Hiroshi Ogawa Yoshitake Takada Kay Sakuma
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.26, no.1, pp.65-78, 2021-03-22 (Released:2021-03-22)

A new species of the sand-burrowing dogielinotid amphipod genus Haustorioides Oldevig, 1958, Haustorioides furotai Ogawa, sp. nov., is described from Banzu tidal flat, east coast of Tokyo Bay, Japan. The new species is mainly characterized by a slender and triangular outer plate of the maxilliped, poorly setose antennae and pereopods, straightly acute posterodistal corner of epimeral plates 2 and 3, and an uncleft and ridged telson. Analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences verified that H. furotai belongs to the monophyletic clade consisting of the other Haustorioides species. Additionally, Eohaustorioides Bousfield and Tzvetkova, 1982, and Parhaustorioides Ren, 2006 are synonymized with Haustorioides based on morphological analysis. An identification key to the species of the genus Haustorioides is also provided.
和久 大介 穴田 美佳 小川 博 安藤 元一 佐々木 剛 Waku Daisuke Mika Anada Hiroshi Ogawa Motokazu Ando Takeshi Sasaki
vol.60, no.3, pp.144-150,

ユーラシアカワウソ(Lutra lutra)はユーラシア大陸に広く分布する中型食肉目である。本種には11の亜種がおり,欧州亜種L. l. lutra,東南アジア亜種L. l. barang,中国亜種L. l. chinensis などが国内外の動物園や水族館で飼育されている。欧州の動物園や水族館にはA-line(L. l. lutra)とB-line(L. l. lutraとL. l. barangが交雑した可能性がある系統)という2つのlineが存在し,日本の動物園や水族館にも導入されている。本来は同じ亜種内で繁殖がおこなわれるが,日本では本種の個体数が少ないためA-lineとB-lineで繁殖がおこなわれている。実際にB-lineが東南アジア亜種の遺伝子を持っているか評価がおこなわれ,B-lineとA-lineの間に違いがあることが示された。ただし先行研究では,解析配列が307bpと短いことが問題として上げられる。本研究ではミトコンドリア(mt)DNA Cytochrome bの全長配列(1140bp)をA-line,B-line各1個体,中国亜種2個体から決定し,先行研究で決定されたB-lineの配列を含む4配列を加えて配列比較,系統解析をおこなった。その結果,A-line,B-lineそれぞれが特徴的な変異サイトを示し,系統解析では先行研究と同じようにB-lineは中国亜種とクレイドを形成し,A-lineは欧州亜種独自のクレイドを形成した。よって解析したB-lineのmtDNAは東南アジア亜種に由来する可能性がある。2015年現在,日本のB-line個体は全て本研究で解析したB-lineの子や孫である。亜種間交雑が示唆された国内のB-lineは,本種の繁殖・維持に活用できるが,A-lineや中国亜種の系統維持に活用することはできない。
高中 健一郎 山縣 瑞恵 安藤 元一 小川 博 TAKANAKA Kenichiro Mizue YAMAGATA Motokazu ANDO Hiroshi OGAWA
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.56, no.2, pp.111-117, 2011-09

Takahiro Yonezawa Masahide Nishibori Yoshio Yamamoto Takeshi Sasaki Kohei Kudo Hiroshi Ogawa Hideki Endo Fumihito Akishinonomiya
Japan Poultry Science Association
The Journal of Poultry Science (ISSN:13467395)
vol.59, no.4, pp.316-322, 2022 (Released:2022-10-25)

Japanese native chickens (JNCs) comprise approximately 50 breeds, making Japan a diversity hotspot for native chicken breeds. JNCs were established through the repeated introduction of chickens from foreign countries. Jidori, which is the generic name of JNC breeds whose ancestral morphology resembles that of their wild progenitor (red junglefowls), is generally thought to have propagated from north East Asia (Korea and north China) to ancient Japan. However, mitochondrial haplogroup D, which is abundant in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) as well as the Pacific but relatively rare in other regions, can be observed in some Jidori breeds (e.g., Tosa-Jidori, Tokuji-Jidori) with high frequency, leading to speculation that chickens from ISEA or the Pacific also contributed genetically to JNCs. To test this hypothesis, we sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of Jidori breeds and conducted phylogeographic analysis. Our results indicate that the JNC Haplogroup D belongs to Sub-haplogroup D2, which is currently only observed in Xinjiang, northwest China, and not to Sub-haplogroup D1, which is widely distributed in the ISEA-Pacific region. The other mitochondrial haplogroups of Jidori examined in this study also showed affinity to those of chickens native to north East Asia. Therefore, our findings support the north East Asian origin hypothesis for Jidori.
Takahiro Yonezawa Masahide Nishibori Yoshio Yamamoto Takeshi Sasaki Kohei Kudo Hiroshi Ogawa Hideki Endo Fumihito Akishinonomiya
Japan Poultry Science Association
The Journal of Poultry Science (ISSN:13467395)
pp.0220027, (Released:2022-06-25)

Japanese native chickens (JNCs) comprise approximately 50 breeds, making Japan a diversity hotspot for native chicken breeds. JNCs were established through the repeated introduction of chickens from foreign countries. Jidori, which is the generic name of JNC breeds whose ancestral morphology resembles that of their wild progenitor (red junglefowls), is generally thought to have propagated from north East Asia (Korea and north China) to ancient Japan. However, mitochondrial haplogroup D, which is abundant in Island Southeast Asia (ISEA) as well as the Pacific but relatively rare in other regions, can be observed in some Jidori breeds (e.g., Tosa-Jidori, Tokuji-Jidori) with high frequency, leading to speculation that chickens from ISEA or the Pacific also contributed genetically to JNCs. To test this hypothesis, we sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of Jidori breeds and conducted phylogeographic analysis. Our results indicate that the JNC Haplogroup D belongs to Sub-haplogroup D2, which is currently only observed in Xinjiang, northwest China, and not to Sub-haplogroup D1, which is widely distributed in the ISEA-Pacific region. The other mitochondrial haplogroups of Jidori examined in this study also showed affinity to those of chickens native to north East Asia. Therefore, our findings support the north East Asian origin hypothesis for Jidori.
Teiichirō Itō Motohiro Nishio Hiroshi Ogawa
Japan Antibiotics Research Association
The Journal of Antibiotics, Series A (ISSN:03681173)
vol.17, no.5, pp.189-193, 1964 (Released:2020-07-07)

In the course of a research for kanamycin (kanamycin A)1) purification, kanamycin B1) and kanamycin C2) were isolated from the culture broth of Streptomyces kanamyceticus1). Kanamycin B was obtained in pure form by Schmitz, Fardig, O’Herron, Rousche and Hooper8), who isolated deoxystreptamine and 3-amino-3-deoxy-D-glucose after acid hydrolysis of N-acetyl-kanamycin B. Wakazawa, Sugano, Abe, Fukatsu and Kawaji4) reported that partial hydrolysis mixture of kanamycin B still retained some biological activity against B. subtilis, and later they5) isolated a crystalline degradation product which had antibacterial properties.It has been determined that in kanamycins A6,7,8,9) and C10) two aminosugars link to 4- and 6-positions of deoxystreptamine, while in neomycin-group (neomycins B C11,12d) and paromomycin13) the 4,5 hydroxyls of deoxystreptamine are substituted. It should be noted that neomycins are more toxic than kanamycins A and C. As compared with kanamycin A and neomycin S, kanamycin B has more than twice less toxicity than neomycins and has more than five times toxicity than kanamycin A. As reported by Wakazawa et. al.4), kanamycin B can be determined separately from A.In the present paper, our experiments on the structure of kanamycin B are described. Kanamycin B base, which was prepared by the process of Wakazawa et al4) and was recrystallized from ethanol-water, showed [α]24D+ 126° (c, 0.7 in water) and decomposed over the range of 170~190°C. It was soluble in water, but hardly soluble in organic solvent. Its molecular weight was reported to be 1,170 (Rast method, urea as solvent) by Schmitz et al.3) and 385~560 (Barger method, water as solvent) by Wakazawa et al.4) The crystals obtained in our laboratory showed molecular weight of 430~590 by the Rast method (urea as solvent, kanamycin A as standard).N-Acetylkanamycin B3,4) was prepared and, from its hydrolyzates, deoxystreptamine hydrochloride (molecular weight 235) was isolated in the yield of about 30% by weight. The elemental analyses of kanamycin B base and its N-acetyl derivative, together with the above data, suggested the molecular formula C18H37N5O10 for kanamycin B base.
岩下 明生 小川 博 安藤 元一 Iwashita Akio Hiroshi Ogawa Motokazu Ando
東京農業大学農学集報 (ISSN:03759202)
vol.60, no.2, pp.69-76, 2015-09

アライグマ(Procyon lotor)の密度指標として捕獲効率(CPUE)が有効であることはすでに知られているが,このデータは捕獲作業を実施しなければ得られない。そこで,自動撮影データから得られた諸指標[撮影効率,撮影するのに要した期間(LTD),撮影メッシュ率]を捕獲効率と比較することによって,自動撮影データの密度指標として有効性を検討した。アライグマの生息状況が異なる神奈川県内の3地域の林地を主な調査地として,2010-2011年に自動撮影調査を行った。捕獲効率,捕獲するのに要した期間(LTC)および捕獲メッシュ率は,行政による防除事業データから算出した。これら指標を地域間で比較すると,撮影効率,撮影メッシュ率,捕獲メッシュ率は,捕獲効率と同様の傾向を示したが,LTDとLTCはそうではなかった。一般化線形混合モデルにより解析したところ,撮影効率は捕獲効率に対して有意な正の関係がみられたが,LTCにおいてはみられなかった。これらのことからアライグマの密度指標として,撮影効率は有効であった。
高中 健一郎 山縣 瑞恵 安藤 元一 小川 博 TAKANAKA Kenichiro Mizue YAMAGATA Motokazu ANDO Hiroshi OGAWA
vol.56, no.2, pp.111-117,

側溝に落下して死亡する小型哺乳類が多いことから,本研究では側溝の深さと側溝内の水位が小型哺乳類の脱出成功率にどのように影響するかを調べると共に,保全対策として脱出用スロープの形状を検討した。脱出できなくなる道路側溝の深さは,モグラ類(ヒミズ,アズマモグラおよびコウベモグラ)では15cm, ジネズミでは24cm, スミスネズミおよびハタネズミは30cmであった。アカネズミおよびヒメネズミは深さ30cmの溝からは概ね脱出可能であり,静かな環境では深さ45cmからも一部の個体が脱出できた。脱出に際して地上性のアカネズミはよじ登りよりもジャンプを用いる傾向が強く,半樹上性のヒメネズミはよじ登りを多用した。側溝内に止水がある場合,ネズミ類は小さな側溝からは水位にかかわらず脱出できたが,大きな側溝ではスミスネズミやハタネズミは水位1cm以上で,アカヤズミとヒメネズミは水位5cm以上で脱出できない個体が現れた。ネズミ類の保護対策としては側溝の深さをできるだけ浅くすることが望ましく,モグラ類についてはスロープ付き側溝を用いることが望ましい。スロープには1.5~4.5cm間隔で段差を付け,傾斜角度を45°以下にするとともに,スロープを側壁で挟んで通路幅を5cm程度にとどめることが望ましい。