細川 武稔
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.113, no.12, pp.2004-2024, 2004-12-20

The present article focuses on prayer rituals performed by temples of the Zen Sect in order to shed light on the relationship between that Sect and the Muromachi Bakufu and on the character of the mechanism of Bakufu-designated official temples (kanji 官寺), which tied the Zen sect, especially the five great temples of Kyoto (Gozan 五山), closely to the Bakufu. The author identifies three separate systems of prayer (kito 祈祷) : one centered on the kanji organization of the Gozan-Jissatsu-Shozan temple hierarchy, one made up of Bakufu-designated "prayer temples" (kiganji 祈願寺) and one centered around the Ashikaga family temple of Shokokuji 相国寺. At the time of the founding of the Bakufu, the kanji temples of Kyoto were ordered to conduct prayer rituals, but no preparation was made at that time to have similar rituals conducted in the provinces. The shoguns issued directives recognizing temples as kiganji to supplement the kanji organization ; and later these temples were gradually absorbed into the kanji hierarchy as they spread throughout the country, being perceived as the system of prayer for the unified aristocrat-warrior Muromachi regime. However, this prayer order went through tremendous change with the building of Shokokuji by the third shogun, Yoshimitsu, as Zen priests of this Ashikaga family temple (bodaiji 菩提寺) were requested to perform prayer rituals in honor of the shogun's birthday, pray in the Kannon Room of the Shogun's residence, and conduct specially requested ceremonies. In other words, Shokokuji was preferred to such temples as Nanzenji 南禅寺 and Tenryuji 天龍寺, which were ranked above even the kanji hierarchy. Taking the leadership in the organization of the prayer system was the Inryoshiki 蔭涼職 (the shogun's major domo) in cooperation with the Rokuon-Soroku 鹿苑僧録, the registrar and supervisor of the kanji organization. Although Shokokuji developed into the nucleus of the three prayer systems, the kanji organization was indispensable due to its traditional ties to the public and state aspects of the imperial court, thus making it possible for two different systems to stand side-by-side, indicating how the Bakufu made the Zen Sect serve its purposes in both its public and private spheres.
五味 敏昭 寺嶋 美帆 國澤 尚子 西原 賢 坂田 悍教 細川 武

最近、注射における医療・医事紛争が多発している。看護学教育における重要な看護技術のひとつである「注射部位」について、その安全性の科学的根拠が問われるようになり、今回は筋注部位として医療現場で日常用いられている三角筋について、MRI(核磁気共鳴画像法)を用いて映像解剖学的に安全領域について検討した。三角筋の刺入部位として、教科書・技術書の殆んどが「肩峰より三横指下」を推奨している。しかし、報告者は長年解剖学の研究・教育に携わり、「肩峰より三横指下(約5cm)」が本当に誰にでも当てはまる安全領域であるのか否か疑問を感じてきた。1.腋窩神経は肩峰の後端から腋窩横線(腋窩の前端(三角筋と大胸筋との交点)と腋窩の後端(三角筋と大円筋との交点)を結ぶ線)に下ろした垂線の下1/4〜前端の下1/3、後端の下1/3〜前端の下1/2の範囲を走行していた。2.肩峰中点から腋窩神経までの距離は平均5.8cm(男性6.4cm、女性5.2cm)、Max. 8.3cm、 Min. 4.3cmであった。3.皮脂(皮膚+脂肪)の厚さは平均7.4mm(男性6.6mm、女性8.1mm)、三角筋の厚さは平均29.2mm(男性30.9mm、女性27、9mm)であった。4.肩峰中央部から腋窩横線に下ろした垂線(腋窩縦線)の1/2からやや上方が三角筋注射部位として適しているが、身長、腋窩縦線の長さを考慮する必要がある。5.神経位置・腋窩縦線・身長の相関関係から、腋窩縦線が10cm以下、身長が155cm以下の場合は注意を要する。6.刺入部位である「肩峰から三横指下」は万人に適用出来るとはいえない。7.刺入部位は「肩峰から二〜三横指下」または「肩峰から3.5c〜5cm下」が適当である。8.看護師は自身の「三横指長」を理解するとともに肩峰を正しく同定(触知)できる事が重要である。
細川 武稔
史學雜誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.107, no.12, pp.2083-2106, 2198-2199, 1998-12-20

In order to better clarify medieval society, its warrior class and what the shogunate was, it is necessary to consider religion. The aim of the present paper is to shed light upon the character of the Muromachi shogunate by examining the residences, temples and shrines of the Ashikaga family. The first shogun, Ashikaga Takauji first lived in Rokuhara (an eastern suburb of Kyoto), then he and his younger brother Tadayoshi built residences in the center of Kyoto, and established a new shogunate there. Tojiji temple was attached to Tadayoshi's residence the Sanjobomon-tei. Aftr his death, Takauji and the second shogun Yoshiakira decided that Tojiji temple would be the patron temple of the Ashikaga family. Takauji and Yoshiakira lived near Tojiji temple, and Gosho-Hachimangu shrine was built at Tadayoshi's Sanjobomon-tei as the guardian of the shogun's residence. Therefore, the whole Sanjobomon area belonged to the Ashikaga family. The third shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, built his residence, called the Muromachi-dono, in a northern suburb of Kyoto. He also built Shokokuji temple near Muromachi-dono, as the area became much larger than that at Sanjobomon. Yoshimitsu moved the functions of the Ashikaga family temple nearer to him, sponsoring, for example, the Hokkehakko memorial service for the former shogun, at Shokokuji temple instead of Tojiji temple. After building his residence in Kitayama to the north of Muromachi-dono, he sponsored the Hokkehakko in Kitayama. From the reign of the fourth shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimochi, the two temples of the Ashikaga family coexisted. Regardless of where the shogun lived, Hokkehakko was performed at Tojiji temple, while smaller temples of each shogun were built on the grounds of Shokokuji temple. This indicates that the Muromachi shogunate at that time came to assume a double character, one attributable to Takauji's government, the other to Yoshimitsu's.
土居 通哉 坂田 悍教 細川 武 岡本 順子 五味 敏昭 柳川 洋 北川 定謙
埼玉県立大学紀要 (ISSN:13458582)
vol.3, pp.111-116, 2001

細川 武稔
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.113, no.12, pp.2004-2024, 2004-12-20 (Released:2017-12-01)

The present article focuses on prayer rituals performed by temples of the Zen Sect in order to shed light on the relationship between that Sect and the Muromachi Bakufu and on the character of the mechanism of Bakufu-designated official temples (kanji 官寺), which tied the Zen sect, especially the five great temples of Kyoto (Gozan 五山), closely to the Bakufu. The author identifies three separate systems of prayer (kito 祈祷) : one centered on the kanji organization of the Gozan-Jissatsu-Shozan temple hierarchy, one made up of Bakufu-designated "prayer temples" (kiganji 祈願寺) and one centered around the Ashikaga family temple of Shokokuji 相国寺. At the time of the founding of the Bakufu, the kanji temples of Kyoto were ordered to conduct prayer rituals, but no preparation was made at that time to have similar rituals conducted in the provinces. The shoguns issued directives recognizing temples as kiganji to supplement the kanji organization ; and later these temples were gradually absorbed into the kanji hierarchy as they spread throughout the country, being perceived as the system of prayer for the unified aristocrat-warrior Muromachi regime. However, this prayer order went through tremendous change with the building of Shokokuji by the third shogun, Yoshimitsu, as Zen priests of this Ashikaga family temple (bodaiji 菩提寺) were requested to perform prayer rituals in honor of the shogun's birthday, pray in the Kannon Room of the Shogun's residence, and conduct specially requested ceremonies. In other words, Shokokuji was preferred to such temples as Nanzenji 南禅寺 and Tenryuji 天龍寺, which were ranked above even the kanji hierarchy. Taking the leadership in the organization of the prayer system was the Inryoshiki 蔭涼職 (the shogun's major domo) in cooperation with the Rokuon-Soroku 鹿苑僧録, the registrar and supervisor of the kanji organization. Although Shokokuji developed into the nucleus of the three prayer systems, the kanji organization was indispensable due to its traditional ties to the public and state aspects of the imperial court, thus making it possible for two different systems to stand side-by-side, indicating how the Bakufu made the Zen Sect serve its purposes in both its public and private spheres.
細川 武稔
