鵜野 祐介
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1991, no.64, pp.15-28, 1991-11-11 (Released:2010-05-07)

The main object of this paper is to deny as a matter of principle the possibility the education of play. First, we argue that 'education' and 'play' each possess as their characteristic an opposite direction-'education' with the characteristic of being directed toward 'meaning', 'play' with the characteristic of being directed toward 'nonsense'. Next, we deduce by a hermeneutic procedure the formal conditions of this direction in the concrete situation of 'play'.Finally we clarify through a contrast with related concepts the meaning of the tendency toward 'non-sense' withjn the 'formation of man', and point out its significance and its limitations.
三井 善止
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1991, no.64, pp.29-43, 1991-11-11 (Released:2010-01-22)

Nach dem Werk “Über Pädagogik” von Kant gehören zu seiner Erziehungslehre die zwei Seiten der physischen und der moralischen Erziehung. Wie aber physische Erziehung sich auf die moralische Erziehung strukturell bezieht, wird meiner Ansicht nach in seinem oben genannten Werk noch nicht erklärt. Um diese Frage zu erläutern, kommt es darauf an, die Position der Kantischen Erziehungslehre in seinem philosophischen System richtig zu begreifen. Daher müssen wir die Beziehung zwischen der Erziehung und der Idee und auch zwischen der Erziehungslehre (Pädagogik) und der praktischen Philosophie untersuchen; das ist dadurch möglich, dies als etwas, was in einem einheitlichen Zusammenhang steht, von einem teleologischen Gesichtspunkt aus zu betrachten. Wir können nur von diesem teleologischen Standpunkt aus das Prinzip und die Struktur der Kantischen Erziehungslehre erfassen; denn die teleologische Weltstruktur-Theorie Kants ermöglicht die Lösund der Aufgabe, eine Verbindung des Bereichs der Natur mit dem der Freiheit herzustellen. So kann der Bereich der Erziehung im weiteren Sinne und ihrer ganzen Struktur festggestellt werden. Damit können wir einen Zugang zur Lösung des pädagogischen Prinzips finden.
山室 吉孝
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1991, no.63, pp.66-79, 1991-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

The 'faith' which is proclaimed in “A Common Faith” and interpreted as Dewey's religious thought deviates from the traditional Christian faith. However, deviating as it seems to be, there is a similarity in the attitude of relying on something which cannot be grasped intellectually or by experience. But his religious thought, as also his educational thought, can be traced to his philosophy. Hence, originally, the content of his 'religious thought' and his educational thought should be identical at the root. Yet, until now, the problem was never raised which position the 'faith' he proclaimed occupies in terms of his educational thought. I clarify here the position his 'faith', believed to originate from the influence of Christianity while at the same time deviating from it, occupies within his educational thought.
中井 孝章
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1991, no.63, pp.80-93, 1991-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

This paper grapples with the problem of how two contradictory trends, i.e. sound education and training by 'correct' listening through the school subject of music on the one hand, and the training of bodily and time-sense discipline through noise such as chimes on the other hand, can exist side by side; it is attempted to develop a reform of the repression of body feeling resulting from this problem by searching for a feature sound scenery of the child and its systematization through environmental music.Looking at it from the angle of listening, the way of listening as music appreciation ressembling the setting of a concert hall, is repressive as it is limited to the activation of only some particular organ (hearing) of the body whereas a sound scenery created by music performed by children in a life-like setting, symbolized as 'the mystery of sound' creates every time with acuteness in the body sensation a feature of sound. The systematic grasp of the feature world of sound admitting unlimited possibilities for change, constitutes environmental music and forms the prototype of music. It turns the listener to exploratory listening by its characteristic feature of forming non-dailiness (the effect of 'dissimilation') enabling him to re-appraise anew radically the accustomed life environment. Constructing 'sound education' based on environmental music also in music practice, and revealing contradictory sound education and training is being demanded.
田中 智志
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1991, no.63, pp.94-106, 1991-05-10 (Released:2010-01-22)

The purpose of this paper is to give an at least somewhat satisfactory answer to the question why Counts linked indoctrination with democracy. In order to understand the relation of these two concepts, I interpret it not from the premises of Marxism-Leninism but, in accordance with the two following moments, from his theory of social reconstruction. One moment if the historical relativism implied in the historical concurrence theory of his friend Villard; the second is the moral 'faith' which is consonant with 'American culture', or 'American civilization conform to Villard's conceptions.As a result, the following conclusions are drawn : 1) Counts' democracy is neither a form of a narrow political system nor a doctrine for constructing a closed world. Basically, it implies moral faith concomitant to social relations in a typically American agricultural society. 2) This democracy is neither something which the child can weigh and choose nor a substantialized value nor something which can be taught as a political doctrine; it is essentially the outcome of a subconscious compulsory act (coercion) of the American= democratic social order. 3) However, at a time when the democratic social system and the faith embodying American culture are blocked, the school must increasingly strengthen the compulsory action (i.e. indoctrination) in order to save democracy. 4) Finally, Villard's historical relativism was chosen by the sociologist Counts as his own standpoint (normative proposition) and serves as a politico-philosophical enhancement of his theoretical moment; including some degree of conjecture, I may say his American 'faith' as such becomes the existential moment so to speak for overcoming a crisis.
寺岡 聖豪
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1991, no.64, pp.1-14, 1991-11-11 (Released:2010-05-07)

In Pestalozzi's Research, the “Nachforschungen” were treated by E.. Spranger and many other scholars, and the meaning of its anthropology was investigated. As a result, common understanding was reached that in the “Nachforschungen” the idea of a moral autonomy or independencne (Selbatändigkeit) appears which cannot be found in earlier writings.This paper, on the other hand, proposes as a new viewpoint a psycho-analytical interpretation. We re-examine the meaning of Pestalozzi's anthropology by considering first the unavoidable 'distortion' (Verstümmelung) of the human being, i. e. of the nature of man in the social situation. As a result, the maning of Pestalozzi's anthropology was discovered in the method designed as an aid to the human formation of the people. When Pestalozzi was facing the pathological situation of the distortion of the people, the method was proposed because its remedial function was badly needed. Hence, from the text of the “Nachforschungen” it is possible to discover Pestalozzi as a clinical worker, diagnozing pathological symptoms.