今村 祥子 住田 和子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.36, no.2, pp.73-80, 1993-08-20

From an overall and environmental education point of view, this study will consist of three reports, ultimately, to develop guidelines and curricula for more substantial consumer education. Through human ecological philosophy of Ellen H. Richards, this first report approaches ecological consumer education by examinations on `consumer education' concepts and its historical background. The aim of ecological consumer education is to nourish citizens who can create an ecological life. There is need to expand our own concept of consumer education through an eco-centered philosophy.
片岡 洋子 伊藤 葉子 高野 俊 鶴田 敦子 宮下 理恵子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.53, no.4, pp.226-237, 2011-01-01

In 1963, the Japanese National Curriculum Standards for upper secondary school made home economics the compulsory subject for only female students. However, some home economics teachers in Kyoto Prefecture, who had opposed to the subject as "an education to become good wives and wise mothers", were united to create alternative home economics education as a coeducational subject. They requested Kyoto Board of Education to change home economics education from female-only to coeducational subject which resulted in the implementation of coeducational home economics in 1973. This study aims to clarify the process to implement home economics as a coeducational subject, and analyze the theory of school subjects in 1960s to 1970s in Kyoto Prefecture. Results were as follows 1. In Kyoto Prefecture, not only many teachers but also the Board of Education supported the principle of coeducation. This was one of the reasons which contributed to realize coeducational home economics despite the opposition by the National Curriculum Standards. 2. Teachers who promoted coeducational home economics attempted to home economics from an education to become good wives and wise mothers to an education about managing a new family life based on couples' gender-equal relationship. 3. The theory of coeducational home economics needs to be composed of sciences and cultures, and to be revised from the subject dealing only home maintenance skills to that of family life education including historical, social, and scientific perspectives.
村山 淑子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
no.15, pp.25-34, 1974-03-31

The author investigated the Unesco report of "WORLD SURVEY OF HOME AND FAMILY EDUCATION WITHIN FORMAL EDUCATION" and compared some phases of the survey with those of Japanese homemaking education. In Part I, the composition of the survey, curriculum development, curriculum content, participation of boys in home economics education have been studied It is recommended that the findings of the report which has been worked out by co-operation of Unesco and I.F.H.E., be utilized for Japanese homemaking education. The close examining of the results of the past and present levels of regard for home economics education indicates an awareness, amongst the majority of countries in the world, of clear relationship between effective teaching of home economics and general welfare of the people. Further development will be obtainable by clarifying roles, objectives and subject matter content of homemaking education in the changing Japanese society. It is hoped that further studies to give boys suitable homemaking education in secondary schools will be developed. Associations, teaching institutions and governmental institutions who are engaged in homemaking education should co-operate for the development of Japanese homemaking education.
角間 陽子 佐藤 文子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.42, no.1, pp.37-44, 1999-04-01

家庭科教育における意思決定能力育成の可能性を追究することを目的として教材の開発を行ない, 実験授業によってその有効性を考究した。開発した教材は意思決定の概要を説明するものと, 共生を志向した意思決定能力の考え方及び価値観の傾向が自己診断できるものである。実験的授業は自己診断を導入した教材の有無による実験群と統制群, さらに実験群を教材のメディアの違いで区分することにより三試験群を設定して行ない, プリ・ポストテストで学習効果を比較検討した。結果は(1)意思決定プロセスの理解, 意思決定の際に周囲への影響を考慮すること, 意思決定能力を向上させるために自己の考え方を認識することが持つ意味等について, 自己診断を導入した教材を用いた実験群が統制群に比して有意に高い学習効果を示した。(2)教材のメディアの違いによる比較においては, パソコンを導入した実験群Bの方が意思決定プロセスをシステマティックにとらえることの理解, 授業内容に対する興味・関心, 生活での実践意欲等において高い結果となった。終りに, 本研究の実験授業にご協力くださいました新潟県中越高等学校の教職員及び生徒の皆様, CAIソフト作成に対してご懇切なるご指導を賜りました横浜国立大学原田睦夫先生に厚くお礼申し上げます。
中西 準子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.34, no.3, pp.61-74, 1991-12-20

中西先生は, 東京大学環境安全センタ-・工学系大学院, 都市工学専攻課程, 助教授でいらっしゃいます.これまてのご研究は, 下水道についての研究から出発して, 下水道と水道との関係, 河川のト-タルプランニングなどを経て, 現在, 環境水質管理の方法について研究していらっしゃるそうです.水の博士といえば, 中西先生のことで, 行政の方でも, 市民運動の方でも, 非常に先生のご研究が確信を強めているのです.これまでのご著書には, 「都市の体制と下水道」 「下水道計画論」 「下水道一水再成の欠落」 「日本の水道はよくなりますか」 「飲み水が危ない」 「いのちの水」その他, たくさんの著書があります.そして, 1988年から89年までは, ミシガン州立大学の客員教授もお勤めになられて, 世界的に水の博士でいらっしゃいます.地球のためにみんなでどのように賢く暮すべきかということにたいへん情熱を持っていらっしゃいまして, 先生のこれまでのご研究の結果の下水道計画では, これまでの下水道についての伝統的な考え方とは全く違った旨をお示しいただいているそうです.先生は本当にお忙しくて, 一般に講演会など, 全然お受けいただけない方とうかがっておりますが, 特に, 家庭科教育学会の本日のために, 例外的に講演を引き受けていただけました.家庭というものが, 地球の人間にどんなに大切か, そのために, そういう教育が大事なのだということをご理解いただいているわけです.なお, -つご紹介申し上げますが, 先生は, 月刊誌で 「水情報」 というのを発行していらっしゃいます.発行人兼編集長でいらっしゃるのですが, 毎月この雑誌をお出しになるのはたいへんなご努力のようです.一般の書店にはございませんが, 東大の都市工学科の方の 「下水道問題連絡会議」, 先生が代表をしていらっしゃるのですが, そちらの方にお申し込みになると, 私どもでも理解して読ませていただけるような本で, いろいろ, 私どもの日常生活はもちろん, 家庭科教育にもよい参考にさせていただけるのではないかと思って, ご紹介させていただきました.先生, どうぞよろしくお願いいたします.
矢野 由起
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.41, no.3, pp.25-32, 1998-10-01

In order to revaluate the contents of homemaking education in elementary school, a questionnaire was carried out to school children of the fourth, fifth and sixth grades on the learning efficiency of food and nutrition area. The results were as follows: 1.More than 90% of the children of fourth grade have known about good sources of calcium before they took homemaking class. 2.As to the questions about sources of carbohydrate and protein, and soaking time of rice prior to cooking, over ca.50% of the children failed to give correct answer. 3.There were no significant differences among the children of fourth, fifth and sixth grades as to popular knowledge such as sources of calcium, handling of dish towel and usage of gas heater and general skill such as peeling of apple. 4.As to the knowledge of the functions and sources of nutrients, the children of the higher grade showed significantly higher marks reflecting effectiveness of the homemaking class. In summary, the study showed the general propriety of the contents of the homemaking with a few exceptions which showed no difference among grades. Such exceptional items need to be treated differently in those presentation, conceptional definition and interpretation.
伊藤 葉子 河村 美穂
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.43, no.4, pp.257-264, 2001-01-01

The authors abstracted the problem through teaching practice called Planning your Life Course. It showed that students, who had a lower concern about their own life, might have difficulty in finding interest in Home Economics class. Boys especially had such a tendency to be that way. Then, the authors investigated the relationship between identity and achievement motive, results were tabulated from responses gained from questionnaires given to 435 1^<st> and 2^<nd> grade students, aimed to study about students' concerns in life and their motivation to study in class. The result were summarized as follows. (1)Identity development was related to the self-fulfilmentive achievement motive. (2)There was a difference between males and females. Males had a high level of competitive achievement motive, on the other hand, females had a high level of self-fulfilmentive achievement motive. The authors propose that it is necessary that self-fulfilmentive achievement motive is focused upon in Home Economics Education. Teachers should make Home Economics classes considering the difference in the achievement motive between males and females.