武田 清子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.11, pp.47-103, 1965-03

Kanji Kato (1884-) was a unique educator of farmers who aspired to regenerate agricultural communities as the spiritual and material foundation of the nation. He was once converted to Christianity under the influence of an American missionary, but later he became an enthusiastic follower of Dr. Katsuhiko Kakei, a Shinto theorist and professor of law at Tokyo University. Kakei, having adopted Hegelian philosophy, developed a new interpretation of Shintoistic Nationalism. Thus it became Kato's mission to educate the farmers to Shintoistic Nationalism. From another approach, Tadaatsu Ishiguro, a pioneering leader in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, was seeking ways to solve the serious problem of farmers' poverty, which was aggravated by a continuous agricultural crisis in the 1930's. Ishiguro attempted to implement two policies. One was a kind of reform of the landlord system (which, however, only became realized by command of the U.S. Occupation Forces after World War II), and the other was a plan to develop an educational program for training leaders in rural communities. Ishiguro was planning to establish a Japan Higher Folk School, adopting the pattern of that developed in Denmark under the leadership of Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig, an outstanding Christian leader who worked to solve that country's ruraIproblems. Kato was invited to serve as the first principal of this school, which, first in Tomobe and later in Uchihara, in Ibaraki prefecture, became the center of education of farmers in Japan. Same or similar kinds of folk schools with Kato's educational thought and method, spread all over the country. This educational movement in its early stage was expected to be like that in Denmark. It might have given the impression of sharing some of the humanistic and democratic sentiments of other new educational movements of the Taisho period, which were typically critical of the formalistic public school system (under direction of the Ministry of Education) and emphasized informal educational methods, pragmatic combining of "labor" and "education", and practical concern for social problems, etc. But in reality Kato's movement contributed to preparing, spreading and supporting the idea of Shintoistic Nationalism and fascistic ultra-nationalism in the thought pattern of the rural Japanese. Kato, when he realized that the second and third sons of poor peasants had no land to cultivate, was convinced simply that land had to be found for them somewhere in the world, and Manchuria offered the best opportunity. He persuaded military authorities, as well as the government itself, to adopt an agricultural emigration policy under which 5,000,000 poor peasants were to be sent to Manchuria. After the Manchurian War in 1931, this program became national policy, and Kato's school became the center for training the emigrants to Manchuria. Later Kato proposed sending out young boys between the ages of 16 and 19, besides the adult emigrants. At the government's request, many schools all over Japan were forced to select the best ten in ability and health among their graduating students and to send them to the school in Uchihara. They were trained there, and later at branches in Manchuria, in both agricultural and military practices. Then they were sent out to the northern frontiers as kind of colonial troops… a total of more than 300,000. Many of these capable and healthy boys, living under inhuman conditions in a severe climate, with poor food and heavy labor, suffered illness or died. Later, at the end of World War II, more than 80,000 boys, women and children were left behind by the Japanese troops and became tragic victims to the attacking Russians and Chinese. This paper is an analytical study of Kato's Shintoistic Nationalism and the nature and role of his educational movement in the historical process of modern Japan. The content is as follows: I . Preface…the purpose of this paper. II. The Folk School Movement for "regeneration" of rural communities in the period of agricultural crisis. III. Kanji Kato's Shintoistic Nationalism and his educational thought and method practiced and demonstrated through the Japan Higher Folk School Movement. IV. Emigration of farmers and youth troops to Manchuria as the result and continuation of Kato's educational activities. V. The significant nature and problems of Kato's nationalistic educational thought and movement in the history of educational thought in modern Japan.
佐々木 輝美
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.46, pp.143-152, 2004-03

The main purpose of this study was to examine how sexually explicit media would affect college students' attitudes towards sex. Previous study results based on Gerbner's theory of cultivation would suggest that students exposed to sexually explicit media would accept distorted sexual information or behavior depicted in the media. A survey was conducted to investigate this relationship among college students (N=350). The survey consisted of eight items probing sexual media exposure and their attitudes toward sex. x^2 analysis results indicated a positive correlation between the items of sexual media exposure and attitudes toward sex. The discussion further considers details surrounding the mechanism of accepting distorted sexual information, media exposure, the formation of attitudes and the roles of peers.
ホッファー ベイツ L.
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.42, pp.241-260, 2000-03

マーハ ジョン・C.
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.42, pp.229-240, 2000-03

結婚とは単に結婚する当人同士の個人的な問題ではなく、社会的な関連性をもつ儀式である。その儀式のなかで、未婚から既婚へのカテゴリーの変化が一番如実に現れるのが「名前」であろう。結婚によって姓名を変更するという行為は、社会によって我々の意識の中にある刷り込みが行われるという意味で心理的な問題であるといえる。結婚後新しい姓を持つということは、人間関係をもう一度最初から新たな形で規定し直す手段である。ある存在から別の存在へ変化するという考え方の原型となっているのは天地創造という神話であり、天地創造神話ではかならず「命名」という神聖なる行為が行われる。事実、命名するということは人間がまず最初に持っている知力なのである。これと同様に結婚も、この神聖なる命名という行為がかかわっている。よって、この社会にすでに根付いている姓名変更の儀式を無視することは、社会的心理的に大きな溝をつくることになり、それは人類や神への挑戦であると考えられるだろう。法的に義務づけられているという理由以外に、人が姓名の変更に同意もしくはすすんでそれを受け入れる理由は大変複雑である。新たに結婚した者にとって姓を変えることは結婚相手への忠誠の印という意味を持つかも知れない(「夫と一緒になる」とか「姓を変えてやっと私も結婚したという実感が出た」などとよく表現される)。同様に、結婚後姓名を変えることを規定した現行の法体系を改正することに反対する者は、現在の民法は家族生活に欠かすことのできない心理的な調和や相互の責任感を与えるものであると主張する。姓を同じくするということは、新しい共同体を形成したことを示すシンボルである。この視点で見れば、夫婦別姓を主張することは、単に自分のことしか考えない個人主義の現れと映るであろう。姓を変えるということは、その結婚を真面目に考えていることに何よりの証明であり、新しく結婚した人にとっては大変エキゾチックな瞬間であるし、幸せな人間関係を外に向かって示す新たな装いのようなものであるし、またそれまで自分の姓が気に入らなかったりそれによって嫌な思いをさせられてきた人にとっては、より良い姓に変更する思ってもみなかったチャンスになるのである。また姓名変更をとりたてて特別なことに思わない人もいるだろう。一方、それ以外の人にとっては、夫婦同姓にすることが自分の存在の根幹を失わせるものに思えるかも知れない。夫婦同姓は社会から名前を変えることを強制されることへの不快感を生み、ある職業に従事していてすでにある名前で知られている人にとっては、姓を変えたことを周囲に説明して回らねばならず、変更後も顧客や読者が自分のことを覚えていてくれるかどうか心配せねばならなくなる。また自分のそれまでの人生を否定することになるかもしれない。女性の中には姓を変えることで夫の家族に取り込まれてしまうように感じる人もいるだろう。新しい姓への違和感という問題も生じてくる。夫婦同姓は人権問題にもなるだろう。強制的に世間に対して自分は既婚である、離婚した、再婚したということを公表させられることで、女性のプライバシー権が侵害されるからである。日本では姓名変更に関する法律には柔軟性がある。確かに姓名変更に関する公的に国によって定められた手続きが存在するが、結婚に際し女性の方が必ず姓を変えなくてはならないとか男性の方が変えなくてはならないということを定めた法律はない。ただし、日本の法律では、戸籍に載せることができる姓は一つのみに定めることとしているのである。その結果男性か女性のどちらかが相手の姓を名乗ることを規定したのが、日本における夫婦同姓の法律である。この法律に対しては反対の声も大きい。夫婦別姓とは結婚後も自分の姓を保つ慣行のことである。本論では、この問題に関する文献の調査と、東京に住む働く女性や学生へのインタビューの結果をもとに、日本における婚姻後の名前に関する現状の様子とこの問題に対する様々な意見を概観する。戸籍制度をもつ日本、韓国、台湾の3つの国では、この戸籍というものが夫婦同姓のシステムを維持するのに大変大きな影響を与えている。韓国と台湾では戸籍制度は日本の植民地政策の名残りであるが、中央集権的な社会運営を維持するのに効果的であるため今でも保持されている。他の国々では個人の身分証明システム(personal identification)が一般的であるが、それに替わる家族証明システム(family identification)がこの戸籍制度である。現在夫婦別姓を取り入れている人達は、戸籍上は同姓だが、仕事や銀行や保険の名義など日常的には旧姓をつかっている場合があるが、政府・与党はこのやり方に反対している。この姓名の問題に関して日本の企業では様々な対応をしており、働いている女性たちも特に決まった方法に従っているわけではない。完全に相手の名前に変えてしまう人、旧姓を使う人、社内でも両方を使う人、社内社外で使い分ける人、両方をハイフンでつないだり旧姓を括弧に入れたりと様々である。本論ではこの問題を理解するためのいくつかの理論的枠組みを紹介する。自分の名前を維持したいという気持ちは、単に女性が結婚前に独身時代を振り返り寂しがっているというだけの心理的な問題では必ずしもない。本論では夫婦別姓の問題は産業社会の中で過去40年間にわたって起こってきたより大きな構造的変化と関連があると主張する。夫婦別姓はよく言われるような日本人の文化的特異性や、ましてや社会的存在としての女性の本質といったものにかかわる問題ではない。この問題を単に文化特異論やフェミニズムの問題として片付けてしまうのは、結局男女の社会的立場のパワーバランスを変えることのみに焦点をあわせたよくある議論になってしまい、政治的社会的ヒエラルキーや中心と周辺といった問題に全く触れることがなくなってしまう。姓名変更とは国家に対し、国民への権力を委譲することと軌を一にする問題である。名前は単に個人をアイデンティファイするためのものではなく、国家や企業がコントロールする対象とするべきものだと考えているものである。結婚により名前を変更することまたは維持していくことは、イデオロギーを含む言語行為である。それはある慣行やシステムを維持したり正当化したり、または拒絶する意識を言語によって表現したものである。結婚と姓の問題の中心は性差別の問題のように見えるが、しかしその問題の核心は、名前の選択の分野でもこれまで様々に批判にさらされてきた「単一主義」の方向性を貫こうとする国家の抑圧ということである。近代国家では、植民地政策と言語統制、マイノリティの支配や同化政策を行う際、個人の名前の統制を行ってきた。植民地時代には韓国名を和名化するために戸籍が利用された。現代の社会においても家族の中で同様な文化的同一性をつくりだすため戸籍が使われている。個人の選択の問題である夫婦別姓とは自由論に関わる問題であり、人の一生に関する意思決定の権利を正当に一人一人の男女に委譲するための問題なのである。
浜野 保樹
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.22, pp.91-121, 1979-03

Although sex explicit materials are often criticized because of their negative effects on the audience, there are very few scientific data on their influences in Japan. In several other countries including the United States, a considerable amount of empirical research on sex explicit materials has been done and published so far. Among them the Report of the Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, which was published in 1970, played a significant role in this field. This field, which deals with the effects of the sex explicit materials, can be included in the literature of mass communication study. In order to summarize and synthesize the results, more than 100 research papers were collected and, based on their findings, a total of 72 generalizations was led and proposed in this paper. Generalizations were led by the so-called head count approarch. According to this approach the following procedures are taken: 1. collecting studies which are satisfactory in statistical viewpoints and have verifications on at least one relationship between two variables. 2. grouping studies which deal with the same two variables. 3. when the supportive studies surpass the non-supportive, the relationship was put as a generalization. It should be noted, however, that the generalization method by head count approrch can not clearly reflect the qualitative aspects including research procedures. As far as the 72 generalizations concerned, they might give the impression that sex explicit materials are harmless. In Japan, however, it seems inadequate to conclude that they are harmless because the most of the studies were done in the United States and few cross-cultural studies have been done. In addition, unlike the United States, the television code on sex explicit contents are not so strict in Japan. Therefore, the effects to mass, especially to young chldren and adolescents should be thoroughly investigated before making such conclusions. For future studies, the cummulative effects or long term effects of such kind of materials and the relations between sexual behavior and violence should be challenged to have more reliable conclusions.
讃岐 和家
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.33, pp.1-24, 1991-03

The Department of Education at ICU Liberal Arts College conducted, in the academic year of 1989-90, a comparative study on the credit systems of four-year colleges and universities in Japan and the United States. This article is a report with a comment on the findings of the survey. I We sent a questionnaire to all the 1,268 colleges (gakubu) in all of the 500 Japanese universities and asked about 1. the number of course units required for graduation, 2. the requirement concerning the senior thesis, 3. the regulation concerning the promotion (student classification), 4. the regulation concerning the maximum number of the units a student may earn in one academic year, and 5. the regulation concerning the minimum number of the units a student must get in one academic year. 909 colleges responded. Main findings are as follows: 1. Average number of the units required for graduation from four-year colleges is 133.6, the range being between 124 and 178.5. (In the Law concerning the Chartering of Colleges and Universities (Daigaku Setchi Kijun) it is stipulated that 1) one unit means 45 hours of study inside and outside the classroom and 2) the minimum number of units for graduation shall be 124.) 2. Concerning the senior thesis requirement, almost all of the colleges of letters and the colleges of engineering require senior thesis, whereas about two thirds of the colleges of law and one third of the colleges of economics require it. 3. Generally speaking, there is no concept of the promotion or student classification in Japanese colleges and universities, although many of them have the regulation concerning the minimum number of units to be earned or specific courses to be taken by a certain specific time such as the end of the so-called General Education Section (kyoyo katei, i.e., usually first two years of the undergraduate education). 4. Concerning the maximum number of units, a student may earn, the regulations vary among the colleges. In case of the colleges of economics, 61.8% of them have the regulation concerning the maximum number, and the average number of upper limit units in those colleges which have such regulation is 49.2 in one academic year. In case of the colleges of engineering, 13.5% of them have such regulation and the average number of the upper limit units in those colleges which have such regulation is 53.6 in one academic year. Concerning the minimum number of units a student must consecutively earn in each academic year, very few colleges in Japan stipulate the regulation. In case of the colleges of economics, 2.7% of them have such regulation, and in case of the colleges of engineering, 2.9%. The average number of the minimum units to be consecutively earned in each academic year is 16. II We asked 300 American colleges and universities to send us the catalogues, with which 176 colleges complied. The examination of these catalogues shows that the minimum number required for graduation form semester-system colleges is 126.3, and that of term-system (quarter-system) colleges is 185.0. (One unit of term-system colleges usually corresponds to 2/3 unit of semester-system colleges.) 68.7% of colleges prescribes the maximum number of units, the average number of which is 18.1 per semester and 18.4 per term. 60.4% of colleges prescribes the minimum number of units, the average number of which is 12.2 per semester and 13.3 per term. Many colleges adopt the normal course load system. In case of the University of California at Berkeley, 30 units in each academic yeasr are set as normal course load. III Comparison of the Credit Systems of Japanese and American Colleges and University 1. There is no difference between the American and the Japanese colleges and universities in the definition of one unit (provided that one unit of term-system colleges in the United States is adjusted to that of semester-system colleges). 2. In case of Japanese colleges and universities, there is a fairly big difference in the minimum number of units required for graduation, the range being between 124 and 178.5, whereas in American colleges there is no big difference. 3. Remarkably very few Japanese colleges have the regulation concerning the maximum and minimum number of units, whereas many of American colleges have such regulation. IV Based on the survey, the author argues on the problem of the "hollowed" credit (tan-i seido no kudo-ka) in the Japanese colleges and universitiers, and proposed the introduction of the so-called "normal course load system" or "the minimum progress system" widely adopted in American colleges and universities into the colleges and universities of Japan
デューク ベンジャミン
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.33-41, 2002-03

マーハ ジョン C
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.189-202, 2002-03

童謡(nursery rhymes:ナースリーライム)とは子供向けの短い詩歌のことで,通常,一つのストーリーを示すものである.童謡は,反復や言葉遊びを使ったり,風刺的だったり,特に意味のない音を使うなどの特徴をもつ,確立した言語類型である.文体的には,子守唄,指や手を使った遊び歌,なぞなぞ,数え歌や何かを覚えるための歌,早口言葉,言葉を重ねていく歌など,異なった種類の文体が存在する.音声構成についても,童謡ならではの特徴があり,例えば,形容詞はほとんど使われず動詞が多く用いられたり,強弱格や跳ねるようなリズムを持ったりする.子守唄には,わざと子供には発音しにくい音を用いたりするなど音声学上の「トリック」も使われている.童謡はまた,親と子供の会話も促す.童謡の歌詞には,パラドックスがあったり意味的に矛盾していたりするものもある.そしてさらに,例えば「牛が月を飛びこえた」など,通常の観念で理解できる「言葉と世界」とのつながりでは成立しないような,ぶつかり合いを含んだ言葉の世界観へ子供達を誘うのである.また,童謡は,様々な差異や同一性を含み,これによって,子供は,時間,場所,社会関係などの構造を理解していく.童謡の世界では,「なにか言う価値のある事を言うために発話する」という通常の言語行動の前提は成立しない.一つの世代から次の世代への電報ともいえる童謡は,独特の子供の文化を産み出すための言語や伝承的知識を含むものである.口頭伝承の童謡がもつ一つの重要な要素は,それがしばしばすでに絶滅してしまった言語の残存例を含んでいるということである.(例えば南アフリカのKukasiなど).童謡には方言の違いが反映されていることもある.また「子守り」文化の中には,童謡の形を借りて,辛いしかしユーモラスな部分も含んだ,あざけりに近い歌が歌われることがあるが,これは,社会批判を含む一つのディスコースである.すなわち,童謡が文盲や社会的弱者にとっての抵抗の武器となるのである.本論では英語,日本語,アイヌ語,フランス語,そしてドイツ語の童謡を例にとり,童謡は社会言語学的に研究されるべき,独立した言語の一類型であることを論ずる.
栗山 容子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.31, pp.79-96, 1989-02

臼井 直人
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.42, pp.277-303, 2000-03

武田 清子
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.3, pp.22-79, 1956-12

Since Meiji Restoration the Emperor system was re-established and re-emphasized by the government along the line of the national policy to establish the absolute monarchy, and in order to mold the Japanese people as the obedient subjects of the Emperor, education was nationally organized under the authority of the Imperial Rescript on Education of 1890. Thus for the majority of the people the Emperor system has become not merely a political system but a kind of idol or absolute authority which gives the centre of value and meaning of life, and has determined the way of thought and the nature of personality development. Through the history of Protestantism in Japan, for Christianity the Emperor system has been one of the most serious obstacles to penetrate into the heart of the Japanese culture. Even the Christians themselves have been often tainted by this earthly authoriity in their way of thought and attitude towards community or national life, though at this point many felt contradiction and were impelled to struggle. Therefore how the Japanese Christians have struggled with and found solution to this problem is one of the crucial points in examining the nature and problem of their thinking. In order to examine this question I prepared questionnaire on this subject and asked about 200 the Japanese Christians of all generations (from those who were born in the early part of Meiji period to the post-war generation) and of various kinds of profession to answer. Fortunataly there was a very good response, and I recieved both answers to the questionnaire and the general remarks and opinions on Emperor system. Besides this I had personal interviews with some outstanding Christian leaders and common church members. The present paper is an analysis of the ideal types of the way of thought of the Japanese Christians with the use of these materials. Three general types were distinguished: (1) Traditional affirmative type (2) Co-existential type (a) Affirmative type with Christianity as medium (b) Negative type with Christianity as medium (3) Confrontational negative type.
向井 敦子 深谷 澄男
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.33, pp.83-125, 1991-03

Figure 1 shows singular and plural forms of English personal pronouns and their corresponding present forms of be verb. An inexperienced student of English said there was something unacceptable in the figure. Please look over the figure to guess his question. His question is why the singular form in the second person is identical with the plural, though the singular form in the first and the third person is distinguished from the plural. Another question is why 'Are' is used after 'You' even in the singular form. Shouldn't 'Are' as a be verb follow the plural form of a subject? These questions given by the innocent student have strongly stimulated the authors. If the singular form of 'You' simultaneously implies plurality, who and who are held in the mind of a speaker? Let's suppose the interpersonal situation, where Jack and Betty are in the discourse. When Jack is conscious of himself as a speaker, 'You' for Jack is naturally Betty. When Jack is aware that Betty expresses herself as a speaker, Jack inevitably stands as 'You' for Betty. This implies that the two persons' discourse begins with the complementary consciousness of 'You', and goes on with the recurrent exchnage of 'You'. The use of 'You' is well correspond to the use of Japanese word 'Jibun'. 'Jibun', as well as 'You', has two aspects. In one aspect, 'Jibun' expresses oneself as an actor. And in the other aspect, 'Jibun' realizes oneself as a mediator that makes it possible for the other person to express oneself. When 'Jibun' becomes conscious of expressing oneself as the second person, 'Jibun' gets aware of realizing oneself as the first person. Therefore, 'Jibun' or 'You' can be recognized as a complementary and recurrent unity, which is ready to express oneself in one context, and which is ready to realize oneself in the other context. The singular form of 'You' may reflect the unity of recurrence, and the sense of plurality of 'You' may reflect the complementarity of the two possible aspects. Next, let's take a view of the interpersonal situation, where Betty, Jack, and Tom are in the discourse. Here, the singular form of the second person will be symbolized as 'You', and the plural form as 'You'. When Betty calls herself as 'I', Jack or Tom is 'You', or Jack and Tom are 'YOU'. In the three persons' discourse, 'You' for Betty remains uncertain till Betty decisively points out either Jack or Tom. When Betty chooses Jack as 'You' or 'WE', Tom is inevitably signified as 'not You' or 'THEY' in her mind. From this, 'YOU' can be recognized as a possible state which may divide into 'WE' or 'THEY'. In this sense, 'I' is the first person or a subject, and 'YOU' is the third person or an object. Because 'YOU' judged as 'WE' is subordinate to the subjectiveness of 'I', and 'YOU' judged as 'THEY' is opposed to the subjectiveness. Both subordinates and opponents are not 'You' after all. Then, we can define 'Self' as 'i' who recurrently and complementarily generates from 'You', and 'Ego' as 'I' who subjectively and decisively classifies 'YOU' as subordinates or opponents. In other words, the consciousness of 'You' is a process of self-expression, and the signification of 'YOU' is a processing of ego-realization. These two aspects are also complementarily integrated into 'Jibun'. Hypothesis 1 takes the point of view of a baby in the interaction with its mother, and gives some assumptions on how to realize its 'demanding-ego'. Reversely, hypothesis 2 takes a point of view of a mother in the interaction with her baby, and gives some assumptions on how to express her 'contacting-self'. The demanding-ego illusionary develops its internal subjectiveness in the support of 'You', so that 'I' can dependently occupy the center of its phenomenal world. On the other hand, the contacting-self realistically acquires its external objectiveness for the support of 'You', so that 'i' can dependently share its ecological world. 'I' demands and expects how the world should go on, and so 'I' must be very conscious what might be assimilated by 'YOU' in the reflection. This process is called as feedback' in the figure 4. 'i' contacts and foresees how the world can go on, and so 'i' must investigate what can be accommodated by 'You' in the trial. This process is called as 'feedforward' in the figure 4. 'YOU' demonstrates standards to be accommodated for regulating the demanding-ego. And 'You' illustrates clues to be assimilated for planning the contacting-self. These recurrently on-going processes are integrated and illustrated into a kind of cybernetic system in the figure 4.
石川 勝博
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.50, pp.11-20, 2008-03

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国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.50, pp.177-187, 2008-03

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vol.50, pp.97-102, 2008-03

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国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.50, pp.29-39, 2008-03

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国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.44, pp.223-235, 2002-03

大森 愛
国際基督教大学学報. I-A, 教育研究 (ISSN:04523318)
vol.49, pp.57-65, 2007-03
