奥田 典生
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.2, pp.57-61, 2002 (Released:2005-05-21)

Medical fields are not exempted from the effects of waves of deregulation and structural changes. The minus revision of medical fees has been implemented from this April, and all hospitals, public and private, are facing the need to search for significant management strategies to survive. But quite a few hospitals depend on administrative organizations for their management practice, and to meet the needs of the age, a change to independent hospital management is expected. It is necessary to recognize highly precise management analyses and diagnoses of hospital management as the means of providing better, appropriate medical services to the patients, and that securing a stable medical business profit is not the prime purpose. When hospital management analysis is carried out, lowering personnel expenses, which is the core of total cost, is an important point. It is necessary to reconsider wages based on seniority, and to adopt a system based on ability and further to introduce meritocracy in the future. In this paper the author speculates upon various problems arising from recent medical fee revision, focusing particularly on the personnel wage system from the hospital management viewpoint.
大工谷 新一
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.1, pp.1-5, 2001 (Released:2005-06-07)

Observational motion analysis is an important method for evaluating impairments of patients after bone and joint surgery. For adequate motion analysis it is necessary to understand the following: relationship between impairments and mechanical stress to bone and joint; that nature of mechanical stresses does occur; the relationship between mechanical stress and alignment of extremities; and the basic information of individual diagnosis. In this study, taking into consideration the requirements noted above we investigated the construct of observational motion analysis for patients with bone and joint surgery. Within this construct, in addition to mechanical stress, alignment and basic information, it is thought that timing of joint motion, neurological mechanism of motion and locomotion of center of gravity are important, too, and also need to be well understood. Patients with bone and joint surgery have many types of impairment. So physical therapists have to perform not only routine tests and measurements but also adequate motion analysis if they are to improvement of patients' function.
鈴木 俊明 文野 住文 鬼形 周恵子 谷 万喜子 米田 浩久
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.14, pp.27-31, 2014 (Released:2014-12-27)

For the adequate management of abnormal muscle tonus, it is important to first determine the underlying etiologies. These include primary causes such as spasticity, rigidity, and flaccidity, and secondary causes such as muscle and skin shortening. This study discusses whether abnormal muscle tonus is directly caused by primary etiologies or by a combination of primary and secondary etiologies, and describes treatment strategies for both types. Specific approaches for the management of abnormal muscle tonus are as follows. For secondary impairments such as skin and muscle shortening, measures to directly stretch the muscles and skin are considered effective. For primary impairments, prolonged stretching, motor imagery, and measures to enhance voluntary movements are important approaches. Patients can be self-trained in these approaches, which can improve the muscle tonus by altering brain and muscle function.
三浦 雄一郎
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.5, pp.41-46, 2005 (Released:2006-01-26)

It is difficult to understand the biomechanics of the control and stability of the spine and pelvis. The factors for this are that the orientation of the muscle fibers in the abdominal muscles are diverse and the abdominal muscles are composed of layers. Therapeutic approaches for impairment of the abdomen need the theory of the biomechanics of the spine and pelvis. This paper proposes several theories of the biomechanics of the spine and pelvis. These theories are called: soil function, double ladder structure, air bag function and sacroiliac joint stability. These functions are expained in this paper.
鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.18, pp.1-2, 2018 (Released:2018-12-20)

Anatomical and kinesiological explanations are very important in the analysis of posture and motion, and the judgement of impairments in physical therapy evaluation. To improve posture and motion it is necessary to treat the higher priority impairment.
甲斐 拓海 清原 克哲 中森 友啓 木村 勇太 木村 加奈子 嘉戸 直樹 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.22, pp.95-100, 2022 (Released:2022-12-23)

We report the case of a man in his 50s with decreased endurance in gait after brain tumor resection. His main complaints were that he felt pain on the right side of his waist and that he could not walk for long periods. We observed that during the left loading-response phase, he could not adduct his left hip joint, nor could he move his pelvis to the left. Therefore, during the initial swing phase, he put his right plantar foot down quickly and his trunk tilted forward. This resulted in flexion of the thoracolumbar transition during the right loading-response phase and extension of the thoracolumbar transition during the right mid-stance phase. The patient repeated this gait pattern, and after about 3,000 steps, he developed pain in the right lumbar region. We considered the main problem to be weakness of the left hip adductor muscle, and treated the patient with physical therapy. As a result, left hip adduction became possible during the left loading-response phase, and the pain in the patient’s right lumbar region improved, resulting in improved endurance of walking. In this case, physical therapy with a focus on the left adductor magnus muscle was effective at improving the pain in the patient’s right lumbar back and the functioning of the hip adductor muscles required during the left loading-response phase.
高橋 優基 山本 吉則 嘉戸 直樹
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.19, pp.42-47, 2019 (Released:2019-12-26)

In daily life and sport situations, external stimuli can be used to control exercise. In physical therapy, periodic auditory stimulation is said to be effective at improving patients' walking ability (walking speed, stride length, and cadence). A metronome, hand clapping, and vocalization are used by therapists to deliver periodic auditory stimuli. Prediction of the rhythm is necessary to perform efficient exercise based on auditory stimuli. Reaction time and synchronization tapping tasks are used to examine the ability to perform exercise according to rhythm prediction. The mechanisms of motor control in the central nervous system are different for periodic and non-periodic movements. This study describes the results of research on motion control according to rhythm prediction based on reaction time and synchronization tapping tasks, the ability to reproduce rhythmic movements with hand clapping and foot stepping, and rhythm tasks and sensory function, and discusses clinical applications of rhythm tasks.
吉田 拓真 山下 貴之 石濱 崇史
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.12, pp.87-93, 2012 (Released:2012-12-27)

We performed physical therapy for a patient who had great difficulty with walking due to pain-defense contraction of the right knee joint after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). This patient had much trouble restoring knee range of motion (ROM), even after TKA, because of a long period of suffering from pain in the right hip joint which limited the ROM. When walking, he could hardly move his knee joint and always showed knee flexion; his right hip joint was bent and his trunk leaned forward. He could not perform internal rotation of the right hip in the right stance phase. Instead, he elevated the left scapula and the left side hip joint and executed external rotation of the right side hip joint. We thought these problems resulted from limitation of ROM of the right knee joint, and we prescribed some exercises for ROM. Subsequently, ROM of the right knee joint and the joint position sense improved a little, but the patient still bent his right knee joint and showed no improvement of walking. After rethinking these problems, we concluded that we should provide therapy considering his habits before TKA. We set the bed in front of his trunk after he leaned against the bed because of relief of muscle hypertonia and position sense of knee joint. We asked the patient to lean against the bed to try and lengthen his hamstring. Subsequently, he showed less, compensatory motion of the trunk and pelvis, and internal rotation of the right hip joint gradually became possible, easing his walking difficulty. We have received the patient’s consent to publication of this report.
森 菜摘 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.21, pp.143-148, 2021 (Released:2021-12-25)

We administered physical therapy for a patient with knee osteoarthritis who had an increased risk of falling backward while standing up or standing. The patient experienced poor hip flexion during sitting and the flexion phase of standing up, causing the pelvis to tilt backward. Moreover, the extension of both hip joints was poor in standing and the flexion phase of standing up, which compromised the support of the upper limbs. Improved muscle tone in the iliacus muscle and gluteus maximus increased the flexion of both hip joints during sitting and the flexion phase of standing up. Additionally, the extension of both hip joints increased in standing. Consequently, the risk of falling backward was reduced in standing up and standing, which improved the patient's safety and standing ability.
西守 隆
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.3, pp.41-47, 2003 (Released:2005-04-12)

It is said that postural stability means almost the same as balance, but the meaning of the word balance has changed. Previously it was the capacity to maintain a quiet position such as standing and sitting. At present, it involves the capacity to excute movement in a task in the environment. This paper asks "What kind of features does a construction of balance have?" and "What is the nature of balance testing?" In physical therapy, it is useful to perform balance testing because it is related to active daily living (ADL) in patients.
三浦 雄一郎 長崎 進 福島 秀晃
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.15, pp.7-11, 2015 (Released:2016-01-06)

Table manners are as important as just eating a meal. With the spread of food culture, Japanese culture has been influenced by overseas eating habits. The upper limb is moved into a certain position to have a meal. When performing functional therapy, a knowledge of these movement chains is important because the shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and finger joints are mutually related. In clinical practice, the relationship between the joints is immediately noticeable by movement compensation that is generally recognized and helpful to gauge the effects of physical therapy. However, the exercise chain of the forearm, elbow, and shoulder joints may not display obvious movement compensation, thereby making it difficult to detect functional decline. The movement used to pick up food with chopsticks, a fork, or a hand during meals is known as the reach movement. There are two types of reach movement: of a range that is smaller than the length of the arms, or beyond the length of the arms. Generally, the movement used during meals is mainly of the former type, but the latter type may also be used in some food cultures. This report describes the exercise chain of the forearm, elbow, and shoulder joints, and the movement chain involving the trunk and the shoulder girdle, in consideration of these factors.
山本 吉則 嘉戸 直樹
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.20, pp.15-18, 2020 (Released:2020-12-28)

Sensory information is required to perform appropriate movements. Not all sensory information is input during movements, and only necessary sensory information is extracted by the nervous system. When promoting sensory input for cases with sensory disorder, it is important to conduct exercises with low frequency and pay attention to the joint movements while the subject consciously performs the exercise. In this paper, we describe the relationship between sensory function and motor function, and present self-training for cases with sensory disorder.
藤井 隆太 高木 綾一 山口 剛司 高崎 恭輔 大工谷 新一 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.8, pp.85-94, 2008 (Released:2009-01-15)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of differences of the foot center of pressure in standing on postural control of stand-to sit movement. It was thought that the reverse reaction phenomenon of standing posture in normal subjects at the fist of the sitting movement start by reduction of the muscle activity of the lumbar back muscles. Stable stand-to-sit movement was able to be performed when COP was located forward. From this, the position of foot COP in standing before stand-to-sit movement influences the difficulty of adjustment of COP and COG. Therefore, we suggest that in order to improve stand-to-sit movement, it is important to evaluate foot COP in the standing posture and muscle activity of the lumbar back muscles.
鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.20, pp.1-2, 2020 (Released:2020-12-28)

Self-training must be carried out for the purpose of deriving the correct problem by physical therapy evaluation and solving the problem. As, the physical therapist must be able to properly provide the necessary self-training for the patient himself. The physical therapist must also check whether the patient is properly performing self-training. We believe that proper self-training will help restore motor function.
井上 博紀 谷 万喜子 西村 栄津子 高田 あや 鈴木 俊明 吉田 宗平
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.7, pp.97-104, 2007 (Released:2008-01-18)

We report the effect of acupuncture based on the meridian concept by the writing evaluation test and writing pressure in a patient with writer's cramp. The case was a 32-year-old male, who was right-handed. The patient reported feeling a sense of incongruity while playing slot machine, and also in handwriting in X+6 years. When the department of nerve internal medicine at a local hospital was consulted, the problem was diagnosed as dystonic writer's cramp. We started acupuncture treatment in our clinic from X year. Acupuncture was performed once a week. Multiple epidermis penetrating needles were used to treat skin and muscle shortening on the palm and forearm. Retaining needles were used for scalp acupuncture in the upper limb zone, LI4 and ST11. Consequently, although some involuntary movement persisted 10 weeks after the start of treatment, control of handwriting became possible. Moreover, agitation during the application of writing pressure before acupuncture therapy was improved after acupuncture therapy. The results suggest that acupuncture therapy with the retaining needles and multiple epidermis penetrating needles is beneficial for dystonic writer's cramp.
川野 哲英
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.2, pp.17-24, 2002 (Released:2005-05-21)

This article emphasizes the importance of the ‘motion mechanism’ in comprehending human movement and motional impairment. ‘Motion mechanism’ was operationally defined as ‘an effective function against the force of gravity acting on the human body’. To understand human movement, it was necessary to know all the anatomy and human structures, muscle functions and dynamic alignment. As to anatomy and human structure, especially, the axes of human joints had to be clearly understood. And the axes of human joints, there were both physiological and functional axes. In muscle function, muscle physiology, muscle kinetics and the kinetic chain are involved. Dynamic alignment was important in comprehending impairment of the musculoskeletal system. The more severe dynamic malalignment was, the more remarkable the disturbance of movement was. To reduce motor disturbance, re-alignment of dynamic malalignment was effective. One of the methods for re-alignment of the leg during walking and stair-up/down was Knee Bent Walking (KBW). It was used as a conscious method for re-alignment in cases of dynamic malalignment. In the field of physical therapy, as an effective approach for aged, disabled and injured people, it was very important that we understood the motion mechanism and human body functions, and it will offer unlimited possibilities to all aged, disabled and injured people.
渡邊 裕文
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.5, pp.23-29, 2005 (Released:2006-01-26)

There are a lot of motor related areas in cerebral cortex. This paper describes the premotor area (PM) and supplementary motor area (SMA). These areas belong in area 6 of Brodmann's areas and they are very important for preparation and planning of movement, although each of them has an independent function. We hope this article will help you to understand those functions and your clinical treatment.
高崎 恭輔 鈴木 俊明 清水 卓也
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.9, pp.57-68, 2009 (Released:2010-01-16)

We assessed the direction and grade of pelvic deviation using palpation and spinal malleolar distance (SMD) measurement in patients with pelvic deviation at the sacroiliac joint affecting daily living and sporting activities. In this article, we introduce the pelvic deviation-testing method with palpation that we developed, with regard to the pelvic deviation condition in which the unilateral coxal bone at the sacroiliac joint in the pelvic region shows anteroposterior inclination. We report the pattern of pelvic deviation classified based on clinical data, and introduce a simple, objective examination procedure using the SMD. In addition, we present patients with pelvic deviation as an etiological factor influencing basic/sporting activities, and review the evaluation and treatment of pelvic deviation in physical therapy.
高崎 恭輔 嘉戸 直樹
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.2, pp.121-126, 2002 (Released:2005-05-21)

We encountered a patient with hemiplegia caused by a cerebrovascular disorder. The chief symptom was gait disturbance due to insufficient lifting of the toe from the ground on the affected side caused by leaning of the trunk forward and toward the affected side when toe on the affected side was lifted from the ground. Hypotonus of the abdominal muscles on the affected side was involved in the leaning of the trunk forward and toward the affected side. Hypertonus of the hamstring muscles on the unaffected side caused by compensation for the instability was observed. In the patient, treatment of hypotonus of the abdominal muscles was performed, but the effects reached a plateau. While re-examining the condition, we noticed shortening of the pectoralis major muscle on the affected side. The shortening of the pectoralis major muscle on the affected side, which had been caused by compensation of the instability induced by long-term hypotonus of the abdominal muscle tonus, limited the mobility of the shoulder girdle and trunk, and further reduced the tonus of the abdominal muscles, creating a vicious circle. We performed stretching exercises of the shortened pectoralis major muscle on the affected side, and examined the effects by EMG. The hypotonus of the abdominal muscles was improved by stretching exercises, and the hypertonus of the hamstring muscles on the unaffected side was also improved. And also the gait disturbance was improved by the combination of treatment of the abdominal muscles and stretching exercises of the shortened pectoralis major muscle on the affected side. Our experience indicated the importance of treatment of the shortened pectoralis major muscle on the affected side caused secondarily in the long term in addition to treatment of hypotonus of the abdominal muscles caused primarily by a cerebrovascular disease.
山内 仁
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.10, pp.19-23, 2010 (Released:2011-01-13)

We recommend the use of resistance training for patients who present with postoperative muscle weakness. The purpose of this training is to improve and prevent muscle weakness. The drawback of resistance training exercises is that the patient needs to understand the training and its effects; if executed incorrectly, resistance training is ineffective. Furthermore, if an incorrect exercise program is followed, trauma may occur. Therefore, physical therapists should inform the patients of the relationship between the necessity of resistance training and the ability to perform activities of daily living. Furthermore, the physical therapist should have personally experienced resistance training to understand its effects. This study provides important information for patients undergoing resistance training. In this paper, I would like to report the effective method of resistance training.