栗本 修滋
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.11, no.1, pp.37-48, 2004 (Released:2013-09-28)

The residents of village communities have been obtaining fuel by cutting down trees on nearby mountains or harvesting grasses for use as agricultural fertilizer. These nearby mountains have come to be known as Satoyama. However, starting in the 1960’s, the rapid proliferation of chemical fertilizers led to fossil fuels taking the place of wood fuel. As a result, the Satoyama underwent changes and social problems involving maintenance and management of Satoyama were encountered, including the threat to the existence of the diverse range of wildlife found there. Although government administrators and volunteers are attempting to maintain and manage these Satoyama through the use of modern technology, this technology remains underdeveloped. This report describes my experiences during my participation as a forestry engineer in activities targeted at sharing the Satoyama scenery once again during the course of reconstruction of a local community by residents of a village scheduled to be flooded by a dam in the town of Mirasaka in Hiroshima prefecture. The residents have expressed the significance of sharing the scenery of their Satoyama while taking advantage of daily conversations and local technologies for sharing their Satoyama scenery. I understood the significance expressed by the residents and deployed forestry technologies based on that understanding. The residents accepted these forestry technologies when they judged that they could contribute to the sharing of their Satoyama scenery. Since Satoyama have been maintained and managed by local technologies, it will be necessary to establish technologies for Satoyama maintenance and management by accumulating technologies accepted by local residents.
池上 甲一
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.1, no.2, pp.19-29, 1995 (Released:2013-02-26)

This paper examined the logic of emigration to “Mangzhou” in the 1930s through analysis on the socio-economic background of Ohinata-Mura. Ohinata was said to play a leading part for the emigration policy by the fascist government of Japan. This policy formally intended to solve “overpopulation” and land shortage for paddy farming. In 1937, Ohinata decided emigration and 586 persons in 191 households settled Sijiafan in Jielingsheng by 1939. However, the emigration produced few effects. Land shortage and overpopulation problems were not solved at all. The failure was caused from neglect of the original characteristics. In short, the emigration policy was unreasonable from the beginning. However, it was a fact that many persons emigrated. The reasons for this fact were as foolows:1) the direct control by the prefectural office after the collapse of an indigenous self-governing, 2) self-persuasion such as a big gap between prosperity in the 1920s and poverty in the 1930s, expectation of improvement of life in “Mangzhou” and confirmation of bond to the immigrants’ native village by depositing their lands and graves.
宮城 能彦
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.11, no.1, pp.13-24, 2004 (Released:2013-09-28)

The Community Stores which exist even now in Okinawa have been established by the residents in the rural community(buraku). But, because of the development and the subsequent changes in the community, a lot of Community Stores have been closed during the last 20 years. At present, there are some Community Stores whose management is stable, but many others with the difficulties in management. It is thought that the rural community can be well understood by studying Community Stores. How the rural communities have been able to continue to manage these stores in spite of the difficulties in management is the question to be raised in this paper. My argument is that by addressing this question 1) we can understand how the Okinawan communities are wavering between the urbanization of their life and their consciousness of maintaining the spirit of community, and 2) we can develop a new theory of policies matching to the circumstances.
五十川 飛暁 鳥越 皓之
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.12, no.1, pp.36-48, 2005 (Released:2013-10-20)
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The purpose of this paper is to consider an environmental policy from a perspective of the residents on the shore of Lake Kasumigaura. So far, various policies were attempted against the considerably polluted water of Kasumigaura, the second largest lake in Japan. Some of these policies, for example, were to enlighten people’s environmental consciousness or to control the water pollution. However, most of these attempts were not remarkably effective. Therefore, this paper tries to understand the residents’ image of Kasumigaura by referring to the religious symbol of the shore, Suijin, a sort of guardian deity of water. By looking at the functions and the distribution of Suijin throughout Kasumigaura, the paper clarified how the residents maintain the relationship with Suijin. Firstly, people by the shore communicate with Suijin through community. Secondly, their relationship was intentionally maintained durable through the lasting character of community. Furthermore, through the Suijin’s mediation, the residents on the shore pursue the relationship with the lake Kasumigaura at the aspect of Buji, a status of safe and calm social relationship. From the above investigations, the paper argues that the environmental policy has to secure the social relationship in the local communities, which enable the residents to communicate with the lake.
岩本 由輝
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.8, no.2, pp.1-11, 2002 (Released:2013-08-10)

The name “Tono” was first recorded in 1334, one year after the collapse of the Kamakura Regime, just prior to the split of the royal dynasty into Northern and Southern courts in the so-called “Nanpoku-cho” period. At that time, an agent dispatched by the Asonuma clan, whose main fief was in Shimotsuke province, ruled the Tono fief of Mutsu province. According to historical materials from 1350, the Asonuma clan ruled the fiefs of seven provinces by dispatching various administrative agents, and by aligning themselves at first with Southern court, and then with the Northern court, in order to maintain control over their fiefs. Around 1382, however, the Asonuma clan were uprooted from their main fief in Shimotsuke province by the Oyama clan, and in that process the Asonuma clan moved to strengthen their position in Tono, becoming the Tono-Asonuma clan. Henceforth, the Tono-Asonuma clan maintained an effective control over Tono until the end of the 16th century. During 1600, however, with the creation of the Morioka fief by the Sannohe-Nanbu clan, and in accordance with the process of establishing daimyo throughout the Japanese archipelago, the Tono-Asonuma clan was banished from Tono and disappeared from the main stage of history.
中田 英樹
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.7, no.2, pp.1-12, 2001 (Released:2013-07-23)
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Especially, since the second half of the 1980’s, the term “revitalize” has been used as one of the master words in our argument about the problem of developing rural society in Japan. The purpose of this paper is to point out peculiar structure through structural analysis of the studies of revitalizing the rural area. For this purpose, in chapter 1, I prepare theoretical framework we should use. Then, in chapter 2, I summarize the history of development theories about Japanese rural area, and show two new important points which have been brought into the preceding studies ; “regional character” and “subjectivity of the habitants”. In chapter 3, by extracting theoretical peculiarity to which the two lead, I try to conclude that there is some strange structure in the expressions, for example, “the habitants as the subject are struggling for the social development by promoting the unique character of their own society” In the last chapter, I give one hypothesis about how we can connect the studies of rural revitalizing problem with the studies of environmental sociology, and about what new point at issue we should take into the such studies, if my conclusion in this paper will be accepted.
秋津 元輝
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.2, no.2, pp.19-30, 1996 (Released:2013-03-12)

The Establishment Act of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan of 1949 almost excluded rural issues as the role of it, but actually the Ministry performs a lot of policies concerning rural society nowadays. The aim of this article is to clarify the process that the ministry has gradually put importance on rural issues through analyzing governmental white papers since 1961. In analyzing white papers' descriptions, I refer to five wellknown eras of Japanese agricultural policy after 1961. There were three major turning points which occurred on the points of new era starting. On the 1st phase to 2nd (1970), the amount of description on rural societies suddenly increased in white papers and reformative principle for rural societies changed to the conservative principle at the time. On the 2nd phase to 3rd (1977), white papers began to introduce a reason out of the Establishment Act in order to authorize its intervention in rural policy. The reason was taken from The Third National Development Plan, which was determined on the assumption that all of the authorities concerned accepted it but never had higher legal status than the Establishment Act. On the 3rd phase to 4th (1986), reformative principle appeared again on the text of white papers. While at the same time, community function of making consensus was stressed in the same text. Such kind of contradiction continued in the next phase starting from 1992.
舩戸 修一
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.10, no.2, pp.31-42, 2004 (Released:2013-09-18)

Shigeru Inuta (1891-1957), a well-known writer of peasant literature, constructed Nohonshiso (Japanese Agrarianism), exhibiting his theories of its literature. However, his Nohonshiso has been disregarded for a long time. Therefore, we certainly must remember that his thought is highly suggestive. In this paper, I would like to clarify several important aspects of his Nohonshiso. Inuta started to write peasant literature from 1918. If one examines his articles, one can see he considered this literature as a self-expression of farmers. He asserted that this literature had been written from their viewpoint. He also considered this literature as an effective means to reorganize rural communities. In addition, he criticized the peasant literature written by writers of proletarian literature, because they regarded such literature as a strong tool to overthrow the government and the Tenno (Japanese Emperor) system. Inuta, that is to say, criticized that the literature they formulated did not thoroughly expressed the sense and feeling of farmers, and that it lacked the reality of agriculture and rural life. In 1938, an association of peasant literary writers and theorists, Nomin-bungaku-konwakai, was organized by the government authorities. Most of them took part in this national association of for peasant literature. Unfortunately, it played the role of a governmental agency and, in World War II, it supported Japanese Fascism. Inuta, however, did not take part in this association, because he thought that its literature should express the sense and feeling of peasants, and the reality of agriculture and rural life. He definitely did not think that it should be adjusted to national policy.
中田 實
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.11, no.2, pp.1-6, 2005 (Released:2013-10-08)

The idea of the theory of Community Co-management was originally based on research of the fishing and pearl culturing villages of Shima district in Mie Prefecture during the 1960s. At that time, the landed quantity of cultured pearls in the district increased rapidly because of growth in number of culture establishments and an increase in density of their culturing oyster shells. However, the increase of pearl production in a limited marine area resulted in the rapid deterioration of both quality and price of cultured pearls. At around the same time, sightseeing facilities attracted attention in the district, and environmental burdens imposed by them have become heavy. Then, to realize compatible and sustainable relations with each other for the efficient use of local resources, the establishment of a new community organization composed of fishermen, pearl culture establishments, sightseeing facilities, and inhabitants as comsumers of marine products became indispensable. The management of local resources, by all interested parties, became the core function of the community. For this reason, a community can be seen as an organization for the co-management of living conditions. Modern society has increased its collective consumption, and has grown in community co-management of its living conditions. This means that a community can be seen from the view point of managerial functions. There can be an understanding of the common features and structures of rural and urban communities as well as of neighborhood communities and municipal authorities despite ecological and legislative differences. At present, the development of the decentralization of administrative systems in our country permits the official establishment of a kind of teritorrial autonomous body within a local autonomy. The concept of community co-management has become increasingly realistic.
今井 良一
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.9, no.2, pp.22-35, 2003 (Released:2013-09-02)

The purpose of this article is to clarify the logic and inevitability of Japanese landownership in Manchuria and the peculiarity of the farming immigrants in this northeastern region of China by analyzing the management of the Mizuho Village by the third experimental group and the realities and logic of the farmers’ behaviors in their life. It was demanded that immigrant farmers conduct diversified farm operations and lead a self-sufficient life in order to provide for themselves production and living means. The fact, however, was contrary to the aforementioned political demand. The villagers were forced to expend excessive cash. At the same time, their produce were differentiated as cash crops. This led them to employ many local laborers for farm management and they were obliged to purchase daily necessities and some other things to survive. On the other hand, differentiation of farm products led to a steep rise in wages. In the face of wage increases prevailing in the Manchurian farm villages as a whole, Japanese immigrant farmers were driven into a corner to the point of bankruptcy. They had no other choice but to spoil their farmland in order to keep local labor to a minimum and become landowners. Nevertheless, weeding was insufficient on their own farmland, and as a result, their yield began to drop on both their paddies and farms. It accelerated instability in farm management conducted by them. Consequently landownership was sought after in an attempt to disperse farm management risks. Whatever efforts they made, the end result was the devastation of fertile farm land due to extensive, careless agriculture, followed by landownership on the part of them. In addition, this fact illustrates their resource-depriving and non-continuous farm management. Herein lies a difference with Japanese farmers, that is, the non-farmer characteristic of the Japanese immigrants.
安孫子 麟
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.5, no.1, pp.1-8, 1998 (Released:2013-05-22)

Japanese Government established the fundamental policy about Peasant Emigration for Manchuria in 1936, but as the war was prolonged, the emigration was reduced suddenly after it had reached the peak in 1940. Received opinion is that the collapse in the Policy of Peasant Emigration had caused this situation. I agree with the opinion about only the number of the peasants. The peasant emigration was already not the policy that saved their poverty. But otherwise the villages that had sent the peasant emigration by its policy increased in this period. In this background, there was a big change of the government policy about the peasants. Japanese Government converted the aim of village administration from the peasant salvation to the posting the peasants at every places in Asia. On this reason Japanese Government changed the village administration to the war cooperation system.That became to the village situation under the wartime.
髙村 竜平
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.10, no.2, pp.19-30, 2004 (Released:2013-09-18)

This paper aims at examining the historical background and the social implications of “public cemeteries” in Korea. The colonial government of Japan introduced such cemeteries to Korean society in 1912, and the post-independence Korean government also has been promoting the similar policy, especially since the 1970s. The purpose of those policies was to control the location and size of cemeteries for land use planning. In Jeju province, the biggest island of Korea, graves traditionally located by Pungsu (Feng-sui), and it did not mattar whether the burying place was on burier’s own land or not. However, from the 1980s, local residents started to use maul cemeteries built in the 1970s. This change was due to the shortage of space for burial land, because the expansion of citrus cultivation as well as the introduction of tourism changed the agricultural land use system and increased the price of land. In the death study, scholars have proposed a hypothesis that the modernization of any societies is accompanied by the concealment of death. This hypothesis could apply to the development process of public cemeteries in Jeju province. However, this process occurred not only by the government policies implying the concealment of death but also by the changed conditions on land use, which force residents to use cemeteries separated from their settlement.
内藤 莞爾
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.2, no.1, pp.1-8, 1995 (Released:2013-03-06)

There has recently been a rising tendency toward recognizing certain sociological types in Japanese culture and society and observing their local distribution. This paper is written in accord with this tendency. It presents a discussion (limited to the subject of families) as to how sociology has dealt with this issue, from 1930 to the present.
林 在圭
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.5, no.1, pp.45-56, 1998 (Released:2013-05-22)

This study clarifies the structure and functions of Munjung in Korea. The analysis mainly focuses on the modernized characteristics and meaning of organization of lineage. Especially the principle of Korean Munjung structure (organization) is effective principle to explain unique manner of action by Koreanand system of organization’ s principle at the Korean society. The structure of Munjung is the connective structure which has flexible principle of organization; if an independent group of Munjung becomes a core under the certain situation, the structure tends toward “So-Munjung” as a reductive size, or tends toward “Dae-Munjung” as a expansive size. From an individual point of view, the principle of Munjung organization is seen as a concentric circle which flexibly expands from inside of circle to outside ; an individual as center of circle expands towards Jib, Dangnae (Jib-an), Munjung, Linage.
原(福与) 珠里
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.8, no.2, pp.24-35, 2002
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Aguricultural newcomers from non-agricultural sectors face various difficulties when settling in rural communities. This paper focuses on the existence of &ldquo;buddies&rdquo; in these communities and examines the support network for aguricultural newcomers in &ldquo;K&rdquo; town in Hokkaido. The support policy of &ldquo;K&rdquo; town for aguricultural newcomers was decided in 1994. It is a very comprehensive policy and had already benefited 7 aguricultural newcomers by the year 2000.<br> This paper examines the feedback from the 7 aguricultural newcomers who have already begun farming in &ldquo;K&rdquo; town. Through looking at social support gained by the newcomers, the author extracts two types of networking for obtaining social support. The first is a way to form a support network through the &ldquo;gurdian system&rdquo;, whereby a &ldquo;guardian&rdquo; takes care of the newcomer in the broad dimensions of everyday-life, from agriculture to social life. Guardians are often farm managers who take charge of training newcomers. The other type is pro-active voluntary network formation, whereby the newcomer takes the initiative to approach a particular person to fullfill a certain type of support need. The former type utilizes cumulative rural relations and allows newcomers to adapt easily to the way of life in rural communities. This paper points out both the advantages and disadvantages in forming this type of support network.
伊藤 淳史
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.13, no.1, pp.25-36, 2006 (Released:2013-11-29)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the process of the settlement in “Shirakawa Houtoku” from the viewpoint of how settlers reacted to their leader. The Leader KATO Kanji, who was one of influential advocators of Manchuria emigration project in prewar Japan, settled in Shirakawa Heights in Fukushima prefecture with other settlers, who were his followers, soon after the end of the war. They started farming in October 1945. Based on his own thought he instructed them a collective farming for their self-sufficiency. But as the crop was further worse than expected, it caused a mass leaving of the settlers from “Shirakawa” . As the number of leaving reached the peak in 1952, KATO Kanji was forced to retire from the head of cooperative association and he also soon left there. KATO Yasuhiko, a new leader, changed former farming policy dramatically. He introduced dairy farming based on individual management. This new farming, having brought about a rapid development of “Shirakawa Houtoku Reclamation Agricultural Co-op”, made the life of settlers become stable. However, this means that the KATO’s initial farming thought was, even if not entirely denied, really eviscerated. Therefore we cannot regard the development of “Shirakawa Houtoku Reclamation Agricultural Co-op” as a successful example of postwar Japanese agriculture policy. But we must pay attention that there are many settlers who have evaluated Kato Kanji very high, even if not as their leader, as superior educator for peasants. They have found his idea an important factor which enabled to continue their settlement, although facing the serious crisises repeatedly. In contrast to former studies on postwar agricultural settlement from the viewpoint of either agriculture or social policy, we emphasize that it had simultaneously an educational function.
作道 信介
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.13, no.1, pp.49-60, 2006 (Released:2013-11-29)
1 2

The Tsugaru area of Aomori prefecture in northern Japan has supplied the largest amount of migrant workers to the megalopolis areas since 1970’s, the period of Japan’s rapid economic development after the World War Ⅱ. Living away from the homeplace to seek work in major cities is called Dekasegi and the migrant worker is called Dekasegi-sha. Most of them have been engaged in construction industries to support Japan’s economic growth. People in Tsugaru have embedded Dekasegi into their lifeworld as one of the possible channels for their livelihood in everyday life or for their resource in trying times. The purpose of this paper is to argue that Dekasegi has prevented the outflow of population and contributed to forming a definite local identity in the Tsugaru area. I referred to the factor in keeping them back in their homeplace as a “hold” and proposed to incorporate it into the push-pull. I conducted a research based on the life story method in a village to examine Dekasegi as a hold factor. I interviewed 28 male informants and found that they tend to utilize their network and connection in their homeplace when hunting a job and to choose a workplace where some Dekasegi-sha from their own homeplace have been working. Furthermore, the case study focused on informants’ narratives shows that the construction work gives them more room for their discretion than the factory work, and that Dekasegi was incorporated in their future perspective on their life cycle. Dekasegi-shas work at familiar workplace away from their homeplace, keeping and forming the networks and life perspective related to the local community. Dekasegi in Tsugaru can be considered as a hold factor in the sense that the practice of Dekasegi keeps on locating Dekasegi-sha in the local community and perspectives of local life, and prevents them from being faceless labor force.
杉原 たまえ 周藤 明子
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.8, no.2, pp.12-23, 2002 (Released:2013-08-10)

The compulsion isolation of the leper was abolished in Japan in 1996. The isolation policy was being enforced by Japan in Korea, which was the colony. However, Korea after World War II solved the isolation policy. In addition, in the resettling village, the leper and those who recovered started self-support by agriculture. Presently there are 90 resettling villages throughout the Korea. This research has aimed to study the establishment process of the resettling village.
木下 謙治
村落社会研究 (ISSN:13408240)
vol.12, no.2, pp.1-6, 2006

My research career consists of four stages. In the first stage (about from 1953 to 1970),my main interest of the research had been placed on theoritical studies of Japanese village community (Mura). At the second stage (about from 1970 to 1985), under the influences of drastic change of rural society and its effect on rural sociology, I gradually diverted research interest from rural studies to family sociology. Speaking of rural studies through this time, I mainly engaged in practical surveys of rural problems. Interest of the studies in the third and fourth stages are almost same direction with second stage. If adding something another through these stages, rural community as an ideal or purposive concept has been becoming one of important perspectives of my rural studies.