山名 淳
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1994, no.69, pp.44-56, 1994-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

This paper focuses on the German Sociologist N. Luhmann and offers one possibility of the theoretical problem structure in relation to the purpose of education. Luhmann, already in his early research, while not seeking a quality of objective 'truth' in causality explanations, but rather supposing that they do not possess such a quality, presents a theoretical stance which permits questioning the hypothetical, doubtful connection and the function of the purpose attached to it. The purpose of this paper is to apply this to pedagogial discussion by making use of the concept of the 'causality plan'.Here, it will be confirmed that the transformation of the other, in spite of following a non-causal process, in the educational activity, must apply a subjective causal hypothesis (causal plan), and in addition, that the purpose by which this is chosen as a prerequisite, works by applying the strategy of a 'reducation of complexity'. Furthermore, it is confirmed that this way of thinking is characterized by a 'decentralization of purpose argumentation', quite alien to the tradition of German pedagogy.
土戸 敏彦
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1994, no.69, pp.57-70, 1994-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

Das Schlüsselwort der 'Postmoderne' beinhaltet eine uneinheitliche Pluralität. Dabei ist die Postmoderne' keine Verneinung der Moderne, sondern deren Radikalisierung.Die verschiedenen Richtungen der Pädagogik der letzten Jahre in Deutschland gehoren fast alle zur Moderne. Eine davon ist auch die tranzendentalkritische Pädagogik, aber die Pädagogik W. Fischers darin, insofern sie in jeder Pädagogik 'Metaphysik' identifizieren will, geht bis an die Grenze der Moderne und ist damit auf den Standpunkt von Pluralität hin ausgerichet. Der Kernpunkt seiner Ansicht diirfte darin liegen, daß für Erziehung und Bildung die Einstellung, nur sich selbst als das einzig Legitime und Endgültige zu betrachten, nicht zutreffend ist.In der 'Postmoderne' gewahrt man eine gewisse Doppeldeutigkeit hinsichtlich der Aufgabe der Erziehung : Verstoß gegen die Erziehung überhaupt einerseits and Befreiung der Erziehung aus den Fesseln der neuzeitlichen Ieen andererseits. Einen solchen Standpunpkt ruft die transzendentale Kritik hervor, aber sie steht immer in der Versuchung, sich zu verabsolutieren. Andererseits läuft die 'Postmoderne' stets Gefahr, das Moment der transzendentalen Kritik zu verlieren. Nur wenn man beides vermeidet, gibt es eine Moglichkeit, daß die transzendentale Kritik und das 'Postmoderne' Denken neue Aspekte in der Pädagogik eroffnen konnen.
小玉 重夫
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1994, no.69, pp.71-84, 1994-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

How we can consider the relation between diversity and integration in public education, is a very serious question in contemporary U. S. A. Hannah Arendt is one of the most important thinkers who dealt with this problem. Focusing on the context of the Civil Rights Problem in the 1950ies, I elucidate her critical thought on integrated education. In doing so, I try to draw out the specific viewpoint on the public character of education which is entirely different from the liberal viewpoint.Hanna Arendt criticized the Federal decision to start integration in the public schools. For her, the validity of equality is clearly restricted to the political realm. Hence, equality should not be extended to the social realm. She also warned that, by abolishing the authority of the adults, progressive education might implicitly deny their responsibility for the world into which they have borne their children.Her critical thought on integrated education raises an important viewpoint on the public character of education in which minorities can exist without assimilating to the dominant culture.
鈴木 幹雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1994, no.69, pp.85-98, 1994-05-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

By clarifying G. Otto (“Kunst als Prozeß im Unterricht”, 1969) as he deals with the problem of how to conceptualize structurally the problem of formative art and education, the task of art pedagogy is realistically approached, i. e. how the young through art education are lead into the world; thus the foundations of art pedagogy are established.At the time when they were established during the latter half of the 1960ies, Otto adopted the viewpoint of production/expression and the theory of the structure of art education (Gestaltungslehre) from the art pedagogue of the Weimar period (1932), A. Erhardt, and through Erhardt he learned about the practice and the theory of Bauhaus. The viewpoint and the theory consisted in 'material/raw material-experiment-montage as the grammar of production/expression.On the basis of this viewpoint and this logic, he developed the following theory of art pedagogy : The meaning of art education can be interpreted as the problem of experimental/inquisitive search in the process of discovery and production. Through this discovery and search the young discover their own expression and a widening of that expression.This paper examines the structure of art pedagogy (“Gestaltungslehre, ” 1932) as an enquiry into Otto's art pedagogy and its theoretical foundations. At the same time, through this enquiry the following process is clarified, i. e. the process is clarified how by overcoming the blind spot of the art education movement, the viewpoint and the logic of production/expression is prepared in various fields of formative art/design/architecture leading to a reform of the art academies and various arts in the 1920ies.
今井 康雄
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.68, pp.1-14, 1993-11-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

From the viewpoint of their place in the history of ideas, Benjamin and Dewey as thinkers differ widely. However, looking at it from the angle of the problems both tried to tackle, they have a great deal in common. Both tried to solve the problems of modern society through recourse to an anti-dualistic empiric concept. Furthermore, they tried to dismantle the traditional idea of education by means of this anti-dualistic experience.Of course, inspite of their starting from a common approach to problems, their educational theory shows significant structural differences. By pointing to the differences of both educational theories, this paper attempts to discover the potential of Benjamin's thought in terms of educational theory. First, in this paper, the difference of the empiric concept of both thinkers is clarified along the lines of their aesthetic and social philosophy; then, the difference in their educational thought is analyzed which is founded on their respective different empiric concept. Through this argumentation this paper makes it clear that Benjamin's educational theory turned out to be better fitted for dealing with the problems of modern society.
金光 靖樹
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.68, pp.15-27, 1993-11-10 (Released:2009-09-04)

To answer the question of knowledge in school education, this paper attempts to examine the potentiality of Mark Johnson's theory of imagination based on the body. According to Johnson, metaphorical projection from physical experiences plays an important role in our thought. From this theory we may derive the following conclusions : First, we must make the child accumulate fundamental physical experiences in his infancy. Then, during and after primary education, we must try to maintain what may be called with Dewey a 'kindergarten attitude' throughout the entire school. The reason is that in the frame of Johnson's theory, the knowledge of 'changing rules' and the knowledge of 'learning rules' have in common a metaphorical projection. Furthermore, because of the increasing burden in higher education caused by the increasing amount of information, the full development of the imaginative power before that stage is reached, is necessary. Hence, we should attach great importance to independence and to close relation to real life, as a bridge, during the period of secondary education.
坂越 正樹
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1993, no.68, pp.28-40, 1993-11-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

H. Nohl's Auffassung von der Reformpädagogik ist als eine Art Kanon angesehen worden, Dieser Kanon und die Richtigkeit der darauf beruhenden geschichtlichen Darstellung ist bereits kritisch beleuchtst worden - in diesem Aufsatz soil die Bedeutung und die Funktion dieses Kanons als solchen hinterfragt werden.Meine Überlegungen werden wie folgt entwickelt; Erstens : Nach einem Überblick über die reformpädagogische Diskussion in der deutschen Erziehungswissenschaft wird H. Nohl's Selbstverständis der Reformpädagogik erläutert. Meines Erachtens war es Nohl's Wunsch, die Reformpädagogik als einheitliche Bewegung für den Wiederaufbau des Bildungswesens seines Volkes auszurichten. Zweitens : Indem die Distanz zwischen Nohl's Kanon und der Reformpädagogik festgestellt wird, zeigt es sich kiar, daß Nohl's Kanon eine kulturpädagogische Rekonstruktion der Reformpädagogik war. Dadurch wurde die radikale Ausrichtung der Reformpädagogik gezügelt und sie konnte dann große Auswirkungen auf die deutsche Pädagogik gewinnen.