津布楽 喜代治
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.13, pp.9-23, 1987-09-30 (Released:2018-01-09)

Our country now is undergoing a great educational reform toward the twenty-first century. Furthermore, the requirement to promote the quality and competencies of teachers who are agents of the educational reform has become a major concern. However, the standard of what quality and competencies are required is not yet clear. This study has considered this problem in the light of the basic principles of the educational reform, that is: to establish the independence, autonomy and self-responsibility of teachers. In other words, concrete and actual consideration has built around on the the three humanistic qualities required of teachers-love for children, youthfulness and spirit of inquiry-and possession of the three teaching techniques-specialized knowledge of his subjects and the children, organization of curriculum, and mastering teaching methods. By the way, in order to actually bring teachers' quality and competencies into full play, concrete plans are necessary. Three things must be considered-cooperative organization of the school, open-school management, and promotion of decentralization in educational administration. Finally, reference was made on the quality and competencies of kindergarten teachers. To sum up, the act of demonstrating and bringing up the quality and competencies of teachers is not a kind of abstract, uniform or closed consideration, but a concrete, practical, widely diversed, and flexible comprehension based on the principle of schools' and teachers' autonomy and responsibility, and on the principle of local autonomy in educational administration.
廣谷 貴明
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.44, pp.139-155, 2018 (Released:2019-09-20)

This paper aims to reveal how much expenditure could be cut through school consolidations at the city level.Many studies on education analyze school consolidations from diverse standpoints, such as the population reduction problem, school size, local finance, the relationship between boards of education and local residents, commuting distance, and educational outcome, among others. This paper focuses specifically on the effect of school consolidation on local finance. There are two problems with previous research studies. First, they analyze financial data compiled by municipalities. From this position, it is not clear how much expenditure could be cut by reducing one school at a time. Second, the financial conditions after school consolidation were not revealed. To reveal the effect of school consolidations on local finance, it is necessary to analyze financial data before and after school consolidation.To solve these problems, this paper conducted two analyses. First, it analyzed the change in expenditure in the schools’ financial data before and after school consolidation. Through the use of school financial data, we can determine the change in expenditure for each school that is consolidated. Second, it analyzed the decrease in tax allocations to local governments by calculating basic financial needs. It then compared expenditure reduction and revenue reduction, and determined if the former was higher than the latter. This paper concludes that school consolidation results in expenditure reduction.To conduct this analysis, this paper focuses on Yokohama City, which publishes financial data on each school’s homepage. However, since the publishing years of each school are different, this paper focuses on two cases of school consolidation, which resulted in obtaining numerous years’ school financial data before and after consolidation. In both cases, two primary schools were consolidated into one primary school.Through analysis, this paper pointed out the following four points. First, expenditure per school increased after school consolidation. Second, by consolidating two schools into one, the total expenditure of schools that were consolidated decreased. However, if the number of classes decreases significantly, revenue reduction becomes higher than expenditure reduction and there is no expenditure cut effect. Third, the effects of cutting expenditure continued after school consolidation. Fourth, expenditure per pupil decreases immediately after school consolidation but eventually increases. In particular, supply expenses per pupil increase. When considering the educational environment of pupils from a financial standpoint, there may be positive effects of school consolidation in terms of enrichment of material resources like teaching materials, papers, and stationery among others.
橋野 晶寛
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.42, pp.69-85, 2016 (Released:2019-03-20)

This paper examines the relationship between the empirical policy research and the education finance and education policy process, and clarifies the agenda of future research.“Evidence based policy” has been advocated in the context of today's political decision making everywhere. The area of education policy is no exemption. At the end of 2015, The Council on Economic and Finance Policy announced the “Action Program for Economic and Fiscal Revitalization” that emphasized the necessities of visualization of the financial input and policy output, concretization of “key performance indicators”, and research between inputs and outputs.High quality data and empirical research are the necessary conditions of evidence based policy but not sufficient conditions. We can learn lessons from the past experience of the US education policy process. The politicization of policy research and evidence has been frequently observed in the context of the plural democracy of the US. We can find some reasons for the politicization of the empirical policy research. First, the evidence on education policy and finance is fragile, the policy effects are subtle, and this indecisiveness urges the political actors to take advantage of the evidence. Second, the methodology of quantitative analysis is much easier than in the past because of the lower cost of computers and easy-touse statistical packages. In spite of the greater technical sophistication, the risk and danger of misuse of the statistical techniques has become more pervasive. Third, as the outstanding nature of the field of education, the discrepancy of the knowledge between the policy researchers and the practitioners has been a serious problem.The methodology of the policy evaluation, especially the analysis of treatment effects on the program evaluation, is too sophisticated for outsiders today to understand. However, this does not mean that the arguments about it are merely technical, or not the concern of persons on the street and practitioners because they has important policy implications. At least, the significant issues we seriously have to consider are the objects for evaluation―program or organization, which do we intend to evaluate?―, the difference between the (quasi-) experimental methods and the theory based “structural” methods, the relationship between internal validity and external validity, the consideration of noncognitive skills as the policy outputs.Based on the above, for sound“ informed democracy” and controlling the politicization of the empirical policy research, we need to consider both the object-level issues regarding the implications of methodology and meta-level issues regarding evidence based education policy process.
榎 景子
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.41, pp.109-125, 2015 (Released:2019-03-20)

This article analyzes the influences and challenges of urban redevelopment policies on school restructuring in Chicago, U.S. from a spatial perspective by focusing on the works of Pauline Lipman. This article focuses on 1)the interaction and dynamics of the educational policy, the housing policy, and the economic policy, and 2)how the circumstances and process of children's development are influenced by the dynamics of these policies in the city. Through these analyzes, this article makes theoretical and practical suggestions for Japan.In 2004, Mayor and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) started the “Renaissance 2010” plan which has closed public schools and reopened them as choice schools. School closures have been concentrated on the inner city. These have been caused largely by the housing policy.The City of Chicago has conducted a plan for transformation of public housing. This plan started with the good intention of demolishing the decaying public housing and building mixed-income housing to overcome the social isolation and poverty of low-income families. However, this has resulted in “gentrification”. It means the rapid upgrade of the inner city unsuitable for residents. There is a hidden intention behind it to make Chicago one of the most economically powerful cities, “Global City”.This article found that the school restructuring is forced to function as a key factor to achieve this aim. Closing public schools increases the instability of low-income families who have been already distressed by the demolition of public housing. Finally it also makes doubly sure to push them out of the city. Reopening new choice schools becomes the key aspect which shows urban renewal to the middle class families and attracts them from suburban areas. Through these processes, Chicago's political and economical structures have been transformed to make them suitable for the new industrial structure. This is the new trend of educational policy under globalization.Next this article examines the process of closing and reopening schools. In Chicago, the disinvestment to public schools and the educational accountability policy by CPS have made it easy to bring about school closures. In the process of reopening schools, people have been deprived of their voices for decision-making regarding new schools. In addition, the new choice schools can get money to build new school buildings from the city funds for urban renewal. As a result, 150 public schools have been closed, and reopened as a “beautiful” “choice” school. Low-income students tend to lose access to good schools.This article concludes with suggestions that 1)if the educational policy is influenced by urban strategies, schooling may alienate children's development, and 2)under globalization with scarce resources, the improvement of schools and communities has to be achieved exclusively at the sacrifice of other things. Educational administration will play a more important role in coordinating resources among them.
柳澤 良明
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.30, pp.48-63, 2004-10-08 (Released:2018-01-09)

The purpose of this paper is to show the roles of educational administrative organs in Germany at the federal and state levels in promoting a high quality of school education by considering issues related to academic achievement and academic achievement improvement policies. I will use the term "social base of educational administration" to refer to the roles of educational administrative organs in promoting a high quality of school education. The recent results of the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) clearly showed that the averages of academic achievement for students in Germany were below the averages of other OECD countries. In Germany this has been labeled the "PISA shock." Issues related to academic achievement are taken very seriously in Germany, not only by those in education, but also by many other people throughout the society. PISA-E (PISA's national examination) clearly shows that there are large differences in terms of the averages of students and academic achievement between the 16 states of Germany. After the PISA results, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education decided in December 2001 on seven points which were to be emphasized. These involved not only subjects for school education but also for family education. The Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education presented a statement titled "PISA 2000" in October 2002. The following factors were emphasized in the statement. First, students lack qualitative understanding. Second, the spread of reading competence is wider than in other OECD countries. Third, there is a link between social background and the achievement of certain competencies. Fourth, the aim is to promote a higher average and to decrease gaps in achievement. Fifth, help for children in migrant families has not been successful in Germany. Policies for the improvement of academic achievement in each field have been proposed in this statement. The expansion of full-time schooling and the renewal and establishment of educational standards is noteworthy. To mention, for example, the characteristics of academic achievement improvement policies, there are, firstly, arrangements at the federal level. Secondly, each state aims to reduce the gap between their students and the average achievement between states by means of academic competition. Thirdly, academic achievement improvement policies involve recognition of social problems. Finally, to highlight the roles of educational administrative organs in promoting a high quality of school education, educational administrative organs at the federal and state level have begun promoting policies which encourage academic specialization. After a decision of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education, Germany has also been participating in international and national achievement tests and has analyzed these results minutely. Each state has appointed many pilot schools and collected a large amount of data. Educational administrative organs at the federal and state level now analyze the current situation by academic investigation and make policies based on analyses of these to improve the quality of their school education. Educational administrative organs at the federal and state level have also begun to control the quality of school education by means of analyzing the results and evaluations of students and teachers ('output'). Thus far, educational administrative organs have controlled the quality of school education by means of controlling input, but there is now a new trend towards 'output' control. Each state has begun unified tests. Educational standards are premised on the control of the quality of school education by means of 'output' control. Moreover, the educational administrative organs in each state have expanded their support functions. Since the PISA shock educational(View PDF for the rest of the abstract.)
老山 由美
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.22, pp.59-70, 1996-09-27 (Released:2018-01-09)

In this paper, I examine supervisory functions and work of supervisors in boards of education through the analysis of some surveys. The survey is concerned with the work of supervisors in the three levels of boards of education in Kyoto and Osaka prefectures. I gained some findings from this survey as follows; 1 The work of supervisors depends on the characteristics of their organizations, the head office of the prefectural board of education, its branch offices and offices of the local boards of education. 2 The supervisory function of each office depends on the structure of supervisory administration, the size of offices of the local board of education, and the relations among each office. 3 Office work related to supervision occupies around 70 percent among all kinds of their work. On the contrary direct supervision on subject and teachers' activities occupies only a small part. 4 There are some differences of characteristics between office work related to supervision and ordinary office work. I submit two ideas on the reform of supervisory administration from the above findings; 1 It should be made clear what functions are done in each of the three levels of boards of education with respect to supervisory administration. 2 Though it was recognized that direct supervision would be most important for performing work as a supervisor, office work related to supervision should be paid much more attention. Therefore, it is necessary and important for supervisors to be certified and trained, focused on the expertise of office work related to supervision.
渡邊 孝三
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
vol.22, pp.207-217, 1996-09-27 (Released:2018-01-09)

1. Research in educational laws and disputation on 'The course of study' After World War II in Japan, a new educational system was founded based on laws focused on the principle of educational freedom. Research in educational laws was undertaken about the new educational system's laws. At that time the Ministry of Education declared that 'the course of study' is a reference book for curriculum organization because of the principle of educational freedom. In 1955, the Ministry of Education disputed that the course of study are legal standards for curriculum organization. But I wrote that the course of study is only a private document by copyright law, and I continued to note that the course of study should be a public announcement by the Government, if the course of study was to have legality for a curriculum organizational standard in my paper of May 1956. The Ministry of Education then legislated the course of study by ministerial order in 1958. 2. Educational war and development of research in educational laws Opposition in the right wing to the left wing in the world, extended to political and educational ideals being in opposition in Japan. The Japan Teachers Union (JTU) as a labor union became left. The late Prof. Seiya Munakata instructors of JTU, his schools and Prof. Masashi Kaneko supplied leftist educational administrational theory to JTU. Kaneko especially contributed to the establishment of jurisprudence. His theory contributed to JTU's educational, labor and political movement, by his theory as 'the order of nature (Natur der Sache) theory' in some of his books. The JTU disputed the administrative actions of the Educational Ministry. These opposing situations have been generally called the 'educational war'. Research in educational laws developed in this educational war takes the position of a theory as legal positivism in my research. Moreover, Munakata and his schools obstructed entablishment of the JEAS for many eyars, but the JEAS was established at last in 1966. 3. Research in lawful educational principles Therefore, is opposition in the order of nature part of theory, especially legal positivism. Why are these two theories the opposite of each other ? These are the basic subjects for research in educational laws. The first subject is the general principle of educational laws. The second subject is the relation of human nature to educational laws. I wrote some books about these subjects. 4. Invitation to research in the principles of educational laws Up to this time, we had research in educational laws by some methods of jurisprudence. Now we should do research in the principles of the educational laws. Then, as a research method should also be a philosophical method and the research is done so that we can get to the fundamentals of educational laws.
露口 健司
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
no.35, pp.165-181, 2009-10-16

The purpose of this study is to clarify the determinant factors of the parent segment in public elementary schools from the viewpoints of the interaction of the school, family efficacy, and community efficacy. The concept of "segment" is used in marketing research to mean a qualitative group divided by some standard or meaning. To be concrete, we would like to verify the hypothesis in this paper that the parents who trust schools increase in number by forming multilevel psychological networks : school staff and parents, parent and parent in the family, parent and parent in the school, and parent and community members. The inquiry here has as its objects the parents of six elementary schools (A to F Elementary Schools) in X Prefecture in Japan. School choice as a system has not been introduced to this district. A Elementary School and B Elementary School are large-scale schools located in newly-developed residential areas in the suburbs of the city. C Elementary School and D Elementary School are middle-scale schools located in a suburban area. E Elementary School and F Elementary School are small-scale schools located in a rural region. The 1,859 parents of these six schools are the objects of inquiry. The research was carried out in February 2008. Answers were received from 1,563 parents, for a return rate of 84.1%. We distributed one questionnaire per household. The questionnaires were collected through the classroom teacher after being sealed. We told parents to send a reply concerning their child who was in the upper grades. The present paper only targets thosee questionnaires to which "mothers" replied for analysis (n=1,433). The results of the analysis are as follows. Cluster analysis was performed where five standard variables (intimacy, participation, cooperation, attachment, and expectation) were aggregated in an analysis of the parental segment. Four segments (adaptation, conflict, dependence, and avoidance) were separated out as a result of the analysis. Polynominal logistical regression analysis of what drove these four segments together into an explanatory variable was carried out. Explanatory variables included the parents' attribution factors (such as age, residence years, working form, spouse, and home economics), the interaction with school, family efficacy, and commumity efficacy. Working form, spouse, interaction with the school, and community efficacy were recognized as crucial determinants of the parental segment as a result of the analysis. What especially stood out from the results is that the characteristics of the crucial determinant of the parental segment are mother's "time" and "isolation" problems. This paper will discuss these findings in depth.
谷川 至孝
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
no.34, pp.125-142, 2008-10-10

This study considers educational policies in terms of "the Third Way." Welfare Pluralism, the pluralistic provision on welfare service delivery, is recognised in this study as a system concept of the Third Way in which the Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) is recognised as an important actor. This paper analyses the public and educational policies of the Labour Government focusing especially on the action of the VCS in the United Kingdom (UK). It considers how these educational policies embody Welfare Pluralism and show their meanings and problems. It also considers whether these educational policies are worthy of being described as representative of the Third Way. The tradition of charity in the UK has cultivated Welfare Pluralism. The first Act concerning charity, for example, the Statute of Charitable Uses, was enacted in 1601. As of 31 March 2005 there were 164,000 active general charities in the UK. The Compact, an agreement for working partnerships between the Government and the VCS that ws enacted in 1998, recognised the contribution which the VCS makes to a democratic society and to public service. The Government then engaged in consultations with the VCS in terms of decision-making concerning public policies and played a role as a funder of the VCS. The Compact was expected to change the relationship between Government and the VCS from one of a "Contract Culture" under Conservative Government to one of a "Partnership Culture" that would help cultivate Welfare Pluralism. These movements have had an impact on educational policies as a part of public policies. Educational policies, moreover, have provided particular conditions for the shift to Welfare Pluralism. This is the progress of what has been called Inter-Agency Working (IAW). The IAW is a concept to provide seamless holistic services for children and their families at one-stop shops through collaboration between public, private and voluntary agencies. The green paper Every Child Matters in 2003 is the base of the IAW. This paper proposed that Sure Start Children's Centres and Extended Schools provide these services as one-stop shops. In these institutions, too, the VCS plays an important role. The IAW has the following problems, however: (1) Funding from the public sector: a) The switch from grant or core funding to fee or strategic funding. Funding shows a tendency to be more closely tied to contracts or outcomes, and b) Concentration of contracts and funding to big organisations, (2) Concerning proof of outcomes: The outcomes-led approach stereotypes the action of the VCS. In conclusion, the Labour Government has emphasized the concept of partnership and has agreed to the Compact, but has in practice it has taken over the system of Contract Culture in the operation of partnership. One result of this could be that peculiarities of the VCS are then spoiled and educational services are stereotyped. Real Welfare Pluralism does not call for this result, and the real Third Way requires different systems or operations.
窪田 眞二
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
no.24, pp.29-41, 1998-10-17

The aim of this study is to clarify the availability of comparative studies for reforms of educational administration in Japan by reviewing comparative studies on school choices. Two viewpoints will be set for examining these studies. One is how they have discerned the conditions which made school choice systems function and the causes which made the systems malfunction. The other is how they extracted the factors which administrators will be able to manage or coordinate from foreign systems. After reviewing studies on school choice in the U.S.A. and in the U.K. authored by Japanese scholars, the following considerations were shown from the view points mentioned above. As to the first viewpoint, some studies about the British school choice system in Japan showed that the system has made social class division more serious because of the differences of ability to exercise parental right on school choice between social classes. The indications of difficult situations were shown by many studies. But insights for analysing background conditions were not sufficient. Many substantial works about the American school choice system in Japan have been done in recent years. Especially, some studies have pointed out the conditions and the causes considering function and malfunction of the systems. A school choice system in the public compulsory sector has recently been introduced in Japan. This reflects insufficiency in accumulation of study from the second viewpoint. As to the second veiwpoint, seven problems which Japanese educational administration will be confronted with were listed as follows : (1)Length of the term of office by a teacher in one school. (2)Application system for teachers allocation. (Reviewing the present nomination system) (3)Flexible arrangement of curriculum by each school. (4)Reexamination of grant system to private school sector. (For extending opportunities to choose private schools) (5)Restructuring super-selective schools. (6)Reviewing compulsory education system. (With reviewing possibility of education other than schooling) (7)Establishing the standard of school evaluation to encourage school innovations. To make the school choice system effective, many other reformations much be considered such as the arrangement of public relations by schools and considerations by local authorities to keep a community consciousness for families who have chosen schools other than those in their catchment areas.
元兼 正浩
日本教育行政学会年報 (ISSN:09198393)
no.19, pp.149-160, 1993-10-09

Although a large number of studies have been made of school personnel administration, little is known about the transfer of school principals. This paper is intended as an investigation of the transfer of high school principals. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that it is performed according to the distinctions among schools in the case of Fukuoka. I will describe the significance of studies in the transfer of school principals and its characteristics in Fukuoka before and after the Second World War, before clarifying the actual situation of the transfer of high school principals in Fukuoka since 1972. Then I will present the subject and method of this study. In analyzing, I use deviation value to divide high schools into some types. The findings of this analysis are as follows; (1) A newly-appointed school principal is usually placed at a school which is lower in rank by deviation value. (2) In general, he/she is transferred to a school which is higher in rank after a few years. This means high school principals are transferred on the assumption that high schools are ranked by deviation value. This is similar to the transfer to the office of education. Considering the conditions mentioned above, it is clear that there is an influence on the period of a school principal's service in one school.