橋本 智也 白石 哲也

白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.21, no.1, pp.89-96, 1964-02

The author had an information that a certain unknown animals had done severe damage to the fruits of strawberries under plastic-cover culture in Yoshii-Machi, Ukiha-Gun, Fukuoka Prefecture, from the latter part of January, 1963. The injurious animals were conjectured to be either mice or voles, judging from the faeces discovered at the farms and the method of eating the fruits (Plate 14, Figs. 1-3). The author carried on investigations twice at the farms of Oshiki (A) and Chitose (B) under the control of Chitose branch office of Yoshii-Machi Agricultural Cooperative Association. The one was carried on in the middle of February and the other in the latter part of March. Concerning the farm at Noraku (C), Mr. Gyotoku made an investigation on March 17, 1963 (Fig. 1). As the result, the author got three individuals of the Japanese mouse (♀2, ♂1), one of the Japanese harvest mouse (♀1) and one of the Japanese field vole (♀) from the farms belonging to A, B and C by means of snap-traps (Plate 14, Figs. 7,8 and Table 3). There were four kinds of strawberries cultured at the farms, i.e. "Kurume 102" (Benizuru-Norin 5), "Kurume 28" (Yachiyo), "Donner" and "Kurume 20" (Chiyoda). Among them, the three were under plastic-cover culture, while the rest (Kurume 20) was under spring culture (Plate 15, Figs. 1-9). The damage was discovored seriously at the farms where "Kurume 102" strawberries were cultured, and about twenty per cat of them were attacked by the above-mentioned mice and voles (Plate 14, Figs. 4-6 and Table 2). The total sum of damage was estimated at about 200,000 to 250,000 yen. Among individuals of these three species, the Japanese mice were regarded as the chief injurious ones, when the consideration was given to the collected number of this species (Table 3). There were some corn ricks on the farms which gave the favourite habitats to this kind of mice. So, at the end of the first investigation, these corn ricks were got rid of farms and the poison baits "Strong Ratemin" (zinc phosphide) were scattered there (Plate 13. Figs. 1-5). Visiting there in the second investigation, the author found a fair success in the above treatments for the mice and voles control (Plate 12, Fig. 9). Here, the author can conclude that clearing of circumstances of farms is the most essential to control mice and voles, and continual work for capturing them by means of poison baits and traps is as important as the first treatment, though these are worn-out sayings.本年1月下旬以降,福岡県浮羽郡吉井町農協千年支所管下の促成イチゴ畑に鼠害が現われた.そこで筆者は2月中旬と3月下旬の2回,現地に出かけ調査を行なつた.作付されていたイチゴは促成品種としては久留米102号(農林5号=紅鶴),半促成品種としては久留米28号(八千代)とダナー(Donner),露地栽培品種としては久留米20号(千代田)であつた.これらのうち被害が出たのは促成品種であつた.被害額は約20~25万円と見つもられ,促成イチゴ作付面積のおよそ20%が侵された.促成イチゴはビニールの帯を使うトンネル栽培法によつて栽培されていた.筆者は折敷(A地区),千年(B地区)の2カ所の圃場を調査したが,行徳技師による能楽(C地区)の報告も考慮した.現地における捕鼠作業の結果,加害鼠は野生ハツカネズミ,カヤネズミ,ハタネズミの3種と判明したが,生息数の上から考えると野生ハツカネズミが主と考えられた.そこで, 圃場に見られた,鼠にとつては好適な生息場所である稲積みや,わら小屋を除去し,殺鼠剤"強力ラテミン"の継続投与を行なつた結果,被害の軽減に著しい効果をみとめた.
黄木 景二 井上 宏樹 白石 哲郎 藤村 雅博
学校法人 金沢工業大学 材料システム研究所
材料システム (ISSN:02866013)
vol.25, pp.19-28, 2007 (Released:2021-02-17)

This paper presents temperature dependence of electric resistance and Joule heat properties in carbon fiber reinforced polyethersulphone (PES) resin composites. The composite specimens were fabricated using recycled CFRP pieces or carbon fibers mixed with PES resin through an injection molding method. First, resistivitytemperature curves of the composites specimens were measured during heat cycles. Next, temperature rise due to Joule heat was measured and plotted against input power. Finally, resistivity of carbon fiber was measured for temperatures up to 473 K. It is found that resistivity of the composites obeys the percolation power law and shows the negative temperature coefficient (NTC) in the temperature range lower than load-deflection temperature of the resin. This NTC is proved to be mainly due to the NTC of carbon fiber. Resistivity at room temperature is reduced after each heat cycle. Temperature rise due to Joule heat is approximately proportional to input power per unit volume.
安藤 元一 船越 公威 白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.38, no.1, pp.27-43, 1983-07
白石 哲郎
佛大社会学 (ISSN:03859592)
vol.39, pp.1-16, 2015-03-20

人類学者であるC. ギアーツが先鞭をつけた「解釈学的転回」は,とりわけ文化を分析の主軸に据える後期近代の社会科学者に多大な影響をもたらし,「文化的転回」の潮流を生む契機となった。「社会的なものから文化的なものへ」というパラダイム・シフトは,意味の社会学(意味学派)をはじめ,同時期に台頭した他の人文・社会科学にも共通して認められる傾向である。一方で,文化的転回と通底する問題群に関し,いちはやく定式化に努めた社会学者がT. パーソンズであった。彼自身が「文化の社会学」の名でさらなる純化を志向した行為システム論は,「文化システムと社会システムの相互依存と相互浸透の分析」に動機づけられており,その問題関心自体は,普遍的な妥当性をもつものとして評価すべきである。 しかしながら,社会構造の均衡を重視する機能主義的パラダイムに立脚しているがゆえに,また分析的リアリズムの姿勢に徹しているがゆえに,パーソンズの文化概念は「二重の現実遊離性」を孕んでおり,文化と社会をめぐる今日的状況の分析にそのまま援用することは困難である。 本稿の目的は,「文化的転回」を構成する三つの次元のうち,文化の概念規定次元からパーソンズの「文化の社会学」を再定式化することにある。本論では第一に,ギアーツにも影響を与えたS. K. ランガーやE. カッシーラーのシンボル概念に関して,社会科学における文化概念としての有効性を吟味し,第二に,カルチュラル・スタディーズの抗争的かつ流動的な文化理解を摂取することで両名のシンボル概念のさらなる補完を試みる。このような段階的,連続的な取り組みは,パーソンズの文化概念が抱える陥穽の超克を企図したものである。
古賀 公也 白石 哲 内田 照章
The Ornithological Society of Japan
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.38, no.1, pp.31-42, 1989-07-25 (Released:2007-09-28)

1984年に,長崎県長崎半島の脇岬漁港周辺の丘陵地で,孵化日を知り得た4巣9羽のトビの雛の成長と発育を調べた.その結果は次の通りである.1)稠密な幼綿羽は9-12日齢,体羽は18-22日齢に出現した.雛は17-19日齢から両趾で立ち始め,27-31日齢から羽ばたきを開始し,45-47日齢で自から摂餌できるようになつた.2)ある種のワシタカ類は1羽の雛を巣立たせ(B1種),またある種のものは2羽以上の雛を育てる(B2種).調査した4巣のうち,3巣では2羽の雛が孵化し,残りの1巣では3羽の雛が孵化した.したがって,トビはB2種に属する.これらの巣のうち,1巣では年少雛は年長雛と等しい速度で成長し,他の2巣では年少雛は年長雛の成長よりも遅れ,残りの1巣では年少雛が餓死した.上記の4巣は餌の得易さに関する条件が同じであることから判断して,親鳥の採餌能力には個体差があり,それが年少雛の成長と生存に影響を及ぼすと考えられた.3) それぞれの雛の体重増加曲線をロジスチック式に当てはめた結果,成長速度係数の平均値0.133 を得た.この値は,27種のB2種における成長速度係数:および漸近体重の指数:相関式から予測された値(0.169)との間に有意差を示さなかった.4) ワシタカ類では,体羽の出現と立ち上がりの開始は,小型種よりも大型種でより早い成長段階に生じる傾向があった.トビは中型ワシタカ類に属するにもかかわらず,その発育様式は小型•中型 種よりもむしろ大型種に近かった.
古賀 公也 白石 哲 内田 照章
The Ornithological Society of Japan
日本鳥学会誌 (ISSN:0913400X)
vol.38, no.2, pp.57-66, 1989-09-25 (Released:2007-09-28)
3 3

長崎半島の脇岬漁港に隣接する丘陵地において,1983-1986年の2月から7月にかけてトビMilvus migrans lineatusの繁殖生態を調べた.その結果は以下の通りである.1) 丘陵地の一部(面積0.4km2)で1985年と1986年に番い密度を調査し,それぞれの年に33番いを数えた.このような集団的営巣は,本調査地がトビにとって餌の得易い,かつ営巣可能な樹木の多い環境であることによるものと考えられた.2) 1983-86年に計32巣を対象に繁殖成功率を調べた.産卵は28巣で行われ,これらの巣における一巣卵数は平均2.2個であった.少なくとも1羽の雛が24巣で巣立った.巣立ち雛数は1巣当たり平均1.0羽であり,これは個体群を維持するの十分な雛生産率であると思われた.3) 抱卵期から家族期までの親の行動を調べた結果,雌親は家族期前期まで縄張り内に留まった.雌親は育雛期中期から巣の周辺で採餌を再開したが,ほとんどの餌は雄親によって集められた.このことから,餌の豊富な環境では雄親は単独で,雌親と雛に十分な餌を供給し得ると考えられた.4) 以上の観察から,餌と営巣樹種の豊富な環境では,トビは集団的/TV1...営巣し,かつ安定した個体群を維持するのに十分な雛を産すること,さらに雄親の十分な餌供給により雌親は抱卵期から家族期前期まで縄張り内に滞留すると思われた.
藤井 由理 古谷 誠章 白石 哲雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.778, pp.2819-2827, 2020 (Released:2020-12-30)

This study explores similarities between spatial features of architectures designed by Charles-Edouard "Le Corbusier" Jeanneret (1887-1965) and his explorations in early Purism paintings. The study focuses on the fact that Le Corbusier had painted for his entire life. He also stated that his experiments while painting had a huge influence on his architectural works.  Through his Purism paintings, Le Corbusier wanted to stimulate viewers' senses and to elicit subjective responses in their minds. In order to do that, Le Corbusier attempted to suspend the viewer's understanding of the piece by permanently sending it back and forth between two opposite interpretations or between several alternatives. Those methods can also be seen in spatial characteristics of Chapelle de Ronchamp (see: Fujii, Furuya, & Shiraishi, 20193)). Jeanneret stated that "une œuvre d'art doit provoquer une sensation d'ordre mathématique" [art works should elicit a sensation of a mathematical order]. Similarly, he thought that generating the "sensation of a mathematical order" was an important part of his Purism paintings. Through the analysis of Jeanneret's writings and paintings, this paper clarifies which methods were employed to elicit the "sensation of mathematical order" in the viewers of Purism paintings. It is important to understand that this "mathematical order" is not something depicted in the painting itself, but rather a sensation felt by the viewers of Purism paintings  For Le Corbusier, the act of painting was about 'constructing' a greater whole by depicting specific elements in a particular way. First, he would select some commonly recognizable, yet in some ways universal, daily items. He called such items "themes-objects". Then, he tried to elicit the "sensation of a mathematical order" in the viewers by aggregating depictions of those themes-objects in his paintings. There were two types of aggregation. The first one was based on the idea of "les tracés régulateurs" [regulating lines]. The second one was based on positional adjacency achieved through aligning the outlines of several themes-objects. A coherent whole was created by the interplay between themes-objects on the canvas. This interplay is referred to as the "collective form" in this study.  In Purism paintings, achieving meaning through the composition of themes-objects was not important. Instead, the focus was purely on arranging themes-objects for the purpose of eliciting the “sensation of a mathematical order” in the viewer. In Purism paintings, stability and order are usually hard to perceive. "Collective forms" created by Le Corbusier are also relatively nebulous. Their deliberate ambiguity and lack of strong connections enables the viewer's perception of the painting's subject to be suspended between several interpretations in order to strongly stimulate their senses. Because of that, the viewer can start to subjectively perceive the interplay between themes-objects in the painting. Finally, the “sensation of a mathematical order” can emerge in the viewer.
白石 哲郎
佛大社会学 (ISSN:03859592)
no.40, pp.25-42, 2016-03-20

白石 哲
九州大學農學部學藝雜誌 (ISSN:03686264)
vol.21, no.1, pp.97-109, 1964-02

Through the collection and rearing of the Japanese harvest mouse occurs in Kyushu, the author has noticed that neither the relation between head and body length (HB) and tail length (T) nor the coloration of pellage does accord with the hitherto theory of some previous investigators. Until the present, the harvest mouse occurs in Kyushu Micromys japonicus japonicus, has been said to have a tail shorter than head and body length, while the one in Honshu, M. j. hondonis, have a tail longer than head and body length, As one of other characteristics to distinguish these two subspecies, it has been said that M. j. japonicus has belly hairs suffused with slate at their bases, while M. j. hondonis has pure white belly hairs from their roots. This time the author has reexamined statistically six external characters of. M. j. japonicus, that is, body weight (BW), head and body length (HB), tail length (T), ear length (E), hind foot length (HF) and tail coefficient (TC). At the same time, comparison between M. j. japonicus and M. j. hondonis has been made statistically, too. The following is the summary of the present study. 1) The materials consist of adult harvest mice collected in the suburbs of Fukuoka and Kurume City, which involve both sexes of individuals. Not only collected mice in the field, but also reared ones under artificial conditions were made the object of the statistical examination.2) Aging was done by body weight, that is, males that have body weight over 6.5 grams and females over 6.0 grams were regarded as adults. The histological investigation of genital organs supported this aging by body weight (Tables. 1-3). 3) Actually, being only a few specimens obtained by the author himself, external measurements concerning individuals in Honshu have been gathered from the data of the previous investigators (Table. 4). 4) The statistical examination was carried out using t-test under the level of significance 1% (Tables. 10, 11). 5) The significant difference between males and females was found only in body weight of M. j. japonicus under artificial rearing. 6) The significant differences between the individuals under natural and artificial conditions, which occur in Kyushu, are recognized in tail length and tail ratio in males, while in head and body length, tail length and tail ratio in females. So far as the result shows, the harvest mice under artificial conditions can be said to have longer tails than wild ones. 7) Between the males in Kyushu and Honshu, differences are significant in tail and ear length. Even in mice in Kyushu, those which have tha tails as long as or longer than head and body length, occupy a greater parts of materials, that is, 95.6% in males and 94.0% in females. Whether tail is longer or shorter than head and body length can not be made one of subspecific characteristics between M. j. japonicus and M. j. hondonis, as it used to be done. Between the two subspecies of females, significant differences are recognized in four external characters, that is, head and body length, tail, ear and hind foot length. From the above fact, females in Honshu can be distinguished in their size from the ones occur in Kyushu. 8) As the result of comparison of M. j. japonicus under artificial conditions with M. j. hondonis, difference is found significantly only in ear length in both sexes. 9) The author has collected mice in the field which have white belly hairs from their roots even in Kyushu. Besides the above mention, reared mice have come to show bellies pure white from hair roots under artificial conditions. The difference in coloration of belly hairs can not be made one of subspecific characteristics, though the reason of change of coloration under rearing conditions is obscure. 10) Concerning the reexamination of one more subspecies in Japan, M. j. aokii, which occurs in Tsushima islands, the author expects the arrival of another opportunity when more available data come to his hand.筆者は九州産カヤネズミの採集や飼育を行なつているうちに,外部形質における本州産カヤネズミとの主な相違点とされている頭胴長と尾長の関係,毛色が必ずしも従来の説に従わぬことに気づいた.そこで外部形質(体重,頭胴長,尾長,耳長,後足長,尾率)の大きさ,毛色について統計学的に吟味した.また本州産カヤネズミの測定値とも比較吟味したので,以下にその結果を報告する. 1) 材料は福岡県福岡市と久留米市郊外で採集された野生の雌雄個体群および室内で飼育した雌雄個体群である.このうち体重を指標として成体と思われるものを選び出し統計処理の対象とした(第1~3表). 2) 本州産のものについては,筆者自身の採集によるものは極めて少ないので,既往の文献から資料を集めた(第4表). 3) 有意差の検定はt検定法(危険率1%以下)によつて行なつた. 4) 雌雄差は室内飼育した九州産カヤネズミの体重にのみ見られた. 5) 九州産カヤネズミの野生個体群と室内で餌育した個体群の間では,雄に関しては尾長と尾率に,雌に関しては尾長,尾率,頭胴長に有意差をみとめた.原因は不明であるが室内で飼育したものは尾が長くなることがわかつた. 6) 九州産野生雄と本州産雄の間では,尾長と耳長に有意差をみとめた.しかし,九州産の個体でも尾が頭胴長に等しい長さか,より長いものが絶対的に多い(雄では95.6%,雌では94.0%).尾が頭胴長よりも長いか,短いかということを,ホンシュウカヤネズミとシコクカヤネズミの亜種的特徴の1つにするのは妥当でないと考える.雌同志では頭胴長,尾長,耳長,後足長に有意差をみとめた.本州産のものが九州産の個体よりも大型だといえる. 7) 九州産飼育個体群と本州産のものとの比較を行なつたところ,有意差は雌雄とも耳長にのみみとめられた. 8) 本州産カヤネズミの腹部の毛は基部まで純白,本州産および四国産のものの毛は基部が石板色とされている.しかし,九州産野生個体にも腹部純白のものが採集され,飼育した場合にはほとんどすべてが純白の腹毛を有するようになる.腹部の毛色の相違は亜種的特徴として決定的なものではないと考える. 9) 対馬産カヤネズミとの比較考察は今後の資料の蓄積を待つて行ないたい.
白石 哲
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.84, no.4, 1975-12-25
白石 哲
動物学雑誌 (ISSN:00445118)
vol.79, no.11, pp.414-415, 1970-12-15
白石 哲郎
佛教大学大学院紀要 社会学研究科篇 (ISSN:18834000)
no.39, pp.1-18, 2011-03

E.ツィーメン [著] 白石哲訳