秀村 研二
社会科学ジャ-ナル (ISSN:04542134)
vol.28, no.2, pp.p147-170, 1990-03
寺田 麻佑
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.86, pp.89-109, 2019-03-31

本稿は、従わなければならないのは人である統治者の決める法なのか、古来、慣習として信じられ、存在が認められてきた、神々の法としての法なのかという問題について、アンチゴーヌをどのように読み解くのかという問題から、神の法・人の法について考察をおこなうものである。 アンチゴーヌは、神々の掟(法)に基づき、国王が定めた国(人)の法に抵抗した。これは、国という権力、国王という権力に対抗した、ということができるかもしれない。 アンチゴーヌはこう語る。「法がどこからくるか、知っている人はいない。法は永久に続くもの。」 古代や中世との比較において現代社会の法をみるとき、その特色は、個人の尊厳と個人の尊重を中核とし、基本的人権の制度的保障体系が憲法や法律のなかに確立され、整備されていることだということである。 しかし、法は、だれが、どのように作ることができるのかということに関する答えはない。法律の内容は(とくに間接民主制を採用する社会においては)議会の「公開の」審議を通して討議されて確定されるべきであるが、現実の法制定過程をみてみると、審議は行われず、あらかじめ定められた、もしくは予定された通りに国会を通過していくものも多い。 また、法が社会状況に追いつかない問題も常に生じる。法と社会のずれの問題は、どの社会においても起こるが、日本においてもそうである。このような法と社会のずれの問題は、何を「法」と考えるのかという問題とつながっている。 そこで、本稿は、アンチゴーヌを主題としてそこから現れる神の法・人の法の相違について検討を加えたうえで、現代社会の法と社会、人の法と神の法の問題をアンチゴーヌがどのように解釈しているのかということを通して考察を行う。
萩原 優騎
国際基督教大学 International Christian University
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.89, pp.165-185, 2022-03-31

“LCS: Less Conflictual Solutions” is a methodology of “functional tolerance” theory proposed by Yoichiro Murakami. Takeaki Komatsu regards the concept of “tolerance” defined by Murakami as the one which shows a necessary condition for information senders to understand the context of their communication with information receivers or to build a new context they will be able to share. This definition appears when Komatsu criticizes the premises of risk communication. This paper aims to reconsider LCS and functional tolerance theory by analyzing Komatsu’s argument based on Niklas Luhmann’s sociology. According to Komatsu, one of the main interests of risk communication is how to convince information receivers. It means that the success of risk communication for information senders is to gain information receivers’ trust in their risk management. However, such an assumption is not self-evident if referred to Luhmann’s comments on risk communication. He distinguishes risks from dangers. Risks belong to the decision-makers, and dangers belong to those affected. In other words, risks are the losses recognized as the results of a decision, and dangers are the ones recognized as what are provided from the outside. There is a gulf between the decision-makers and those affected. What Luhmann pointed out is important to reexamine LCS. Murakami says that it is impossible to achieve the unique solution as the least-conflictual one. Therefore, making a compromise is necessary to reach a less conflictual solution. However, LCS cannot be a methodology to overcome a gulf between the decision-makers and those affected. On the other hand, Murakami emphasizes the importance of seeking a possibility to find a better solution, not the best one. If a person places absolute trust in the option selected already, he/she will lose sight of the possibility of choosing a better solution. He/she should be conscious that their present choice is tentative. Murakami regards that such a person is functionally tolerant. Being functionally tolerant is necessary to improve a situation by recognizing a gulf between the decision-makers and those affected, though it will not be resolved completely. In this meaning, Komatsu’s definition of Murakami’s “tolerance” is incorrect. Komatsu’s criticism against risk communication can be applied to LCS, but not to functional tolerance theory itself. However, this does not mean that functional tolerance theory should be accepted uncritically. It will be possible to revise LCS and functional tolerance theory by referring to Luhmann’s view.
寺田 麻佑
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.86, pp.89-109, 2019-03-31

本稿は、従わなければならないのは人である統治者の決める法なのか、古来、慣習として信じられ、存在が認められてきた、神々の法としての法なのかという問題について、アンチゴーヌをどのように読み解くのかという問題から、神の法・人の法について考察をおこなうものである。 アンチゴーヌは、神々の掟(法)に基づき、国王が定めた国(人)の法に抵抗した。これは、国という権力、国王という権力に対抗した、ということができるかもしれない。 アンチゴーヌはこう語る。「法がどこからくるか、知っている人はいない。法は永久に続くもの。」 古代や中世との比較において現代社会の法をみるとき、その特色は、個人の尊厳と個人の尊重を中核とし、基本的人権の制度的保障体系が憲法や法律のなかに確立され、整備されていることだということである。 しかし、法は、だれが、どのように作ることができるのかということに関する答えはない。法律の内容は(とくに間接民主制を採用する社会においては)議会の「公開の」審議を通して討議されて確定されるべきであるが、現実の法制定過程をみてみると、審議は行われず、あらかじめ定められた、もしくは予定された通りに国会を通過していくものも多い。 また、法が社会状況に追いつかない問題も常に生じる。法と社会のずれの問題は、どの社会においても起こるが、日本においてもそうである。このような法と社会のずれの問題は、何を「法」と考えるのかという問題とつながっている。 そこで、本稿は、アンチゴーヌを主題としてそこから現れる神の法・人の法の相違について検討を加えたうえで、現代社会の法と社会、人の法と神の法の問題をアンチゴーヌがどのように解釈しているのかということを通して考察を行う。
名嘉 憲夫
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.87, pp.27-48, 2020-03-31

Recently, books such as How Democracies Die suggested that even countries with formal democratic institutions experience decay or disfunction in their democratic processes. Recent Japanese political incidents appeared to confirm such observation. The "forced passage of the collective defense bill" of 2015 is one of the most controversial issues in recent Japan. Although many scholars specialized in constitution studies asserted that the collective defense bill was unconstitutional, the governing party forced the approval of the bill in the national Diet. The purposes of this paper are threefold. Firstly, the processes of passing the collective defense bill will be examined. Secondly, illegal political processes such as revolution and coup d'état, and the approval of the collective defense bill will be compared. Thirdly, the ideal types of illegal political process will be constructed. In order to analyze and understand the processes of the approval of the collective defense bill, concepts (and terms) such as "maneuver coup" and "legal coup" as an ideal type of hypothetical terms will be suggested. The appropriateness of concepts (and terms) such as "maneuver coup" and "legal coup" need to be further examined by positive case study research.
萩原 優騎
社会科学ジャーナル (ISSN:04542134)
no.64, pp.191-211[含 英語文要旨], 2008-03

This paper is a sequel to "Reconsidering Paradigm Theory - Philosophy of Science, Social Anthropology, and Lacanian Psychoanalysis -". The purpose of the last paper was to reconsider paradigm theory and deepen an understanding about it in relation with social anthropology and Lacanian psychoanalysis. In this paper, we will reflect on philosophy of science psychoanalytically again focusing on Jacques Lacan's concept "discourse of science". Kuhn says that paradigm change is like conversion. This means that paradigm change is a change of intersubjectivity. One of the functions of paradigm is to form a scientific community where scientists study based on knowledge shared intersubjectively. Norwood Russell Hanson also emphasizes the importance of intersubjectivity. He discusses it not only as a key of scientific observation but also as that of a basis of knowledge in Lebenswelt. For example, one may find a goblet in a picture, but the other may find faces of two persons in it. What we find there is determined by how perspective has been formed intersubjectively. To explain Hanson's theory from the view of Lacanian psychoanalysis, it is necessary to consider the structure of the psychoanalytic subject. According to Lacan, stability of the imaginary, which is especially related to the function of ego, is guaranteed by the symbolic. To enter the symbolic means he/she has a relation with language. Intersubjective relations based on language control the imaginary, and this is a necessary condition for the subject to be defined socially. However, it does not mean that symbolic order can perfectly give him/her a truism in his/her daily life. The imperfection of symbolization is usually covered with the imaginary, and the object of fantasy is called "object a". Paradoxically, this object can be evidence that his/her symbolization is imperfect when his/her current perspective loses its truism. Such a structure is characterized by its symbolic imperfection, but discourse of science tries to exclude it. In this discourse everything seems to go perfectly if a chain of signifier starts once. Lacan says that discourse of science is that of mathematical symbols, and it supposes that science always has its perfect objectivity. Scientists describe the world by mathematical symbols, and they prove its validity by experiments. Repeatability of experiments is a representation of object a, because it makes a truism in the concerned paradigm. This is the situation "normal science" named by Kuhn. In this situation they do not think of a possibility of paradigm change. An important question is why paradigm can change though scientists are in discourses of science where symbolic imperfection is not considered. The answer is that they can be in this discourse as long as they live in Lebenswelt which is a basis of their fantasy that the world is constant. The subject in Lebenswelt has a symbolic imperfection, which can bring the possibility of paradigm change. Lacan points out that constancy of the world is a fantasy. Moreover, we cannot find a unique law which explains how paradigm change occurs. The reason why the concerned paradigm is selected is only a rationalized explanation after paradigm change. Paul Feyerabend calls this groundlessness "anything goes", but it tends to be evaluated as an extreme relativism. As mentioned already, Lacanian psychoanalysis explains it as an imperfection of the symbolic. This is "the real", which is a structural groundlessness of the subject.
中野 佑一 川口 遼
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.78, pp.65-84, 2014-09-30

This paper argues for the possibility of "research-education separated model" in order to achieve better social research education.In particular, firstly, we look at the current state of social research education under the Social Research Qualification System and confirm that "research-education integrated model" is now dominant in social research training classes. Secondly, we argue that "research-education integrated model" tends to focus mainly on knowledge and skills in social training, not on the sociological imagination, which is essential to sociology and social research. Thirdly, we examine the common ground between the sociological imagination and reflexive thinking about self and society, one of the goals of liberal arts. Fourthly, we deliberate possible ways of class management to enable a course model which separates education from research on the basis of our educational experiments in "Qualitative Analysis in Sociology" at International Christian University. Finally, we analyze the educational effect of this class on the students participating in the class. As a result, we reveal that there are three educational effects which are mutually related: the understanding of research process, the cultivation of social and communicational skills and the realization of sociological imagination.
安野 花凜 稲葉 祐之
社会科学ジャーナル = The Journal of Social Science (ISSN:04542134)
no.87, pp.67-90, 2020-03-31

For many years, Japanese companies have been engaging in what can be referred to as “a closed innovation” policy, that is, they seek to create innovation within the boundaries of their own corporations. However, due to the impact of IT technology and globalization, it has become harder to create innovation within a closed community. Accordingly, this difficulty stresses the importance of seeking different approaches such as open innovation whereby large organizations collaborate with venture companies to attract people's attention. This paper focuses on corporate venture capital (CVC), which is one of the means of creating open innovation that has been attracting attention in recent years. The cosmetics industry is one of the sectors engaging in open innovation for new value creation. As the industry matures, new players with innovative technologies emerge, which intensifies competition. Collaboration with external organizations is necessary to achieve growth under such circumstances. However, there is no research on this CVC investment model, although it could be considered an effective method for the cosmetics industry to promote open innovation and restructure R&D strategy for sustainable growth. Therefore, this paper addresses the current investment model of the cosmetics industries focusing on the importance of transforming closed R&D into open R&D and on whether this approach is an effective method to attain sustainable growth. This research conducted multiple case studies on Shiseido, and POLA ORBIS Holdings, as these are two examples of cosmetic companies currently working based on a CVC investment approach. As a result, this research proposes three conceptualized CVC investment models: 1) R&D enhancedtyped CVC, 2) human resource development enhanced-typed CVC, and 3) corporate value improvement-typed CVC. Finally, there is also an analysis of the effectiveness of each of these models.