藤井 直之
特定非営利活動法人 日本火山学会
火山.第2集 (ISSN:04534360)
vol.29, no.2, pp.95-107, 1984

ペルー・チリ海溝に沿ってのプレートの沈み込む角度は, 約30度であるが, その上面が深さ100kmのところで水平になっている部分がある.現在の活火山のギャップは, まさに水平なスラブがあるところと一致している.そして, これら両者は2~3百万年前から出現したと考えられる.沈み込んだスラブが, 30度の傾きをもったまま, さらに深部まで続く領域と水平になっている領域との違いは, その上部のマントル・ウェッジ部の構造-特に温度構造-を決定的に違わせている.一般に島弧の火山活動は, (1)沈み込むスラブがもたらす含水鉱物からの脱水反応によるH<sub>2</sub>Oの供給と, (2) H<sub>2</sub>Oが供給されれば溶融相が形成される状態(Potential melting状態)が必要条件と考えられる.したがって, 深さ100kmで水平に"沈み込む"スラブは, (2)の条件を満たさない温度構造を形成していると考えられる.ナスカ海嶺とペルー・チリ海溝との会合点以北に分布する活火山のギャップの領域では, 下部地殻も上部マントルも部分溶融の状態にないらしい.地殻熱流量のデータは不十分ではあるが, これと矛盾していない.一方, 南部ペルー(及び北部チリ)においては, 重力異常などから推定される地殻の厚さが60km以上の部分(アルティプラーノ)に活火山が存在する.そこでは30度の角度で沈み込むスラブ, 厚い地殻, 地殻熱流量が90mW/m<sup>2</sup>以上であることなどから, 深さ50km以深のガブロ質の組成をもった地殻は, 少くとも部分溶融の状態にあると結論できる.このようにして推定された温度構造から考えると, 中部アンデスにおける現在の火山活動は, 下部地殻の部分溶融状態と密接な関係にあるといえよう.
野津 憲治 藤井 直之 森 俊哉

鶴我 佳代子 笠原 順三 三ケ田 均 山岡 耕春 藤井 直之
Tokyo Geographical Society
地學雜誌 (ISSN:0022135X)
vol.115, no.1, pp.51-71, 2006-02-25

Large earthquakes along the subducting plate boundary occur repeatedly in the area of an asperity that consists of a strongly coupled zone between two plates. Other areas along the subduction zone are considered to be stable-quasi-stable slip region, which is called a non-asperity, might release strain energy caused by oceanic plate subduction. The physical states of large asperities under the ocean are not well known at present because of the lack of offshore stationary observation networks (e.g., geodetic, seismic and electromagnetic networks).<BR>Strong PP reflections from the subducting plate boundary were found in aseismic zones along the Japan Trench and in the slow slip region in the Tokai region. These features suggest the presence of low-Vp/soft materials and/or fluid along the subducting plate boundary. Such regions might cause continuous or intermittent aseismic slow-slips. If we can map areas of strong PP reflections from observations such as refraction-reflection studies using Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) -airgun surveys, we will be able to obtain the distribution of asperities along the plate boundary.<BR>Assuming that slip acceleration at non-asperity regions might trigger a large earthquake at adjacent asperities, a sudden change of physical states in a non-asperity region might suggest a high probability of plate-boundary earthquakes. Changes due to slip acceleration might be detected by continuously monitoring seismic reflection intensity at non-asperity regions. To perform continuous monitoring, we propose the Accurately Controlled Routinely Operated Signal System (ACROSS), with an integrated active monitoring method using continuously transmitting seismic and electromagnetic sinusoidal waves, which are accurately controlledby a GPS clock with a sophisticated signal analysis method.<BR>The ACROSS seismic source at Toki city in central Japan has been operated continuously for more than 2 years. A field experiment in the Tokai region, central Japan, using this transmission method provided sufficient S/N ratios for the Pg phase traveling 60 km through stacking the data for one month.<BR>Submarine cable OBS systems near the trenches enable us to continuously monitor seismic reflection signatures provided by ACROSS systems located on land. The planned submarine cable OBS in the Tonankaki region might be a good real-time receiver system.<BR>The Exploration of Asperities-Reflectors System (EARS) is proposed for integrating the necessary research components-mapping, monitoring, and real-time continuous monitoring of the Earth's crust. In this paper, we describe the analytical method and important points in such a study.