松村 昌廣
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.4, pp.155-171, 2016-03-22

With the November 2015 Paris attack, Islamic terrorist threat has increasingly become acute and severe. The major powers, especially Western liberal democracies, seem to have made a decisive shift at last toward hard line policy involving the use of armed force and other coercive law enforcement measures against the terrorists. This shift is overdue given a series of large-scale acts of Islamic terrorism including the September 11 attacks on the U.S., the 2004 Madrid train bombings, and the July 2005 London bombings. Cultural relativism has long hindered liberal democracies from taking timely counter-measures, on the ground that the dominant idea is politically correct in liberal democratic discourse on inviolable human rights and, as its corollary, firm commitment to tolerating societal diversity. The idea retarded swift implementation of anti-terrorist counter-measures, while requiring due respect to the freedom of religion of ordinary moderate Moslem minorities in liberal democracies. To meet Islamic terrorist challenges, this article is intended to eliminate intellectual confusion on the limited political relevance of cultural relativism in liberal democracy, arguing for the central importance of the separation of church and state and secularized political culture that is indispensable to maintaining the separation. The analysis will identify Islamic terrorists, who reject the separation, as a mortal enemy of liberal democracy, against which relentless suppression and oppression is essential.
木村 二郎
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.43, no.3, pp.5-23, 2002-01

BOJ changed the main operating target for money market operations from the current uncollateralized overnight call rate to the outstanding balance of the current accounts at the Bank of Japan on 19th March in 2001. This change in the main operating target is the first experience in the BOJ history. We will research the minutes of the monetary policy meeting and newspapers, and make clear the issues in the decision making of the policy change. As a result, we got the conclusion that there were some illusions on the quantity theory of money and the hard political pressure from outside of BOJ. So there were no rational reasons in the policy change except political reasons.
吉弘 憲介
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.67-99, 2016-03-03

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of the tax reform plans that have been discussed during the Obama administration. Although President Obama aimed to restore the vertical equity of the tax system at the start of his administration, he lost the political advantage to carry out fundamental tax reforms when the Democratic Party was defeated at the midterm elections in the fall of 2010, and the actual scale of the tax reforms remained small. However, the discussions over the tax reform plans during this period involved issues related to US federal finances and how tax policies should deal with problems of American society. In this paper I compare the three comprehensive tax reform plans that have been discussed by both the Democratic and Republican parties during the Obama administration and extract the focal point of the tax reform discussions in the United States from the similarities in the plans. As a result, 1) all three plans were modeled on the 1986 tax reforms and aimed to reduce tax rates as well as expand the tax base; and 2) the plans also intended to recover vertical equity by eliminating tax preference for financial income. However, 3) it has become clear that it is difficult to thoroughly discuss such plans in Congress amid polarization of politics in the United States and extremely arduous to pave the way for specific reforms despite the need for fundamental tax reforms.
大島 一二
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.57, no.3, pp.33-48, 2016-03

This article mainly discusses the following issues: 1) Under the inflexible socialism economic system till the end of 1970's, large amount of the surplus labor were produced in rural China. 2) After the reform and opening of the economy by the Chinese government in 1980's, the industrialization in rural China enabled nearly one hundred million rural surplus labor to be employed successfully. 3) Because of the decline in employment in non-agricultural sector in China after 1990, immigrant labor to the cities have been increased. 4) These huge immigrants from the farming area to the cities brought serious impacts to the society. In the farming area, serious shortage of backbone young population caused the "hollowing-out" of rural society and economy and declined the agricultural production as well. This problem will possibly become a large obstacle to the development of agricultural economy. 5) Thus, reconsideration should be necessary about the significance of the development of agricultural economy through promoting the rural manufacturing and service industry.
楊 嘯宇 大島 一二
vol.64, no.2, pp.45-66, 2022-10-22

This paper investigates an actual case study of migrant labor force in CVillage, Henan Province, and draws the following conclusions. (1) Due to the sluggish agricultural economy in Village C and limitedintra-village employment opportunities, a large number of farmers havevoluntarily migrated out of the village. (2) The face sheet of the migrant labor force can be summarized asfollows:intra-regional migrant workers are mainly concentrated amongthose in their 30s and 40s, while those outside the region are characterizedby young workers in their 20s; In addition, the migrant labor force in Village C is mainly composed ofprimary and middle school graduates, with only a few having technicalschool or high school educations or higher. Therefore, the overall level ofeducation in rural Henan is low, and it is considered necessary to improveeducational institutions in rural areas and related infrastructure. (3) The migrant labor force in the province is mainly engaged in short-term employment or in the construction industry in areas within andoutside the province, where the distance is close. One of the reasons forthis can be attributed to dual employment with agricultural operations. Inaddition, out-of-province migrant workers are mainly moving to coastaland central cities that are quite far from their place of origin. As for out-of-province migration, the concept of distance between the place of originand the destination of migration is weak, indicating that migration to coastal and central cities in search of higher wages is the main source of migration. (4) The average annual income of all surveyed workers was found to beslightly lower than that of the national and provincial average. (5) The duration of service of migrant workers outside the region isconsiderably longer than that of migrant workers within the province. (6) Employment of the migrant labor force is mainly concentrated intemporary and short-term employment. In addition, the overall number ofrural labor force members who are privately owned or regularly employedis seen as quite small. The employment routes of the migrant labor forceconsist of introductions by acquaintances, family members, onlineinformation, and the local labor market, and in both the intra-provincialand extra-provincial regions, there is a tendency for the migrant laborforce to be introduced by acquaintances, family members, or rural laborforce members with migrant experience, indicating that rural labor forcemembers depend on acquaintances and blood relations for their migrantemployment.
森本 壮亮
vol.58, no.4, pp.101-128, 2017-03-07

This paper examines the critique of the Okishio theorem by thetemporal single system interpretation.The orthodox interpretation of Marx’s value theory determines thevalue/price magnitudes by using simultaneous equations. In this process,the magnitude of constant capital is calculated as current cost, and atechnical innovation results in the increase in the rate of profit (Okishiotheorem). Even though it is diametrically opposite to Marx, this story hasbeen widely supported by not only neo-classical economists but alsoMarxian economists.However, the temporal single system interpretation (TSSI) has criticizedthe Okishio theorem since the 1980 s. The TSSI rejects simultaneousequations to determine the magnitudes of values/prices, and uses the logicof the circuit of capital. In this process, the magnitude of constant capital iscalculated as historical cost. Because the magnitude of constant capitaldoesn’t re-valued, the rate of profit falls in case of a technical innovation.The difference between the orthodox interpretation and the TSSIbecomes apparent when technical innovations are incessant. Especiallywhen incessant technical innovations occur in the sector producing fixedcapital, the gap between current cost and historical cost becomes critical.Such incessant technical innovations are characteristic in the moderncompetition of the global capitalist economy, and we see many capitalsstruggling with losses from incessant technical innovations. In this processcapitals face the fall in the rate of profit, and the TSSI reflects the reality.When Okishio submitted the theorem, the rate of profit of Japaneseeconomy did not fall and the Okishio theorem had the economic base.However, the rate of profit of Japanese economy has been falling since the1970 s and the Okishio theorem does not have the economic base any more.From the viewpoint of the historical materialism, the economic base callsfor a change of the superstructure: from the orthodox interpretation andthe Okishio theorem to the TSSI.
口野 直隆 浜口 夏帆 大島 一二
vol.63, no.4, pp.35-69, 2022-02-17

In this paper, we have examined the potential for overseas expansion offood service companies in Japan that are suffering from market contractionand other factors. Specifically, I focused on Saizeriya from a group of majorfood service companies that have been expanding their business relativelysteadily, and studied what specific factors have enabled them to expandtheir business.From the earnings analysis, it was found that Saizeriya has beenexpanding its stores relatively steadily in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, andSoutheast Asia. The reasons for this are as follows.(1)Store developmentand profitability in Asia and future issues, (2) foodstuff procurementstrategy, and(3)labor management strategy.In the following sections, we will examine how Saizeriya has used thesestrategies to expand in the restaurant markets of China, Taiwan, HongKong, and other countries, and discuss the key points of the overseasstrategies of Japanese restaurant companies.
道上 真有 Mayu Michigami 桃山学院大学経済学部兼任
vol.49, no.2, pp.53-97, 2007-09-28

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the Russian market economy, focused on the Russian housing market. The evolution of the housing privatization in Russia is described. The results of author's analysis are the following.1.The housing privatization is developed and its share is about 80%.2.The private dynamism has improved the housing quality, particularly since 2000.3.The housing affordability has improved since 1999.4.Russian economic development let the task of housing policy change from the housing supply to the improvement of housing quality.5.The reform of the utility system has started by increasing in utility rate since 2001.6.The Russian municipal authorities should consider the renewal of the real estate value. It will promote the mobility of housing market.7.The correlation between the share of Russian housing investment and the Russian economic development draws the inverse U curve. It shows that Russia has already been the developed economy.8.The appreciation of housing price in Russia's big cities is emerging. The disparity in housing price widens among regions in Russia.
宮津 和弘
vol.63, no.3, pp.155-180, 2022-01-20

Survey on consumer sentiment was conducted to explore impact onchanges in their sets of values during COVID-19 pandemic. This studyrevealed self-support awareness and willingness to disseminate one’sthoughts through SNS increased to evade isolation from society and thatfirms became more considerate of customer needs to further developrelationship. With such consumer sentiment changes and acceptance tomarket, this study suggests three focus areas of corporate marketing ITstrategies to be competitive during and after COVID-19 pandemic.
井田 大輔
vol.59, no.4, pp.1-22, 2018-02-20

This paper reviews the impact of aging population on the natural rate ofinterest and monetary policy from the new Keynesian model (NKM)perspective. The standard NKM has been used in recent analysis ofmonetary policy. However, it limits the effect of heterogeneous agents onthe private sector. Therefore, how aging population changes the effect ofmonetary policy on the real economy cannot be examined. This surveyfocuses on the NKM augmented with the role of heterogeneous agentsand shows that economic shocks have asymmetric impacts on differenthouseholds and that a change in the demographic structure significantlyaffects the dynamics of the natural rate of interest.
山本 順一
vol.56, no.4, pp.17-41, 2015-03-31

This paper mainly describes the so-called Galapagos Syndrome in Japanese public librarianship when it is compared with western countries including United States. U. S. public libraries are now looked upon as community anchor, which should walk together with community itself and its members. While there are generally a few computers in a Japanese public library, even in a U.S. branch library, it has usually a computer labo, and many black children use workstations, and play games and social media. Most Japanese people consider the public library as a free public book-lending institution. Though not a few active Japanese public libraries are tackling with new services, most of those confine their services to narrow traditional coverage. Anyway, in U. S. public librarianship,'literacy'is a keyword with regard to developing a new kind of library service. Within the mind of U. S. public librarians, `literacy' means the basic knowledge of every daily useful area, for example financial literacy and health literacy. Generally speaking, people expect public libraries to support whole of community in economic development. Recently, embedded librarianship is emerging in the United States, and they are dealing with community reference service. Today's public librarians ought to be community information scientists. They also should try to get various kinds of grants. By the way, massive digital reproduction of print media is pushed forward all over the world libraries. And present 21st century society is used to utilize digital contents. World's public librarians should offer them in careful consideration of library users'profits.
全 在紋
vol.63, no.1, pp.83-124, 2021-07-27

Some conclusions reached in this paper within the scope of the treatisewriting rules are summarized as follows:(1)In the accounting community of Japan, “In most Japanese enterprises,double-entry bookkeeping system is widely used. It is used not only byglobal corporations but also by small taverns behind train stations.” Suchkind of discussion (recognition) is rampant. However, as far as the taxstatistics based on the “blue/white return” of the NTA, we cannot acceptsuch a recognition. Even more so, considering that there are not a fewundeclared enterprises (actual numbers unknown).(2)In so-called “modern accounting,” discourses that pretend to bemembers of modern science can be seen as they are. “Profit” (increase inwealth) and “loss” (decrease in wealth), which form the basic concepts inmodern accounting, are not the concepts of entities (objects) that can beobserved straightforwardly. They are not the concepts of entities (objects)that can be observed in a straightforward manner, like the basic conceptssuch as “atom” and “molecule” in physics and chemistry as modern science.In other words, modern accounting is unknowingly in line with the methodof modern science in terms of the basic concepts that make up the “frameof reference for recognition.”(3)According to tax statistics of Japan, in the case of about 2.86 millioncorporations, “blue/white return” is over 99%, and almost all of them arebased on blue return (mostly double-entry bookkeeping system). However,looking at the “percentage of deficient corporations” over the years, almosttwo-thirds of the corporations have not paid corporate tax. With this, itseems unlikely that double-entry bookkeeping system has been adoptedbecause it is useful for increasing corporate profits. Rather, is double-entrybookkeeping system a useful tool for “legal tax evasion” ? Such doubts donot go away.(4)If the current “spreading of double-entry bookkeeping system” was theresult of the controlling means by discipline and training under modernpower, the end of such system is near. Based on Foucault’s ideas, inpostmodernism, the “épistémè de l’homme” as a frame of reference forrecognition is going to disappear without a trace. In short, double-entrybookkeeping system will soon become unpopular. Double - entrybookkeeping system, which was born in modern times, will be obsolete inpostmodernism ! Whether or not our assertion is right or wrong is left tothe judgment of posterity.
見浪 知信
桃山学院大学経済経営論集 (ISSN:02869721)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-29, 2020-07

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation andcharacteristics of trade, especially exports, in Tokyo during the interwarperiod (late 1910s-1930s). During the interwar period, In Tokyo, Industrywas developed in its central and coastal areas, and exports expanded withchanging their items. This paper takes a quantitative look at Tokyo'sexport trade from trade surveys and other sources and analyzes thecharacteristics of Tokyo's export trade during the period throughcomparisons with other regions.Japan's exports during the interwar period showed an upward trend,except for the post-World War I period and the period of contractioncaused by the Great Depression. And the share of industrial products inexports increased from the mid-1920s. This paper examines the export ofsuch industrial products, focusing on Tokyo products. Much research hasbeen accumulated on the process of industrial development in Tokyoduring the interwar period. However, in contrast to these studies, it can besaid that the research has not progressed with respect to the export ofindustrial products. In terms of commodity distribution history, research onexports has not progressed. Many studies have focused on consumptionand domestic distribution within the Tokyo area, because of its size as aconsumption market. This paper examines the export of Tokyo products,which have received little attention in the past, and clarifies theircharacteristics.