西岡 けいこ
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.68, pp.41-53, 1993-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Le but de cet article est de montrer l'importance, dans l'ouvrage d'Henri Wallon (1879-1962), “Les origines de la pensée chez l'enfant”, publié en 1945, du point de vue de l'enfant. H. Wallon veut saisir l'éveil de la pensée schez l'enfant dans sa relation de celui-ci avec son interlocuteur. Ses recherches sur la pensée chez l'enfant font état d'analyses liées a la notion de “couple”, (d'altéritè). Cette notion montre la capacité qu' a l'enfant d'adopter le systéme de pansée de l'adulte et en méme temps de le modifier par lui-méme en se l'appropriant. Les recherches de Wallon, centrées sur la notion de “couple” (altérité), prennent ainsi un caractére phénoménologique.
松丸 啓子
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.67, pp.46-58, 1993-05-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

The concepts of M. Buber's 'dialogue' and K. Jasper's 'existential communication' have some points in common. Especially both emphasize that man concerns himself with the other's self. Most of traditional existential education tended to ignore this point. Therefore, this education has fallen into some kind of individualism. In this paper, we discuss the problem of how to realize existential education drawing on an ontological comparison between 'dialogue' and 'existential communication'.In conclusion, our views on the possibility of existential education are presented.First of all, existential education can be developed by the realization of existential relations between man and man.Secondly, in the traditional discussions on existential education in Japan, metaphysical aspects of existential thought were not considered sufficiently. We found that M. Buber's 'dialogue' and K. Jasper's 'existential communication' help us to work out a solution.But, another difficulty arises here. As the relation of 'I-Thou' relates to the relation of and the 'existential communication' relates closely to other immanent communications, 'dialogue' and 'existential communication' are related only in a moment. Therefore, neither can cover the entire range of educational matters.Besides, as both are basically realized between a person and another person, a problem concerning 'the persons who are not met' has been discussed constantly. Moreover, at the moment of the realization of both, the teacher and the student meet each other as 'personality'. Here, they are beyond the educational frame of 'teacher' and 'student'.As mentioned above, 'dialogue' and 'existential communication' pose difficult problems in education. But, those difficult problems make us face a fundamental question what education should be.
大川 洋
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.67, pp.59-72, 1993-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The following five points can be listed to summarize the special characteristics of Erasmus' outlook on childhood.1. Since Erasmus does no regard mental maturity to coincide with physical maturity, the word 'puer' (child) includes a wide range of application.2. Erasmus' outlook on childhood is affected by his understanding of the sacraments. There are various opinions on the question of the appropriate age for receiving baptism, confirmation and holy communion, and these opinions are based on the outlook on childhood. Erasmus thinks that a child under seven does not sin consciously, but after seven has a proclivity to sin, and after sixteen he is exposed to numerous temptations.3. As children's model for imitation, Erasmus does not present the image of the adult Christ, but rather that of the twelve year old child Jesus.4. Erasmus not only stresses the possibility, the necessity and the usefulness of infant education, but also directs his attention to the individual characteristics of children.5. Erasmus does not adapt children to the secular world, but rather separates them from it for the sake of education.
杉山 精一
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.67, pp.73-85, 1993-05-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

Das Ziel dieser Abhandlung ist nachzuweisen daß man die Queue der Unterrichtslehre Herbart's in seinem Studium der Mathematik finden kann. Herbart fängt dieses Studium früher als das Studium der Pädagogik an, und das hängt mit der Entwicklung seiner Philosophie zusammen.Er studiert zuerst Schelling's Frühschriften sehr eifrig während seiner Jenaer Universitätszeit und nimmt der traditionellen Metaphysik gegenüber eine ablehnende Haltung ein.Nach diesem Studium vertieft er sich in das Studium der Mathematik. Er lehnt es ab, Kant's 'Ding an sich' und die Intellektuelle Anschauung unterstützen, das heißt, das Gebiet der Erkenntnis nicht in der Erfahrungswelt sondern in der Transzendentalwelt zu suchen. Er versucht, die Mathematik als erste Wissenschaft aufzustellen und damit die traditionelle Metaphysik zu überwinden.Dieses Ziel läßt sich erst verwirklichen durch die Ausbildung eines' aufmerksamen Blicks' auf den Gegenstand und das Bemühen um tiefe Selbstreflexion. Die Mathematik soil diese zwei Aufgaben erfüllen. In der Folge forscht Herbart über Pestalozzi's Methode, weil Ziel dieser Methode ist, eben die Klarheit der Begriffe zu gewinnen.
宮澤 知江美
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.67, pp.86-99, 1993-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Nietzsche attached importance to the problem how to capture the first nature during the process of our self-education. By the first nature is meant the expression of one's original existence by becoming able to express oneself by one's own language without being tossed about by existing values. But it is difficult for us to arrive at one' s own language because varius patterns are forced on us during the effort to reach our own language. That is, we are disturbed by existing values and by words from books written by others - this was also Nietzsche's own experience. In this fashion, indeed, language had an important meaning in the process of Nietzsche's self-education. In this paper, the relation between the development of Nietzsche's self-education and language, his language theory, the objective meaning of language, the attitude of the subject toward objective language are being clarified and some thoughts are added on the problem how we grasp variety, i. e. the objective language world and how we should deal with our own language in order to arrive at the first nature.