井尻 朋人
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.16, pp.13-17, 2016 (Released:2016-12-29)

The patients often ask us to improve daily movements involving the upper limbs in shoulder rehabilitation. Daily movements using the upper limbs are done with many variations, even by healthy people, and we have to understand these variations. In the rehabilitation of daily movements, we need to set a goal about how the patient will perform. In addition, daily movements using the upper limbs constitute multiple joint movements, not only shoulder joint movement, so there are mutual relationships with multiple joint movements. Therefore, we have to make a hypothesis while thinking about the relationships among the multiple joint movements.
後藤 淳
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.16, pp.19-26, 2016 (Released:2016-12-29)

The head and neck have a very important function in the control of posture. The head and neck often unconsciously compensate if there is an abnormality in posture. However, that compensation movement becomes a habit for the patients who have an abnormality in posture, and when the compensatory movement of the head and neck is large it may become a problem. Here, we report the results of dorsal electromyography of what kind of compensation actually occurs by when changing the position of the head and neck in sitting, and in rising from sitting. We also describe an approach that paid attention to excessive compensation of the head and neck. It is difficult to define the right alignment of the head and neck. It is important in alignment of the head and neck that the head and neck do not cause a problem for posture, or movement. In other words, it is important that the head and neck should be in the right alignment which over muscle activities are not required. If the head and neck are in the right alignment, it is easy to get up or look around naturally.
前田 梨奈 村尾 邦彦 石濱 崇史
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.87-93, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

We initiated physical therapy for a female patient with Alzheimer’s disease who suffered a left trochanteric fracture that caused a short and unstable left stance phase in gait. Initially, we performed muscle stretching and strengthening, and weight-bearing exercises in the sitting and standing positions, but the patient could not follow the therapy and did not achieve the target strength because of attention deficit due to Alzheimer’s disease. However, the patient was capable of independent activities of daily living (ADLs) such as dressing and grooming. Therefore, we initiated an exercise therapy which involved putting on and taking off a sock. After the therapy was started, the strength of the patient’s left gluteus maximus and external and internal oblique muscles improved and the instability in her gait stance decreased. This experience shows the necessity of selecting a therapy focused not only on the impairments but also on the patient’s abilities to perform ADL.
渡邊 裕文 大沼 俊博
The Academy for Kansai Physical Therapy
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.8, pp.13-15, 2008

The activity of bathing involves multiple motions that consist of basic abilities and functions of the upper limbs. This paper aims to describe "the motion of stepping over the bathtub" that is a necessary activity of bathing. We describe these motions, and simulate the motion which can reproduced in the rehabilitation room, from sitting to long sitting on a platform. We divided these motions into three phases and explain the movement of normal adults and adults with hemiplegia, as well as the points of treatment about each phase.<br>
末廣 健児
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.12, pp.25-27, 2012 (Released:2012-12-27)

We utilize the deep tendon reflex test for the evaluation of central nervous system disease as part of physical therapy. Deep tendon reflexes are affected by the Ia fibers of the same as well as other muscles, Renshaw cells, and the upper central nervous system. In this paper, we confirm the neurophysiological significance of the deep tendon reflex and describe devices for performing the reflex test.
高橋 優基 前田 剛伸 嘉戸 直樹
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.22, pp.59-66, 2022 (Released:2022-12-23)

In clinical practice, muscle weakness is often considered a functional disability similar to limitation of range of motion. We physical therapists use manual muscle testing (MMT) described by Daniels et al. for the general assessment of muscle weakness. This test quantitatively assesses muscle strength by the amount of joint movement, muscle contraction, and the effect of gravity and resistance. However, it is not possible to evaluate the strength of individual muscles involved in a single joint movement, or to separate a single muscle into fibers with different actions. In other words, it is difficult to narrow down the individual muscles and muscle fibers that are weak using MMT results. In this paper, we examine the possibility of evaluating muscle weakness using MMT for knee extension, and hip abduction by changing some of the test positions and the direction of manual resistance based on kinematics. Each of these proposed test positions is presented based on electromyogram data.
村岡 秀映 清水 貴史 玉置 昌孝
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.19, pp.48-55, 2019 (Released:2019-12-26)

In clinical practice, lateral weight shift to one leg in the standing position and trunk anterior tilt movement in the standing position are sometimes recommended for patients for whom movement in the standing position is difficult. It was found that postural changes of the lower limbs affect the activities of lower limb muscles. Because of this finding, it has become necessary to clarify the influence of postural changes on hip muscles. In this paper, we determined the activities of hip extensor muscles when lateral weight shift to one leg in the standing position and trunk anterior tilt movement in the standing position are recommended.
末廣 健児 石濱 崇史 後藤 淳
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.8, pp.7-11, 2008 (Released:2009-01-15)

Toilet activity, which is done every day attended with the physiological phenomenon of "excretion", has high necessity in the activities of daily living (ADL). We analyzed it in terms of "sense", and describe how to guide a person who has difficulty in this activity, with some specific approaches. It is important to carry out all of the activities of daily living not only in the rehabilitation room but also in a practical environment, and we need to take it into consideration in the physical therapy.
三浦 雄一郎
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.22, pp.45-50, 2022 (Released:2022-12-23)

Conventional evaluation methods are not sufficient for finding sports dysfunction. The reason for this is that athletes have exceptional muscle strength and range of motion as a result of adaptation to sports. In anticipation of these characteristics, we need to be creative in our evaluation methods and treatment. In this paper, I would like to discuss the evaluation of upper limb and trunk dysfunction based on the characteristics of motor function of athletes, and how we can try to improve them.
布谷 美樹 森原 徹 三浦 雄一郎 福島 秀晃 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.7, pp.81-84, 2007 (Released:2008-01-18)

We experienced cases that can elevate the humerus but can't maintain the position in shoulder flexion. It is generally thought that the inner muscles stabilize the humeral head in the glenoid, and the deltoid, which is one of the outer muscles, elevates the humerus during shoulder flexion. Kido et al. recently reported that all portions including the anterior, middle and posterior deltoid muscles have functions in stabilizing the shoulder. In this study, in order to evaluate the activity of the deltoid muscle, not only the anterior portion but the middle and posterior portions were analyzed at several positions of flexion by surface electromyography (EMG). Our results show that the deltoid muscle activity of the anterior portion increased with flexion, and especially the activity at over 90°C flexion was significantly increased over that at 30°C flexion. The activity of the middle and posterior portions over 120°C flexion were significantly increased over those at 30°C and 60°C flexion. In addition, at 150°C flexion, the activities of the middle and posterior deltoid muscles were significantly increased over that at 90°C flexion. This study demonstrates that the anterior portion of the deltoid muscle, mainly has the function of active flexion, and the middle and posterior portions as well as the inner muscles have functions which stabilize the glenohumeral joint during shoulder flexion.
中道 哲朗 渡邊 裕文 大沼 俊博 赤松 圭介 藤本 将志 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.6, pp.77-83, 2006 (Released:2007-01-30)

Patients with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee usually have a posteriorly, tilted pelvis and a bent knee with varus deformity. Such patients usually show an increase of muscle tone and pain due to pressure in the tensor fasciae latae muscle (TFL) and biceps femoris muscle (BFS) and further more, insufficient vastus medial muscle (VM). We perform therapy to stretch TFL and BFS in the supine and sitting positions and contract VM. We can't obtain enough effect of therapy because it gives rise to disorders again like the above in the closed kinetic chain (CKC) exercise while standing and walking, although these disorders improve in open kinetic chain (OKC) exercise. Thus, we perform posture control while standing or sitting to improve the pelvis tilt to add to the direct therapy of each muscle in OKC. In performing this therapy, we observed that such disorders were improved in CKC. Therefore, we experimented with electromyography (EMG) on healthy subjects to define the effects on TFL, BFS and VM of changing the angle of the pelvis tilted posteriorly together with varus deformity of the knee. TFL is involved in keeping the knee bent in middle position of pelvis, and keeping the knee bent and varus deformity of the knee in hip extension and internal rotation in posterior tilt of the pelvis. BF and BFL are involved in keeping the knee and hip bent in middle position of pelvis. When the pelvis is tilted posteriorly, BFL is involved in keeping the knee bent, BF (BFS) is involved in braking varus deformity of the knee as well as keeping the knee bent. VM is involved in keeping the knee bent in middle position of pelvis and when the pelvis is tilted posteriorly. VM is not involved in controlling varus deformity of the knee. From these result, we suggest that it's important when performing the therapy of posture control to consider the posture of the pelvis besides assessment and therapy of the knee for patients with OA of the knee showing increase of muscle tone and pain due to pressure of TFL and BFS.
國枝 秀樹 末廣 健児 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 石濱 崇史 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.14, pp.43-47, 2014 (Released:2014-12-27)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the electromyographic (EMG) activities of the multifidus, longissimus, and iliocostal muscles in the standing and forefoot standing positions in order to understand the relationship between each muscle activity and thoracolumbar extension in the forefoot standing position. This study recruited 10 healthy male volunteers (mean age: 28.4 ± 6.1 years). The EMG activities of the multifidus, longissimus, and iliocostal muscles were measured in the standing and forefoot standing positions. The values of the integrated EMG activities of each task were compared. Each muscle showed a significant increase in the value of the integrated EMG activities in the forefoot standing position (p<0.01). The activities of the iliocostal muscles were separated into two types: Group A, in which the EMG activities did not increase much, and Group B, in which the EMG activities clearly increased. In group A, the forefoot standing position involved extension of the hip joint, and lumbar alignment was almost identical to that in the standing position. In group B, lumbar lordosis and anteversion of the pelvis were significantly greater in the forefoot standing position than in the standing position.
大沼 俊博 藤本 将志 楠 貴光 渡邊 裕文 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.18, pp.11-18, 2018 (Released:2018-12-20)

Therapists identify major dysfunction by analyzing seated posture and standing-up motion, with the aim of treating the dysfunction and implementing training for maintenance of seated posture and standing-up motion. Treatments to improve posture and motion will encourage exercise and can be based on kinesiology and anatomy. This article considers the following: 1) methods for assessment of seated posture based on kinesiology and anatomy; 2) standing-up motion; 3) handling skills of seated posture and standing-up motion; and 4) the relationships between a symptomatic area and seated posture/standing-up motion.
二五田 美沙 早田 恵乃 藤本 将志 大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 田中 祥子 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.13, pp.95-101, 2013 (Released:2013-12-28)

A patient with left hemiplegia following cerebral infarction could not maintain a sitting position. Treatment in this position was difficult for the patient because of a tendency to fall toward the paralyzed side (left side) when sitting, and associated anxiety. Therefore, with the aim of maintaining the sitting position, physiotherapy was started in this position for a week to treat hypotonia of the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen, longissimus muscle, and multifidus muscle, which was the primary condition. However, it was difficult to maintain a sitting position. Thus, we considered that it was necessary to treat hypotonia by placing the patient in a supine position to improve the ability to maintain the sitting position. After 3 days of practicing to turn to the non-paralyzed side (right side), and sitting-up exercises to increase the activity of the internal and external oblique muscles of the abdomen, longissimus muscle, and multifidus muscle, the patient was able to sit independently without support. To treat the condition and help maintain a sitting position, as well as to reduce the anxiety of falling, it is necessary to initially treat the patient in a supine position.
谷埜 予士次
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.5, pp.37-40, 2005 (Released:2006-01-26)

It is important to understand the functional anatomy for motion analysis in the field of sport biomechanics and/or physical therapy. This article describes the functional anatomy of the muscles and joint movements in the lower extremity. The contents of this article are as follows: flexor hallucis, digitorum longus and ankle dorsiflexion; gastrocnemius medial head and tibial rotation; and hip external-rotators and hip flexion. As mentioned above, consideration of the relationship between the functional anatomy and impairments is important for physical therapy evaluation in the lower extremity.

3 0 0 0 OA 体重移動訓練

渡邊 裕文
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.3, pp.15-19, 2003 (Released:2005-04-12)

Consideration of the way in which body weight is applied is required in almost all movements. For example, when changing body position from the prostrate to the lying on the side position, the weight is shifted as when turning over in bed. And we are not conscious of muscle activity, for example, in physical therapy. And with regard to the application of body weight, we wish to know how body weight is applied, and if it can be maintained.
大沼 俊博 渡邊 裕文 蔦谷 星子 三好 裕子 山口 剛司 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.2, pp.103-107, 2002 (Released:2005-05-21)

To evaluate of sustained elevation of a paralyzed superior limb, we performed physical therapy for the limb in a patient with postapoplectic hemiplegia. During the physical therapy, sustained elevation of the paralyzed superior limb was achieved by activating muscle groups in the lower trunk and gluteal region controlled by the corticoreticular spinal tract, and by accelerating continuation of associated righting reflex. These findings suggest that postural adjustment of the body center and proximal extremities is required in hemiplegic patients to achieve functional improvement of a paralyzed superior limb.
三浦 雄一郎
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.1, pp.7-13, 2001 (Released:2005-06-07)

To evaluate physical functions in patients with chronic low back pain, it is important to evaluate trunk muscle function. Anatomical and electromyographical studies of trunk muscles in healthy subjects and patients with chronic low back pain are introduced in this paper. Many articles is published have asserted that the action of trunk muscles of patients with chronic low back pain is different from that of healthy subjects. In my research, electromyography (EMG) of trunk muscles during hip extension in the prone position was used in patients with chronic low back pain and healthy subjects. EMG showed that the action of trunk muscles during this motion in patients with chronic low back pain was weaker than that in healthy subjects, but EMG of trunk muscles during this motion after therapeutic exercises indicated improvement in patients with chronic low back pain. It has been said that EMG evaluation of the trunk muscles is an important method to use in patients with chronic low back pain.
嘉戸 直樹
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.6, pp.47-49, 2006 (Released:2007-01-30)

The thalamus is the last relay site on the way to the cortex for almost all sensory information. In addition, it is connected with the beginning and adjustment of movement. The function of the thalamus is described in this text, and the application of physical therapy is considered.
西村 栄津子 酒井 英謙 谷 万喜子 鈴木 俊明
関西理学療法 (ISSN:13469606)
vol.8, pp.101-105, 2008 (Released:2009-01-15)

I report acupuncture treatment for abnormal neck posture and deviation of trunk in a patient with drug induced dystonia.The patient was a 60-year-old female. In the last 3 years, her neck and mouth had showen involuntary movement when she received medical treatment for her bipolar disorder, and she was diagnosed as having drug induced dystonia. Her symptoms were slightly improved by botulinum therapy (BTX) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), but she wanted to receive acupuncture treatment, so she came to our clinic. At the first consultation at our clinic, her neck posture in a sitting position showed left lateral bending, left rotation, flexion, and extension, and her trunk posture showed left lateral bending. Her neck presented with intermittent involuntary movement of left rotation and extension. The problems of her abnormal posture were some muscle tones and shortening of skin and muscles. Abnormal muscle tones were hypertonus of the trapezius muscle and erector spinae, and hypotonus of the abdomen muscles. Skin and muscle shortening presented on the posterior region of her neck (trapezius and splenius capitis muscle), the occipital region of the head, and the interscapulum, lumbar and dorsal. Her neck also showed intermittent involuntary movement. The acupuncture treatment was as follows: multiple epidermis penetrating needles were used to treat skin and muscle shortening on the posterior region of her neck (trapezius and splenius capitis muscle), occipital region of head, and interscapulum. Lumbar and dorsal retaining needles were used for Waiguan(TE5) for hypertonus of trapezius muscle, Chongyang(ST42) to increase abdomen muscles, Kunlun(BL60) for hypertonus erector spinae, and Baihui(GV20) to decrease the involuntary movement. After acupuncture treatment, the patient's involuntary movement of the neck was reduced, and flexion of trunk and extension of neck were improved. Currently there is no definitive treatment method for drug induced dystonia. This case suggests that abnormal neck posture and deviation of trunk in a patient with drug induced dystonia can be improved by acupuncture treatment.