石橋 春奈
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.8, pp.285-299, 2022-03-22

野上 建紀
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.9, pp.103-116, 2023-03-23

This research note examines the distribution route of Hizen porcelain brought to Spain based on Hizen porcelain artifacts found in Spain. The history of Hizen porcelain started in the early of 17th century. And it was began to be exported overseas in the middle of the 17th century, and many products were shipped to Europe. Hizen porcelain was exported to Spain from the late 17th century to the early 18th century. Most of them were Arita porcelain. China's maritime ban policy has greatly affected the overseas export of Hizen porcelain, which has changed the distribution route. Hizen porcelain was most likely transported from Manila via Central America to Spain in the latter half of the 17th century. And from the end of the 17th century to the first half of the 18th century, Hizen porcelain was most likely imported from other countries in Europe.
河村 有教
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.8, pp.63-91, 2022-03-22

According to article 39 of Japan's present immigration control and refugee recognition act, it stipulates that immigration control officer may detain the suspect pursuant to a written detention order issued by a supervising immigration inspector of the office to which the immigration control officer belongs upon request by the immigration control officer. This article focuses on legal requirements of detention and detention procedure and the management of immigration detention center or detention house of those of refugees unlawfully in Japan.
見原 礼子 賽漢卓娜
長崎大学 多文化社会学部
多文化社会研究 = Journal of global humanities and social sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.6, pp.503-511, 2020

This paper summarizes the overview of the field study conducted in the Philippines from 29th of September to 4th of October 2019 under the framework of Saihanjuna and Mihara's joint seminar. The program consisted of two themes; one was the issues on Japanese-Filipino Children (JFC), and the other was the issues on child welfare andprotection in the Philippines. Saihanjuna and Mihara supervised 18 undergraduate students who specialize in Family Sociology and Sociology of Education. We visited several organizations to learn about the history and the background of JFC related issues as well as other important issues such as sexual human trafficking to children and street children. As a prior learning, we organized preparatory seminars and provided reading assignment. As a post learning, the students prepared and made a presentation in English and received advice and comments from researchers in the Philippines. We also organized a debriefing session inviting other faculty members and students as well as general audience outside the university. This program was supported and partly financed by the discretionary budget of the President of Nagasaki University.
見原 礼子
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.5, pp.333-352, 2019-03-18

This paper explores key outcomes and remaining issues of the study of child abuse conducted by social constructionist approach in the context of Japanese society. Five major books and research papers are selected to examine how the authors explained the significanceof embracing the perspective of social constructionism, and what they argued basedon this perspective. It also examines the challenges of social constructionism per se through the discussion of ontological gerrymandering and its effect to the study of child abuse, as well as the reactions to their research outcomes with reference to book review published in several sociology journals. It is identified that social constructionists have actively been involved as critics, or as a participant being a “claim-maker”, against major social discourse in which child abuse is believed to become more serious problem. The socialconstructionists have criticized that any efforts to combat child abuse would turn out to be the reinforcement of the surveillance system and “individualization” of the responsibility for child abuse. The paper concludes that taking the perspectives of historical approach and social process may contribute to the development of the future studies of child abuse.
首藤 明和
多文化社会研究 = Journal of global humanities and social sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.5, pp.307-319, 2019

The social system theory captures a risk as a basic problem of the modern society. The risk cannot be settled by law and morality, economy and politics or science and the technique fundamentally either. This report clarifies the prospects that N. Luhmann's risk theory of the social system theory has through the analysis of reality and the risk concept of the social system.
TOET Rudy 安武 敦子
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.9, pp.261-277, 2023-03-23

This paper is the research report on the smallpox tombs located in Motomura area, Togitsu Town, Nagasaki Prefecture in February and April 2021. These smallpox tombs were discovered during road construction in 1980’s. Not only the deads from smallpox but also the victims of the atomic bomb were buried in this cemetery, and a memorial monument was built nearby. The authors investigated a total of 68 tombstones in the cemetery. The oldest year of death is 1706 and the newest year is 1841. It turns out that it was a graveyard for over 130 years. The sherds of ceramic collected in the vicinity is Hizen porcelain from the 18 th to 19 th centuries. Most of them are blue and white porcelain. The most common type is bowls.
葉柳 和則
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.8, pp.183-204, 2022-03-22

This paper examines the concept of the state as set forth in two political pamphlets by Philipp Etter: The Swiss Democracy (1933) and The Reform of the Fatherland and We (1934). Etter was then a member of the Council of States representing the Catholic Conservative Party. The publication of these two texts was contemporary with the seizure of power in Germany by the Nazis and the emergence of pro-Nazi parties in Switzerland. After asserting the end of liberalism and the dangers of social democracy, Etter proposed a “Third Way.” This was an inherently dangerous proposal, however, because the Third Way generally referred to fascism or Nazism. Nonetheless, Etter clearly rejected the centralizing methods of the Nazis and justified his approach with reference to Switzerland’s strong decentralization. Moreover, he regarded the vocational order advocated by Pope Pius XI in his encyclical Quadragesimo anno (1931) as an ideal, though one that was realized in the contemporary fascist regimes of Italy and Austria. By eliminating centralizing elements from this ideal of vocational order, Etter attempted to “swissize” it. His concept of the state was brought to fruition in the form of a “corporatist state without dictators” between the late 1930s and 1950s, when he was a member of the Federal Council.
増田 研 深井 明比古
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.5, pp.29-53, 2019-03-18

増田 研 深井 明比古
多文化社会研究 = Journal of Global Humanities and Social Sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.7, pp.305-317, 2021-03-23

長崎市南山手の旧レスナー邸は明治中期に建築された、長崎洋館群の一画をなす建物である。この建物の玄関部ポーチに敷かれたタイルについてはいくつかの文献において紹介されているが、その由来については不明なままであった。本稿はこの玄関部ポーチで用いられたタイルを詳細に記述し、長崎における洋館建築史への一助としたい。また、玄関ポーチのタイルについては損傷が著しく、保存や修復のためにもその現況を詳細に記していくことが必要である。“Sigmund Lessner’s House” is a western-style building constructed in the Meiji era (late 19 c). While its floor tiles used at the entrance porch were introduced in several publications, no details were mentioned. This is a brief report of our preliminary research conducted in February 2020 to record a detailed description. We found four types of ceramic tiles used, among which several types are made in Belgium and others are made in Japan. The made-in-Japan tiles are products of Awaji-seito factory of Awajishima (Hyogo prefecture) that are not well-known even among the study of industrial history of ceramic tiles. Our research also discovered the floor tiles are so damaged that an engineering assistance to preserve the historical heritage is recommended.
広瀬 訓
多文化社会研究 = Journal of global humanities and social sciences, Nagasaki University (ISSN:21891486)
vol.7, pp.37-49, 2021

ローマ教皇が国際政治、とりわけ核軍縮の分野においてどのようなメッセージを発してきたかやその変遷については、すでに先行研究も存在しているが、それらのメッセージが具体的にどのような国際情勢の文脈において発せられ、現実の国際政治の中でどのように位置づけられるべきなのかについてはあまり取り上げられてこなかった。これはローマ教皇がまず「宗教指導者」とみなされてきたからであろう。しかし、ローマ教皇はカトリック教の宗教指導者として倫理、道徳的な観点から核軍縮を進めようしてきただけではなく、バチカン市国の元首として、客観的、科学的な根拠に基づき、核軍縮の促進において先駆的な役割を果たしてきたと言うべきである。その中でも広島・長崎を実際に訪問したヨハネ・パウロⅡ世およびフランシスコ教皇による核兵器に対する明確な否定の方針が持つ国際的な影響は無視すべきではない。It is rather well known what kind of messages the Popes have been delivered on International Relations, particularly on the problem of Nuclear Weapons. However, not many studies have been conducted on the question of what kind of role the Popes have been playing in the real negotiations for nuclear disarmament. Unlike the image of religious leader who put much importance on morals and ethics, the Popes, as a political leader of the Holy See, have been taking important initiatives based on objective, scientific and persuasive assessments in international negotiation for nuclear disarmament. Particularly, the Pope John Paul Ⅱ and the Pope Francis, who visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki by themselves, play very important role by expressing their clear oppositions against nuclear weapons.