岩岡 和輝 米原 英典
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
vol.59, no.12, pp.733-739, 2010 (Released:2010-12-29)
1 1

タバコに含まれる210Poや210Pbは喫煙の燃焼によって揮発して人体に取り込まれるため,喫煙者はこれら核種によって被ばくする。本稿では,喫煙者の線量評価に関する様々なパラメータのレビューを行い,それらのデータから喫煙者の年間実効線量を評価した。喫煙者の年間実効線量はおよそ0.2mSv y-1であり,商品の輸出入の際に用いられるICRP Publ.82の介入免除レベル(1mSv y-1)よりも低かった。
神田 玲子 辻 さつき 米原 英典
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.49, no.2, pp.68-78, 2014 (Released:2015-05-21)
5 3

In general, the press is considered to have amplified the level of public's anxiety and perception of risk. In the present study, we analyzed newspaper article headlines and Internet contents that were released from March 11, 2011 to January 31, 2012 using text mining techniques. The aim is to reveal the particular characteristics of the information propagated regarding the Fukushima NPP Accident. The article headlines of the newspapers which had a largest circulation were chosen for analysis, and contents of Internet media were chosen based on the number of times they were linked or retweeted. According to our text mining analysis, newspapers frequently reported the “measurement, investigation and examination” of radiation/radioactive materials caused by the Fukushima Accident, and this information might be spread selectively via the social media. On the other hand, the words related to health effects of radiation exposure (i. e., cancer, hereditary effects) were rare in newspaper headlines. Instead, words like “anxiety” and “safe” were often used to convey the degree of health effects. Particularly in March of 2011, the concept of “danger” was used frequently in newspaper headlines. These indirect characterizations of the situation may have contributed more or less to the misunderstanding of the health effects and to the enhanced perception of risk felt by the public. In conclusion, there were found no evidence to suggest that newspapers or Internet media users released sensational information that increased the health anxiety of readers throughout the period of analysis.
飯本 武志 米原 英典 小佐古 敏荘
安全工学 (ISSN:05704480)
vol.48, no.4, pp.215, 2009-08-15 (Released:2016-09-30)

環境にはさまざまな自然の放射性核種が存在する.これらの核種を含む物質は,自然起源の放射性物質(NORM(ノルム):Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)と呼ばれる.また,このうち何らかの人為的な過程を経て,結果的に放射線量が高くなったNORM をTENORM(テノルム:Technologically─Enhanced NORM)と呼ぶ.このような自然起源の放射性物質の存在とその特徴を概説するとともに,放射線防護学的な安全の考え方について整理した.放射線量の定義,放射線被ばくの分類の基本的な考え方(「現存する被ばくの状況」と「計画的な被ばくの状況」など)を理解し,現実の状況に適合した自然起源の放射性物質の管理方針を策定することが重要となる.現在も,世界的な議論として,その検討活動が活発に展開されている.有効かつ合理的な安全を追求するための議論には,現状実態の把握とその分析が最も急がれるところである.系統的な実地調査が十分ではない分野と,放射線安全/放射線防護分野との分野の壁を超えた強い連携,相互の活発な意見交換を強く期待したい.
佐々木 康人 小田 啓二 甲斐 倫明 酒井 一夫 桐生 康生 宮崎 振一郎 米原 英典
保健物理 : hoken buturi (ISSN:03676110)
vol.43, no.3, pp.191-210, 2008-09

The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) published the 2007 Recommendation of ICRP as the publication 103 of Annals of ICRP at the end of the year 2007. Owing to the transparency of revision process for the 1990 recommendation (Publ. 60) the understanding of as well as the interest in the new recommendation prevailed widely in the past 9 years. The Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) made contribution to the revision by providing valuable comments on the drafts. Now members of the society are expected to express their insights on the future regulatory aspects of radiological protection and safety based on deep understanding of the new recommendations. In this issue of the Japanese Journal of Health Physics authors who participated in the Symposium of JHPS describe various aspects of new recommendations and its applications to future regulations in Japan. The authors wish that this article will help members of JHPS for better perception of the new recommendation and deep insight on the new principles of radiological protection and their application to regulations.
神田 玲子 辻 さつき 米原 英典
Japan Health Physics Society
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.49, no.2, pp.68-78, 2014

In general, the press is considered to have amplified the level of public's anxiety and perception of risk. In the present study, we analyzed newspaper article headlines and Internet contents that were released from March 11, 2011 to January 31, 2012 using text mining techniques. The aim is to reveal the particular characteristics of the information propagated regarding the Fukushima NPP Accident. The article headlines of the newspapers which had a largest circulation were chosen for analysis, and contents of Internet media were chosen based on the number of times they were linked or retweeted. According to our text mining analysis, newspapers frequently reported the "measurement, investigation and examination" of radiation/radioactive materials caused by the Fukushima Accident, and this information might be spread selectively via the social media. On the other hand, the words related to health effects of radiation exposure (i. e., cancer, hereditary effects) were rare in newspaper headlines. Instead, words like "anxiety" and "safe" were often used to convey the degree of health effects. Particularly in March of 2011, the concept of "danger" was used frequently in newspaper headlines. These indirect characterizations of the situation may have contributed more or less to the misunderstanding of the health effects and to the enhanced perception of risk felt by the public. In conclusion, there were found no evidence to suggest that newspapers or Internet media users released sensational information that increased the health anxiety of readers throughout the period of analysis.
石川 徹夫 床次 眞司 米原 英典 福津 久美子 山田 裕司
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.36, no.4, pp.329-338, 2001 (Released:2010-02-25)
13 16 16

To estimate dose from radon progeny, the effective dose per unit exposure to radon progeny (dose conversion factor, DCF) is needed. A dominant parameter related to DCF is the activity size distribution of radon progeny. In the present study, the DCF was calculated in the wide range of particle diameters (0.5-20nm [AMTD] and 20-5, 000nm [AMAD]), using a dosimetric approach. The calculations were based on a computer program, LUDEP, which implements an ICRP66 respiratory tract model. The calculated results showed that the DCF is sensitive to particle size distribution. The DCFs calculated for reference conditions in mines and homes were 13.7mSv WLM-1 and 14.3mSv WLM-1, respectively. These values were in good agreement with those reported in a few references. The DCF calculated in the present study is useful for the dose assessment of radon progeny in places that have different aerosol characteristics.
神田 玲子 辻 さつき 米原 英典
保健物理 (ISSN:03676110)
vol.49, no.2, pp.68-78, 2014

In general, the press is considered to have amplified the level of public's anxiety and perception of risk. In the present study, we analyzed newspaper article headlines and Internet contents that were released from March 11, 2011 to January 31, 2012 using text mining techniques. The aim is to reveal the particular characteristics of the information propagated regarding the Fukushima NPP Accident. The article headlines of the newspapers which had a largest circulation were chosen for analysis, and contents of Internet media were chosen based on the number of times they were linked or retweeted. According to our text mining analysis, newspapers frequently reported the “measurement, investigation and examination” of radiation/radioactive materials caused by the Fukushima Accident, and this information might be spread selectively via the social media. On the other hand, the words related to health effects of radiation exposure (i. e., cancer, hereditary effects) were rare in newspaper headlines. Instead, words like “anxiety” and “safe” were often used to convey the degree of health effects. Particularly in March of 2011, the concept of “danger” was used frequently in newspaper headlines. These indirect characterizations of the situation may have contributed more or less to the misunderstanding of the health effects and to the enhanced perception of risk felt by the public. In conclusion, there were found no evidence to suggest that newspapers or Internet media users released sensational information that increased the health anxiety of readers throughout the period of analysis.
岩岡 和輝 米原 英典
公益社団法人 日本アイソトープ協会
Radioisotopes (ISSN:00338303)
vol.59, no.12, pp.733-739, 2010-12-15

タバコに含まれる<SUP>210</SUP>Poや<SUP>210</SUP>Pbは喫煙の燃焼によって揮発して人体に取り込まれるため,喫煙者はこれら核種によって被ばくする。本稿では,喫煙者の線量評価に関する様々なパラメータのレビューを行い,それらのデータから喫煙者の年間実効線量を評価した。喫煙者の年間実効線量はおよそ0.2mSv y<SUP>-1</SUP>であり,商品の輸出入の際に用いられるICRP Publ.82の介入免除レベル(1mSv y<SUP>-1</SUP>)よりも低かった。