若林 純一 矢吹 丈輔
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.17, no.82-83, pp.113-120, 1967-04-30 (Released:2009-06-12)

The Yamato mercury mine is located in the central part of Nara Prefecture and one of the oldest mercury mines in Japan. The mine area is composed of plutonic rocks and mylonitic rocks of the post-Palaeozoic period, Tertiary quartz andesite and Quaternary sediments. The ore deposits of this mine are controlled by fissure systems such as EW and NW striking shear fractures, and WNW striking tentional fractures which are considered to be formed by the compression of WNW-ESE direction that is connected closely with the movement of the Median Tectonic Line. The ore deposits exist as a group of stringers, ore-pipe and pocket filling these fissure systems. The main Alterations of the country rocks are silicification, argillization, pyritization, carbonatization and chloritization. Ore shoots are formed where the fissures and veins cross, or where they dip at a low angle. It is considered that these ore shoots are controlled by structures of the fissures and the country rock.
新田 富也 深堀 康昌 山田 毅
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.23, no.118, pp.99-110, 1973-05-25 (Released:2009-06-12)

Several copper orebodies are discovered in the deeper portion of the Mozumi mine during a recent development. Some results of the investigation on the geologic structure, mineralization and occurrence of ore minerals are summarized as follows:1) The Mozumi ore deposits have been developed more than 900 meters in depth. A remarkably vertical zonal arrangement of the ore minerals is observed as follows; in descending order, none mineralized limestone, lead-zinc ore with calcite-quartz (shiroji ore), lead-zinc ore with skarn (mokuji ore), copper-zinc ore with skarn (mokuji ore), copper ore bearing pyrrhotite with skarn (mokuji ore), barren skarn.2) Copper orebodies occur generally in the center of mineralized area.3) Copper ores can be classified into four types by the mineral assemblage. It is observed that the mineral assemblage is simpler in the center of mineralization.4) These copper orebodies are considered to be formed during two mineralization stages. The earlier mineralization stage was mainly lead-zinc, which was associated with small amount of copper. The mineralization of later stage which was overlapped to the earlier stage in some places, was mainly copper.5) The main copper mineral is chalcopyrite. Generally in these copper orebodies, it is observed that sphalerite includes fine grained chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite as exsolution paragenesis6) The iron content of sphalerite in copper orebodies are higher than that of sphalerite in lead-zinc orebodies.7) Two types of pyrrhotite are recognized; One is a monoclinic type and another is a hexagonal type. The hexagonal pyrrhotite occurs usually in the center of the mineralization. In an orebody, the hexagonal pyrrhotite occurs usually at the core. In some cases, it is observed that these arrangements are disturbed and, microscopically, they show exsolution lamellae texture.
苣木 浅彦 鈴木 喜義
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.10, no.41, pp.152-167, 1960-06-30 (Released:2010-03-04)

以上述べた事柄を要約すればつぎのようである.1)与内畑鉱山の鉱床は第三紀中新世上部に属すると思われる黒色泥岩層を母岩とする黒鉱式石膏鉱床である.2)産出鉱物としては石膏のほかに少量の黄鉄鉱,黄銅鉱,閃亜鉛鉱および方鉛鉱の金属硫化鉱物,硬石膏,螢石,重品石および方解石などを随伴する.3)上記産出鉱物の生成順序は第17図のようで,硬石膏,螢石,重晶石および方解石はしばしば石膏にて交代せられている.4)石膏鉱体は塊状を呈し,その中央部は塊状石膏を主とする高品位部であるが,その周辺部は母岩の粘土分を混えて鉱染ないし網状石膏鉱体となり,さらにその外緑部は繊維石膏の細脈を伴う黒色粘土化帯に移化する.5)黒色泥岩層中に挾有される凝灰質泥岩は前者に比して石膏の鉱化作用を蒙りがたく,しばしば部分的にcap rock的な役割をなし,その下盤に接して石膏鉱体を胚胎している.6)母岩の変質は著しい粘土化作用と,都分的な珪化詐用とがあり,揃者は石膏の鉱化作用とほぼ時を同じくして行なわれ,後者はこれに先行するものと考えられる.7)粘土化作用による化学的成分の変化は第2表のごとくで著しいMgOの増加と脱珪作用とが特徴的で,ごの結果苦土緑泥石およびモンモリオナイトの生成がみられる.8)黒色泥岩はこれに挾有される凝灰質泥岩に比し人工鉱液に対し石膏を生成しやすく,かつまた,より容易に溶液の拡散を受けやすい.9)本鉱床産石膏の大部分はCa¨およびSO4′′を含む鉱液の物理的条件の変化にもとづく化学沈澱によると推察され,鉱体はある一定のhorizon付近,あるいはその当時の地表より一定の深度付近に胚胎したものと考えられる.
石原 舜三
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.23, no.117, pp.13-32, 1973-02-25 (Released:2009-06-12)

Molybdenum and tungsten deposits provide clear examples of ores related to granitic rocks. The writer (ISHIHARA, 1971a) has pointed out that tungsten deposits tend to be associated with less acid intrusions than molybdenum deposits and that scheelite (not wolframite) in non-calcareous wall rocks occurs where the source granitic magma is calcic. He also proposed a new scheme of the Mo-W metallogenic provinces of Japan, the Kitakami district of which shows a reverse pattern in lateral zoning of those of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (ISHIHARA, 1971b). Fundamental data and reasons for the above proposals taken from the Kitakami district have not yet been 'published. This paper, as a sequel to the previous two papers, describes zonal distribution of the metals and nature of the granitic rocks of the Kitakami district. Genesis of the metallogenic provinces of Japan is discussed in terms of the plate tectonics model.The Cretaceous-Paleogene granitic rocks in the Honshu Island show definitely regional variation in composition. It is basic at one side (either continental or oceanic) and becomes acidic at the other side. This is tentatively called "Lateral differentiation trend", and is shown by changes in regional bulk composition and in ratios of Fe+3/Fe+2, NA/K, Th/K, U/K, Rb/K, etc. of the granitic rocks, and distribution of the Mo-W deposits. One suite of these variation is considered as the most fundamental unit of petrogenetic province. Each province consists of subprovinces such as Mo-, W-, and Barren provinces.The lateral diffentiation trend is continentward in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (arrows in Fig. 9), but oceanward in the Abukuma and Kitakami Belts. Hence, the most distinct discontinuity appears some place along the present Tanakura tectonic line. The asymmetrical zoning in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (see Table 5) can be explained by a magmatic differentiation model during ascending of granitic magma along a continentward-dipping weak zone in crust or Benioff zone itself. This hypothesis was discussed in this paper in emphasizing role of H2O and differences on volatilities of Cl- and F-complexes. This hypothesis implies that Northeast Japan belonged to a different plate from that of the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan and also the paleo-Benioff zone or the conduit of the granitic magma inclined steeply oceanward at the Cretaceous time.
服部 幸雄
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.11, no.45-46, pp.223-229, 1961-03-25 (Released:2009-12-14)


1 0 0 0 OA 書評・抄録

鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.29, no.154, pp.113-114, 1979-03-31 (Released:2009-06-12)
松田 時彦 中村 一明
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.20, no.99, pp.29-42, 1970-03-02 (Released:2009-06-12)

A genetical classification of volcanic clastic deposits is proposed in this paper, which is based on the following four principal criteria:1) place of the eruption by which the material was broughtinto the transporting media : W (subaqueous) or A(subaerial), or O(when it was unrelated directly with the eruption).2) kind of media in which the material was transported to the depositional place : W (water) or A(air) or O(absence of media; this is used for some lava flows and dense landslide deposits).3) place of deposition : W(subaqueous) or A(subaerial).4) mechanism of transportation and settling : F(fall) or R(roll) or T(turbulent flow).Any volcanic clastic deposits might be designated as WWW-T, AAW-F and so on, by putting the result according to the four criteria in a descending order. For lava flows(L), the same principle of classification is applicable, e. g., as WOW-L (or WWW-RL, when it is necessary to indicate rolling(R) mechanism of the emplacement in W media). By the use of O in the first term, this classification also applies to normal clastic sediments, e.g. OWW-T for turbidity current deposits.Discriminating features for each kind of water-laid volcanic clastic deposits are described and several examples are presented.The proposed classification concerns mainly with a sedimentary body as a whole, and not with. descriptive features of particles. Parallel usage of the classic descriptive terminology with the proposed one is recommended, as AAW-F tuff, WWW-T tuff breccia, or tuff breccia (WWW-T), etc.,
磯部 清 保科 恒二 苣木 浅彦
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.17, no.81, pp.22-37, 1967-02-28 (Released:2009-12-11)

The Isobe Koyama mine is situated at about 30 kilometers northwest of Yamagata City and is producing copper and gold ores. The district is composed mainly of Miocene pyroclastic rocks and their lava flows of intermediate to acid type with some mudstone. The ore deposits of this mine consist of twelve bodies which occur in mudstone, muddy tuff, and green tuff. They are of an epithermal type and occuring veins, stockwork or as disseminating bodies. Native gold, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrite, and galena, are the principal ore minerals, associated with such gangus minerals as quartz, kaolin, chlorite, barine and carbonate minerals.Native gold occurs in intimate association with quartz, kaolin, sphalerite and chlcopyrite. The ore comprising chalcopyrite, sphalerite chlorite and quartz is often so rich in gold that its gold tenor is more than one kilogram per ton. However, the grade of silver in the ore is always less than that of gold. The gold-silver ratio is a characteristic of the ore from the mine in comparison with that of the ores from the so-called epithermal gold-silver deposits in which the tenor of silver is usually ten or several ten times of that of gold.The vertical zoning of ore deposit is obvious, often divided into the following five zones from upper to lower : 1) quartz-kaolin zone, 2) quartz-kaolin-sphalerite zone, 3) sphalerite zone, 4) sphalerite-chalcopyrite zone and 5) chalcopyrite zone. The native gold occurs in the zones 1), 2), 3) and 4), especially richest in zone 4). In zone 5 ), the tenor of gold rapidly decreases to less than 2 grams, per ton. This zoning is also found in lateral derection. The central zone is the chalcopyrite zone, which may indicate a center of mineralizaton in this mine. Also, the fissures filled with ores seem to be mostly tension fractures, judging from their pattern.
尾西 明生 松木 正義 小林 直樹
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.23, no.118, pp.119-136, 1973-05-25 (Released:2009-06-12)

The oldest rocks of the Hirase mine area are various gneissose and granitic rocks of the so-called Hida Complex. They crop out in the northeastern and southwestern parts of this area. The Jurassic to Cretaceous Tedori Formation overlies these rocks uncomformably in the southwestern part of this area. The Cretaceous Nohi Rhyolites Group is most extensively distributed in this area. It is composed of acidic welded tuffs intercalated with rhyolite lava, its tuff and tuff breccia, and mudstone.Granitic rocks, K-Ar ages of which are about 60 m.y., intrude the Nohi rhyolites. They crop out as several. stocks along the Sho-gawa (river) and are called "Shirakawa Granites." Fine-to medium-grained biotite granite and hornblende-biotite granodiorite are their major facies. The Shirakawa granitic rocks show contact aureoles in the surrounding Nohi rhyolites. Andalusite-bearing assemblage is seen around some of the plutons, such as Hatogaya and Hirase stocks. Dykes of quartz diorite porphyry, hornblende andesite, pyroxene andesite and basalt occur in these stocks mainly along fault zones.Metamorphic rocks of the Hida complex thrust up to the Nohi rhyolites along the Morimo tectonic line. It strikes north-northwest. A similar fault zone passing through the Mihoro dum reservoir is called "Mihoro tectonic line." There are many faults of NW-trend diversing from the Mihoro tectonic line, some of which cut throngh the Hirase granitic stock.There are many kinds of mineral deposits in the area, namely Cu-Pb-Zn veins in the Fcdori formation, Au-Ag quartz veins in the Nohi rhyolite, graphite deposits in the Hida complex and molybdenite-quartz veins in the Shirakawa stocks. Yet, only molybdenum deposits, those of the Hirase mine in particular, are productive. The Hirase mine is one of the most important molybdenite mines in Japan.The Hirase deposits are composed of 29 molybdenite-quartz veins. The veins strike N-S to NNE and dip steeply west. Productive veins occur in the marginal part of the Hirase stock. The granitic rocks of this part are very heterogeneous and become homogenous toward the interior. The veins also become poor or thin out in the interior.Molybdenite occurs along walls of quartz veins as fine-grained crystals or very coarse-grained cuhedral ones. The latter predominates in drusy parts of the quartz veins and accompanies coarse-grained calcite crystals in some places. Molybdenite seams occur in some parts of the altered Nohi rhyolites. Molybdenum grade of this ore is very low, 100 to 200 ppm, but the quantity is large. The amount of MoS2 in the altered rhyolites at Kitani (about 3 km north of the Hirase mine) is estimated about twice as much as the total historical production of the Hirase mine. Molybdenites in any mode of occurrence have been recognized in rocks between the Morimo and Mihoro tectonic lines.
野村 拳一 谷 藤吉郎
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.31, no.166, pp.99-114, 1981-06-05 (Released:2009-06-12)

The Toyoha mine is located in the geothermal area of Southwest Hokkaido, Japan. The geothermal surveys revealed the presence of very high heat flow areas widely spread over the ore deposit in the Neogene system. The heat flow amounts to 25.7 HFU (heat flow unit), about ten times higher than we expect generally in the Green-tuff region of Japan. Notwithstanding, few hot springs and vapor fumaroles are found around the area and neither prospect tunnels nor drillings have ever disclosed any conspicuous underground hot-water reservoirs.On the basis of the geothermal data obtained from the borehole temperature measurements, it is proved that the temperature distribution has a clear tendency to increase southeastwards and vertically downwards. The source of the high heat flow concerned is presumed as a kind of hot dry rock.The mining operation will be concentrated on the conspicuously high heat flow areas in the future. Thus it is an important problem how to lower the temperature at the underground working site. For the purpose of obtaining the basic data for the future exploration and development in hot areas, the present study aims to draw a possible limit of exploitation by computing the heat balance in tunnel.
与良 三男
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.17, no.82-83, pp.107-112, 1967-04-30 (Released:2009-06-12)

The Myoho mine is located in the southern part of Kii peninsula, southwestern Japan. Geology of the mine area consists of sandstone, shale and breccia of Miocene age, and of the Kumano acidic igneous, complex. The Miocene formation is divided into K, A, B and C beds in ascending order. The ore deposits of the mine are chalcopyrite-pyrite-calcite-quartz-chlorite veins, partially containing chalcocite, bornite, sphalerite and galena, in the Miocene formation, The ore shoots are mostly bound in sandstone of C bed. The Kumano acidic igneous complex consists of rhyolite and granite porphyry. The rhyolite forms a large ring dike. It runs at the northern part of the mine. where it branches off several minor dikes. Vein fractures are intimately related to the, ring dike and the branches., Granite porphyry covers the Miocene formation and forms a part of the ring dike. The igneous rocks intruded and extruded prior to the vein formation. The ore deposits were formed in three stages; 1 st stage : Deposition of pyrite, calcite, quartz and chlorite with small amount of chalcopyrite ; 2 nd stage : Deposition of chalcopyrite, pyrite, calcite, quartz and chlorite ; and 3rd stage : Deposition of chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite and pyrite.
浜辺 修二 野納 敏展
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.26, no.136, pp.93-104, 1976-05-31 (Released:2009-06-12)

The Kamaishi Mine is one of the major producers of copper-iron ores of skarn type in Japan. In this paper the geological structure of the Kamaishi mining district is described.The Kamaishi mining district is located in the Southern Kitakami terrain with abundant limestone near the boundary to the Northern Kitakami terrain with abundant chert. The district is covered by Paleozoic and Mesozoic formations intruded by igneous rocks of Early Cretaceous.The geological structure of the Paleozoic formations is characterized by a large anticlinolium trending N-S. The deformed Paleozoic formations are covered unconformably by Mesozoic Maginouchi Formation and Ganidake igneous complex is emplaced into the axial part of the anticlinolium. At a stage between the deposition of Maginouchi Formation and the intrusion of Ganidake igneous complex, fault movement occurred resulting in the separation of the area into several geological blocks. Eastern wing of the anticlinolium was displaced downward several hundred meters from the western wing by Nakanosawa fault.The ore deposits are formed at the neighborhood of the contact of Paleozoic limestone and Ganidake igneous complex. The igneous complex consists of Ganidake granodiorite, diorite, diorite porphyry, gabbro and monzonite. The diorite porphyry is intruded along thrusts and faults providing with favourable condition for skarnization and metallic mineralization of the western orebodies of the Kamaishi deposits. "Sennin porphyrite" which has been considered as a member of Ganidake igneous complex was ascertained to be pyroclastics of Carboniferous Tsuchikura Formation. After the intrusion of the Ganidake igneous complex Kurihashi granodiorite was emplaced. Ganidake granodiorite body swells downward while Kurihashi granodiorite body pinches in the depth. This suggests that the former is exposed in its upper level while the latter is deeply eroded.
石原 舜三 柴田 賢
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.22, no.111, pp.67-73, 1972-03-29 (Released:2009-12-14)

太田 英順
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.39, no.218, pp.355-372, 1989

豊羽銀鉛亜鉛鉱床には錫・銅と共にインジウムが存在する.ビスマス,タングステン,アンチモン,砒素,コパルトも微量ながら広範囲に分布する.インジウム鉱物としては閃亜鉛鉱とインジウム銅鉱の中間組成を有する亜鉛インジウム鉱物,AgInS<SUB> 2</SUB>の組成を有する銀インジウム鉱物,インジウム銅鉱,櫻井鉱が産するが,ケステライト,黄錫鉱,閃亜鉛鉱,異方性を有する黄銅鉱もかなりの量のインジウムを含む,これらのうち経済的に最も重要なのは亜鉛インジウム鉱物と含インジウム閃亜鉛鉱で,次いでケステライト,黄錫鉱,含インジウム黄銅鉱である.含インジウム閃亜鉛鉱は亜鉛インジウム鉱物と閃亜鉛鉱の固溶体であることが判明した.また,インジウム銅鉱と亜鉛インジウム鉱物,ケステライトと亜鉛インジウム鉱物それぞれの間にも広い固溶体の存在が認められた.これらの固溶体は2(Zn, Fe)とCuIn,(Zn, Fe)InとCuSnの置換によるものである.黄銅鉱と黄錫鉱間の固溶体では(Fe<SUP> +2</SUP>, Zn)Snと2Fe<SUP> +3</SUP>,黄錫鉱またはケステライトとインジウム銅鉱間では(Fe<SUP> +2</SUP>, Zn)Snと2Inの置換がそれぞれ主なものである.上記の鉱物の産状は,今まで見積られていた豊羽鉱床の最高生成温度(300℃)よりも50から100℃高い温度でこれらの鉱物が晶出したことを裏付ける.
スミルノフ V.I. ボロダエフ Iu.S. スタロスチン V.I.
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.18, no.91, pp.284-291, 1968-09-18 (Released:2010-07-14)

日本の硫化鉄鉱鉱床*1の多くは,アルプス地向斜発展期初期段階のものである中新世のスピライトーケラトフフイア岩系の岩石帯に集中している.この種の鉱床の鉱体は,火山砕屑岩層に覆蔽された流紋岩質層の近辺に賦存し,累帯構造を示している.下位の熱水性変質作用を受けている流紋岩中には,交代成微脈―鉱染状硫化物鉱石(珪鉱)が発達している.その上位には塊状の硫化鉄鉱鉱石(黄鉱)が分布している.そしてさらに,海成の成層火山砕屑岩に整合的に覆蔽された高品位多金属鉱(黒鉱―чёрная руда,black ore)が,その上位に分布している.この鉱床は,火山源堆積作用の複合生成物と思われる.すなわち,鉱体下位のものは流紋岩に対する熱水溶液の作用によつて生成し,上位のものは中新世の海底にその熱水溶液が運んできた物質が沈殿して生成したものと思われる.1940年代になつて,A.ザヴァリツキーはウラルの硫化鉄鉱鉱床について新しい火山源生成説を提起したが,彼は,第三紀火山作用と結びつけた日本の「黒鉱」に関する日本の地質学者たちの考え方(木下亀城,1931)をその中にとり入れ支持していた.しかし硫化鉄鉱鉱床の生成条件に関する考え方が変つてきた現在,日本の硫化鉄鉱鉱床の地質に関するデータは,その火山源熱水―堆積性起源説(Theory of volcanogenic hydrothermal-sedimentary origin)の検討に基本的な支えとなり得るものである.そのために,日本のデータがソ連の地質学者の大きな関心を呼んでいるわけである.本論文を執筆するに当つて筆老らは次のように分担した.すなわち,1966年秋に日本の代表的な「黒鉱」鉱床を訪れて,研究試料を得てきたV.I.スミルノフは,地質の記載とその他のすべてのデータの全般的な総括(スミルノフ,1967)を行ない,Iu.S.ボロダエフは鉱石試料の顕微鏡的研究結果についてまとめ,V.I.スタロスチンはその試料の物理的性質の研究を行ない,そのデータを提供した.本論文の執筆は,東京大学の渡辺武男教授と立見辰雄教授,東北大学の竹内常彦教授,その他のきわめて熟達した著名な日本の鉱山地質学者との会合で,大いに刺激された結果である.また,同和鉱業株式会社社長新井友蔵博士とその補佐役の方々から,日本の硫化鉄鉱鉱床の巡検に積極的な協力と援助を受けた.これらすべての方々,および本論文を校閲して下さつたT.N.シャドルンとG.F.ヤユヴレフの両氏に厚く感謝申し上げる.著者はまた,日本の鉱石試料から得た硫化鉱物中の硫黄同位元素の分析を早く終了するために,V.I.ヴィノグラードフの高配を得た.当該鉱床の地質を説明する図葉は,日本の鉱山地質学者の資料から借用したが,遺憾ながら原図に明記してないため,その人々の名を示すことができなかつた.
三宅 輝海
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.38, no.209, pp.215-231, 1988

下川火山成塊状硫化物鉱床は126Maにクラ・イザナギおよびファラロン両プレート間の中央海嶺部に生成した.拡大軸における,循環海水に起因する熱水系が海底変成作用およびそれに引続く鉱化作用をもたらした.鉱床が沈澱している間に double diffusive 現象により塊状鉱および縞状鉱が形成された.鉱床は恐らく珪質の exhalite ないし熔岩により覆われたが,引続くテクトニックな運動により剥ぎ取られたものと思われる.日本海が開く前であったので鉱床を含む海洋地殻は海溝に近づくにつれ,シホテアリンの火山帯から供給されたタービダイトにより覆われた.日高累層群の堆積物および海洋地殻は斜め沈み込みに伴い,シートダイクの部分等がはぎ取られた.この付加体プリズムの一部が下川テクトノストラティグラフィック・ユニットとして知られ,複雑に変形した堆積物やメラソジェ帯によって特徴づけられる.下川鉱床はこのテクトニックな方向にほぼ平行に,連続して胚胎している.新生代の日本海の拡大に伴い,この下川複合岩体は現在の北海道日高帯に移動した.九州の槙峰,浅川両鉱床も同様な異地性起源と考えられる.
神山 貞二
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.19, no.93, pp.43-60, 1969-03-18 (Released:2009-12-14)

The Atomic Fuel Corporation (AFC) was resolved and was newly incorporated as a new governmental corporation, the Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation (PNC) in October, 1968. The main purpose of PNC is to develop within ten years the prototype reactors of the Advanced Thermal Reactor (ATR) and the Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) suitable for Japan. These reactors are expected to solve the energy problem of Japan in around 2000. The uranium is not fully used in the light water reactors now being built in Japan. The uranium will be fully used as fuel resources only when we succeed in building, for our electricity generating system, the ATR with greater. conversion ratio of Pu and the FBR to be operated with plutonium. In other words the development of the ATR and the FBR is the solution of the problem of uranium resources.If we build only the light water reactors, we need 500, 000t of uranium by 2000. But if the FBR can be introduced in and after 1980, 300, 000t of uranium would be enough.The result of prospecting carried out by AFC for last ten years proved the uranium deposits of only 6, 000t (U3O8) which is not able to meet the domestic demand for power plants. Therefore, most of the uranium must be procured from abroad. Under these circumstance, it is very important to study the world situation of uranium and make a plan not only for the purchase of uranium but also for the prospecting and development of uranium mines abroad.1. History of Uranium Resources DevelopmentAfter World War II, many countries have promoted the development of uranium resources as the strategic materials under the government subsidies. The uranium resources in Australia and South Africa have been rapidly developed with the propping-up from the United Kingdom and U.S.A. through Combined Devlopment Agency (CDA). As a result, the uranium production of the Free World reached 43, 000t (U3O8) in 1959. Thereafter, the uranium mining activities have been slowed down with the mitigation of cold war and the unexpected slow development of civil uses of nuclear power. However, the uranium prospecting activities have been activatéd again since the economic prospect of nuclear power was proved at the Third International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy held in Geneva in 1964.2. Classification of Uranium DepositThe uranium deposit will be classified in the following manners by genesis and mode of occurrences_a) Sedimentary typeThis type includes most of the uranium resources now under development such as the Elliot Lake area in Canada and Witwatersrand in South Africa which of the Proterozoic and Colorado Plateau, Wyoming and Texas which belong to the Mesozic and the Tertiary. The uranium occurs in some cases in black shale such as Chattanooga shale (Tennessee) and Alum shale (South Sweden) and also sometimes in phosphorite rocks as in Florida.b) Vein typeThe uranium occurs in the veins as a main ore mineral in fractured zone in Beaverlodge (Canada), South Alligator (Australia), La Crouzille (France). It is associated with Ni, Co, Au, Ag, Cu in Shinkolobwe (Congo) and Jachymov (Czeckoslovakia).
伊藤 和男 高階 和郎 杉山 輝芳
The Society of Resource Geology
鉱山地質 (ISSN:00265209)
vol.35, no.190, pp.119-132, 1985-04-30 (Released:2009-06-12)

Recent exploration efforts in the Akenobe Mine has lead the discovery of Chiemon Vein Swarm in the South-western deeper levels of the mine. This vein swarm, consisting of more than forty blind veins, develops mainly below -10 level except No. 5 vein and is formed in the tension fractures of basic lava, basic tuff and slate of the upper Permian Maizuru Group.No. 4 vein, the champion of the swarm, trends NW-SE and dips steeply to the north having strike and dip extension of over 470 m and 200 m, respectively. Most of the other veins, with lesser extension, follow almost similar NW-SE direction, and distribute around this champion vein as branch or parallel veins. Vein fractures are much more developed in basic lava of brittle nature, whereas they are less developed in basic tuff or slate of relatively ductile nature.The occurrences of principal veins show multiple mineralization which are summarized into Cu-Zn, Sn-W and barren quartz from early to later stages.Among these three stages, the distribution of Sn-W stage is limited in No. 4 Vein and Veins of its closest proximity.Current ore reserve calculation from this vein swarm totalled about 1.6 million tons of minable ore, averaging 1.42% of copper, 5.75% of zinc and 0.34% of tin, and still this figure has a very good possibility of remarkable increase as the exploration goes on.In addition, the discovery of this vein swarm proposed us a several new concepts on our exploraiton philosophy which would be extensively applied in the other area of the mine to disclose another blind vein swarms.