佐藤 知己
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.10, pp.219-230, 2020-03-20

本稿は、アイヌ語の「合成名詞(複合名詞とも呼ばれる)」の分析において、動詞から名詞への品詞転換、句から語へのカテゴリー転換という二つの文法的カテゴリー転換が共に重要な役割を果たしていることを、これまでのアイヌ語の研究史 を概観することによって確認し、さらに、未解決問題として残されている、自動詞( 一項動詞)から名詞への品詞転換を可能にしている要因とは何かを論ずるものである。具体的には、形式意味論的要因が転換において重要な役割を果たしている可能性を、完全動詞(ゼロ項動詞)との対比を通して明らかにすることを試みる。
風間 伸次郎
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.7, pp.35-68, 2017-02-15

In the present paper I examined some converbial forms of Turkic, Khalkha Mongolian, Korean and Japanese by elicitation in order to reveal their range of function and the criteria to make proper use of them. From the crosslinguistic viewpoint, a typical conditional form tends not to be used for an event such as mado=o aketara tumetai kaze=ga haitte kita (When I opened the window, a cold wind came in). However, the Altaic-type languages such as Japanese often have so-called pseudo-conditional forms which are multi-functional and realize a wide meaning not only of conditional but also temporal, causal and concessive. On the one hand these pseudo-conditional forms exhibit the functional continuity to the proper conditional, and on the other hand they exhibit the functional continuity to the sequential. The results of the research are summarized in Table 1.
王 海波
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.10, pp.135-156, 2020-03-20

満洲語は満洲・ツングース系の言語であり、元々清国(1616-1912)を建てた満洲族の言語である。満洲語の古典語1(以下「 満洲古典語」または「古典語」)は17世紀から18世紀末にかけて清国で使用された満洲語を指す。本稿で扱う満洲語三家子方言と黒河方言2は、現在中国黒龍江省チチハル市富裕県三家子屯と同省黒河市で話される満洲語の方言である。また、本稿で扱う満洲語シベ方言3は、現在中国新疆ウイグル自治区のチャプチャルシベ自治県で話される満洲語の方言である。
新田 志穂
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.5, pp.191-203, 2015-03-20

This paper analyzes -lIK, a productive suffix in Modern Uyghur. In the literature, -lIK has been treated from morphological or syntactic perspectives. The present paper examines both of these two aspects of -lIK. Particularly, I point out that while words suffixed with -lIK are registered in the lexicon as such, the verbal stem to which -lIK attaches can still preserve its syntactic function.
長崎 郁
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
no.1, pp.185-195, 2011-03

This folktale "Ersienei" is narrated by a female speaker of Kolyma Yukaghir, Mrs.Akulina Vasilievna Sleptsova. Mrs. Sleptsova was born in the village of old Nelemnoe(Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, Russia) in 1930. The folktale was recorded and transcribedin July 26, 2007 during my fieldwork in the village of Nelemnoe. Then I corrected thetranscription with the help of Mrs. Dar'ja Petrovna Borisova, another speaker of KolymaYukaghir, in 2008. The whole text is given in x2, the morphological analysis of the textand Japanese translation are given in x3.ErsieneiI turned 77 this year. I'm still alive and narrate stories. How can I die? The children whocome to me, ask me to narrate stories to them. Well, (I will narrate) the story.There lived a family by the river Yasachnaya, near the mouth of the river Rassokha.They had a daughter. She was 10 years old. They had a boy, the old man and old woman.In the summer, the old man went hunting on foot. The mother and her children cut grassfor their cow. They had a cow. Their daughter was big. She was beautiful. One day,when they so lived, they had a visitor. They were all at home, the father, the mother, andthe children. The visitor came to them and said, "Give me your cow." In reply, the father and mother said, "No, how can we give you our cow? We depend on it for our food andlivelihood." On hearing this, the visitor's expression turned menacing. He said, "Whetheror not you give it to me, I'll take it. If you will not give me your cow, I will kill you."Then they said, "We will not give it (to you)." They merely said that, the old womanand old man. Then he took out his gun, the visitor. And he shot the old man and thenthe old woman. Their daughter was dressed and standing. She wore her suede coat andstood there, Yukaghir suede coat, their daughter. The visitor shot again. He shot a secondtime and brought the old woman down. The girl then ran out, crying and shouting. Theirdaughter cried, shouted, and ran out. The elder son took a frying pan. He took a fryingpan and began to beat it (like a drum). "We turned into a frying pan. Those with dorsalfins came." Then he continued to beat the frying pan and jumped. The bandit saw thisand ran out. The evil visitor ran out. He ran out and stood listening. He stood listening.Where did the girl run to? He tried to find that out. He listened, listened, and understood.From the mouth of Rassokha, the sound of the bell on her suede coat was heard. It wasthe sound of her suede coat's bell. The sound of her suede coat's bell was heard. Then heran toward it. He ran, ran, and ran for a while. He lost track of the girl. He lost the soundof bell, the evil visitor. Then he went back. And the girl reached the mouth of Rassokha,crying and shouting, the poor girl! "Hurry!" She reached the people, the people livingby the mouth of Rassokha, (and said), "Hurry! A man came and killed my mother andfather with his gun. My brother remained there shouting, at home, he took a frying panand beat it (like a drum)." The people living by the mouth of Rassokha left with the girl.They went to her place and took a look. When they entered the house, the old womanand old man had already died. The people then held a meeting. They held a meeting inJaarmon, Jaarmon was the center of the Yukaghirs of Srednekolymsk. People travelledfrom Jaarmon. They came, hunted the evil visitor for three days, and found him. Theybrought him to Jaarmon. They then asked the bandit, "Why did you kill the old womanand old man?" In reply, he said, "To get their cow. I asked them, but they didn't give itto me, that is why I killed them."Some Yukaghirs continue to live by the mouth of Rassokha. The land where the banditwas killed is called "Ersienei."
長崎 郁
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.3, pp.41-54, 2013-03-25

This paper describes the morphology and functions of verb inflectional forms in Kolyma Yukaghir.It also discusses the grammatical characteristicsof Kolyma Yukaghir participles and examines the difference between participles and deverbal derivatives. The main points of this paper are as follows: (1) Verb forms in Kolyma Yukaghir can be divided into three types according to their syntactic functions: finite forms, participles,and converbs. Although the finite forms, the converbs,and one of the participles (theJE-participle) are monofunctional, two of the participles, the ME-participle and the L-participle,are multifunctional.The ME-participlecan be used in adjectival and main clauses, and the L-Participlecan be used in adjectival, nominal,and main clauses. (2) The distinction between participles and deverbal derivatives cannot always be made by the preservation of the argument structures. Indeed, they have clear differencesin the possibilities for marking some verbal categories(person/number of the subject, tense,and evidentiality). (3) The three participles also vary in the possibilities for marking verbal categories. The ME-participle is formally similar to finite forms. The L-participle exhibits similarities to finite forms and nouns. The JE-participle is similar to the converbs, in that the two forms show few verbal characteristics.
長崎 郁
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.2, pp.11-22, 2012-03-26

This paper discusses the characteristics of the proprietive suffix -n’e/-n’ in Kolyma Yukaghir. The suffix -n’e/-n’ derives denominal verbs that roughly mean “have N.” The derived verb has three syntactic functions: predicative function (in independent form), adnominal function (in participle form), and adverbial function (in converb form). A derived verb sometimes has an existential meaning, “N exists.” The main points of this paper are as following: (1) The meaning of N (possessee noun) concerns the syntax and the semantics of -n’e/-n’: (a) With an inalienable possesee noun, especially an “everyone”-type possesee noun (Tsunoda 1995), N-n’e/-n’ is usually used with a modifier, otherwise the derived verb indicates “have special (many, big, etc.) N.” (b) With an alienable possessee noun, N-n’e/-n’ implies not only typical possession but also possession at that very moment, for example, “wear N,” “be with N,” and “carry N.” (2) As compared to the existential verb l’e- with locative noun, which sometimes implies the possession meaning, the usage of -n’e/-n’ is pragmatically limited: (a) The suffix -n’e/-n’ is usually used when the possessor is treated as the topic, otherwise the existential l’e- verb is preferred. (b) The suffix -n’e/-n’ is not used when the information about the possessee is requested; in such a case, the existential l’e- verb is preferred.
江畑 冬生
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.7, pp.23-33, 2017-02-15

This paper examines difference in phonology and morphosyntax between the two cognate languages, Sakha and Tyvan. It is concluded that the two languages differ in a consistent way. First, Sakha exhibits regularity in its phonological rules (the nasal alternation of suffix-initial consonants, the accent rule, and the vowel harmony rule) while Tyvan shows some exceptions under the apparently same rules. In other words, the regularity in Sakha phonological rules is interpreted as 'leveling'. Secondly, Sakha grammatical elements tend to be explicit or obligatory in such morphosyntactic properties as 3rd person plural subject marking, dative marking for goal, the adverbializing suffix, accusative marking, marking for juxtaposed noun phrases, and existential predicate. It is likely that the regularity in Sakha phonology and the obligatoriness in Sakha morphosyntax are obtained through language contact with the neighboring Tungusic languages.
山田 祥子
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
no.5, pp.261-280, 2015-03

This paper aims to present a text of the Northern Dialect of Uilta (formerly called Orok) spoken in the northeastern part of Sakhalin Island. The text was provided by Ms. Irina Fedjaeva (1940- ) in village Val (Sakhalin oblast, Russia) in November 24th, 2010. She tried retelling a short story narrated by her mother, the late Ms. Olga Semenova.The story was about ogre called dǝpčigiri in Uilta. In this story a man encountered an ogre on a trip to hunting with his child. The ogre appeared from bonfire in their camp at night. It warned the man not to speak anything in the next morning and predicted that if he did it, his child would die. The next morning the man thought that he saw the ogre just in dream, and he did not care about the warning. Then he spoke with his child and after going back home, with his wife as well. After a while his child suddenly fell ill and died at last. It is believed that the ogre took the child away, because the father disregarded his warning.
津曲 敏郎
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.1, pp.i-iv, 2011-03-25
白 尚燁
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.3, pp.111-128, 2013-03-25

This study aims to clarify the relationship between Udihe verbal derivational suffix –du and person marker. In conclusion, Udihe verbal suffix –du is proved to optionally work as the third person plural marker in the finite verb form, which is a very unique way for the Tungusic languages since most of Tungusic either optionally or necessarily marks the third plural person with the plural suffix -l. This unusual phenomenon is presumed to result from the fact that Udihe lost the common Tungusic nominal plural suffix –l in the process of phonetic change. The similar case of marking the third plural person with verbal derivational suffix in the finite verb is also found in Kirghiz of the Turkic languages.
高橋 靖以
北方言語研究 (ISSN:21857121)
vol.3, pp.129-136, 2013-03-25

In this article, I describe the characteristics of the evidential expressions in the Tokachi dialect of Ainu. I mainly point out the grammatical restriction of visual evidential marker sir which has hitherto not been described in any dialect.