田中 知音 渡部 圭一 Chion TANAKA Keiichi WATANABE
人間文化研究 = Journal of Human Cultural Studies
vol.50, pp.73-108, 2023-03-31

和文要約 白鬚神社(滋賀県高島市鵜川)の沖合に立つ鳥居(湖中大鳥居)は,もともと伝説的な存在であったものが昭和12年(1937)に建造され,現在では琵琶湖を代表する観光スポットとして注目を集めている。しかしながら,これまでの琵琶湖観光の歴史的研究では,この湖中大鳥居が何のために建造されたかについて論じられてこなかった。 本論文では,観光客の土産物として大量に制作された絵はがきに基づき,湖中大鳥居の建設の意義を明らかにすることを目的とする。まず白鬚神社を含む絵はがきセットの内容構成の類型とその歴史的背景を検討し,つぎに白鬚神社において被写体として選ばれる光景の特徴,およびそこでの湖中大鳥居の位置付けを分析した。 その結果,白鬚神社をめぐる⽛まなざし⽜に幾度かの変転があったことが明らかになった。白鬚神社は近世から広域の信仰圏を有する著名な神社であったが,近代になると,大正年間に琵琶湖を汽船で周遊する湖上遊覧が活発化したことで,神社の沖を通過する観光船から眺める神社というまったく新しい属性が生み出されたことが,湖中大鳥居を出現させた動機であった。 湖中大鳥居は,当初から⽛沖からの眺め⽜の一部であり,沖の観光船に対して見せるものとして造られたものであったと考えられる。言い換えると,湖中大鳥居が⽛沖からの眺め⽜というまなざしを生み出したというより,船上からのまなざしのなかに湖中大鳥居の美しい朱の彩りが埋め込まれたのである。
杉山 貢 徐張 嘉源 山中 研 Keiichi WATANABE 施 清源 山本 俊郎 門口 幸彦 片村 宏 佐藤 芳樹 土屋 周二
一般社団法人 日本消化器外科学会
日本消化器外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869768)
vol.19, no.10, pp.2129-2133, 1986 (Released:2011-03-02)

胃切除後の107例に対して無選択的にmicrodensitometry法による骨塩量の測定を行い, 胃切除後骨障害の発生頻度をまたCa infusion試験によりその病態を研究した.胃切除後骨障害の発生率は38%であり, 術後5年以上経過すると, 胃全摘後では62%に, 胃部分切除後では55%に骨代謝異常を認めた.胃切除後, 骨障害度の初期になるのにかかる期間は胃全摘後で1年6ヵ月, 胃部分切除後では5年であった.Ca infusion試験によると, 胃切除後の骨障害例とくに重症例の多くは, Nordinの基準による28%以下で骨軟化症を呈していた.
Yusuke Kamiyoshihara Takuya Nakamura Yasuharu Itagaki Shinichi Asada Takashi Aoki Shinji Mizuno Keiichi Watanabe Hiroaki Inoue Akira Tateishi
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-133, (Released:2018-02-01)

Actinidin is a major protein contained in kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.). While uptake of actinidin is beneficial to help gastric protein digestion with cysteine protease activity, the protein is also recognized as a major elicitor of allergy which can induce tingling in the oral cavity and occasionally severe anaphylactic reactions. Given that consumption of fresh kiwifruit has increased globally, development of Actinidia cultivars with lower level of actinidin is required to reduce the risk of allergenicity. In the present study, we examined variations in the actinidin level in Actinidia varieties. Among several varieties having trace amounts of actinidin, A. chinensis ‘Kohi’ was targeted to be analyzed for the molecular basis for the phenotype. ‘Kohi’ had below the detectable transcript level of Act1a, a critical gene for actinidin level. The upstream region of Act1a in ‘Kohi’ constituted different sequences from that of A. deliciosa ‘Hayward’, which has an active promoter for high expression of Act1a. The ‘Kohi’ sequence in the diverged region (upstream from −873 b) was rich in cytosine residues methylated at a higher level than in ‘Hayward’. Our data suggest the possibility of novel epigenetic regulation to reduce the actinidin level. The molecular mechanism for the phenotype in ‘Kohi’ was differentiated from ‘Hort16A’, a globally popular cultivar with a low level of actinidin. This cultivar could be a choice as a genetic resource in breeding to develop cultivars with controlled actinidin levels.
Yusuke Kamiyoshihara Shinji Mizuno Mirai Azuma Fumika Miyohashi Makoto Yoshida Junko Matsuno Sho Takahashi Shin Abe Hajime Shiba Keiichi Watanabe Hiroaki Inoue Akira Tateishi
The Japanese Society for Horticultural Science
The Horticulture Journal (ISSN:21890102)
pp.OKD-142, (Released:2018-01-26)

Avocado fruit ripen with ethylene production after harvest and the flesh becomes soft and edible due to degradation of cell wall polysaccharides during ripening. α-l-Arabinofuranosidase is a hydrolytic enzyme known to digest arabinose-containing cell wall polysaccharides. It has been shown that its activity increased with fruit ripening. However, our previous study showed that an α-l-arabinofuranosidase gene (PaArf/Xyl3A) is expressed in the avocado fruit before ethylene production. In addition, the transcripts were detected in some organs in which the level of ethylene was extremely low. These results indicate that the gene expression is independent of ethylene. In the present study, we carried out immunoblot analyses of α-l-arabinofuranosidase at the protein level. Using a polyclonal antibody raised against Japanese pear α-l-arabinofuranosidase, two α-l-arabinofuranosidase proteins with molecular masses of 72 kDa and 68 kDa, presumably belonging to glycoside hydrolase family 3, were detected in ripening avocado fruit. The protein levels in ethylene or 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP)-treated fruits were examined and the results indicated that the two proteins responded to ethylene in opposite ways; the 68 kDa protein showed a temporary accumulation, whereas the 72 kDa protein exhibited dissipation possibly caused by a loss of stability. The total enzyme activity of α-l-arabinofuranosidase was elevated faster in the ethylene-treated fruit throughout ripening and was slower in the 1-MCP-treated fruit, suggesting the existence of another α-l-arabinofuranosidase, which did not cross-react with the antibody and was positively regulated by ethylene, in ripening avocado fruit.