中西 喜彦 岡本 正幹
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.21, no.2, 1964-12

本実験は,幼雛の恒温性の発達に対する低温環境の影響を知るために行なつた.すなわち白色レグホン種(WL),横斑プリマスロック種(BPR)およびこれらの交雑種(BPR×WL)の雄雛を,20~24℃と30~33℃の環境温度で,孵化時から4週齢時まで飼育した.その間,死亡率,直腸温,体重および甲状腺I^131-放出率などを測定した.その結果はつぎのとおりである. 1) 飼育期間中の雛の死亡率は,30~33℃ 区では非常に低いのが認められた.しかし20~24℃区では,どの品種においても高く,低温環境に対する抵抗性の点では,BPRがWLよりも強いことが観察された. 2) 品種による体温の違いは,30~33℃区では認められなかつた.しかし20~24℃区では,WLが1日齢時でのみBPRやBPR×WLよりも有意に高い値を示した. 3) 20~24℃区の雛は30~33℃区の雛よりも,1週間ほど恒温性の発達が早く,約2週齢で成鶏の体温の水準に達した.しかしながら成長の点では20~24℃区のものの方が有意に低い値を示した. 4) 甲状腺I^131-放出率については両温度区の間での差は認められなかつた.一方30~33℃区においては,BPRがWLやBPR×WLよりも有意に高い値を示した.また甲状腺重量は,BPRでのみ20~24℃区の雛が30~33℃区の雛のものより重い値を示した.
荒木 晶 松浦 修平
vol.49, no.3/4, pp.125-132, 1995 (Released:2011-03-05)
戸島 信一
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.52, no.3, pp.193-210, 1998-03

白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.21, no.1, pp.97-109, 1964-02

Through the collection and rearing of the Japanese harvest mouse occurs in Kyushu, the author has noticed that neither the relation between head and body length (HB) and tail length (T) nor the coloration of pellage does accord with the hitherto theory of some previous investigators. Until the present, the harvest mouse occurs in Kyushu Micromys japonicus japonicus, has been said to have a tail shorter than head and body length, while the one in Honshu, M. j. hondonis, have a tail longer than head and body length, As one of other characteristics to distinguish these two subspecies, it has been said that M. j. japonicus has belly hairs suffused with slate at their bases, while M. j. hondonis has pure white belly hairs from their roots. This time the author has reexamined statistically six external characters of. M. j. japonicus, that is, body weight (BW), head and body length (HB), tail length (T), ear length (E), hind foot length (HF) and tail coefficient (TC). At the same time, comparison between M. j. japonicus and M. j. hondonis has been made statistically, too. The following is the summary of the present study. 1) The materials consist of adult harvest mice collected in the suburbs of Fukuoka and Kurume City, which involve both sexes of individuals. Not only collected mice in the field, but also reared ones under artificial conditions were made the object of the statistical examination.2) Aging was done by body weight, that is, males that have body weight over 6.5 grams and females over 6.0 grams were regarded as adults. The histological investigation of genital organs supported this aging by body weight (Tables. 1-3). 3) Actually, being only a few specimens obtained by the author himself, external measurements concerning individuals in Honshu have been gathered from the data of the previous investigators (Table. 4). 4) The statistical examination was carried out using t-test under the level of significance 1% (Tables. 10, 11). 5) The significant difference between males and females was found only in body weight of M. j. japonicus under artificial rearing. 6) The significant differences between the individuals under natural and artificial conditions, which occur in Kyushu, are recognized in tail length and tail ratio in males, while in head and body length, tail length and tail ratio in females. So far as the result shows, the harvest mice under artificial conditions can be said to have longer tails than wild ones. 7) Between the males in Kyushu and Honshu, differences are significant in tail and ear length. Even in mice in Kyushu, those which have tha tails as long as or longer than head and body length, occupy a greater parts of materials, that is, 95.6% in males and 94.0% in females. Whether tail is longer or shorter than head and body length can not be made one of subspecific characteristics between M. j. japonicus and M. j. hondonis, as it used to be done. Between the two subspecies of females, significant differences are recognized in four external characters, that is, head and body length, tail, ear and hind foot length. From the above fact, females in Honshu can be distinguished in their size from the ones occur in Kyushu. 8) As the result of comparison of M. j. japonicus under artificial conditions with M. j. hondonis, difference is found significantly only in ear length in both sexes. 9) The author has collected mice in the field which have white belly hairs from their roots even in Kyushu. Besides the above mention, reared mice have come to show bellies pure white from hair roots under artificial conditions. The difference in coloration of belly hairs can not be made one of subspecific characteristics, though the reason of change of coloration under rearing conditions is obscure. 10) Concerning the reexamination of one more subspecies in Japan, M. j. aokii, which occurs in Tsushima islands, the author expects the arrival of another opportunity when more available data come to his hand.筆者は九州産カヤネズミの採集や飼育を行なつているうちに,外部形質における本州産カヤネズミとの主な相違点とされている頭胴長と尾長の関係,毛色が必ずしも従来の説に従わぬことに気づいた.そこで外部形質(体重,頭胴長,尾長,耳長,後足長,尾率)の大きさ,毛色について統計学的に吟味した.また本州産カヤネズミの測定値とも比較吟味したので,以下にその結果を報告する. 1) 材料は福岡県福岡市と久留米市郊外で採集された野生の雌雄個体群および室内で飼育した雌雄個体群である.このうち体重を指標として成体と思われるものを選び出し統計処理の対象とした(第1~3表). 2) 本州産のものについては,筆者自身の採集によるものは極めて少ないので,既往の文献から資料を集めた(第4表). 3) 有意差の検定はt検定法(危険率1%以下)によつて行なつた. 4) 雌雄差は室内飼育した九州産カヤネズミの体重にのみ見られた. 5) 九州産カヤネズミの野生個体群と室内で餌育した個体群の間では,雄に関しては尾長と尾率に,雌に関しては尾長,尾率,頭胴長に有意差をみとめた.原因は不明であるが室内で飼育したものは尾が長くなることがわかつた. 6) 九州産野生雄と本州産雄の間では,尾長と耳長に有意差をみとめた.しかし,九州産の個体でも尾が頭胴長に等しい長さか,より長いものが絶対的に多い(雄では95.6%,雌では94.0%).尾が頭胴長よりも長いか,短いかということを,ホンシュウカヤネズミとシコクカヤネズミの亜種的特徴の1つにするのは妥当でないと考える.雌同志では頭胴長,尾長,耳長,後足長に有意差をみとめた.本州産のものが九州産の個体よりも大型だといえる. 7) 九州産飼育個体群と本州産のものとの比較を行なつたところ,有意差は雌雄とも耳長にのみみとめられた. 8) 本州産カヤネズミの腹部の毛は基部まで純白,本州産および四国産のものの毛は基部が石板色とされている.しかし,九州産野生個体にも腹部純白のものが採集され,飼育した場合にはほとんどすべてが純白の腹毛を有するようになる.腹部の毛色の相違は亜種的特徴として決定的なものではないと考える. 9) 対馬産カヤネズミとの比較考察は今後の資料の蓄積を待つて行ないたい.
槇原 寛 竹野 功一 中條 道崇
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.26, no.1, pp.595-600, 1972-03

At the zone over 800 m above the sea level on Mt. Hiko (Hikosan), there grow many beech-trees, Fagus crenata Blume, on the dried and decayed wood of which a fungus, Lampteromyces japonicus (Kawam.) Sing. is commonly found. In association with this fungus, interestingly, many insects belonging to miscellaneous families can be seen. It is of interest, moreover, to observe even a kind of food-chain in such a narrow space as fungi. None the less only a few record of the insects related with the fungi have been reported. In this paper we recorded 51 species of insects belonging to three orders which were collected from the dried and decayed fungi. We will report in succession a check list of insects collected from the fungi in different seasons
三尾 真一
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.18, no.4, pp.419-436, 1961-07

藤井 博
九州大学農学部学芸雑誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.33, no.2, pp.p155-166,図1枚, 1979-01

Effect of ecdysterone on RNA and DNA synthesis in the midgut of Bombyx mori was studied. It was found that ecdysterone stimulated in vivo RNA and DNA synthesis in the midgut of the I-day-old larva of the fifth instar. At first, stimulation of incorporation of ^3H-uridine into RNA occurred at the 6th hour after ecdysterone injection and continued from then. On the other hand, stimulation of incorporation of ^3H-thymidine into DNA occurred from the 18th hour after ecdysterone injection and silver grains were observed only in the nuclei of generative cells in autoradiography, and at the 48th hour after ecdysterone injection, new epithelium is formed as generative cell divided and multiplied. This indicates that RNA synthesis occurs in the nuclei of generative cell in the midgut of the larvae injected with ecdysterone, suggesting that ecdysterone stimulates first RNA synthesis for DNA synthesis. It may be understood that the action of ecdysterone on the midgut of the fifth instar larva as follow, ecdysterone acts on the generative cells which exists in the undifferentiated cells in the midgut tissue, induces the stimulation of RNA synthesis in the cell, the synthesized RNA induces it to synthesize DNA and subsequently the cell divides, multiplies and forms the new pupal epithelium. In order to examine the primary action of ecdysterone, one should try to use in vitro RNA synthesis in isolated nuclei. The isolated nuclei had the ability of RNA synthesizing activity. RNA synthesis elevated in the isolated midgut nuclei from 24th hour after ecdysterone injection. The result is consistent with similar effect observed with ecdysterone in the midgut nuclei in vivo RNA synthesis. The rate of RNA synthesis in the isolated midgut nuclei from various time after ecdysterone injection was examined. RNA synthesis enhanced greater in the isolated nuclei at 48th hour after ecdysterone injection than that at 1 hour. The rate of RNA synthesis in the isolated nuclei at 48th hour after ecdysterone injection increased linearly with incubation time, whereas the rate of RNA synthesis in the isolated nuclei after ecdysterone injection is lower than at the 48th hour and continued at lower level until 120 minutes after incubation. The result indicates that a physiological change, such as RNA synthesis elevated in the nuclei of the midgut, is developed by the action of ecdysterone. The direct effect of ecdysterone on RNA synthesis in the isolated nuclei was examined, by means of the nuclei isolated from the midgut of the 1-, 3- and 6-day-old larvae and incubated with ecdysterone. Each of the larvae were not injected with ecdysterone. There was little stimulation effect of ecdysterone in the isolated nuclei from the 1 and 3-day-old larvae, so-called the stage of feeding. On the other hand, in the isolated nuclei from the 6-day-old larvae, the stage of larval maturation, stimulation effect of ecdysterone on RNA synthesis increased by 30 per cent. It was found that there is a degree of responsiveness of nuclei from different stages to ecdysterone, and the nuclei in the midgut of the matured larva have more responsiveness to ecdystrone that that of the feeding larva.RNA合成におよぼすエクジステロン(ED)の影響としては,ED注射後24時間後に,核において顕著なRNA合成の昂進がみられるが,細胞質においてはみられなかつた.DNA合成におよぼすEDの影響をみると,ED注射24時間後に顕著な合成がみられた.さらにDNA合成をオートラジオグラフィー法で調べたところED注射18時間後に,新生細胞の核にのみ^3H-thymidineのとりこみがみられた.48時間後には新生細胞による新しい皮膜形成がみられ,この細胞核に顕著な^3H-thymidineのとりこみがみられた.ED注射後のRNAとDNAとの合成促進効果の時間関係をみると,ED注射6時間後にRNA合成の促進効果が現われ,DNA合成は注射18時間後に促進効果がみられた,すなわちED注射によりまずRNA合成が高まり,ついでDNA合成が起こると解される.さらにDNA合成を詳しくみると.アクチノマイシンDでRNA合成を阻害した場合,DNA合成が低下することからDNA合成にはRNA合成が必要であると考えられる.ED注射24時閻後にみられるDNA合成には,アクチノマイシンDを用いた実験から,ED注射後12~24時間(DNA合成が顕著にみられる以前)につくられたRNAが大きな影響をおよぼすことがわかつた.したがつて,EDの作用は中腸細胞,特に新生細胞に働き,まずその細胞のRNA合成を誘起し,ついでこのRNAがDNA合成の開始を導き,ついには細胞分裂を引き起こすものと考えられる.つぎにはRNA合成におよぼすEDの影響を中腸単離核を用いて調べた.ED注射を受けた中腸の単離核でのRNA合成は注射後24~28時間で高くなつた.さらにこの核ではRNA合成速度においても違いがみられた.すなわちED注射1時間後の核ではRNA合成開始後,反応時間が長くなつてもRNAへの^3H-uridineのとりこみは変わらなかつたが,48時間後の核では反応時間に比例して,直線的に増加していつた.したがつてEDの作用により生体内の中腸細胞核においてはRNA合成を高めるような生理的変化が起こつていると言える.単離核のRNA合成におよぼすEDの直接作用をin vitroで調べると,5令1日目と3日目との摂食期の中腸単離核ではホルモンによるRNA合成促進効果はみられなかつたが,6目日の閉鎖系に入つたものでは約27%の促進効果がみられた.すなわち発育時期によつて核のホルモンに対する反応性に差異がみられた.以上の結果を総合すると,中腸組織は閉鎖系に入ると消化機能が低下するが,単に退化してゆく組織ではなく,全く新しい機能を持つように変化していくものであると結論される.
塚原 博
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.12, no.3, pp.225-238, 1952-03

In this paper the writer deals with the life history and habits of the sculpin, Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel, vernacular name: "Yama-no-kami"(MountainWitch).Most of the data were obtained in the Rivers Chikugo and Yabe as well as in Ariake Sound, Kyushu. The distribution of this fish in Japan is very restricted, namely to Chikugo River and several adjoining streams which empty into the innermost part of Ariake Sound. It occurs in West Corea and North China. (1) It inhabits usually the upper and middle part of the stream and is often found under rocks or stones which provide shelter. It prefers crustaceans throughout the life. (2) In the winter, when the spawning season approaches, the nuptial coloration appears in the adult fish, both in male and female, the gill-membranes and the base of the anal fin becoming brightly scarlet. The spawning migration takes place from November to December, when it runs down the stream at night. The spawning season is from January to March, and the spawning takes place on the sandy tidal flat of the innermost part of Ariake Sound. The masses of the eggs are laid in the empty shell of a large bivalve, Atrina japonica(Reeve), and are guarded by a male parent during the incubation period. The majority of the spawning fish are those of two years, a few spawning at the end of one year. Most parent fish seem to die after spawning. (3) The egg is orange-red in color, demersal and adherent, 2.0~2.2mm in diameter. The number of eggs in a mass ranged from 5,110 to 6,120. The number of the eggs carried a by an adult female varied from about 5,000 to 11,000. The larva carries pelagic life in the estuary for several months and later ascends the stream in a shoal. The young fish sets in a solitary bottom life. In one month it attains about 20mm in total length; in thre months 40~60mm; in full one year100~120mm; in full two years about 160mm long. It attains a length of about 170mm, and the male is a little larger than the female. (4) It is said by the fishermen of this destrict that the descending migration of this fish denotes the end of the freshwater fishery in the year. Its flesh is firm and sweet, though it is not so highly valued as food fish in Japan as in China.ヤマノカミ Trachidermus fasciaius Heckel はカジカ科 Cottidae の淡水魚で,日本においでは福岡・佐賀両県の有明海湾興部にそそぐ河川にのみ棲息し,その局限された分布が動物地理学上興味をもたれている. しかしわが国における本種の生態及び生活史については,木下盛枝氏(1931,1941)の断片的報告があるにすぎない. また本種は,すでに知られている通り, 中国の有名な"松江の鱸魚"で一名"四鰓鱸"とも言われ,古来その味を賞美するとともに,詩などにも表われているが, その生態・生活史については,中国においでもいまだ明らかにされているところは少ない.日本産の他のカジカ科の魚についても,淡水産のカジカ Cottus pollux 及びカマキリ Cottus kazikaについての二三の報告があるにすぎない.筆者は最近5,6年間,筑後川,矢部川及び有明海の魚類の生態的研究を行っているが,その間に蓄積された資料と,木下盛枝氏より提供された標本とによつて,本種の生態・生活史の概要を報告する.カジカ科の魚で,形態及び生態がよく似たものにカマキリ Cottus kazika (各地の方言:アユカケ, アイキリ, アイカギ, アラレガコ, タキタロウ)があつて,本種と混同されることが?々あるが,カマキリは日本における分布が広く,南日本の河川に棲息するが,日本海側はかなり北方まで分布し,ヤマノカミよりも大形になる.この研究にあたり,終始御指導を賜わり本稿の御校閲をいただいた内田恵太郎教授に厚くお礼申しあげるとともに,貴重な標本をいただき且つ採集の援助を賜わつた福岡県柳川町在住の木下盛枝氏に深謝する.叉標本の整理・測定をしていただいた教室員:柴田チヅ子嬢,高木多恵子壊,描画の助力をしていただいた坂本秀子嬢,採集に協力下さつた漁業者:高椋校伊左男,垣三郎,宮崎雅広,-江崎藤蔵の諸氏に感謝の意を表する.なおこの報告の測定値はすべて固定標本によつた.卵及び稚仔は10%ホルマリン固定後, 70%アルコール中に保存したもの,成魚は10%ホルマリンに固定保存したものを用いた.
中尾 舜一
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.14, no.3, pp.319-328, 1954-03

In spite of its rare occurrence, Agriosphodrus dohrni Signoret is widely spread over all prefectures of Kyushu, Japan, except Kagoshima Prefecture, from where not a single specimen has hitherto been collected (Fig.1). The favourite habitat of the nymphs of this Reduviid seems to be restricted to a certain narrow and extremely limited place, viz., a slightly hollowed or folded site on the east or south side of a fairly large or large trunk of such trees as Celtis sinensis japonica Nakai, Prunus yedoensis Matsumiara, Pinus thubergii Parlatore, Cinnamomum camphora Siebold, Cyclobalanopsis gilva Oersted, Podocarpus chinensis Blume, Shiia sieboldi Makino, Diospyros kaki domestica Makino, etc., about 2 3 meters above the ground, where the nymphs are making aggregations except their foraging times and often hibernate during winter and from where the nymphs move away to all directions in search for their prey. Therefore, such favourite sites become isolated from one another and are very few even on a single tree-trunk or in a given area where their aggregations are represented by more or less accidental collections. Contrary to the nymphs the adults are always solitary in habit, chiefly living on the shoots or trunks of the tree in question where they have spent their nymphal stage, but seldom fly away or migrate to another tree. From such observations it becomes apparent that the characteristic feature of its distribution may be attributed to its occurrence in isolated areas in the state of isolated populations. The adults are said occassionally attracted to light. The nymphs have been observed to feed on the larvae of Psychidae and Arctiidae (Lithosiinae), an adult fly of about 5 mm in body-length and a small Chrysomelid (?) beetle, which were pierced with their strong rostrum. The habitat of this Reduviidae on the trunk of Celtis sinensis japonica Nakai in the campus of the Kyushu University consists of clumps of moss, in which there are living a number of Arctiid (Lithosiinae) larvae of three different species. So far as the author's observation goes, these larvae seem to represent the chief food of this Reduviid. Gyotoku (1951) and Hasegawa (unpublished data) reared this Reduviid with caterpillars, aphides on Chrysanthemum, adults of Nezra antennata Scott, Nephotettix bipunctus cincticeps Uhler and the last instar nymphs of Poecilocoris lewisi Distant in the laboratory. Early hatched or moulted nymphs have been observed to feed on the lately hatched or moulted ones voraciously. The fact that the foraging area of such younger nymphs is very narrow is directly correlated with the habit of cannibalism and is the reason why the population of this Reduviid in nature becomes reduced to some extent during their first and scecond nymphal stages. On the other hand, such phenomenon as cannibalism has not been detected on the nymphs of the third, fourth and fifth instars in nature, Consequently the population size at the third nymphal stage reaches nearly the final size seen at the fifth stage. Of course natural enemies and other factors, if present, may cause the declination of population but those effects seem to be slight in the case of this Reduviid. In case the maximum temperature of the day become higher than 10℃, some of the overwintering nymphs become active and wander about beyond the boundaries of the favourite hibernation site and feed on their prey. This Reduviid seems to withstand starvation for considerable duration days. The eggs are deposited on favourite sites on the surface of the trunk. The site represents the most suitable environment, where the nymphs would aggregate themselves after ward. Oviposition takes place both in the morning and evening. The eggs are laid in batches of 30 to 80, and each ootheca is covered with a thin yellowish resin-like substance which is secreted by the female.1. 本報文に於て筆者は, ヨコズナサシガメ AgriosPhodrus dohrni Signoretの幼虫期における集団形成現象の手懸りとしての棲息環境・食性及び産卵習性を究明すると共に, 本種の日本に於ける分布についてもあわせ報告した. 2.日本に於ける分布は,鹿児島県を除く九州の各県である. 3.本種は樹幹上に極く限定された狭い棲息環境をもち, 従つて棲息場所は隔離された非常に孤立的なものとなつている. 4.一定の産卵好適場所に産卵された卵塊は,樹脂に似た物質で覆われ, 1卵塊は30~80個の卵からなる. 5.食物は多岐にわたり, 鱗翅類の各種幼虫, 小さな蝿の成虫, 小甲虫成虫, 蛎虫等各種の小昆虫の殆んどを食する. 筆者の観察した棲息場所における主な食物は, コケガの幼虫及びミノガの幼虫であつた. 弟1・2齢幼虫は肖然状態にても盛んに共食いをする.
野村 安治 田辺 邦美
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.28, no.1, pp.1-30, 1973

Many studies on precipitation have been hitherto made in order to contribute the rationalization of irrigation planning. However, the data, such as the return period of drought days, are necessary one of the basic information for such planning. From this point of view, this paper deals with regional characteristics of drought days, maximum drought days and monthly precipitation during summer season (June to Aug.) in Kyushu in order to obtain useful information for irrigation planning. The outlines of the results obtained are as follows: (1) By analyzing the frequency distribution of drought days during summer season at fifty-six places in Kyushu, it was found that the distribution curve is normalized if the variable transformed into square or cubic root. (2) The coefficient of probable drought days curve (Table 3) and the return period (1/10-100 year) of drought days (Table 4) are obtained. (3) For practical use, geographical distribution maps are drawn for thirteen kinds of return period (Fig. 8-1~13). (4) The return period of maximum drought days and monthly precipitation, at eight places, are shown in (Table 8) and (Table 10). (5) It was suggested from the above results that it keeps on drying for a long term in the northern part of Kyushu to be subjected to the damage from a disastrous drought. Therefore, much care should be taken on determination of the irrigation water supply.本編では,用水量の確保という意味において水田の用水消費に関連して連続干天日数につき検討を行なつた.九州地方は,台風,梅雨などによる豪雨とともに,夏期の干ばつの危険度もかなり高い.利水計画のように低水流量に関係する計画,かんがいの必要度判定などには,降水量とともに問題としている地域にどれ位の期間引続いて雨が降らないことがあるかというような確率連続干天日数とか,そのreturn periodが必要となる.このような観点より連続干天日数,最大連続干天日数,降水量について解析を試みた.その結果の概要を示すと, /I.連続干天日数/ (1) まず日本における干ばつ概要ならびに九州地方の干ばつの時期について述べた.季節風の強い冬期は表日本と裏日本の地域差が明らかであるが,夏期には地域差はあまり顕著でない.連続干天日数の最も長い地域は,瀬戸内海沿岸を中心とした中国,四国および九州の瀬戸内海沿岸でこれに次いで関東沿岸部から東海地方へのびる地域である.九州地方の干ばつの時期は,過去の干ばつ記録よりすると主として6月から8月である. (2) 九州地方の56地点について1936年~1960年の25年間の夏期6月~8月の連続干天日数の度数分布を調べ,逆J字型に近い著しい非対称分布をすることがわかつた.これらの非対称性を除く方法として確率紙法により,正規,対数,平方根,立方根,4乗根,5乗根の変数変換を行ない,大多数の地点は平方根,立方根変換により正規化されることがわかつた. (3) 一方,連続干天日数(D)と累積度数(n)との関係をD=an^-bの双曲線の結合と仮定し,各地の連続干天日数を同一方法にて解析を行ない,その係数a,bを算出して夏期連続干天日数の曲線式を求め,その曲線の係数表およびreturn period表を作成した.また実用に便利なように13種の確率連続干天日数分布図を作成し,利水計画に利用できるようにした.これらによれば,一般に九州北部では連続干天日数が長く,南九州では少なく,また沿岸地方では日数が長く,山間部で少なくなつている.瀬戸内海沿岸および九州北西部で長期の連続干天日数が続いている. /II.最大連続干天日数/ 下関,福岡,佐賀,長崎,熊本,大分,宮崎,鹿児島の8地点について1891年~1957年の69年間の夏期6月~8月の最大連続干天日数について検討を行なつた. (1) 度数分布は,連続干天日数と同じく逆J字型に近い非対称分布をなす.確率紙法による変数変換の結果から,8地点とも対数変換により正規化されることがわかつた.また,Jenkinson法によりreturn periodを算出した.これらの結果,下関,大分,福岡では連続干天日数が長く,平均値も大きい.一方,南九州は短かい.また長崎,鹿児島,佐賀は上限のあるIII型曲線を示すことがわかつた. (2) 最大連続干天日数の周期解析の結果によれば,特に19年周期が卓越しており,地域性は見られなかつた. /III.降水量/ 最大連続干天日数と同じく8地点について検討を行ない,6月,7月,8月および6~8月降水量を対象とした. (1) 上記降水量についてJenkinson法によりreturn periodを算出し,月別,地域別変化を調べた.確率降水量は,連続干天日数とは逆に南九州が大きく,ついで中部九州,福岡,下関,大分の順となつている.平均値,標準偏差についても同様のことがいえる.これらの結果より北部九州は,干ばつにかかる危険度が大きいことがわかる. (2) 曲線型については,6月は宮崎,鹿児島を除けば下限をもつI型曲線を示し,6~8月では8地点ともIII型曲線である.
水戸 敏
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.19, no.4, pp.493-502, 1962-07

The present paper, the sixth o f the series of the pelagic fish eggs from Japanese waters, contains the figures and descriptions of the egg development and hatched larvae of 22 species as well as early embryonic development of a single species, Cirrhilabrus temmincki Bleeker, belonging to the suborder Labrina. The eggs of this suborder, excepting ellipsoidal egg of Callyodon ovifrons (Temminck et Schlegel), are globular in shape, 0.5-1.1 mm in diameter, containing a single colorless or yellow oil globule measuring 0.07-0.21 mm in diameter. The egg membrane is smooth, without any conspicuous structure, the yolk not segmented, the perivitelline space narrow. During the course of the egg and larval development only the melanophores appear. The newly hatched larvae have ovoid yolk sac which is usually protruding anteriorly beyond the head, and the oil globule is situated in the anterior part of the yolk. The number of myotomes of the hatched larva is about 27. The location of the melanophores of the hatched larva changes greatly during the larval development. Soon after hatching, serration appears in many species on the fringe of the marginal fin. The eggs belonging to Labrina can be divided into 4 groups according to the situation of the melanophores at hatching, and the species belonging to each groups of 1-4 are as follows : 1. No pigment-cell developed in the egg......Labrina Nos. 1-3. 2. Melanophores are seen only on the body......Pseudolabrus japonicus (IIouttuyn), Halichoeres poecilopterus (Temminck et Schlegel) and Labrina No. 4. 3. Melanoph o res are seen on the body as well as on the oil globule ; the melanophores on the dorsal median line of the body arranged in a sing l e row......Stethojulis kalosoma (Bleeker), Thalassoma cupido (Temmincket Schlegel), Leptoscarus japonicus (Cuvier et Velenciennes) and Labrina No. 5-9. 4. Resembling to the previous group, but the melanophores on the dorsal median line of the body arranged in two or more rows......Duymaeria flagellifera (Cuvier et Valenciennes), Halichoeres tenui spinnis (Gunther), Callyodon ovifrons and Labrina Nos. 10-14. The egg of C. ovifrons is ellipsoidal in shape measuring 1.31-1.66 × 0.50-0.61 mm in diameter, having a single oil globule measuring 0.15-0.17 mm in diameter. Other features of the egg, egg development and hatched larva are much the same as those of other labrid fishes. As Winn and Bardach (1960 ) has pointed out the shape of the egg belonging to the family Scaridae, one of the two families of Labrina, is globular or ellipsoidal. It seemed that the egg is globular in the species belonging to the subfamily Sparisominae and ellipsoidal in the subfamily Callyodontinae.この報告ではべラ亜目Labrinaに属する23種の卵,卵内発生および孵化仔魚について述べる.これらのうちの数種については,その卵内発生および孵化仔魚の性質がすでに判明している.現在までに我国から知られているベラ亜目の魚卵我は径0.5~1.1mmの球形分離浮游性卵で,卵膜および卵黄には特殊な構造はなく,卵膜腔は狭い.油球は1個,無色のものから黄色のものまであるが,Bolin(1930),Orton(1955)等も述べているように,卵内発生中に槌色するものが多い.この亜目はべラ科Labridaeとブダイ科Scaridaeの2つの科を含むが,卵の性質,卵内発生および孵化仔魚の観察からは両者を識別することは困難であつた.しかし,最近の研究からブダイ科の魚のうちアオブダイ亜科Callyodontinaeに属するものは楕円形の浮性卵を産むらしいことが分つた(Winn and Bardach,1960).なお外国産の種類では沈性粘着卵や油球を欠く浮性卵を産むものが知られているが,このような卵を産む種類は我国からは未だ知られていない.ベラ亜目の卵は卵内発生中に全く色素胞が現われないか,胚体上または胚体および油球上に黒色素胞のみが現われる.孵化仔魚の卵黄は体の腹面に細長く着生し,その前端は頭部より前方に突出し,油球はその突出部にある.肛門は卵黄からやや離れ,体の中央より後方に位置する.筋肉節数は27前後.後少時を経ると膜鰭縁辺に針状構造物が現われるものが多い.黒色素胞は,多くの種類では,時孵化間の経過に伴つて体の背面にあつたものが腹面へ移動する.この黒色素胞の位置の移動と集散は著しく,卵黄を吸収し尽す頃にはその種固有の位置を占めるようになる.この報告ではべラ亜目の魚卵のうち,ベラ科とブダイ亜科Sparisominaeに属すると思われるものを一括してベラ類と呼び,それらを黒色素胞の出現状態によつて次の4群に分けた.第1群.卵内発生中に黒色素胞が現われない.第2群.卵内発生中に胚体上にだけ黒色素胞が現われる.第3群.卵内発生中に胚体および油球上に黒色素胞が現われる.孵化直後の仔魚の体の背面の黒色素胞は背中線上に1列に並ぶ,第4群.第3群と同様であるが,孵化直後の仔魚の体の背面の黒色素胞列は2列またはそれ以上.にこれら各群に属する種類について述べるが,その前に卵内発生と孵化仔魚の概要を人工以授下精を行なつたカミナリベラについて述べる.
銭谷 武平
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.12, no.4, pp.375-381, 1952-09

The present investigation was undertaken with a two-fold purpose: 1) to obtain the synopsis of yeasts for the taxonomic studies, and 2) to determine the specific features of "Shiokara" yeasts. In this report the description of morphological and cultural characteristics of true yeasts (23 strains isolated from 15 samples) was made. The summarized characteristics are as follows: almost all of the species of Zygosaccharomyces have around cell while those of Debaryomyces have a round, egg-Shaped or ellipsoid cell containing one or two oil drops (Table 1). Most fi1m- or ring-forming yeasts belong to Debaryomyces(Table2). The fermentable strains of "Shiokara" ?yeasts belong almost all to Zygosac-charomyces and their fermentability is continuous, though not vigorous. The streak culture is shown in Table 3 and photograph. In gelatin stab cultures the liquefaction could not be observed except in some rare cases (Table4). The giant colony of Debaryomyces sp. C_2 is different from any of Debaryomyces already described, the former showing many characteristic concentric rings (Table 5 and photograph).塩辛類の酵母に就いては喜多及び本村・小谷両氏の研究があり, いづれもTorula属とした.著者は第1報に於て各種塩辛類から多数の真正酵母菌を分離しその主要なものはZygosaccharomyces属及びDebaryomyces属に入ることを確めた.本邦に於ける?酵食品のうち味噌・醤油の酵母に就ては諸氏の報告あり高橋・湯川両氏は醤油酵母の,茂木氏は味噌酵母の菌学的性質一般を審かにし其の特性をも明らかにされた.尚叉此等食品の風味の醸成に役立つもの並に有害な菌種をも醒めた.塩辛及び其類似品は動物蛋白乃至其分解物を主とし糖質に比較的乏しく前記農産?酵食品とは其組成に著しい差異があり叉味噌・醤油類は絲状菌酵素の作用が顕著なるに比し塩辛類は概ね自己消化酵素に依存する.従つて塩辛酵母(塩辛中の酵母類を総指して塩辛酵母と呼ぶととにする) は味噌・醤油酵母とは其趣を異にすると想像されDebaryomyces属酵母の非常に多いことも一つの特色と推定し得る.著者は塩辛酵母の特性を明かにし且分類学的位置を定めるために15試料から分離した真正酵母菌の23菌株に就て形態学的並に生理学的性質一般に関する研究を行つたので報告する. 本報では形態的並に培養町性質に就て記載する.
平岩 馨邦 三宅 貞祥 南 学
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.14, no.3, pp.455-459, 1954-03

Northern Kyushu was caught in heavy rains, rivers around overflowed and their catchment areas met unparalleled flood in the end of June, 1953. In August we went to Onga Village, Hinashiro Village and Zend6ji Town, in which the damages were most tremendous, along the Onga and Chikugo rivers in Fukuoka Prefecture, and investigated the effects of the flood on the habitations of the domestic rats, Norway rat Rattus norvegicus, and house rat Rattus rattus, in those areas. Norway rats were captured in Togo Town of unflooded area and in the higher and dried part of Nakabaru Village of flooded area but in the above mentioned villages and town in which water came over several metres, only house rats were got, Norway rats being never met. Therefore it seems that in the flooded areas the Norway rats decreased exceedingly in number, having been drifted or drowned, as the water invaded their dwelling places of ground level, though the house rats survived, escaping to the higher places in the house such as rafters of the ceiling. The peasants observed that abundant individuals of rats were drifted and arrived, being alive or dead, to the foot of the hill situated down the Onga river. Most of them are considered to be Norway rats. Hinashiro Village and. Zendoji Town along the Chikugo river are used to be flooded almost annually in summer, so the Norway rats, living in ground level, are thought to be very few in number or to be lacking absolutely, because they can not dwell habitually in such area.昭和28年6月25日より数日間降り続いた豪雨の為, 北九州特に福岡・熊本両県下に於ける遠賀川・筑後川・矢部川・菊池川・白川の諸河川は氾濫し, その流域地方は未曾有の大洪水に襲われ各方面に甚大な災害を蒙つた. その直後九州大学に於いてはその災害の綜合調査を企画し, 学内の関係諸教室は夫々の専門分野の調査研究に従つた. われわれは動物に関係する部門を分担し, 8月の初旬及び中旬に福岡県下の主として遠賀川・筑後川の流域に於ける水害現場に赴いて調査を行つたが, その内洪水の住家性鼠類に及ぼした影響に関するものをここに報告する.
古賀 義昭 永松 土巳
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.23, no.2, pp.43-48, 1967-07

During 5 years from 1959 to 1963, many reciprocal pollinations between diploid and autotetraploid rice plants using Japanese and foreign varieties were artificially carried on by hot water emasculation method, and results were as follows (Tables 2 and 3). From these crossings, besides plumply, well developed seeds, many shriveled and ill-developed seeds which contained no endosperm and were very light, 1/10~1/20 of normal seed in weight, were obtained. For convenience' sake, they were called perfect and imperfect seeds respectively. The perfect seeds set in very low percentage, that is about 1%, but they germinated well and grew to maturity. From the cytological observations, it was found that almost all of them were selfed seeds of female plants. As to the imperfect seeds, seed setting ratio was comparatively high, but they germinated in low percentage and if germinated they could not grow to seedlings. For the question whether these imperfect seeds were true hybrid seeds or parthenocarpically developed ones, some knowledges were already given in the first report. When diploid and tetraploid plants were castrated by hot water emasculation method and not pollinated afterwards, imperfect seeds did not set on diploid plants, and on tetraploid plants only 1.1% were set. This ratio was very low compared with the crossed results as shown in Tab. 2 and 3, so that the greater part of imperfect seeds in crossed case were seemed to be true hybrid seeds. Degree of seed set was typically different between reciprocal crossings, and some differences were also found between varieties. In Japanese varieties, when diploid was used as female parent imperfect seeds were less easily obtained, but in reversed crossings they were more easily obtained and more heavy in weight and germinable. On the other hand, in foreign varieties imperfect seeds were more easily obtained in the crossing 2X×4X than in reversed crossings. This tendency was very striking in the varieties O. sativa f. spontanea and Ba Thut Nuho T. T. B., but in the crosses with O. sativa f. spontanea germination was better than that in 4X×2X cross as in Japanese varieties. In foreign varieties, Ba Thut Nuho T. T. B. and Songa T. T. B. belong to the so-called Indica type, and O. sativa f. spontanea belongs to wild species. So that they were genetically different from Japanese varieties. From above facts, it was considered that the tendency of seed setting was not constant within varieties, and that this phenomenon was affected by genetic differences.1) イネの3倍体を作出することを目的として,日本稲および外国稲を用い,2倍体および同質4倍体間に相反交配を行ない,交配種子の着生について観察した. 2) 交配の結果,良く充実した完全種子は低率で約1%しか着生しなかつたが,発達が劣る不完全種子は多量に着生した. 3) 完全種子は大部分が母本の自殖種子であり,不完全種子が真正の雑種種子と考えられたので,不完全種子により相反交配および品種間の交雑成功度を検討した. 4) 交配種子の着生率は相反交配により異なり,日本稲では4x×2xが逆交配より高く,また種子重,発芽率とも大であつたが,外国稲では2x×4xの方が多く着生し,種子重には差が見られなかつた.しかし発芽率は4x×2xの方が良いようであつた.
川路 則友 白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.34, no.3, pp.123-132, 1980-07

We examined the avifauna in and around the Nagasaki Airport, and investigated the behavior and food habits of the Black-eared Kite, Milvus migrans, which roosted in Usu-jima Islet near the airport from June, 1977 to March, 1979. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Sixty-two bird species belonging to twenty-six families were observed in and around the airport. In the course of census, we found wintering of the American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica from 1977 to 1978, and the Chinese Great-grey Shrike Lanius sphenocercus on January 10, 1978 which had been rarely observed in Kyushu, Japan. In the airport the dominant species were always the Skylark , Alauda arvensis, and the Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus. 2. The Black-eared Kites left the roost in Usu-jima early in the morning, and flew to the feeding area, but some kites remained on and around Usu-jima all day long. The maximum number of kites is highest between September and November, and they decreased markedly in December; they increased again from January to February, but only a few individuals were observed between March and July. These changes in abundance of kites probably reflect their migratory movements. 3. Between September and October many kites moved in a wide area, but less so in other months. Especially in December, all kites lived within a very restricted area. Accordingly, the extension and reduction of the daily movement seem to relate to the feeding area, which changes with fluctuations in kite's abundance. We found another roost in Osaki Peninsula, north to the Nagasaki Airport, and there seemed to be other two roosts. The kites roosting here seemed not to move so far. Since there is abundant food for the kites along the coast, it seems enough for their existence to feed within a narrow area. 4. Fishes were most abundant as food items of the Black-eared Kites and a kind of gobies, Chaeturichthys hexanema, occupied the highest percentage of them, being followed by insects. Especially in October, a number of kites gathered at the airport in order to feed on locusts which inhabited the grassland, so that the ratio of kites with stomachs including insects temporarily increased. Other foods detected were the kite (probably fed after death), skylark and a kind of pill-bugs, Armadillidium vulgare.1.1977年6月から'79年3月まで,長崎空港周辺の鳥相および臼島を塒とするトビの行動と食性について調べた.2.長崎空港周辺で確認された鳥種は26科62種に達したが,特筆すべきこととしてムナグロの越冬(1977年から'78年にかけての冬)とオオカラモズの確認(1978年1月10日)を挙げた.空港内ではヒバリとスズメが常に優占種であつた.3,トビは朝早く臼島の塒から飛び立ちえさ場へ向かうが,同島やその周辺で終日生活する個体も多く確認された.月別に見た1日のうちのトビの最大個体数は9月~11月に多く,12月になると激減し,1,2月には再び増加し,3月以降7月まで少なかつた.その原因としては渡りが考えられた.4.個体数の最も多い9,10月には直線距離にして最大10km程度の飛翔を行なつて広範囲に行動する個体が増加するが,それ以外の月にはそれほど遠くへ出て行く個体は見られず,特に12月にはすべての個体は1~2kmの範囲内で生活していることが知られた.従つて,これら行動範囲の拡張と縮小は個体数の増減に対応したえさ場の確保と関係があると考えられた.車によるライン・センサスの結果,臼島のほかに確実に1ヵ所,また明示はできないが更に2ヵ所の塒があると推察されたが,それらの塒の個体もさほど遠距離まで行動しないと思われた.恐らく,海岸沿いには常に餌が豊富に存在し,ある程度までの個体数は塒の近距離内で許容されるためと考えられた.5.トビの食物としては魚類が最も多く,その中でもアカハゼが主食となつていることが知られた.次いで昆虫類が多く,特に10月には空港の草原に生息するバッタ類を採食しに飛来するトビが増加し,昆虫を採食している個体の割合が一時的に増大した.そのほかの食物としては鳥類のトビとヒバリ,甲殻類のダンゴムシが確認された.
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.20, no.1, pp.61-79, 1962-10

The main objects in this survey were to find out whether the Japanese mice, Mus molossinus Temminck and Schlegel, live out in the several environments all the year, and whether they have a breeding season in such different habitats as house, straw stack, cultivated field and waste land. For this reseach the capture of the mice, confirmation of their nest holes, examination on the reproductive status and feeding habit were all carried out in Fukuoka District between June 1955 and April 1960 (Figs. 1-5). The trapping for capture of the mice was all done with break-back traps and cage traps baited with a dumpling made of wheat and buckwheat flours or a piece of cheese. The methods I have used for information on the reproductive status were the examination of implantation scars, corpora lutea, presence or absence of embryos and stage of oestrus cycle as determined by vaginal smears regarding the female, on the other hand, spermatozoa in smears of epididymides regarding the male. The results are shown in Tables 1-8 on the basis of the examination on 929 mice (females 402 ; males 403 ; young and subadults 124) and on nest holes from all kinds of environments : The mice living in the house take groceries as the food, and breed from spring to autumn. But it is clear that very little breeding occurs in winter. In the farm-house, compost and straw stacks adjoining farm-gardens or grass- and weed-grown areas mice were known to have moved from inside to field owing to the feeding. Such the first movement from inside to field occurred in spring, early summer and fall, and the reverse movement was in winter and rainy season. However the mice dwelling in the urban premises are confined to houses all the year. The food of the mice dwelling in the straw stacks is unhulled rice in winter. Straw stacks in this country are built in the end of November after harvest and these are removed by June of the following year. There is, therefore, the breeding season during winter and spring of the following year. At the beginning of winter the mice living in the fields migrate into straw stacks for the winter season. During autumn the mice are found both around straw stacks adjoining the farm-garden and at considerable distances away from farm-garden. The latter probably lives quite independently in the fields. Since the food has been eaten out at the beginning of spring, they moved from straw stacks to the cultivated field. At the end of spring (the rice planting season) mass of the mice in the straw stacks and the other places spread into the dry slopes of hillacks, high banks of paddy fields and farm-gardens. Most mice living in cultivated field live mainly in the farm-garden and marginal banks of paddy fields in summer. They are living on crops, weed seeds and blades. They can live without the shelters such as houses, compost and straw stacks in winter. They live in burrows in the ground at all seasons. Although they seem to have breeding season all the year round, the rates of fecundity in spring and autumn are higher than in the other seasons. The mice living in the waste land live in burrows in the ground under the weed-grown areas and banks, and they are living largely on weed seeds and blades all the year. They seem to have restricted breeding seasons in spring and autumn.著者は1955年6月から1960年4月まで福岡市およびその近郊において環境を異にする9地区11カ所を選び(第1~5図),日本産野棲ハツカネズミの棲息場所とその繁殖について検討してみた.調査の方法としては本種の捕獲,巣孔の確認,食性および生殖状態の吟味などを行なつた.以下その結果を要約してみたい(第1~8表).まず家屋内に棲息している木種は食品を餌として周年ここに棲み,春夏秋によく繁殖している.家屋付近に野菜畑や草場があれば時に採餌のため屋外にでて活動する.一般に藁積は11月下旬につくられ,翌年の5月下旬には取り除かれる.したがつて藁積に棲む本種は初冬から晩春にみられる.藁積では主に籾を餌として冬および春ともに繁殖する.野菜畑を近くにひかえた藁積には本種が多数棲みつき,春には藁積から採餌のため畑にでて活動する.時に本種は野菜畑から遠く離れたところに棲むこともある.耕地では作物が畑に繁茂している間は作物を餌としてここに周年穴居するが,付近に家屋や堆肥,藁積があれば,これに移り棲むことがある.とくに梅雨季,冬季においてこのような現象が観察された.また水田地においては夏は土手に棲む.耕地でも繁殖状態にあるものは周年みられるが,とくに春と秋とに多い.原野に棲む本種は雑草の茎葉,種実を餌として周年土中に穴居または雑草中に棲息する.その繁殖ははつきり春秋に限られる.要するに人間社会から離れた孤立地区に棲息する原始生活型の本種は雑草の茎葉と種実を餌として土中に穴居し,その繁殖現象には春と秋の明瞭な2つの繁殖季節を留めている.これに反し,一般に人間の生活領域に入つてきている本種は餌や棲息場所を人間に依存し,周年にわたつて繁殖可能となり,明確な繁殖季節を認めがたい.このことは環境としての棲息場所が本種の繁殖現象にいかに大きな影響を与えているかを充分に物語るものである.
大村 浩久 岡田 秀臣 坂井 美鈴 松井 三郎
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.30, no.1, pp.21-28, 1975

"Manju (a steam bean-jum bun)" is one of the popular confectioneries pervading all over Japan. It is commonly produced by appropriate steaming a dough of wheat-flour wrapping "an (bean-jum)." On the other hand, "Umegae-mochi" is the special product in Fukuoka. It is produced by baking a dough of glutinous rice flour wrapping "an" in a mold of shape of plum-flower. Regarding respective 5 brands, sensory test and chemical analysis were carried out in order to give some useful guidances for consumers' daily life. Well-known 5 brands of "Manju" in Fukuoka is divided into 2 types of "Dorayaki" and "Kasutera-manju." The former has the following constituents: moisture 27.9~34.0; protein 5.4~5.8; fat 1.0~2.2; starch 58.0~62.9; fiber 0.9~1.0; ash 0.4~0.6; calorie 267~298 Cal. The latter is composed of moisture 21.6~23.5; protein 6.4~6.7; fat 1.3~2.9; starch 66.2~68.7; fiber 0.6~1.2; ash 0.5; calorie 313~318 Cal. On the other hand, chemical analysis of 5 brands of "Umegae-mochi" indicates the following composition: moisture 31.8~39.5; protein 5.1~5.8; fat 0.1; starch 27.0~34.3; sugar 22.0~33.7; fiber 0.6~0.9; ash 0.4; calorie 241~272 Cal. No artificial sweetnesses and preservatives were detected at all. However, artificial pigment, yellow No. 4, was qualitatively detected in 1 brand of "Manju" and that, red No. 2, in 2 brands of "Umegae-mochi." Since standard deviation over F005 was estimated among panels of 7 common house-wives and 3 skillful clerks in the department stores, reliable results of sensory test could obtained for neither "Manju" nor "Umegae-mochi."福岡県内産の代表的銘柄のマンジュウおよび梅ヶ枝餅それぞれ5銘柄を任意に購入L,官能テストおよび理化学テストを行なつた.マンジュウはドラ焼キとカステラマンジュウとの両タイプに分けられたが,その一般成分は前者において,水分31.0%,蛋白質5.6%,脂質1.6%,澱粉60.5%,繊維0.95%,灰分0.5%,熱量285カロリー,後者において,水分22.7%,蛋白質6.5%,脂質1.9%,澱粉67.6%,繊維0.9%,灰分0.5%,熱量315カロリーであつて,いずれも対照(成分表)にくらべ水分含量は低く炭水化物およびカロリー値は高い傾向がある.人工甘味料および保存料は検出されなかつたが,着色料は黄色4号が1銘柄に使用されていた.一方梅ヶ枝餅の成分は水分35.2%,蛋白質5.5%,脂質0.1%,澱粉29.6%,糖分28.5%,繊維0.8%,灰分0.4%,熱量258カロリーであつた.これにも人工甘味料および保存料は検:出されなかつたが,赤色2号の使用が2銘柄に認められた.マンジュウ,梅ヶ枝餅ともに官能テストのすべての項目においてパネル間に有意差があり,正確な嗜好の傾向は求められなかつた.