武田 清子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.8, pp.34-71, 1961-12

The Democratic movement of the Taisho period (1912-1925) is one of the most important movements in the development of the democratic trends in modern Japan. The generation who served as the national leaders during the establishment of postwar democracy in Japan were the products of this movement who struggled and survived the pressure of the militaristic fascism. Thus Japanese postwar democracy was not a gift of the US Occupation but was a national product from within. Sakuzo Yoshino, a Christian professor of political science and leading democrat, was the central figure of this movement. Under the Meiji constitution, without denying the Emperor System he worked for the right of the people as much as possible within that framework, having been attacked on both sides by the extreme nationalists and the extreme leftists. First of all, I would like to study and analyze the nature of this attempt of democracy. Secondly, this period is called, at the same time, a period of humanism when Christianity took root in the cultural and social soil of Japan. Having been received within the bosom of the culture and even losing itself in it, Christianity sought to bring about a renewal of the common man and society. The individuals of this type were Inazo Nitobe, Toyohiko Kagawa, and Sakuzo Yoshino. In Yoshino the basis of democracy was definitely Christian faith, and particularly Christian concept of man. I would like to evaluate the understanding of "Man" and its role as the basis of Taisho Democracy.
廣瀬 悦子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.45, pp.159-168, 2003-03

金 泰勲
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.49, pp.31-42, 2007-03

ビアルケ(當山) 千咲
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.46, pp.153-161, 2004-03

The purpose of this article is to review the development of qualitative studies on school and childhood as well as youth in Germany. The focus of this review will be on studies dealing with the changing experiences of students at school in the post modern age. Moreover, comparable changes in the relationships between students and school in Japan will be also taken into consideration. Studies on this issue in Germany are characterized by the following two points: The first is that perspectives of the studies on school as well as those on childhood and youth are converging increasingly. The second is that research perspectives on the macro, meso, and micro levels are connected with each other. This article deals with two topics which contributed in 1980s to forming the basis of the actual trend mentioned above: "individualization theory" discussed by U. Beck as well as "narrative analysis" developed by F. Schiitze. Then, light will be thrown upon the development of life story studies of students which have been forming the main stream of qualitative research in Germany. Finally, implications of this research trend in Germany for Japanese contemporary situation will be discussed. It indicates the necessity to pay attention to subjective perspectives of individual students who have their own life stories and to explore what they experience school.
菊池 尚代
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.48, pp.203-215, 2006-03

日本におけるEラーニングはまだ初期段階にあるが,学習意欲の高い社会人はフレキシブルなEラーニングでの学習を求めている.本論文は,日本のEラーニングにおけるケーススタディーを通し,社会人がEラーニングでの学習意欲を持続させ,学習環境を最大限に活用するために必要な動機づけについて調査した.学習者の観察,インタビュー,さらにEラーニングの初期段階にある群と,2年間のEラーニングを経た群に分け,アンケート調査からデータを入手した.インストラクショナルデザインで広く使用されているARCSモデルの動機付け要因に関してと,各学習者の学習環境に関する要因に関しての2つの視点,各要因の相関関係,さらに 日本人の特徴を考慮しながら分析を試みた.その結果,動機付けに必要なものは学習者同士のインターラクションであり,それはまた学習者の自己効力感を高めることがわかった.
星野 命 祖父江 孝男 須江 ひろ子 今井 義量
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.5, pp.148-216, 1958-12

This is the first part of a report on research which has been undertaken by a psychologist, the senior author, and three anthropologists. The second part contains empirical studies of the child rearing pattern and personality development made at a rural community in the central Japan. In Japan there has been done no significant work in the field of culture and personality, particularly of child rearing patterns and personality development, whereas many fruitful studies on the subject have been undertaken by anthropologists and psychologists in the U.S. since the 1930's. However, some attempts have been undertaken recently in Japan in two kinds of studies; 1) experimental and critical studies of patterns of feeding, weaning and toilet training which were expressly pointed out as important factors in children's personality development by psychoanalytic researchers, 2) supplementary studies following the studies previously done by foreign researchers on parent-child relationship. The authors have been interested in relationships between traditional child-rearing patterns in rural areas in Japan and personality types of Japanese people. They have attempted to make an intensive and collaborative investigations at a hamlet (buraku), in Kaida-mura (village) of Nagano-ken (prefecture) in central Japan, where a specific way of handling children has been the custom for a long time. Use is made of a basket of straw, which is called "Ejiko (Izumi, or Koshiki)", in which an infant is swaddled and kept all day long. The custom is not so commonly seen at present as in previous days. However, it calls the authors' attention to a similar use of a cradle among the American Indians who have been studied extensively by American anthropologists. The procedures, results and discussions of the research at the hamlet will be reported in the next issue of this journal. The following are contents of the present review of articles and books previously published in this field. 1. Child-rearing patterns in terms of training of basic habits: i) Feeding and weaning ii) Toilet training iii) Restriction of Motions iv) Physical contact between mother and child 2. Child rearing pattern and socialization processes of children. i) Communication as means of socialization ii) Family as a milieu of socialization iii) Patterns of discipline (or sanction) 3. Conclusive remarks. In Chapter 1, the Freudian theories on child development, particularly those of Erikson and Ribble, are introduced, and anthropological studies related to child-rearing practices in primitive cultures made by Sapir, Benedict, M. Mead, Kardiner are reviewed. The work of Gorer, La Barre and Benedict, who studied Japanese, are specially referred to. The views of Orlansky, Sewell and Haring who were critical toward psychoanalytical theories on the basis of their own empirical observation are quoted, the results of a study of "the psychological influences of child rearing pattern" done by Ishiguro and Asahi (Japanese child-psychologists) are introduced. Tables are presented showing the time of completion of weaning among Japanese children on the basis of findings by Japanese anthropologists and pediatricians. As to customs of swaddling child and use of cradle, analyses of Erikson, Honingman and Kluckhohn are cited in order to construct a hypothesis concerning the psychological influences of the use of "Ejiko" upon development of Japanese rural children. Probable effects of close physical relationship between Japanese mother and child, which is observed in such phenomena as "Soe-ne" (sleeping together) or "Ombu" (carrying on the back) are compared with mother-child physical relationships in Western countries. In Chapter 2, the significance of child-rearing patterns, which enforce children obtain certain behavior patterns required by their society and culture, is considered after certain theoretical views of psychologists, sociologists and anthropologists on the functions of family are introduced. Child rearing patterns are shown to differ from one culture to another, from one family to another, depending upon sex, age and sibling relation of children, family structure and status, occupation, education and personality of their parents. Studies on patterns of discipline and those on the effect of parental attitude and personality of children are especially reviewed. Anthropological, sociological, sociological and psychological studies are briefly described in terms of three points: method, patterns observed, and relations between cultural patterns and personality development. In conclusion it is the authors' feeling that the importance and significance of early child-rearing patterns should not be overestimated and one should carefully observe the whole processes of socialization, which continue through late childhood and adolescence with gradual change, in order to determine the cultural components of personality development in any culture.
秋田 稔
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.1, pp.39-72, 1955

I. The significance of Eros in education (Paideia). This basically comes from the educational character of the Greek mind. Eros is a strong, inner, vital power of man which brings forth a pure step to ideals in the personal relationship. II. The limitation of Eros in education and its self-dissociation. This also comes from the Greek mind. Its character of passion for value has a tendency to let us forget "human-being" itself. The education based on Eros is rather not for common man but for spiritual elite. III. The Hebraic understanding of man as the basis of Christian education. In the Hebraic understanding of man personality has its root in the relation to God. The Hebraic posture to human culture is that culture and history is under the divine Providence; it is once denied and eschatologically affirmed through the keen, inner confrontation. IV. The Biblical understanding of Agape. Agape is fundamentally God's love, and reveals itself in the fact that it breaks the various limitations of man and revives his active power in the personal relationship with God. V. The relationship between Eros and Agape in the idea of Christian education. Agape penetrates the action of Eros and fundamentally supports and purifies it. Character building is made in this way.
石川 勝博
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.47, pp.145-156, 2005-03

The purpose of this study is to investigate factors related to dysfunctional aspects of cellular phone communication (1) passive interpersonal relationships, (2) restraints, (3) anxiety towards information, (4) escape, (5) lower abilities in verbal expression, and (6) annoyance. In this study I focused on the following factors: Bantsu sentaku (that is, selective answering to telephone calls by using the number display service), affinity to cellular phones, and uncertainty avoidance. A survey was conducted to clarify the relationship between the factors by a questionnaire method during January and February 2004. The subjects were 517 Japanese university students from Ibaraki prefecture. The total of valid responses was 502. Through multiple regression analysis, the following relationships were found. Bantsu sentaku was linked positively to (3) anxiety towards information and (2) restraints. Affinity to cellular phones was linked positively to (2) restraints, 5) lower abilities in verbal expression, (4) escape and (6) annoyance . Uncertainty avoidance was linked positively to (6) annoyance, (1) passive interpersonal relationships, and negatively to (2) restraints. This study concludes that further research on cellular phone communication literacy education is necessary.
立川 明
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.47, pp.11-22, 2005-03

岩田 祐子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.237-241, 2002-03

本論文の目的は二言語(英語と日本語)の使用がバイリンガル家族の子供に対する社会化にどのような影響を与えるかを研究するものである.すなわち二言語による社会化における言語の役割を考察することである.東京に住むバイリンガル家族(日本語が話せないイギリス人の父親・日本語と英語が話せるバイリンガルの日本人の母親・同じくバイリンガルの5才の娘と3才の息子)の日曜日の夕食時の会話6回分をビデオとカセットに録画(録音)し,分析したところ,二種類の社会化が見られた.一つははっきりとした目的を持って親が教えている場合の社会化(non-embedded socialization)で,もう一つは,両親があまり自覚することなく子供に伝わっている社会化(embedded socialization)である.データ分析が示すことは,第一にいわゆる「一人の親が一言語を子供に使用する方策('one parent-one language'policy)」をほとんどの場合にこの家族は実行していることである.ただし,会話の流れを重視し,この方策を実行しない場合もある.第二に,バイリンガリズムはバイリンガルである母親だけでなく,バイリンガリズムの重要性を認識したモノリンガルな父親によっても推進されている.バイリンガリズムはこの家にとって第一言語と言ってもよいのである.「一人の親が一言語を子供に使用する方策('one parent-one language'policy)」を厳しく守ると二つの危険性が生じる.モノリンガルで日本語を話さない父親を疎外してしまう危険性と会話のスムーズな流れを阻害してしまうことである.この危険性は,モノリンガルではあっても家族の二言語使用をこころよく許しているモノリンガルの父親によって一部回避されている.残りの一部は,「一人の親が一言語を使用する」という原則よりも実際の会話の流れを重視して,子供たちとも必要に応じて英語を話す母親の努力によって回避されている.第三に,夕食時に二言語を使いながら家族みんなで食事をし,共に会話を構築していく作業の中で,バイリンガル家族としてのアイデンティティを形成している.第四に夕食の主目的は,家族としてのまとまりを持つことであり,家族全体としてのコミュニケーションの方が子供たちに二言語を習得させることよりも重要視されている.この意味では,バイリンガル家族の社会化もモノリンガル家族の社会化と変わることはないと言える.違うのは,二言語を使用しているということだけである.この研究はケーススタディであるので,二言語による社会化を詳しく分析するためには継続研究が必要である.別の家族における二言語の社会化を見ていく必要があるだろう.
トロイヤー M.E 原 一雄 原 喜美 田中 清彦
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.19, pp.65-114, 1976-03

Aiming to discover the impact that ICU has had on its alumni, a questionnaire was mailed to all alumni whose addresses were available. Out of approximately 2200, 547 or approximately 25% were returned. Alumni evaluation of their international expriences at ICU indicates that it has bee extraordinarily useful and important. This includes language training, the library, experience with an international faculty, students and program and life in inter-national dormitories. These aspects have been successful far beyond reasonable expectations. ICU is thus well prepared for continued leadership in meeting emerging challenges of education with orientation to crucial global problems. Major studies, general education, interaction with the faculty, academic advisement, finacial and work experiences are rated "adequate," "very" or "especially" useful by a large portion of the alumni. This would seem to be a very creditable achievement, for all of these aspects of the ICU program are quite unique in the higher education of Japan. The minority of alumni who found them of "little" or "no" use provides a solid challenge for improvement. Compared with other aspects of the ICU program, religious experience on the campus has a low rating. But there are reasons to believe that in a predominantly non-Christian society and student body the ICU religious life and program on the campus has great strength. It faces the ubiquitous problem of keeping dialogue open with disinterested critical and disaffected students without intimidating or pressuring them. Effective placement of half of the graduates of a new university in Japan is a creditable achievement. But the other half, not satisfactorily placed, leaves no room for complacency. Extra-curricular cultural and recreational clubs are rated as "adequate," "very" or "especially" useful by a substantial majority of alumni. The absence of student goverment during the past six years seems to indicate that all constituencies underestimate their potential contribution to major objectives of ICU. Increasingly alumni have come to see little or no use in student government or the newspaper, though most of them are inclined to regard them with some importance. In 1949, ICU was projected as an international, Christian institution with the highest academic standards. It was to be a laboratory where adminstration, faculty and students could study and experience the values and process of democracy and Christian brotherhood. It has been outstandingly successful in some respects, moderately successful in other respects and disappointingly unsuccessful in a few respects. The nature of ICU's strengths and weaknesses are revealed in many dimensions by this study. ICU as a venture in higher education has prepared its constituencies to move into the second quarter century with courage, resourcefulness and enlightenment to strengthen what has proven uniquely useful, to improve what has been moderately successful, to cope with what has been its greatest weaknesses, to continue its commitment to purposes of abiding significance and to accept new challenges unique to time and place. This is both an opportunity and responsibility of all constituencies. The main challenge is to the faculty and administration. But it is, in some important respect, a responsibility of students. Some of the weaknesses revealed by alumni may indeed be the result of their disinterest or efforts to avoid that which they later regarded as very useful and important. Finally the future of ICU depends in great part on policies of the trustees built on familiarity with the strengths, weaknesses and potential of the institution.
石本 菅生
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.25, pp.179-192, 1983-03

冨永 由美子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.42, pp.177-189, 2000-03

The development of communication abilities has been the main concern of the teaching of foreign languages. In the case of the Japanese language, the approach of "Aizuchi - Conversation signals" is particularly interesting because it is related to a conversational signal system that has a very important function in communication interaction. "Aizuchi" functions comprise signals: 1. that indicate the other person is listening to the conversation, 2. of understanding of the given information, 3. of subject agreement, 4. that indicate doubt or disagreement by the listener In this research, three teaching plans of 15 to 30 minutes of duration were developed to be applied to Japanese language students of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ) and the Rio de Janeiro Japanese Language School. The main assumptions of those plans are: Functions and types of "Aizuchi", Basic timing of using "Aizuchi", "Aizuchi" with listener assessment and without assessment; "So desu ka" intonation, Class activities to stimulate the output through role-play.
清水 護
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.24, pp.1-20, 1982-03

I. God saw the light,that it was good. /Consider the lilies of the field,how they growなどに見るTwo Objectsを取る構文の性質について-聖書以外の例-redundance-emphatic,emotional;補語的又は副詞的働き II. The land flowing with milk and honeyを中心に。主語の問題-flowの意味-milk and honey-land of plenty-New Canaan III. Butter (or curds) and milk (food in destitution)-locusts and wild honey-(luscious) locusts-St. John's Bread (or carob-pods)-meaning of fowl and locust-insect? or plant?