清水 茂
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.20, no.2, pp.69-73, 1964-11-05 (Released:2010-02-25)
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Minseok KANG Sungsik CHO
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.77, no.1, pp.2-23, 2021 (Released:2021-01-10)
1 12

The eddy covariance (EC) technique-based observation system allows for researchers to determine latent and sensible heat fluxes, which are key components of the surface energy balance. The number of water and energy flux studies in Asia has increased as the number of flux measurement sites and the length of the observation periods have grown. To retrace the footprints of the AsiaFlux network and predict future research directions, we reviewed the progress in water and energy flux studies in Asia from the 1990s to the present day. This included studies on continuous evapotranspiration (ET) and surface energy balance measurements in various ecosystems, from the tropics to the polar regions. We also reviewed comparative experiments between the EC technique and other observation techniques including the use of a lysimeter or scintillometer, data processing techniques, connections between carbon and water fluxes, and multi-site syntheses. This paper discusses three remaining challenges that are hindering the derivation of scientific knowledge for ET and the surface energy balance, namely: the non-closure of the surface energy budget, imperfect compatibility between open- and closed-path gas analyzers, and difficulty in partitioning ET into evaporation and transpiration. If we leverage the advantages of the EC technique (i.e., high sampling rates of ≥ 10 Hz and continuous measurement capabilities), standardized methods for correcting and partitioning can be developed in the near future.
宮本 硬一
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.13, no.4, pp.147-152, 1958-05-31 (Released:2010-02-25)
1 1

The auther classified in the previous paper the paddy fields in the Shichigashuku Village, Miyagi Prefecture from the standpoint of the temperature of irrigation water into the following four groups:paddy area irrigated with water of low temperature (Max. water temp. below 20°C on Aug. 18)do. of semi-low temperature (Max. 20-23°C on Aug. 18)do. of medium temperature (Max. 23-25°C on Aug. 18)do. of high temperature (Max. over 25°C on Aug. 18)In each area, the representative paddy fields irrigated continuously with water or respective temperature were selected and the growth and yield of rice-plant therein were observed in relation to the water temperature. The results obtained were described and discussed in this paper.(1) In each paddy field of all the area, the growth and yield of rice increased as the distance from the inlet of water became larger, just same as the temperature of water rose. But the ratio of the increase became less, so that the correlation curve between the increase of growth or yield and the distance from the inlet was parabolic, not linear.(2) On the growth and yield of rice, the area of high water temperature predominated particularly over the other three. From the point of temperature, water of below 20°C gave serious cold injury to the plant and made almost all of spikelets sterile. The plant was also affected considerably by the water of 20 to 25°C, and especially the temperature of 20 to 22°C was distinguished with the remarkable falling down of the grouth and yield. Incidentally, it was conseivable that that this extent of water temperature would be critical to the growth of rice-plant. On the other hand, water of over 26°C influenced very little and that of over 28°C wo uldnt be troubled about the injurious effect to the plant under somewhat bad climatic conditions.(3) The fertility of heads was also affected by the temperature of water irrigated. Dividing all the kernels into complete grains (wholly ripened) and incomplete ones (the others), the number or percentage of the former was increased in proportion to the distance from the inlet with just same patterns as mentioned in (1), and the tendency was particularly distinct in the area of low water temperature.And besides, the ripening appearences in corresponding parts, for instance, water inlet of fields in each area were related with the water temperature; say, excellent in the the high temperature area and in turn.On the contrary, the incomplete grains did not show so distinct tendency as the complete ones.(4) Water temperature influenced differently on each tillering of the plant. By a certain degree of low temperature the main culm was injured the least; the higher the order of the tillering, the more the cold injury, general.At the part of fields where water temperature was about 25°C, heads of both main culm and 1st-ordered tillers had almost same fertillity. Where it was about 24°C, heads of main culm had almost all of complete grains and a little of incomplete ones, while those of 1st-ordered tillers had about half of complete and incomplete grains. Below 23°C, the majority of grains remained to ripen incompletely.(5) The above-mentioned results of field observations on the relation between the water temperature and the growth or yield of riceplant seemed to concur with many results of laborateory experiment already reported.
坪井 八十二
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.37, no.2, pp.127-132, 1981-09-10 (Released:2010-02-25)

Rice crop was severely damaged in the Republic of Korea by the cool weather of 1980, as was the case in Japan. The total production was estimated to be 3.55 million tons, resulting in only 65% of the normal production. Most severe damages occurred in mountainous areas and eastern coastal regions due to cold winds from the Sea of Japan. The middle and southern plains, however, registered only light damages (Fig. 2).The adverse weather of low temperatures and small hours of sunshine in the summer (Fig. 1) was the principal factor, but inadequate cultural practices increased damages to rice crop. Most factors of the damages were similar in both Korean and Japanese cases. Only the varietal factor made the most significant contrast between the two countries. Koreans grow hybrid varieties of Indica and Japonica types, which are of high yield and disease resistant, but vulnerable to cool weather damages.A review is presented on the Korean rice farming with special reference to these new varieties. The extreme damage in 1980 could be a consequence of the extensive planting of new varieties in undesirable areas. For countermeasures, some agrometeorological research projects are proposed for the firm development of the Korean rice farming.
北村 修
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.50, no.1, pp.33-41, 1994-06-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
1 1
Keiko SATO Yoshinori IKOMA
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
pp.D-19-00023, (Released:2019-12-14)

In recent years, peel puffing and delayed peel pigmentation have been observed in satsuma mandarins, possibly due to global warming. The effects of elevated temperatures during fruit maturation on fruit quality have been well studied. However, little is known about the effects of elevated temperatures during the flowering to physiological fruit drop stage. To clarify this, we controlled the air temperatures around satsuma mandarin trees during the flowering to physiological fruit drop stage (Period A) and at the fruit maturation stage (Period B). Temperatures were set to 2°C or 4°C above the recent mean temperatures because global warming is predicted to increase the mean global surface temperature by 2°C-4°C in this century. We then investigated the effects of the elevated temperatures on fruit quality in varying combinations for Periods A and B. Peel puffing was increased when temperatures were increased by 4°C during Period A or by 2°C or 4°C during Period B. Peel puffing was also increased with increases of 2°C during Period A; however, those results were not statistically significant. Peel pigmentation was enhanced when temperatures were increased by 2°C or 4°C during Period A but deteriorated when the temperature was increased by 2°C during Period B. Fruit weights were increased when temperatures were increased during Period A, but this was partly due to higher peel percentages. The peel percentages tended to be higher after temperature increases in either Period A or Period B. The soluble solid concentrations and acidity levels of the fruit juices tended to be lower after temperature increases during Period A, although not all of those changes were statistically significant. In conclusion, we found that temperature increases of 2°C or more above the recent mean temperatures during early fruit development can be detrimental to fruit quality by increasing peel puffing.
重原 好次
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.45, no.1, pp.49-56, 1989-06-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
ローレンソン マシュウ 大塚 彰 二宮 正士
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.58, no.1, pp.1-9, 2002-03-10

仲介ソフトウエア、メットブローカは仲介機構によって作物モデルなど農業モデルに様々な気象データベースへの接続を提供する。本論文ではメットブローカを利用するソフトウエア開発の3つの手法(Javaアプレット、データ橋渡しJavaアプリケーション、Javaサーブレット)について議論する。ソフトウエア開発の参考としてそれぞれの手法を使ったアプリケーションを紹介した。Javaサーブレット以外の手法はクライアントのコンピュータにJava2の実行環境が必要となる。アプレットはソフトウエアの更新が行いやすいことが特徴で、多くのメモリが必要で、かつ起動時間が長いのが欠点である。クライアントのコンピュータで実行されるJavaアプリケーションはメットブローカを利用して気象データを検索し、それをファイルに書き込むことができる。このデータの橋渡し機能によってFORTRANやBASICといったJava以外の言語で記述された農業モデルが気象データを利用することができるようになる。Javaサーブレットとして実装された農業モデルは入出力をHTTPプロトコルで受け渡す。このようなモデルはインターネット接続が可能な携帯電話など簡単なブラウザーで利用できる。JavaビーンズからActiveXコントロールを作成する手法は現在取り組んでいる4番目の手法である。このコントロールによってVisual BasicなどのJava以外のビジュアルな開発環境を使用している開発者がMetBrokerを利用できるようになるだろう。
Takeshi IZUTA
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.75, no.1, pp.1-2, 2019 (Released:2019-01-10)

In the 21st Century, air pollution and climate change are very serious environmental problems for forest ecosystems all over the world. Therefore, many researches are needed for understanding the responses of forest ecosystems to air pollutants such as ozone (O3), a main component of photochemical oxidants, and climate change such as elevated atmospheric CO2 and air temperature. The 28th IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) Biennial Conference of Research Group 7.01 (Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystem) entitled “Actions for Sustainable Forest Ecosystems under Air Pollution and Climate Change” was held in Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) on 22-26 October, 2017. At this biennial conference, we had an excellent opportunity to discuss close relationships among air pollution, climate change and forest ecosystems. This special issue of Journal of Agricultural Meteorology is dedicated to the original articles derived from the organized sessions of the 28th IUFRO Biennial Conference of Research Group 7.01 as follows: (1) Asian forest ecosystem under changing environment, (2) Developing detection, monitoring and evaluation, (3) Ecophysiological and genetic understanding of plant responses, (4) Water and nutrient cycles in forest ecosystems, (5) Modelling and risk assessment, and (6) Forest ecosystems under multiple stressors. The following briefly introduces the 5 original articles in this special issue.
高橋 英紀 山本 博 鈴木 啓助 守屋 開
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.34, no.2, pp.77-82, 1978

人為的な湖の形成 (ダム等) や消滅 (干拓等) が周辺の自然や農業に及ぼしている影響を質的に量的に把握することを目的として湖周辺の局地気候に関する研究を開始した。今回観測を行なった洞爺湖は直径が約10km, 周長46kmの円形に近いカルデラ湖である。観測は1977年1月20・21日に行なった。自動車の屋根にとりつけた直径0.3mmの銅・コンスタンタン熱電対により気温を測定し, ペンレコーダーに記録しながら湖岸にそって周回した。得られた結果を要約すると次のごとくとなる。<br>(1) 観測期間中の水温は1~5℃であったのに対し, 気温は最高約-2℃, 最低-15℃で水温-気温差は最大10℃であった。<br>(2) 湖周辺の風向は昼間には一般風の影響をうけていたが夜間には周辺から湖に向って風が吹き込んでいた。<br>(3) 湖周辺の気温は一般風の影響の強い昼間には湖の風下では風上に比べ約2℃高温であった。<br>(4) 夜間の気温分布は昼間に比べ場所による変動が大きく地域により約5℃の差があった。
関 平和 小森 友明
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.41, no.3, pp.257-264, 1985-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)

Experiments for extraction and accumulation of the heat generated in composting process were performed using a buried-tube-type heat exchanger and an accumulator. Water was circulated between the heat exchanger and the accumulator as a heat transfer medium. The following results were obtained.1) The compost bed maintained its average temperature at 50°C or higher for about 60 days of the whole period of composting reaction in the first stage (72 days). During this high temperature period, the experiments for heat extraction and accumulation were made by circulating water intermittently or continuously. In the case of the intermittent water-circulation, the water temperature of the accumulator attained to a designed temperature, 30°C, when the room temperature was higher than 10°C, but never did the water temperature when the room temperature was lower than 5°C. With the continuous water-circulation, the water temperature at the steady state condition was in average of 16 through 24°C.2) The apparent rate of heat generation in the compost bed was 200 through 300kcal/m3hr during an early period of about 40 days, which included a turning of the compost bed. The composting reaction was therefore not likely to be inhibited by extracting heat from the bed during the period of intermittent water-circulation experiments.3) The efficiency of heat extraction was 17-26% in the intermittent water-circulation, while the efficiency of heat collection at the steady state condition was 27-32% in the continuous water-circulation. These efficiencies could increase by the well designed arrangement and the increased number of the buried tubes.4) It is necessary to investigate the method for deciding the optimum scale or size of the container for the compost and the heat accumulator on the basis of the theoretical analysis of heat transfer processes.
椎名 幹郎 今 久 松岡 延浩
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.55, no.3, pp.261-265, 1999-09-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
1 2

A field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of polyethylene film mulch on air temperature and humidity. Transparent polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.05mm was used in this experiment. There were two experimental plots: one bare and one mulched. All of the soil surface in the mulched plot was covered with the film. Air temperature and relative humidity at four different heights, net radiation and soil heat flux were measured in each of the experimental plots on March 18th, 1997.Air temperature over mulched ground was higher than that above bare ground in the daytime, because polyethylene film mulch increased sensible heat flux in the daytime. On the contrary, specific humidity over mulched ground was lower than that above bare ground in the daytime, because polyethylene film mulch intercepted evaporation from the soil surface.
木村 和義 有吉 美智代
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.38, no.4, pp.371-378, 1983-03-10 (Released:2010-02-25)

植物体が雨を受けた場合, その生理状態がどのように変化し, どのような影響を受けるかを知るため, インゲンマメの葉, 茎, 根について, その伸長, 生体重, 乾物重, 水分含量, クロロフィル含量に対する6日間の降雨処理の影響を実験的に検討した。1) 葉の伸長, 生体重は, 降雨処理によって, 1日目は増大するが, 2日以上の降雨処理では減少した。葉の厚さは無処理区では増大したが, 降雨処理区ではほとんど増大しなかった。乾物重, クロロフィル含量は, 降雨処理区においてもいくらか増大したが, 無処理区よりも低い値であった。2) 茎の伸長に対する降雨処理の影響は少なく, 無処理区とほとんど変らなかった。しかし降雨処理により茎の生体重, 水分含量は著しく増大し, 逆に乾物重は著しく減少した。3) 根の伸長, 生体重, 含水量は降雨処理区と無処理区とではほとんど変らなかった。乾物重は降雨処理1~2日目では無処理区と同じ程度増大したが, 4~6日目には無処理区よりも低い値であった。4) 生体重に関するT-R率は, 降雨処理区が無処理区よりも大きい値を示した。乾物重のT-R率は逆に降雨処理区よりも小さい値を示した。このことは地上部は地下部に比べて, 降雨処理によって乾物重の低下が著しく, 生体重の増大が大きいことを示していた。5) 上述のような植物体の降雨に対する反応は, 地下部への雨水の浸入を遮断した場合, またはイオン交換水で降雨処理した場合でも, 同様の傾向であった。このことから, 地上部(葉)が雨水でぬれることが, 植物体の状態の変化に影響を与えていると考えられた。
青野 靖之 小元 敬男
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.45, no.4, pp.243-249, 1990-03-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
19 22

Blooming dates of Prunus yedoensis at 38 sites are estimated by using “the number of days transformed to standard temperature (hereafter referred as DTS)” for the 25 year period starting 1961. The sites are all located at or in the vicinity of the meteorological observatories of Japan Meteorological Agency. The standard temperature for DTS in this study is chosen 25°C, for the temperature characteristic Ea, a value [71.1kJ mol-1] is used for all stations. Both of these values are the same as those in our previous paper, although CGS unit was used before.It is shown that by this first estimation RMS errors of estimated blooming dates fell within a range 1-3 days except for stations in regions of southern coasts of Kyushu Is. and Izu Is. An attempt of reducing errors, in the first place, readjustment of accumulated DTS was made. This enable us to reduce RMS error up to 0.5 days from the previous computations. But this approach was not very effective at southern stations. Large RMS error in these warm regions seemed to be due to incomplete transition of rest break or large interannual variation of this process. An adjustment of estimation of blooming date at southern sites is made by applying the concept of chill-unit which is the weighted hour corresponding to the effectiveness of chilling to rest completion. It is shown that this procedure reduced RMS error of blooming dates to 2.32 days from 6.64 days at Hachijo Is., and at all stations in warm regions the error reduced to about 2 days.
岩田 拓記 浅沼 順 大谷 義一 溝口 康子 安田 幸生
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.65, no.1, pp.1-9, 2009

サーフェスリニューアル法を顕熱輸送モデルとして用いて,日中の平坦なマツ林上における複数高度での乱流観測から算出した鉛直長さスケールと乱流輸送の関連性を調べた。鉛直方向の積分長さスケールは大気不安定が強くなるに従い大きくなる傾向を示したが,Raupach <i>et al.</i> (1996, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 78, 351-382) のシア長さスケールは大気安定度に比較的依存しなかった。これらの長さスケールを輸送渦の高さとして用い,サーフェスリニューアル法によって顕熱フラックスを算出した。渦相関法で算出したフラックスと比較した結果,異なる長さスケールを用いたサーフェスリニューアル法のパフォーマンスは不安定条件下で大きく異なり,積分スケールを用いた場合のフラックスの精度が最も良かった。これらの相違は長さスケールの安定度依存に関係していると考えられる。この結果は,渦のスケールを直接測定した積分スールをサーフェスリニューアル法において用いることが妥当であることを示している。また,乱流生成において浮力の影響が大きいときには,シア長さスケールは粗度層の渦スケールを表すのに制限がある可能性が示唆された。
仁科 弘重 高倉 直
The Society of Agricultural Meteorology of Japan
農業気象 (ISSN:00218588)
vol.39, no.3, pp.201-211, 1983-12-10 (Released:2010-02-25)
2 2

As the first step of a study on solar greenhouses with latent heat storage systems, thermal properties of phase change materials (PCMs) were tested and solar heating experiments applying these PCMs to small greenhouses were performed.Several PCMs which have melting points between 10-30°C were selected from the literatures (e.g. Hale et al., 1971), and measurements of melting points and heats of fusion were made. Considering these test results (Table 1 and Fig. 1), and because of the extremely high price of paraffin, we chose polyethylene glycol (PEG) and calcium chloride hexahydrate as the most suitable PCMs for solar heating greenhouses at the present time.Three types of solar greenhouse systems were constructed, and solar heating experiments were performed in both 1979 and 1980. We used two small identical glasshouses (floor area is 7.2m2, surface area 25.2m2) with the north wall (4.8m2) insulated.In the Type I solar greenhouse (without thermal screen), polyethylene tubes (3.0cm in diameter) were filled with 600kg of PEG (# 600 and # 400) and hung by steel bars in the insulated heat storage unit. Air was circulated by a fan between the greenhouse and the heat storage unit, and solar heat was collected from the air inside the greenhouse (Fig. 2). Typical patterns of diurnal changes in temperatures in the Type I solar greenhouse on a clear day are shown in Fig. 3. Solar heat stored in the daytime was 9, 900kcal and heat released in the nighttime was 11, 060kcal. The average efficiency of heat storage on clear days was 20%, based on the outside solar radiation.In the Type II solar greenhouse (with one layer thermal screen), three 1.6m2 air-type solar collectors were attached. PCMs, 300kg of CaCl2⋅6H2O and 200kg of PEG (# 600), were encapsulated in double-layered polypropylene panels (1.2cm in thickness) and were installed in the heat storage unit. In the daytime, air was sucked from the greenhouse to the collectors, and heated air was then sent to the heat storage unit and was returned to the greenhouse. In the nighttime, the path to the collectors was closed by a damper, and air was circulated between the greenhouse and the heat storage unit, although the direction of the air flow through the heat storage unit was opposite to that in the daytime (Figs. 4 and 5). The heat collected in the collectors was 12, 060kcal, and the heat stored in the heat storage unit was 8, 380kcal (7, 520kcal to CaCl2⋅6H2O, 860kcal to PEG) on Feb. 3, 1980. The temperatures of CaCl2⋅6H2O and PEG were kept almost at the melting point of each, which indicated that the storage capacity of latent heat was not yet filled. The inside air temperature was kept at 8.0°C in the early morning on Feb. 4, when the outside air temperature was -0.6°C. The average efficiency of heat storage on clear days was 17%, taking into account the receiving area of both the collectors and the greenhouse.In the Type III solar greenhouse (with one layer thermal screen), double-layered polypropylene panels (1.5cm in thickness) which contained 56kg of CaCl2⋅6H2O were installed in front of the inside surface of the north wall. They could be called a heat storage panel. In addition to this, 200kg of PEG (#600) was encapsulated in PVC pipes (3.2cm in diameter) and was installed in the small heat storage unit. The heat storage panel can store heat from direct solar radiation. In the heat storage unit, heat was collected from the inside air by circulating air between the greenhouse and the heat storage unit. Typical patterns of diurnal changes in temperatures in the Type III solar greenhouse on a clear day are shown in Fig. 6. The heat stored in the heat storage panel and the heat storage unit was 2, 860kcal and 7, 560kcal, respectively.