山本 善之 角 洋一 鈴木 和夫 鈴木 政直 鈴木 隆男
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1985, no.158, pp.291-300, 1985 (Released:2009-09-04)
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In 1935 the Forth Fleet of the Imperial Navy encountered a typhoon in the occasion of the naval grand maneuvers in the Pacific Ocean off the northern coast of Honshu Island of Japan, and many naval vessels of the fleet were damaged. Destroyers “HATSUYUKI” and “YUGIRI” lost their fore bodies being splitted in front of bridges with 51 crews on board. They were designed on the basis of the theories and experiments of those days ; they had long forecastles with large flare for high performance in rough seas, and their section moduli were designed to be in proportion to the estimated longitudinal bending moment for the reduction of hull weight.In this paper the authors attempt to analyze the disaster of the two destroyers theoretically with the aid of the knowledge available today. The wave bending moments acting on the destroyers are calculated for several wave conditions by TSLAM based on the nonlinear theory of ship motions, and they are compared with the ultimate moment. It is shown from the calculated results that the sagging moments are increased by slamming to the flare and buoyancy of the long forecastle dipped into a wave. If the longitudinal strength were designed in such a manner that the section modulus had an almost constant value sufficiently far towards the fore body of the vessel, the disaster of the two destroyers could have been avoided.
中井 裕司 田畑 光敏
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1990, no.168, pp.623-628, 1990

SHIP & OCEAN FOUNDATION studies on Pilot Model for CIM in shipbulding. One of the subjects in this project, we researched on modeling for Piping Arrangement in Shipbuilding. This paper proposed Piping Arrangement Model based on Object Oriented and Entity-Relationship method. Following this concept, we developed Prototype System by Smalltalk80, this is object oriented program language and enviroment.<BR>The Prototype System applied to midship part of oil tanker and obtained efficiency of proposed Piping Arrangement Model.
浜本 剛実
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1968, no.124, pp.1-7, 1968-12-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

In this paper, the approximate analysis of the low aspect ratio wing is carried out, getting a new integral equation of the lifting surface being oblique in the plane of free stream in order to estimate the lift distribution on the wing with low aspect ratio.The bound vortices are herein assumed to be distributed over the wing surface that is considered as the lifting surface and hence the induced free vortex filaments extend over the infinite down. stream having reasonable small angle to the wing surface.Applying this integral equation to the extreme case of the lifting surface, it is shown that Munk's Integral Equation is derived in case of the infinite span, and on the other hand, in case of the infinite chord wing the same result is given as that being obtained by Newton's momentum theory. The integral equation identical with that by Prandtl is further derived from the author's equation, putting aspect ratio high as the approximate treatment.
遠山 泰美 小野 志郎 西原 誠一郎
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1992, no.172, pp.383-391, 1992 (Released:2009-09-04)
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The first commercial ACV service started with Vickers VA-3 in Britain in 1962. Since 1964 Mitsui (MES) has been making R and D efforts in ACV production and constructed 29 hovercraft of MV-PP series.Recent MV-PP10, a diesel powered 105 passenger hovercraft has achieved high performance and remarkable running cost efficiency. The weight penalty due to the adoption of diesel engines and welded aluminium structures resulted in water drag increase particularly in low speed region. In order to overcome the water scoop, model tests and FEM numerical analyses together with full scale sea trials have been conducted. Full scale measurements with conventional rear skirt systems revealed that the rear skirts would scoop the sea water at about 8 knots.Through the research and development works new rear skirts were conceived and designed for actual use considering geometric instability of the inflated membrane. There were great improvements in the reduction of the drag compared with the conventional systems.Two MV-PP10 hovercraft equipped with the improved rear skirts are now in commercial service for access to Oita airport by Oita Hoverferry Co, Ltd.
吉野 亥三郎 森谷 周行 八木 光 山下 進
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1993, no.174, pp.365-375, 1993 (Released:2009-09-04)

Focussing on the sea-going maneuverability of a 105-passenger hovercraft, the authors made investigations through series of model tests and computer simulations. The wind forces acting on a scale model, which represents superstructure and cushion form, were measured in a wind tunnel test. Oblique towing tests with self-lifting model were carried out for the hydrodynamic characteristics between cushion skirt and water plane. Regarding the characteristics of control surfaces, the force measurement tests with ducted propeller and rudder in wind tunnel were carried out. Based on these results of model tests, the authors developed a simulation program which employs proper mathematical models for each force components, namely cushion skirt, wind, propellers, rudders and thruster. The output of simulation showed fairly good agreement with the results of actual sea trial. Especially in the case of course keeping in beam wind, the reverse of check-helm direction around Froude number of 1.0 experienced in actual operations were confirmed through computer simulation. Lastly the results of extensive investigations on the sea-going maneuverability of the hovercraft are explained.
小池 裕二 吉海 研 広重 栄基 谷田 宏次 牟田口 勝生
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1994, no.176, pp.137-143, 1994 (Released:2009-01-08)
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An actively controlled anti-rolling system has been developed with a view of reducing the rolling motion of a ship by the movement of the mass controlled by actuator. It is of hybrid type combining the pendulum-base passive type with active type driven by a relatively small electric motor. The hybrid type has merits of (a) providing almost the same damping performance as active type (depending solely on actuators for obtaining controlled movement of damper mass), while requiring only a much smaller control force for moving the damper mass, and (b) continuing to function solely on its passive mechanism in the event of power failure. This system consists of a sliding mass on the rail shaped in a circular arc, and the compact, passive pendulum mechanism is realized that does not require a suspension structure such as a simple pendulum or spring mechanism. The driving force to control the movement of the damper mass is imparted from the electric motor through reduction gearing connected to a gear and pinion mechanism. The LQ control theory has been adopted for controlling the damper mass. At-sea experiments were performed with a ship (weight approx. 190t) to verify damping effects of the hybrid anti-rolling system. The rollings were reduced to about 1/3 in beam seas under the condition that the ship was stationary. The performance was further compared between hybrid type and passive type. Hybrid type promised better damping performance by 15% than passive type. The hybrid type also attenuated rollings with a forward speed of ship to about 1/2 in following seas, in the case of which passive type presented difficulty of providing damping effects markedly. Good agreement was obtained between measurement and calculation.
福地 信義 小山 清文 篠田 岳思
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1999, no.186, pp.545-558, 1999 (Released:2009-09-04)
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In the safety design of marine systems, it has to justly give a matter over human life in the case of outbreak of a marine accident such as fires and collisions. It may be difficult to establish a safe evacuation system by the cause of uncertain behavioral patterns based on human factors with ambiguity. Besides, the psychological effect on behavior of evacuee that is terrified under the stimulus by accident, should be considered in the redundancy system for safe evacuation. Accordingly, the safe evacuation system with the intention of securing evacuation routes and reducing escape time, is desirably designed by grasping the personnel behavior with psychological intelligence process in an emergency of marine accident.In this paper, the evacuation behaviors can be predicted by using the proposed walking model with individual capacity of visible length and avoidance process for obstacles. Further, the mathematical model of psychological intelligence process in an emergency is contrived herein, in which the evacuation movement is simulated in the consideration of the decrease of walking speed and the occurrence of self-isolation in psychological action according to the magnitudes of accident stimulus. By applying these models to common spaces in a dinning cruise ship, taking account of the human factors with psychological action is rather valued in the safe evacuation system and the validity of the proposed models can be confirmed.
板垣 浩 豊田 政男 真島 篤 朝田 洋雄
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1981, no.149, pp.287-297, 1981 (Released:2010-01-25)

The role of adequate non-destructive inspections and following repairs of detected flaws is essential in order to continue the integrity of welded structures. It is, however, pointed out that catastrophic failures sometimes happen due to insufficient repairs having no regard for unfavorable effects of repair.In case of welded joints, when a detected flaw is repaired by renewed welding, the fracture toughness of a flaw which is not discovered and adjacent to the detected flaw becomes smaller because of so-called the Hot Straining Embrittlement. Therefore, if such effect mentioned above is not taken into account, the reliability of the welded joint must be overestimated.The purpose of the research is to investigate the effect of the Hot Straining Embrittlement giving rise to serious deterioration of fracture toughness and evaluate the optimum range of repair in order to prevent an unexpected failure with the aid of reliability analysis.This report, at first, describes deterministic or probabilistic factors which should be adopted in the reliability analysis, a model and formulations of the analysis, and then, presents the comparison between estimated reliabilities of various cases, i. e., no repair, repair with or without the Hot Straining Embrittlement (HSE).From the results of numerical examples, it is shown that, 1) the probability of failure of repair with HSE is extremely larger than that of repair without HSE, 2) when the detected flaw is small, the probability of failure of no repair becomes smaller than that of repair with HSE, and 3) the important results are obtained on the range of repair with HSE.
岩崎 紀夫 加藤 昭彦 川原 正言
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1981, no.149, pp.268-278, 1981 (Released:2009-09-16)

Fatigue crack growth under random loading has been extensively studied since nearly a decade in relation with the design of offshore structures, ship hulls, pressure vessels and so on.For the sake of simplicity, random loads in service conditions are often simulated by block programmed loads in laboratory fatigue tests. However, very few studies have been conducted on the difference of fatigue crack growth behaviour between random loads and block programmed loads.The authors previously presented an experimental study on fatigue crack growth under block programmed loads, and discussed on the effect of block size on fatigue crack growth life. A proposed model gave a good prediction of fatigue crack growth life in block programmed loading tests. In the present paper, fatigue crack growth tests were performed under three different types of block or random loads. Experimental results show that fatigue crack growth behaviour under random loads is very similar to that under block programmed loads with short periods. Miner's rule gave a non-conservative estimation for crack growth life under both random and short block loads. Life estimation by the model previously proposed agreed well to the experimental results.
川口 勝義 浦 環 折出 光宏 坂巻 隆
社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.178, pp.657-666, 1995-12
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The ALBAC designed by the authors and constructed in 1992 is a prototype of shuttle type autonomous underwater vehicles. The ALBAC was developed for the oceanographic measurement of water column on the way and from the seabed.<BR>The vehicle does not have a propeller thruster but moves aside by gliding. To carry out the mission, the software includes three simple fuzzy controllers for longitudinal and lateral motion. The longitudinal motion controller displaces the longitudinal coordinate of the location of the center of gravity (C. G.) and controls the gliding angle, respectively of the vehicle. Two lateral motion controllers also displace the lateral coordinate of C. G. and control azimuth and yaw rate. The parameters of the fuzzy rules were optimized by using the Evolution Strategies on the simulator, and examined based on the motion data of every trial. 300-meter depth sea trials were successfully conducted in April of 1995 at the Suruga Bay of Japan.<BR>Consequently, the ALBAC is highly reliable and can be easily operated to carry out the mission to measure the profile of scientific data.
藤田 譲 野本 敏治 仁保 治
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1978, no.144, pp.437-445, 1978 (Released:2010-01-20)

In the previous paper, studies on the ultimate strength of stiffened plates with initial deformations were made, and a new analytical method was proposed. In this paper, the effects of initial imperfections due to welding on the ultimate strength are investigated.It is well known that these welding-induced imperfections which inevitably occur during the manufacturing process reduce the compressive strengh of structural elements. Almost all the strength analyses that have been made so far are based on the measured or assumed initial imperfections.Firstly, in this paper, the practical method to predict welding-induced imperfections such as welding distortion and welding residual stress is introduced.Secondly, an analytical method reported in the previous paper is further developed for describing welded plate behavior in compression.Finally, making use of aboved-mentioned results, the ultimate strength of stiffened plates is discussed.The following conclusions are obtained.1) It is introduced how to predict welding-induced imperfections according to welding conditions. The authors extended their method in order to estimate the ultimate strength of welded plates with these imperfections. Since this method is an analytical one that the ultimate strength can easily be estimated comparing with other numerical methods.2) The obtained results are checked against available results from numerical analyses and experimental data. It is confirmed that this proposed method is fairly efficient one.3) The imperfections due to welding reduce compressive strength of plates. Reduction in ultimate strength is most remarkable in case of the square plate having both slenderness ratio b/t√σY/E=1.9 and small intial deformation. For slenderer plates, reduction ratio caused by welding-induced imperfections is approximately constant. For thicker plates, the effect of residual stress on the ultimate strength disappears.4) The welding residual stress in stiffened plates lowers the panel element strength so that minimum stiffeness ratios (γBmin, γUmin) of stiffened plates becomes smaller than those (γBmin, γUmin) of stress-free stiffened plates.
町田 進 的場 正明 吉成 仁志 新村 豊
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1990, no.168, pp.605-614, 1990 (Released:2009-09-16)

Ship life depends on many factors. The factors will be divided into three groups, the law of nature, performance and economy. The laws of nature are mainly fatigue and corrosion which reduce the retained structural toughness in aged ships. The performance factors of social impact will sometimes act key point. For example, marine pollution has a great influence on types of ships. In economy factors, investment and its recovery are basic ones that should be analyzed, and cost sensitivity of each of the factors should be analyzed on the point of effect on life. And some investigations show low finantial merit in ship life extention. The authors investigated the factors for proper ship life in basic and fundamental aspect, and confirmed that it should be taken heads to link the factors together. The points to be cleared in engineering point of view are the properties of corroded plates, and some results show very low fatigue strength and fracture toughness that warn low strength redundancy of aged ships.
井上 真一 佐々木 紀幸 村上 恭二 藪下 和樹 鈴木 勝雄
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1996, no.180, pp.1-11, 1996 (Released:2009-09-16)

The amplitude functions measured by wave analysis experiment for a ship model are expanded in Mathieu function series in order to obtain the informations of improving the hull form. The expansion gives sectional area curve of the model as assumed as a source generating the measured wave system in linear wave-making theory. The expansion coefficients correspond with the coefficients of Mathieu expansion of the assumed sectional area curve and give the strengths of wave pattern resistance components. In order to reduce the total wave resistance the sectional area curve components corresponding with the dominant wave resistance components is to be subtracted.The amplitude functions measured for three ship models are expanded in Mathieu function series and their wave resistance components are compared with each other at various Froude numbers. The direction of improving hull form obtained by the present method corresponds with the design philosophy of the three ship forms.
新開 明二 万順 濤 小西 陽一
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1997, no.182, pp.435-444, 1997 (Released:2009-09-16)

This paper deals with a new statistical prediction method for the propeller racing of ships sailing in rough seas. The propeller racing is one of the most important sea keeping quality in relation to the safety of main engine and shafting system. The trend of the racing has been investigated mainly in order to estimate allowable maximum propeller diameter, operability of ocean-going ships etc.. In those studies, the propeller racing generally and mainly means the situation (propeller exposed) in which the relative motion amplitude between ship hull and wave surface would exceed a depth of point in rotary disk propeller. Therefore, it seems that the magnitude of the amplitude and its exceeding frequency have been examined as a principal subject of study as usual. However, the time during which the amplitude exceeds a depth of point, that is, the propeller exposes in the air over sea surface, must be also one of most important factor affecting the trend of propeller racing. Then, this paper proposes a new practical method for estimating the time lasting of exposed propeller related to propeller racing in rough confused seas on the basis of the statistics.
田中 義照 遠藤 久芳
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1988, no.164, pp.456-467, 1988 (Released:2010-05-07)
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Though a lot of experimental and theoretical investigations on the strength of stiffened plates in compression have been carried out, there are few to suggest the rational correlation between panel and stiffener associated with their local buckling and collapse. The main purpose of the paper is to present a method of analysis which may be effective not only in estimation of ultimate strength but also in mode shape analysis taking account of the interaction between panel and stiffener.The proposed procedure is composed of two parts, elastic large deformation analysis and rigid-plastic analysis. The fundamental concept of method was proposed by Fujitao and it has been developed to be applicable to the problem relating with panel-stiffener interaction. The presented method has been verified through comparing its results with the experiment and FEM calculation and it has been found to be practical for the estimation of ultimate load and post-buckling behavior of stiffened plates with flatbar stiffeners.Through the mode shape analysis, has been obtained a clear scope for the local collapse mode, which had been most commonly observed in the experiment conducted with continuous multi-span models.The critical slenderness ratio of flatbar stiffener has been studied through the analyses. They show that there is a threshold of the slenderness ratio, h/ts, over which the dominant buckling mode in a stiffener changes from a panel-buckling-induced one to an inter-frame overall and the buckling strength rapidly decreases. The critical value is found to be about 18, which indicates the existing rule requirements are a little too conservative.
増山 豊 深沢 塔一 北崎 隆雄
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1997, no.181, pp.1-13, 1997 (Released:2009-09-16)
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Sail forces were measured in a full-scale sailing boat with the use of a sail force dynamometer. This apparatus consisted of an aluminum frame fixed to the hull by way of several load cells. The sailing boat was modified so that the dynamometer frame could be installed inside the hull. The mast, stays, winches, and other sailing rig were fixed on the frame so as to transmit all the forces acting on sail to the frame. By transforming the measured forces, the lift force, drag force, thrust, side force, or the center of effort of the sail force could be obtained. The sailing conditions of the boat, such as the boat speed, heel angle, wind speed, wind angle, and so on, were also measured.Sail shapes of the boat in the up-wind condition were also measured with the use of CCD cameras installed in the boat. The sail shape images taken by the cameras were transformed to bit-map files, and then processed by an SSA-2 D, a sail shape analyzing software. With the use of this software, sail shape parameters were obtained. The relationship between the measured sail forces and the sail shape parameters is discussed in this paper. Moreover, the measured sail shapes were used as the input data for the numerical calculations.Numerical calculations were performed to estimate the sail forces of the boat. In the calculations, two sails, a mainsail and a jib, were modeled in the form of a vortex lattice. The vortex lattice method was adopted as the numerical calculation method. Step by step calculations were conducted up to attaining the steady state of the sail in steady wind. Calculated sail forces were compared with the measured forces, and the validity of the numerical method was studied.
栗田 義之 秋山 俊弥 北尾 幸市
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.146, pp.407-419, 1979

In view of safety design against fatigue failure in cylindrical storage tank of low temperature use, low cycle and low temperature fatigue behaviour of shell to annular tee-fillet welded joint in tank was investigated experimentally and analytically, in case of liquefied propane gas tank, using a displacement-controlled bend test of model specimens. The experiments and analyses were done either by strain and displacement measurements around weld toe in annular plate under cyclic deformation or by finite element analysis mainly to clarify quantitatively the effects of type of weld joint as well as dimensions of weld joint, including the effects of annular plate thickness, on the fatigue crack initiation life of tank. Principal results obtained are as follows. (1) In bend test of model specimen, a distribution of strain range in front of weld toe indicates that its maximum value is found at weld toe as far as the deformation range examined, although maximum value of strain distribution is found at 5-10mm distant from weld toe under large extent of deformation. (2) Experiments and analyses show that there is no difference practically between fillet weld joint and full penetration joint in cyclic deformation as well as in fatigue strength. (3) The expression of evaluating the fatigue crack initiation life in the displacement controlled bend test of model specimen was derived in terms of weld joint parameters, which is [numerical formula] where N_c,._p, t. SL denotes fatigue crack initiation life, weld toe radius, displacement range at the loading point, annular plate thickness, and leg length of shell plate respectively. (4) By introducing a parameter _<s-A>, an angle which defines an extent of deformation around weld toe, the fatigue crack initiation life in tank is predicted from the results on model specimen. (5) The finite element analysis shows that as to the bend test on model specimen, the increase of annular plate thickness decreases the initiation life in displacement controlled test, and increases it in load controlled test. However, the incorporation of the results on model specimen to the behaviour in deformation of the tank indicates that these two express-ions are essentially the same as far as the fatigue crack initiation in tank concerned. As of now, it seems that the thicker the annular plate becomes the longer the fatigue crack initiation life in this type of tank.
金井 一彦 森鼻 英征 山崎 敏樹 寺田 邦夫
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
no.132, pp.269-279, 1972

In order to obtain the collapse strength data on the spherical shells suitable to the pressure capsule of DSSV, collapsing tests were conducted using spherical shell models by means of MHI 1,200kg/cm^2 hydrostatic tank. These models were made from several kinds of materials including ultra-high yield strength steels such as 18% Ni maraging steel, 10% Ni dual-strengthened steels etc., and machined into near-perfect spherical shape or spheres with initial imperfection of various thicknesses. From these experiments the following conclusions are obtained : (1) Collapse pressure of relatively thick shells (h_a/R_<10>≧0.03) agrees to the theoretical inelastic buckling pressure by Gerard et al. (2) The effect of initial imperfections are evaluated by local radius in case of relatively thick shells. But for thinner shells, this method is not sufficient and nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis will be required. (3) Present results will not always agree with Krenzke's data, especially in thinner shells with flat spot. (4) Fracture appearance of collapsed shells are closely related to the fracture toughness of materials.
隆杉 憲行
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1991, no.169, pp.123-134, 1991 (Released:2009-09-04)

The automatic position and the attitude control for the underwater vehicle staying still or moving at dead slow speed becomes non-linear, because the acceleration or the deceleration motion must be applied using thrusters, while the linear control system can be applied to the underwater vehicle cruising at high speed.In the previous paper, the linear approxmation of this non-linear system and a linear design method were proposed.This paper describes the results of the sea tests of the experimental underwater vehicle, and the evaluations made by the test results which proved the thory and the design method proposed in the previous paper to be applicable to the control of these underwater vehicles.
隆杉 憲行
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers
日本造船学会論文集 (ISSN:05148499)
vol.1990, no.168, pp.283-295, 1990 (Released:2009-09-16)

This paper treats the automatic position and the attitude control for the underwater vehicle staying still or moving at dead slow speed.The motion control of the underwater vehicle cruising at high speed is rather easy and now in practical use successfully, because the hydrodynamic characteristics and the dynamics of the vehicle can be assumed to be linear, which allows application of linear control system using control surfaces.But the position and the attitude keeping control of the underwater vehicle staying still or moving at dead slow speed becomes non-linear system, because the speed of all degrees of freedom becomes comparable and the acceleration or the deceleration motion must be applied using thrusters.This paper describes the linear approximation of this non-linear system, and presents a linear design method.