小泉 利恵 片桐 一彦
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.18, pp.81-90, 2007 (Released:2017-04-27)

The current research is a longitudinal study that probes how speaking performance of senior high school students changes across a year (specifically 13 months) from the first year to the second year at an English Course at a Super English Language High School (SELHi). Thirty-nine Japanese learners of English (20 male and 19 female students), who were frequently exposed to English input and often used English, took a speaking test of picture description twice. Analyses of their utterances show substantial progress in speaking performance. To be specific, all the aspects tested in syntactic complexity and lexical complexity changed to a moderate or large degree. In addition, there was also improvement in some aspects of the number of uttered words and speaking time, fluency, and accuracy (e.g., an increase in the proportion of error-free clauses).
小泉 利恵 渡邉 聡代
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.32, pp.129-144, 2021-03-31 (Released:2022-04-01)

When teachers score classroom speaking tests, intensive rater training ahead of the test may not always be possible. The current study examines the extent to which rater reliability can be maintained using a simple rubric without detailed rater training. We analyzed four speaking tests for senior high school students (N = 116). The speaking tests involved an individual presentation, a paired role play, and two group discussions across seven months. Each test was evaluated using a simple rubric by two or more raters who did not receive intensive rater training. The data was analyzed using many-facet Rasch measurement and generalizability theory. The results suggest that in general, raters scored similarly and consistently. The number of raters required to maintain sufficient reliability (Φ = .70), at the overall test level, was one to four, with group discussion tests requiring more raters or intensive rater training. Pedagogical implications with regard to the allocation of limited resources of time and raters were discussed.
卯城 祐司 森 好紳 細田 雅也 田中 菜採 ダウズ エレノア 多田 豪 中川 弘明
アレレ (ISSN:13448560)
vol.27, pp.81-96, 2016

This study examined whether and how Japanese EFL readers maintain coherent narrative comprehension in their memory representations. If readers can successfully maintain coherence in their text comprehension despite encountering coherence breaks, their text memory is enhanced, but if they fail, their text memory can suffer (Otero & Kintsch, 1992). In this study, 48 Japanese EFL university students read 8 experimental narratives and performed a recall task. In each narrative, a character performed an action (e.g., "Mary ordered a cheeseburger") that was either consistent or inconsistent with a prior description of him or her (e.g., "Mary loved junk food" or "Mary was a vegetarian"). The results showed that participants recalled more descriptions and actions of the characters in the inconsistent texts than in the consistent texts, indicating that they selectively reprocessed the inconsistent information in order to maintain coherence. Moreover, most readers chose to edit the later character actions, rather than the preceding descriptions, by substituting the inconsistent actions with more neutral actions (e.g., "Mary ordered food"). These findings suggest that L2 readers slightly edited subsequent information in order to maintain coherence. Pedagogical implications are argued in terms of developing autonomous readers who can self-monitor coherence in their text comprehension.
菅原 健太 佐藤 麻耶
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.31, pp.17-32, 2020-03-31 (Released:2021-04-01)

The currently dominant model of second language (L2) learner motivation is the L2 Motivational Self System, but the extension of the model by adding emotional variables is needed, as is the reconstruction of the ought-to L2 self from different standpoints and those of the L2 learning experience from an engagement-specific perspective. The present study aimed to explore motivation among Japanese EFL students by examining whether relationships among their future self-guides (ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self/own, and ought-to L2 self/others), engagement-specific L2 learning experiences in relation to basic needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness), and different kinds of emotional states (anxiety and joy) contribute to their motivated behavior. Questionnaire data were obtained from 154 Japanese university students. Explanatory factor analysis indicated that distinctions between these three future self-guides were possible. Correlation analysis indicated that student engagement is associated with satisfaction with basic needs. The results of multiple regression analyses suggested that student engagement plays important roles in strengthening the vision of the ideal L2 self and increasing the positive emotions that contribute to their motivated behavior.
鈴木 渉
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.20, pp.81-90, 2009

When second language (L2) learners produce and comprehend their target language, they are engaged in languaging, "a dynamic, never-ending process of using language to make meaning" (Swain, 2006, p. 96). According to Swain (2006), languaging is a major source of L2 learning. This paper investigates whether individuals learn an L2 more effectively when they language in response to written feedback that they receive than when they do not. I report the data from 24 students who engaged in a three-stage writing task: (1) writing a draft, (2) languaging about specific linguistic errors corrected in the draft, and (3) revising the draft. The average number of linguistic errors significantly decreased from the draft to its revision. Similarly, if an error was explained, it was more likely to be changed, whereas if an error was not explained, it was less likely to be changed. These findings suggest that languaging may have improved L2 writing accuracy. I point out several limitations of this study and conclude this paper by suggesting the need for further studies to examine the role of languaging in L2 learning.
前田 啓朗
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.19, pp.253-262, 2008 (Released:2017-04-27)

This paper reports the practice of English language teaching for the first year university students in a listening class, intending to cooperate classroom teaching and individualized learning. A Web-Based Training (WBT) system is involved in order to overcome some problems which will be easily observed in the classroom teaching. Since each learner has different aptitudes, a certain instruction may be effective for some but ineffective for the others. It is true that instructions should be flexible so as to balance out the students' aptitudes. However, as far as a teacher controls the lessons, there still would be some difficulties for students to commit themselves to learning. Therefore, the present courses are planned to utilize the WBT system, named Gyuto-e, for the purpose of involving students into self-learning. Three kinds of questionnaires, which investigate learner beliefs, learning motivations, and vocabulary learning strategies, are conducted in the beginning and the end of the course. A hierarchical cluster analysis reveals the fact that the TOEIC test scores show there seem to be the positive tendencies compared with the students in other classes as well as that there are successful and unsuccessful learners who seem to show some particular tendencies of learner factors.
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.28, pp.209-224, 2017-03-31 (Released:2018-04-10)

Syntactic complexity has traditionally been measured by “macro-perspective measures,” which provide a paucity of angles from which to examine how learners actually elaborate a sentence. Mixing up a large variety of clauses with only “the number of clauses” or “subordination ratios” could lead to overlooking desired relationships between complexity and proficiency or task manipulation and linguistic performance. The current study attempted to capture the features of writing syntactically complex sentences through “micro-perspective measures,” such as clause types (main clauses, coordinate clauses, adverbial clauses, relative clauses, complement clauses, and non-finite clauses), and differences in learner proficiency levels. Participants were 28 Japanese EFL learners. Proficiency was operationalized via argumentative essay scores. To elicit syntactic knowledge, we offered the participants a specialized task that restricted the number of sentences in describing a plot consisting of six related illustrations. The results revealed that coordinate clauses, relative clauses, and non-finite clauses are more frequently produced in elaborating syntactic structures, irrespective of the writer’s proficiency level. Our findings also indicated that non-finite clauses are a more practical expedient for proficient learners than less proficient ones. Some pedagogical implications are also discussed.
山口 智子
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.10, pp.83-91, 1999 (Released:2017-05-01)

It is generally thought that it is difficult for Japanese EFL learners to comprehend language information only by auditory input because their priority in learning is written English, and so they depend more on visual language than auditory language. By examining the word translation latency of an English word presented by a computer as auditory stimulus, it was evident that good listeners can answer more rapidly and exactly than poor listeners in conditions of both high frequency words and low frequency words (Yamaguchi 1997). Therefore, the effects of training given to poor listeners for two months were measured in order to examine whether listening comprehension would be improved or not if the speed of word recognition becomes rapid. The results were that their speed became more rapid, and furthermore their listening comprehension also increased. The importance of increasing the speed of word recognition in listening instruction for poor learners was therefore supported.
岩中 貴裕 高塚 成信
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.18, pp.121-130, 2007 (Released:2017-04-27)

This study aims to investigate how noticing forms in relevant input presented immediately after output encourages learners of English to take lexical items into their IL systems. Twenty nine university students, classified into 3 proficiency levels, took part in an experiment, in which they worked on guided composition, and then took notes of what forms they had noticed in looking at relevant input presented immediately after output. The participants were asked to work on the same guided composition in the following week to examine how they retained lexical items from the relevant input. The results are: 1) The output-input process leads advanced learners to retain more lexical items; 2) The uptake is promoted when: i) the participants analyze a form in the relevant input syntactically, and/or ii) the participants perceive a form in the model as being in contrast with its counterpart in their own output and realize ungrammatical or less appropriate status of the latter; and 3) The output-input process helps learners gain lexical knowledge on use.
笠原 究
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.18, pp.21-30, 2007 (Released:2017-04-27)

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the correlations between the paper and listening tests of English proficiency administered by the National Center Test for University Admission or Daigaku Nyugakusha Senbatsu Daigaku Nyushi Center Shiken (hereafter the Center Test) in 2006, when the listening test was introduced for the first time. The analyses were conducted based on data from 244 third-grade high school students who took both tests. The results showed that there was a moderate positive correlation between the paper as a whole and the listening tests. A closer examination revealed that the listening test was also moderately correlated with two sections of the paper test: grammatical knowledge and reading comprehension of a narrative. However, there was only a very weak correlation between the listening test and the section on pronunciation, word stress and sentence stress in the paper test Other findings are as follows: (a) The listening test had the same high level of reliability as the paper test; (b) The listening test had the same level of item discrimination but (c) a lower level of item difficulty. Some suggestions for future test construction are drawn from these findings.
田村 祐 原田 結以 加藤 大幾 原 和久 草薙 邦広
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.27, pp.169-184, 2016 (Released:2017-04-05)

Among foreign language teachers and researchers, it has been widely acknowledged that grammatical knowledge of a foreign language comprises two types of mental storage. One of the two, explicit knowledge, is quite likely linked to adjectives such as “slow” and “conscious,” whereas the other, implicit knowledge, is associated with words such as “fast” and “unconscious.” The present study challenges this conventional and popularized view, by addressing the consciousness and speed dimensions of Japanese EFL learners’ (N = 24) knowledge about tough movement. We conducted a grammaticality judgment task adopting two experimental paradigms: (a) a subjective measure of consciousness known as the meta-knowledge criterion, and (b) response time modeling. The participants judged the grammaticality of the stimuli under the two conditions, (a) control and (b) tough movement, and described their mental state during judgments (explainable vs. intuitive) trial by trial. We analyzed the dynamics among the recorded judgment responses, reaction times, and responses on the subjective measure. The results supported the hypothesis that the consciousness and speed dimensions intersect obliquely. This means that unconscious knowledge does not entail faster grammatical performance. Some pedagogical implications, particularly in light of English grammar teaching in Japan, are also discussed.
Katsuhisa HONDA Takumi AOYAMA Takahiro TADOKORO Yusuke KIDA
The Japan Society of English Language Education
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.28, pp.289-301, 2017-03-31 (Released:2018-04-10)

Some Japanese universities introduce an innovative overseas teaching practicum in pre-service training, and suggest quality and ability change for students who enrol in the practicum. The study aims to explore the changes of language teachers’ possible selves (Kubanyiova, 2009; Markus & Nurius, 1986) through the experience of the overseas teaching practicum. This paper provided examples of overseas teaching practicum focused on integrating the skills and knowledge that university students need, and reported the impact of the practicum on teacher trainees’ conceptual change about teaching and on their perceptions of English education. Data were collected using open-ended interviews with the five teacher trainees who participated in the oversea teaching practicum in 2015, and analysed through steps for coding and theorization (SCAT) developed as a qualitative data analysis method (Otani, 2008). It was concluded that the trainees saw the practicum as a positive experience that caused them to increase reflection on and revitalize their teaching. Some changes were noted from pre- to post-practicum in the trainees’ ideal and ought-to selves about learning and teaching English. This paper also discussed the framework of language teacher conceptual change (LTCC) for professional development (Kubanyiova, 2012).
廣森 友人
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.23, pp.361-372, 2012 (Released:2017-04-24)

Recent research investigating how the motivation to learn English can be enhanced has included several studies that discussed numerous motivational strategies (i.e., methods and techniques to generate and maintain the learners' motivation). However, in order for the outcomes of these studies to be fully utilized in actual classroom settings, they need to be used diagnostically and applied directly to the subsequent educational improvement. This study examined how English learners perceive motivational strategies, and whether instructional practice in keeping with the appraisal of these perceptions influences their motivation toward English learning. The results showed that (1) learners with different motivations appraised the effectiveness of motivational strategies in different ways, and (2) less motivated learners seemed to benefit the most from the instructional practice using motivation diagnosis as references. Based on the results, some educational implications and directions for future research are provided.
高田 智子
全国英語教育学会 紀要編集委員会
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.19, pp.231-240, 2008 (Released:2017-04-27)

Two groups of Japanese EFL learners were tracked and compared in their English communicative skills at three phases of secondary education: 7th, 9th, and 11th grades. One group learned English for three years in elementary school (ES) whereas the other did not. Quantitative analysis showed no statistical differences between the two groups at any of the three phases, suggesting that long-term effects of teaching a foreign language in elementary school (FLES) may not be expected. Qualitative analysis showed that FLES may produce mixed results. Some FLES students are willing to put efforts into language learning, whereas some others seem to have the perception that acquiring basic oral communication skills is the ultimate objective and do not seem to be motivated to go beyond that level. Thus, this paper suggests that FLES can be something of a double-edged sword.
金山 幸平 笠原 究
全国英語教育学会 紀要編集委員会
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.27, pp.217-232, 2016 (Released:2017-04-05)

The present study aims to compare the effects of expanding and equally-spaced retrieval practice on long-term L2 vocabulary retention. Since the discovery of Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve, expanding retrieval practice has been considered more effective than equally-spaced retrieval practice. Learners have been encouraged to review target items immediately after the first learning session, and then extend intervals between study sessions gradually, rather than have the same interval period between each session. The present study challenges this assumption. Participants in Group A (n = 34) learned 20 target words under the expanding condition (Day 1, 1, 8 and 22), while those in Group B (n = 19) learned the same 20 target words under the equally-spaced condition (Day 1, 8, 15 and 22). Twenty-one days after the learning session (Day 43), both groups took a delayed post-test, where they were asked to recall Japanese meanings for the English target words. This study revealed that the expanding group showed significantly better results than the equally-spaced group just after the first review session. However, there was no significant difference in long-term retention between the two forms of spaced learning, as long as both groups were given the chance to have four learning sessions.
卯城 祐司 土方 裕子 清水 真紀 院南 洋 笠原 究 下田 彰子 溝下 肇 佐藤 臨太郎
ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan (ISSN:13448560)
vol.16, pp.71-80, 2005-03

A translation test is one of the most common reading test methods in Japan, although its reliability and validity have been quite controversial. This study investigated the reliability and validity of translation tests as a measure of reading comprehension in Japanese university entrance examinations, with a particular focus on two research questions: (a) In terms of reliability, what types of translation materials cause difference in rating severity? (b) In terms of validity, what types of sentence can make great differences between translation and comprehension tasks? In order to examine the first research question, four experienced teachers scored English-to-Japanese translations made by 102 university students. Results showed that rating divergence is attributable to raters' different points of scoring (holistic vs. partial), and raters' leniency for inappropriate Japanese expressions or careless mistakes. The second research question was examined by administering 18 sets of translation and reading comprehension tasks to the same participants as above. Results showed that 4 out of 18 English sentences used in Japanese university entrance examinations were considered to be inappropriate as materials for translation tasks when examinees' reading comprehension was intended to be measured.
平井 明代 藤田 亮子 伊藤 牧子 大木 俊英
ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan (ISSN:13448560)
vol.24, pp.31-45, 2013-03-31

In 2006, an English listening test was added to the National Center Test for University Admissions (NCT) in Japan. We investigated whether including the Center listening test on the NCT has had positive washback on students' listening skills and attitudes toward studying listening. In Study 1, test scores of university freshmen dating back to 2002 were analyzed to investigate the improvement in students' listening skills. In Study 2, a questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate students' motivational aspects. The results revealed three findings. First, the test scores did not show a marked improvement in listening skills after the Center listening test was introduced. Second, the Center listening test might influence students in different majors to a different degree. Third, the majority of students favored the introduction of the Center listening test, and most were encouraged to study listening and felt their preparation had a positive effect on their score.
森本 由子
ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan (ISSN:13448560)
vol.19, pp.211-220, 2008-03

The aim of this study was to investigate whether attractive distractors differed by proficiency level in the multiple-choice sentential gap-filling test. In each item, apart from one correct choice, three distractors were prepared: a distractor which had a paradigmatic relationship with the correct answer, a distractor which had a syntagmatic relationship with a word in the context, and a distractor which had no relationship with either the correct answer or the context. The result of a chi-square analysis demonstrated that the lower group was attracted more to distractors with no relationship, but the upper group was likely to select syntagmatically-related distractors. In terms of distractors with paradigmatic relationship, there was no difference among proficiency groups, which was supported by low discriminability of paradigmatically-related distractors. These results provided an implication that using distractors with a syntagmatic relationship with the context or with no relationship makes tests more effective.
水本 篤 浦野 研 前田 啓朗
ARELE : annual review of English language education in Japan (ISSN:13448560)
vol.25, pp.33-48, 2014-03-31

This study reviewed three representative aspects (themes, methods, and outcomes) of the published articles in ARELE, volumes 1 to 24. The review of 450 ARELE articles revealed the following results: (a) the 24 ARELE volumes could be divided into two periods (the first 12 and the second 12); (b) articles in each period have characteristic words to represent the themes peculiar to the period; (c) research themes have shifted from teaching to learning, with reading, vocabulary, assessment/testing, and motivation coming to the forefront; (d) articles are predominantly empirical studies, targeting learners at secondary and tertiary levels, and hypothesis generating, with a quantitative approach, while intervention studies are not common; (e) medium strength of effect size was obtained with a meta-analytical approach; (f) the effect size decreases toward more recent volumes, which may be a sign of theoretical refinement; (g) the statistical power of most studies is lower than it should be. A number of suggestions are offered for improving the quality of future research practice.