名倉 秀子 長坂 慶子 高野 美幸 大越 ひろ 茂木 美智子
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.47, no.1, pp.49-58, 1996-01-15

A questionnaire was designed to inquire the actual conditions of dietary life on the first 3 days of New Years 1986-1992. The data on 1986, 1989 and 1992 were picked out and analyzed by time series analysis in a two-way layout. Four hundred and forty questionnaires of female college students returned 3 years in total. The findings were summarized as follows : 1) The distribution of the numbers of taken dishes from time to time was shifted from 2 peaks to 3 peaks a day as shown by smoothing line. 2) There were no significant differences between yearly variances of staple diets, side dishes and "Shirumono" (a kind of soup) respectively, but significant differences between daily variances of these. Besides these, there were significant differences between yearly variances of drinks and others. 3) There were significant differences between daily variances of "Zoni," "Osechi," and "Toso" respectively. These typical traditional diets were obviously taken more on the first day than the second or third day of New Year. 4) The ratio of dining out of staple diets shifted increasingly year by year and day by day, and the numbers dining out were significantly different between yearly variances and daily variances. 5) The Japanese style dishes of dining in was on the decrease, besides another style dishes was on the increase from first day to third day.
冨岡 佳奈絵 松本 絵美 岩本 佳恵 髙橋 秀子 長坂 慶子 魚住 惠 菅原 悦子 村元 美代 渡邉 美紀子 佐藤 佳織 阿部 真弓
vol.32, 2021

笹田 怜子 松本 絵美 小泉 千嘉 吉岡 美子 長坂 慶子
岩手県立大学盛岡短期大学部研究論集 = Bulletin of Morioka Junior College Iwate Prefectural University (ISSN:13489720)
vol.14, pp.1-9, 2012-03-01

Perilla oil is expected to be good to our health because of its α-linolenic acid. Its usage in clinical settings for patients with allergic disease and asthma has also been reported. Perilla oil has long been believed that it is inadequate for cooking because of its susceptibility to high temperature. In this study, we used perilla oil for fry and examined its acid and peroxide values to determine whether the oil was adequate to be used as frying oil. Although no adverse chemical reaction was observed in this study, the smell of perilla oil reflected negatively on taste of fries. In order to solve this problem, we mixed the perilla oil with other kinds of oil. The mixture of 20% perilla oil, 30% white sesame oil and 50% canola oil turned out to be most suitable as frying oil. Furthermore, we found that sweet potatoes matched well with the new compounded oil. We concluded that Perilla oil can be used for cooking especially with other oils and to fry food items which contain sweetness.
長坂 慶子 粂野 恵子 中浜 信子
一般社団法人 日本家政学会
日本家政学会誌 (ISSN:09135227)
vol.42, no.7, pp.621-627, 1991-07-15 (Released:2010-04-23)

ブドウ糖, 果糖, 麦芽糖, ショ糖の4種の糖を用いて, 糖の種類・添加濃度の変化が寒天ゲルの性状に及ぼす影響について, 破断特性値, 動的粘弾性定数, ゲルの光の透過率の測定から検討した.あわせて官能検査を行い, 客観測定値との対応を試みた.(1) 糖類の添加により, 寒天ゲルの破断ひずみεfは増加したが比較的変化は少なかった.また, 破断応力Pfおよび破断エネルギーEnは顕著に増加したが, 果糖添加ゲルは増加が小さいことが認められた.(2) 寒天ゲルの貯蔵弾性率E′は糖類の添加により顕著に増加したが, 果糖添加ゲルの増加は小さいことが示された.損失弾性率E″は糖類の添加によりやや増加したが, 糖の種類による差は認められなかった.(3) ゲルの光の透過率は, 麦芽糖, ショ糖の二糖類添加ゲルが, ブドウ糖, 果糖の単糖類添加ゲルに比べ高いことが示された.(4) 官能検査により, 透明感, 経口時の硬さ, ねばり, 甘さに糖の種類による違いが認められ, 果糖添加ゲルは他の糖類添加ゲルに比べ経口時に軟らかく, ねばりがあり, 最も甘いと評価された.(5) 官能検査と客観測定値との対応の結果, 透明感とゲルの光の透過率, 経口時の硬さと破断応力Pfおよび貯蔵弾性率E′, 経口時の甘さと各糖類の甘味度がよく対応した.