鈴木 允
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
地理学評論 Series A (ISSN:18834388)
vol.91, no.2, pp.125-145, 2018 (Released:2022-09-28)

鈴木 允
一般社団法人 人文地理学会
人文地理 (ISSN:00187216)
vol.56, no.5, pp.470-490, 2004-10-28 (Released:2009-04-28)

The main purpose of this article is to analyze the process of demographic urbanization during the Meiji and Taisho periods in the Tokai area, central Japan, using "Kokoh-Chosa", the population statistics which were available before modern censuses began. The study period covers the years 1885-1920. In those times, Japan experienced a rapid population increase and an important urbanization process never seen before. The reason for these changes is attributed to modernization, and many researchers have been interested in such vicissitudes.Although population changes in modern times have been considered to be as a result of a demographic transition, some historical demographers in Japan argue that this started around 1920. They insist that the beginnings of population increase trends were derived not from decreasing mortality but from upward fertility trends, so that the demographic transition occurred much later than the start of population growth trends. Moreover, in such processes there seemed to be some differences between cities and peripheral areas, and such regional differences are associated with urbanization processes.Geographers have attempted to portray the processes of urbanization in those times in terms of social and economic indices. However, only a few studies have focused on the processes of Japanese demographic urbanization since "Kokoh-Chosa" possesses some significant problems as discussed below. In this paper, the problems of "Kokoh-Chosa" will first be made clear, and then there will be an attempt to adjust the data. "Kokoh-Chosa" gives us demographic information over 50 years before modern censuses, and it includes much valuable data, such as the numbers of births and deaths in all cities and counties. Thus, by adjusting the data and then using it, discussions on the processes of demographic urbanization become very fruitful.The most serious problem of "Kokoh-Chosa" was that the population was overestimated, especially in city areas, and that this accumulated from year to year. This problem resulted from the population registration system of those days which was defective due to its complexity. While the population of "Kokoh-Chosa" was overestimated, this problem was recognized in those days and thus the excess population was sometimes removed. That kind of process was referred to as "Kiryu-Seiri". As a result, there were sometimes some sudden gaps in the population data series. The author solves the problem of Kiryu-seiri by calculating the excess population.Using the adjusted data, the author firstly analyzes the changes in crude birth rates and death rates in cities and counties. This has much to do with the discussion about demographic transition processes. Secondly, urbanization processes are analyzed by means of several maps showing the population change every five years. In particular, the author separates total population growth into its natural and social components, and discusses the geographical differences in population dynamics.The results of the discussions are summarized as follows.Population increases, which may cause demographic urbanization, were due to high fertility, mainly in county areas. On the other hand, there are few changes in mortality trends in the study period with a few exceptions such as the mortality crisis in 1918. Birth rates were higher than death rates at almost all times in all regions, but natural increase rates in cities were lower than those in county areas. Thus, we can say that demographic urbanization was due to many migrants from counties to cities.In the late 19th century, demographic urbanization had already appeared, but the net-migrants were mainly seen in the cities and their neighbors, while there were very few net-migrants in peripheral counties. Since the 20th century
鈴木 允
公益社団法人 日本地理学会
日本地理学会発表要旨集 2017年度日本地理学会春季学術大会
pp.100352, 2017 (Released:2017-05-03)

本研究は,愛知県東加茂郡賀茂村(現豊田市足助地区の一部)の,大正年間の『居所寄留届綴』の分析から,当時の山村地域からの労働力移動の実態に関する知見を見出すことを目的としている. 明治・大正期の人口動態に関する研究は、統計資料の不正確性・不完全性ゆえに未だに多くの検討の余地を残しており、とりわけ人口移動の活発化に伴う都市化の進展の実態解明は大きな課題である。本研究はこうした課題に接近するため、人口移動や都市化の実態解明につながる知見を見出すことを狙いとしている.また,移動の実態を人口排出地域の側から明らかにすることは,大正年間に始まったとされる人口転換プロセスの解明にも寄与できる可能性がある.本研究においては,1915(大正4)年から1926(大正15)年の居所寄留届のこれらの情報をデータベース化し,寄留先や寄留者の属性,寄留の期間などを検討した.
高松 秀行 片桐 さやか 長澤 敏行 小林 宏明 小柳 達郎 鈴木 允文 谷口 陽一 南原 弘美 早雲 彩絵 和泉 雄一
日本歯科保存学雑誌 (ISSN:03872343)
vol.56, no.1, pp.31-39, 2013-02-28

目的:慢性歯周炎はインスリン抵抗性を亢進させることにより,2型糖尿病患者の血糖コントロールを悪化させると考えられている.高感度C反応性タンパク(hs-CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6),また,アディポネクチン,レプチン,レジスチンのようなアディポカインなどのさまざまなメディエーターの増加や減少は,インスリン抵抗性に関与すると考えられている.本研究の目的は,歯周炎に罹患した2型糖尿病患者における,歯周治療による血糖コントロールおよび血清中のメディエーターへの影響を調べることである.対象と方法:歯周炎を伴う2型糖尿病患者41名に,抗菌薬の局所投与を併用した歯周治療を行った.ベースライン時と歯周治療2,6カ月後に,歯周組織検査として,プロービング深さ(PPD),プロービング時の出血(BOP)を測定し,また採血を行って糖化ヘモグロビン(HbA1c), hs-CRP, TNF-α, IL-6,アディポネクチン,レプチン,レジスチンを測定した.結果:全被験者において,PPDとBOPは有意に減少したがHbA1cおよび血清中のメディエーターには有意な変化は認められなかった.次に,6カ月後のBOPの改善率が50%以上の群(BOP-D群)とBOPの改善率が50%未満の群(BOP-ND群)に分けて解析を行ったところ,BOP-D群ではPPD, BOP, HbA1cが有意に減少しており,血清中のアディポネクチンは有意に増加していた.一方,BOP-ND群においては,PPDとBOPの有意な減少が認められたが,HbA1cや血清中のメディエーターには有意な変化は認められなかった.さらにBOP-D群においては,BOPとレジスチンの6カ月間の変化量の間に有意な正の相関(p=0.03, ρ=0.49)が認められた.結論:歯周炎に罹患した2型糖尿病患者において,歯周組織の炎症が顕著に改善した被験者では,血清アディポネクチンの増加およびHbA1cの減少が認められた.またBOPの減少に伴ってレジスチンも減少することが示された.歯周炎に罹患した2型糖尿病患者に対してBOPの改善率が50%以上と表されるように大きく炎症が減少することにより,インスリン抵抗性が改善し,血糖コントロールが安定する可能性が示された.