渡辺 弥生 大川 真知子
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.74, pp.81-93, 2017-03-30

本研究の目的は,育児ストレスを緩和する要因として,子どもの発達に関する知識を挙げ,まず,子育てをしている親がどのくらいの知識を持っているのかを調べた。同時に,知識を知っていることが育児ストレスにどのような影響を及ぼしているのかを検討した。保健所の乳幼児健康診査に来所した母親294名に調査用紙を配布し,返送のあった104名を分析対象とした(有効回答数78.7%)。分析の結果,子どもの発達に関する正確な知識を持って子育てをしている親がかなり少ないことが平均得点の範囲から明らかになったことや,特に,お友達との関係性を含む社会性の面の知識に関して,子どもが実際に獲得できる年代よりも大幅に早く獲得できると思っている母親が多いことが明らかになった。また,知識の多少が育児ストレスに影響を与えているかどうかを調べたところ,知識を中程度に持っている群の母親が最も育児ストレスが高いことが示された。以上の結果から,子どもの発達に関する知識が多ければ育児ストレスを緩和する要因になるとは単純にはいえず,今後はどのような知識をどれくらいといったさらに具体的な検討が望まれる。 The purpose of this research was to investigate how much knowledge parents raising children had about child development as a factor to relieve stress in child rearing. At the same time, we examined if having such knowledge had an effect on child rearing stress. We distributed surveys to 294 mothers who visited health centers for infant health screenings and analyzed the results from 104 respondents (valid response rate of 78.7%). As a result of this analysis, it was evident from the range of average scores that there are few child rearing parents with a correctknowledge of child development. It was also true that mothers believed that children could develop at a greatly quicker pace than was true especially regarding socialization includingrelationships with peers. After seeing if the amount of knowledge affected child rearing stress,we found that mothers with a moderate amount of knowledge had the most stress in child rearing. From these results, we cannot simply say that an increased knowledge of child development will lead to relief in child rearing stress, and further concrete studies are necessary to determine the content and amount of knowledge that has an effect.
漆原 和子
法政大学文学部紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Letters, Hosei University (ISSN:04412486)
no.66, pp.31-39, 2012

バスク地方は,ヒツジの移牧の発生の地であるといわれている。このバスク地方のうち,フランスのバスク地方におけるヒツジの移牧の現状を知り,ルーマニア・南カルパチア山脈におけるヒツジの移牧の現状と比較することを目的として調査した。現在のバスク地方は,バスク語を用いる人々によって,ヒツジの正移牧が維持されている。EU 加盟後も,伝統的な移牧を維持しつづけてきた牧童たちは,将来も維持しつづけられると考えている。その理由は,良質のヒツジのチーズをつくり,"Ossau-Iraty"(オッソー・イラティー)のブランド名を付け,人気を博していることにある。チーズの質を維持できるのは,ヒツジに対しても,製品に対しても,殺虫,殺菌をすることをせず,草地もすべて自然にこだわっている。冬の飼料も自然の干草か,有機栽培によるトウモロコシ,大豆に限定していることにある。チーズの質を求めるならば,移牧の形式は必要である。牧童たちはこの方法を維持する限り,将来も十分に消費者の需要があると考えている。筆者も本調査の結果から,その考えを支持する。In the Basque area of the Pyrenees Mts., France, the transhumance of sheep used to be conductedin the form of intermediate-stationed transhumance prior to World War I. Today, the style oftranshumance has changed to ascending transhumance. In this study, a questionnaire survey ofshepherds was conducted in Ossau valley. This valley was formed by glacial activity during the lastglacial period. Sheep stay at the bottom of the glacial cirque around the altitude of 1700-1800 m a.s.l.where sheep, cattle and horses graze on 1,400ha as their summer range. The local breed of sheep isthe "BASCO-BEARNAISE". From July 1st to the middle September, the shepherds milk the ewestwo times a day. They use the milk to make "Ossau-Iraty" cheese. They sell the cheese throughthe market or directly to private visitors. The summer huts are used by the shepherds alone orwith their families. The living facilities are completely modernized with solar batteries, mobilephones, tap water and computers. The quality of cheese is the best in Europe. To achieve this qualityof cheese, a supply of clean cold water, soft natural grass and a cool climate are required. Theseconditions are needed to maintain the quality of both the cheese and the meat. Thus, the transhumanceof sheep in this area, meets conditions for sustainability in the future also.
牧野 英二
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.74, pp.1-20, 2017-03-30

Today wars and conflicts remain ongoing on a global scale, and the political situation in East Asia is as tense as it was before the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War in 1894. The current world situation appears to require a re-emergence of the perpetual peace envisioned by Immanuel Kant in 1795. However, his philosophy and theory of perpetual peace are no longer valid in theircurrent form against the background of today's globalization and the resulting intricate intertwining of international relations. Accordingly, this paper reviews the theory of perpetual peace from the perspectives of (1) ascertaining whether the theory predicted the general trends observed in modern society, and (2) identifying contemporary issues that extend beyond the frame work of the theory. The paper first elucidates the significance and roles of the theory in philosophical studies in Japan, with focus on those of Kant. This is followed by a discussion on the history of controversies over the theory in Japan and a look at their historical significance in relation to social and ideological backgrounds. The paper then clarifies the significance of studies on the theory of perpetual peace in Japan in the present context and outlines related challenges.The following major points of discussion are addressed here: (1) whether Kant's argumentregarding a world republic in the theory of perpetual peace contradicts that regarding the philosophy of perpetual peace described in his other treatises, particularly "The Metaphysics of Morals"; (2) whether Kant was philosophically convinced of the feasibility of perpetual peace or whether such feasibility was an expression of religious hope; (3) the question of what guaranteesthe realization of perpetual peace: (a) God or providence, (b) the intention of nature(Naturabsicht) or natural mechanisms, or (c) moral practice by humans; (4) why in the theory of perpetual peace Kant proposed a league of nations as the negative surrogate of a world republic, and whether the argument is rational; (5) how the relationship between the theory of perpetual peace and issues of justice should be interpreted; and (6) whether the views expressed in the theory are still useful today. Lastly, the paper clarifies the significance of the theory of perpetual peace in the present context as follows: First, the theory is inseparable from today's theory of justice. Second, ideasabout the theory do not allow holy war — which destroys peace in the name of justice — from the perspective of global justice. Third, a theory of justice has been examined from a variety of perspectives, which has in turn made the subject a battlefield for discussions. In any case, studies and assessment of the theory of perpetual peace offer some important ideas for the peace andstability of the international community.
吉村 浩一
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.62, pp.73-94, 2011-03

The psychological laboratory of Hosei University has almost all titles of 16mm film library of the psychology education released from Bunei Kyoiku Eiga-sha between about 1970 and 1985. Not small members of the first generation psychology researchers in Japan after the World War II participated in making the film library. I checked the whole films and pick out a lot of valuable scenes from the historical point of view. Based on the collected clips, I built a database which was composed of three sections; Researchers, Apparatus, and Demonstrations of experiments and psychological tests. It will provide a chance to look back over the works of the first generation and to consider the presence and the near future of the psychological research for the Japanese younger generation.
吉村 浩一
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.49, pp.LXXV-XCVII, 2004-03-02
山口 誠一 Yamaguchi Seiichi
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.56, pp.1-15, 2007

Der Gedanke ist nicht nur die Bedeutung,sondern auch die Sache,den der Hegel-Leser anhand des Hegel-Texts begreifen müssen. Die Sache untercheidet sich nicht nur vom bloss objektiven Ding,sondern auch von der bloss subjektiven Bedeutung. Die Sache ist deshalb die Objektivität,die die Subjektivität der Bedeutung durchdringt. Es heisst bestimmt in der Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften(1830)§464,dass der Gedanke Keine Bedeutung mehr hat. Man Kann zwar ohne das Verständnis der Bedeutung der Sprache keinen Gedanke begreifen,die diesen Gedanke ausdrückt,aber,der Gedanke ist die Sache.'(Enzy.§465) Nur diese Sache ist,die wahre Objektivität'(Enzy.§464). Deshalb heisst das Verständnis des Gedankens Hegels das Verständnis der Sache als 'der wahren Objektivität.'Also sind natürlich die Bewusstseinsgegenstände der Phänomenologie des Geistes und die Denkbestimmungen der Wissenschaft der Logik die Sachen. Nur die Sache ist das Hauptthema der Eröffnungsparagraphen der Vorrede der Phänomenologie des Geistes. Es heisst in der Vorrede der Phänomenologie des Geistes:,,Solche Bemühungen mit dem Zwecke oder den Resultaten,so wie mit den Vershiedenheiten und Beurteilungen des einen und des andern,sind daher eine leichtere Arbeit,als sie vielleicht scheinen. Denn statt mit der Sache sich zu befassen,ist solches Tun immer über sie hinaus;statt in ihr zu verweilen und sich in ihr zu vergessen,greift solches Wissen immer nach einem Andern,und bleibt viemehr bei sich selbst,als dass es bei der Sache ist und sich ihr hingibt."(§3)
越智 啓太
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
no.61, pp.175-181, 2010

In the present study, behavioral patterns of financial robberies who broke into banks and postoffices in Japan were analyzed. The analysis was based on the newspaper database resources. Theresults of the analysis showed that the typical type of robbery, in which the criminal threatened acounter staff with a knife, accounted for only 60 percent of all financial robberies, and that atypicaltypes of robberies had happened more frequently than expected. As the results of more detailedanalysis in MDS (Multi Dimensional Scaling), it was found that the criminal could escape most easilywhen the criminal struck and robbed a bank customer who appeared to use a night-deposit safe.Finally, the method of the crime prevention in financial institutions was discussed based on theresults above.
宮川 雅
法政大学文学部紀要 (ISSN:04412486)
vol.51, pp.1-13, 2005-09-30