analysis on the DMFS of each tooth type showed a statistically significant anticariogenic effect in the groups which started these programs from the lower grade levels. The results were as follows: The proximal- and lingal-surface of central and lateral incisor, and occlusal surface of first and second premolar of maxilla, and occlusal surface of second premolar of mandibula showed a decrease in the DMFS rate. Especially, the group which started from the first grade showed high anticariogenic effect on the occlusal surface of the maxillar and mandibular first molar.These results study indicate that combined topical fluoride treatments have a high anticariogenic effect on each tooth surface.Regarding the measures of caries prevention applied to school dental health program, it is suggested that combined topical fluoride treatments are usefull, and that it is necessary to start from the lower school grade and to carry out this program continuously through the primary school years.
稲葉 大輔
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.42, no.1, pp.66-78, 1992-01-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

The effects of the application of various fluorides on the remineralization and fluoride (F) incorporation of root surfaces with or without cementum were evaluated in vitro. Clinincally sound proximal root surfaces of premolars extracted from patients aged 9-14 years were used for experiments and divided into two categories: (1) a dentin group, where cementum was removed by abrasion, and (2) a cementum group, where the cementum was preserved. In both groups, two types of specimens were prepared: (1) sandwich specimens, for assessing mineral volume by a single section technique, and (2) block specimens, for the determination of F incorporation by biopsy.After demineralization by immersion in 0.01M (for sandwiches, pH 5.1, 6mM Ca, 3.6mM P, 1% CMC, 37°C) or 0.1M (for blocks, pH 5.0, 3mM Ca, 1.8mM P, 1% CMC, 37°C) lactate buffer, specimens were treated with one of the following four fluorides during 14-day immersion in remineralizing solution (Rem solution: 3mM Ca, 1.8mM P, 150mM NaCl, 3ppm F, 1% CMC, pH 7.0, 37°C). The fluorides were APF solution (APF), APF gel (FG), F rinse solution (FR) and MFP dentifrice (FD). Control group (immersion in 3ppm F containing Rem solution only) and negative control group (immersion in F free Rem solution only) were also studied. APF and FG were applied for 4 minutes once just before remineralization, and FR and FD were applied for 1 minute every 24-hour remineralizing period. Sandwinch specimens were microradiographed before and after remineralization. The film density of lesions was convereted to aluminum thickness (Ta; μm) and the mineral volume of lesion (Ma; μm·μm) was defined as integrated values of Ta profiles. F content was determined by acid etch biopsy with 0.5M HClO4.The Results were as follows:Remineralization of early root caries lesion in vitro was(1) promoted by the application of fluorides, and accelerated more by the treatment with APF or FG than the treatment with FR or FD, and(2) not significantly different between the cementum and the dentin groups.(3) Cementum had no inhibitory effects on the remineralization of root surfaces.F incorporation in remineralized root surfaces were(1) different between various F treatments, and specimens treated with APF or FG showed significantly higher F uptake level, and(2) greater in the cementum group than that in the dentin group and this fact indicates that cementum would be important tissue for demineralization and remineralization of root sufaces as a source of F ion supply.According to the analysis of correlation coefficient, the degree of remineralization was obviously dependent on F incorporation in lesion surfaces.In conclusion, these findings suggested that F application was effective for the remineralization of root surfaces and F incorporation into root surfaces did not depend on cementum. Thus, professional or self application of fluorides was considered to be higly suitable for the prevention of root caries in the elderly.
山根 勇
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.37, no.3, pp.319-341, 1987 (Released:2010-10-27)

The purpose of this study was to compare the cariostatic effect of the daily use of three concentrations of fluoride mouth rinse. The subjects of this study were 487 (257 boys and 230 girls) school children at 6 years of age, who practiced mouth-rinsing with acid-acidified NaF solution containing 500ppm of F (pH 5.0), 250ppm of F (pH 5.0) and 100ppm F (pH 5.0) 5 times a week for 5 years. The experimental periods and number of subjects were as follows: 500ppm group: 1979-1984, 146 school children (76 boys and 70 girls) 250ppm group: 1981-1986, 166 school children (91 boys and 75 girls) 100ppm group: 1980-1985, 175 school children (90 boys and 85 girls) control group: 1984, 1985, 946 school children (470 boys and 476 girls). DMFT index and DMFT rate for each tooth type were calculated using cohort analysis for 5 years in the fluoride groups and a cross-sectional study in the control group.The three fluoride groups showed higher DMFT indexes than the control group at the start of the treatment. However, since the increment of DMFT indexes in the fluoride groups was reduced, a signi ficantly high cariostatic effect was obtained in the 6th grade. The 100ppm and 250ppm groups showed a tendency toward more effective caries prevention than the 500ppm group; girls especially showed a statistically significant difference in the DMFT index in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. The eru pted tooth rate was similar in each group and there was significant difference between the fluoride groups and the control group in the DMFT rate in 1, 2, 4, 6, and T.These facts indicate that three applications result an effective caries prevention and fluoride mouth rinses of 100ppmF and 250ppmF give the same or higher cariostatic effect as the use of 500ppmF mouth rinse.
可児 徳子 可児 瑞夫 富松 早苗 新海 研志 河野 節 久保 憲昭
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.27, no.2, pp.38-45, 1977 (Released:2010-03-02)

フッ化物洗口液のエナメル質におよぼす影響について検索する目的で, エナメル質粉末を材料とし, in vitroでフッ化物洗口液作用実験とフッ化物歯面塗布液作用実験を行い, これら2種のフッ素濃度の異なるフッ化物についてX線回折法により比較検討を行った。フッ化物洗口液としてリン酸酸性フッ化ソーダ溶液 (フッ素濃度: 500ppm, pH5.0), 歯面塗布液として酸性フッ素リン酸溶液 (フッ素濃度: 0.9%, pH3.6) を用いた。X線回折には島津製自動記録式X線回折装置VD-1A型を用い, 結晶性の変化と反応生成物の同定を行った。結晶性については半価幅の測定からScherrerの式によ9求められる値をパラメターとし, 反応生成物についてはASTM cardによる同定, peak shiftおよび1ine profileの変化の観察ならびにHallの解析法に準ずるsinθとβcosθの関係図から検討を加えた。その結果, 洗口液作用群では経時的に結晶性が向上し, かなり結晶性の高いFluorapatiteが多量に生成することが認められた。しかし, CaF2の回折線は検出されなかった。一方, 塗布液作用群では初期の結晶性向上と結晶性の低い多量のCaF2の生成がみられ, 水洗をくり返すことによりこのCaF2は流出することが認められた。以上のことからエナメル質とフッ化物の反応では, フッ素濃度のみでなく作用方法も反応生成物に影響を与えることが明らかとなった。すなわち, フッ化物洗口法のように低濃度のフッ化物を長期間繰返し適用する方法はエナメル質を脱灰することなく, より結晶性の高いFluorapatiteを生成し, エナメル質apatiteに好結果をもたらすことが示唆された。
可児 徳子 可児 瑞夫 富松 早苗 新海 研志 河野 節 久保 憲昭
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.27, no.3, pp.93-99, 1977 (Released:2010-03-02)

フッ化物洗口液のエナメル質におよぼす影響について検索する目的で, エナメル質粉末を材料とし, in vitroでフッ化物洗口液作用実験とフッ化物歯面塗布液作用実験を行った。フッ化物洗口液としてはリン酸酸性フッ化ソーダ溶液 (フッ素濃度: 500ppm, pH5.0), 歯面塗布液として酸性フッ素リン酸溶液 (フツ素濃度: 0.9%, pH3.6) を用いた。エナメル質粉末に取込まれたフッ素量と, 浸漬蒸留水中に流出するフッ素, カルシウム, リン量の分析を行い, フッ素濃度の異なるこれら2種のフッ化物について比較検討を行った。フッ化物洗口液作用群では第1回の洗口液作用によってエナメル質粉末のフッ素量は約2000ppmを示し, 以後経時的に増加し, 8週では1.1%に達した。フッ化物塗布液作用群では作用直後のエナメル質粉末は12.76%のフッ素量を示し, 以後蒸留水交換を行うことにより流出し, 8週後には6000ppmとなった。蒸留水中に流出するフッ素, カルシウム, リン量から算出したCa/Fモル比, Ca/Pモル比によると, 洗口群ではCaF2生成はごくわずかであり, 比較的安定した形でフッ化物が取込まれ, 経時的にエナメル質の溶解性の減少することが認められた。一方, 塗布群では多量のCaF2の生成と流出がみられたが, 取込まれたフッ素の一部は安定した形で残留することが示唆された。
可児 瑞夫 可児 徳子 高橋 美次 磯崎 篤則 飯野 新太郎
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.30, no.2, pp.150-159, 1980 (Released:2010-03-02)

フッ素含有洗口液によるう蝕予防法の基礎的研究の一環として, 現在臨床で行われているフッ化物洗口法に準じてintact enamelを材料としてin vitroで実験を行い, X線マイクロアナライザによるエナメル質中のフッ素の分析ならびに微小焦点X線回折法によるX線緒晶学的検索を行った。新鮮抜去永久歯を材料とし, フッ素含有洗口液はリン酸酸性フッ化ソーダ溶液 (pH5.0, フッ棄濃度500ppm) を川いた。X線マイクロアナライザ分析は島津製 (EMX-SM型) を用い, フッ棄, カルシウムならびにリンの線分析を行った。X線結晶学的には微小焦点X線発生装置 (Microflex) および細束X線ヵメラ (Microfocus Laue Camera) を用いてエナメル質の微小部分のX線回折を行った。得られた回折像をMicrophotometer (MP-3型) にてチャート化し, 反応生成物の同定と結晶性の評価を行った。軸方向別の結晶性はhydroxyapatiteの (310), (002) 回折線の半価幅の実測値で表現した。その結果, X線マイクロアナライザによる線分析ではフッ素含有洗口液作用により, エナメル質表層のフッ素量の増加が認められた。内層へのフッ素の浸透も経時的に増加した。エナメル質平滑面のみならず裂溝部にもフッ素取込みのあることが示され, 特に表層下脱灰のある部分では非常に高い濃度のフッ素が認められた (Fig. 2)。X線回折法による検討の結果ではフッ素含有洗口液の影響でエナメル質表層の結晶性向上が認められた。反応生成物は検出されなかった。内層では軸方向の結晶性向上が示唆された (Fig. 3, 4, 5)。
永瀬 吉彦 佐々木 健 石上 和男 小泉 信雄 八木 稔 瀧口 徹 小林 清吾 堀井 欣一
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.39, no.2, pp.274-285, 1989-04-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

We conducted a program for preventing gingival inflammation for 3 years in a junior high school in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. The program consisted mainly of instruction in oral prophylaxis and oral health education.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the program.The results were as follows;1. The prevalence of gingival inflammation in the students was about 70%.2. At the baseline, the average number of segments with gingival inflammation in 3rd grade students was greater than in 1st and 2nd grade students, and the differences were statistically significant (p<0.05).3. This study indicated that the program for preventing gingival inflammation was very effective, and the maximum value of the reduction rate was 55.4%. Especially effective was the fact that we screened out the serious cases and instructed them individually.4. The degree of gingival inflammation in the students decreased for about 1 year. But after 1 year, the degree was reversed slightly. However, the reduction rate between baseline and after 2.5 years was still high and about a 40% effect remained.5. A Highly statistical relationship between plaque and gingival inflammation was found both at the baseline and after 1 year. The partial correlation coefficients were 0.37 (p<0.001) and 0.18 (p<0.001).6. Instruction for improving individual toothbrushing habits helped the students to form desirable habits for a short period, but it was difficult to maintain these favorable habits for long periods.
日野出 大輔 嶋田 順子 小原 英司 寺井 浩 山崎 都美恵 和田 明人 佐川 肇 佐藤 誠 中村 亮
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.38, no.5, pp.631-640, 1988 (Released:2010-10-27)
10 2

The factors influencing the caries prevalence of children of three years of age were investigated using multivariant analysis.The number of subjects were 543 who received the 3-year-old dental examination at Naruto Community Health Center in Tokushima from July to December in 1987. The caries-decisive factors examined were“Order of birth”, “Guardian”, “Kind of feeding”, “Nursing in bed”, “Frequency of between-meal eating”, “Place of between-meal eating”, “Amount of sweet snacks”, “Frequency of tooth brushing”and“Brushing by whom”and these factors were asked by questionnaire to mothers of children. Quantification types I and II were used as analytical methods. The former was applied to analyze the factors which had an influence on the dmft number, and the latter to analyze the factors which had an influence on the onset of dental caries.The results were summarized as follows.1. The factors strongly related to caries onset were“Place of between-meal eating”, “Amount of sweet snacks”and“Nursing in bed”, in order.2. The factors strongly related to the number of dmft were“Guardian”, “Kind of feeding”and“Nursing in bed”, in that order. In“Guardian”, the category grandparents seemed to be a cariespromoting factor, and nursery school seemed to be an inhibitory factor.3. A significant relationship between habitual tooth-brushing and caries onset or the number of dmft was not observed in this study.
小林 清吾 田村 卓也 安藤 雄一 矢野 正敏 高徳 幸男 石上 和男 永瀬 吉彦 佐々木 健 堀井 欣一
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.43, no.2, pp.192-199, 1993-04-30 (Released:2010-10-27)
1 1

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a fluoride mouth-rinsing program (FMR) on dental health after the FMR program was completed. The state of dental health, including caries prevalence, was examined under blind recording conditions concerning participation in the FMR for 11th grade students in 10 public high schools, from 11 municipalities in Niigata Prefecture. The procedures of the FMR were carried out in these areas weekly, with 0.2% NaF, or daily, with 0.05% NaF, supervised by the classroom teachers in each school. The subjects, 321 in total, were classified into 3 rinse groups, each of which participated in the FMR for different periods of time, and a control group. The results of the statistical analysis showed increasing benefits in relation to increasing periods of participation. The reduction rate of caries prevention was the highest in the F11-group, subjects who participated in the program for 11 years from 4 to 14years of age. The F11-group was 56.0% lower in the mean DMFT and 81.8% lower in the mean number of highly progressed carious teeth than the control group, with statistical significance in both cases. The percentage of students who had toothaches or who were absent from school in order to visit a dentist was lower in the rinse groups than in the control group. We conclude that, in countries such as in Japan where caries prevalence is relatively high, a school-based FMR program throughout the school years is profoundly effective in preventing the occurrence and the progression of caries, and it could be the foundation of lifelong dental health care.
樋出 守世 中村 秀男 井上 一彦 今井 奨
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.40, no.2, pp.244-250, 1990-04-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

1) Strontium-90 level was determined in May 1989 in 40 sample groups of Japanese teeth, for a total of 1022 third molars, obtained from donors born in 1900-1970.2) The teeth from donors born in 1925-1931, and which were extracted in the donors' twenties did not contain detectable strontium-90.3) Strontium-90 level of the teeth from donors born in and after 1942 suddenly increased, and reached peak value of 62.8 to 72.8mBq/g Ca in 1953. It abruptly decreased after 1954 and reached approximately 20mBq/g Ca by 1970.4) In the teeth obtained from donors born in 1900-1924, and which were extracted at the age of 30 to 69, a small amount of strontium-90 was detected.
田辺 文枝
一般社団法人 日本口腔衛生学会
口腔衛生学会雑誌 (ISSN:00232831)
vol.9, no.4, pp.328-337, 1960 (Released:2010-10-27)

For the purpose to find the exact position of neonatal line in Japanese, ground sections of 475 human deciduous teeth were examined histologically. Obtained results are as follows.1. The position of neonatal line was not characteristic and showed considerable variation in each tooth type, especially on the anterior teeth.2. The variation of position would be mainly owing to the change of physiologic condion of new- erine period or of the gravity at birth. The considerable variation on the anterior teeth would be ow ng to the constitutional feature of their enamel.3. The position of neonatal line in Japanese had a trend to appear at incisal or cuspal portion of the tooth crown than the position in American or European people.4. Toot development in female showed a tendency more earlier than in male at birth-time.5. The tooth development of the children born after 1950 at birth was thought more fast than of the born at The War-Time and the soon after, but the further investigation about this result will be done.