佐藤 洋 Hiroshi Sato
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.810, pp.118-126, 2008-04

This research is going to deal with the characteristics of Chinese immigrants. It will make use of the movie titled THE JOY LUCK CLUB. This unusually named club is a group of four mothers who enjoy playing mahjong regularly. They have been playing the game for as many as thirty years, since they migrated to San Francisco from China. They eat food or snacks they cook for themselves and chat and gossip while playing. The stories of how they had to emigrate from their home country is told through their chatting. The movie shows that each of the mothers has her own sad background. Another important topic they always discuss is their family stories, especially those of their special daughters. The movie describes one story after another of how each mother experienced hardship in her younger days in China, and how she is now struggling with new problems related to the generation gap. Their history and struggles are the history and struggles characteristic of Chinese immigration to America. Since other ways of immigrating to America (such as from England, Ireland, or Poland) were analyzed in Gakuen No. 798, issued last April, comparison with that analysis and the difference from immigration types of other ethnic groups will be researched. This will reveal the different characteristics as well as similarities of Chinese immigration from that of immigrants from other countries.
足立 有子
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
vol.15, no.1, pp.51-59,63, 1953-01

1 0 0 0 IR 英語と私

小野 茂
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.874, pp.64-71, 2013-08
柳田 泉
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.266, 1962-02
早川 陽 Yo Hayakawa
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.896, pp.2-18, 2015-06

In the field of Japanese art education, the pigments employed in traditional Japanese paintings are rarely used, though using them in an educational context could be very valuable in imparting an understanding of Bijutsu Bunka(art culture)currently required in curriculum guidelines. In an attempt to explore how they can be adopted in today's art education, this paper explores two Japanese traditional painting technique books from the Taisho Period and highlights the common characteristics of the pigments described in the books and compares them with pigments that have survived from those times, or have been more recently developed for use in traditional-style paintings. The origins of various Japanese pigments are organized in such a way that they can be used as educational material. In order to provide background for this research, the first chapter considers how Japanese traditional paintings are created, displayed and enjoyed today. Also the significance of Bijutsu Bunka, which was newly specified in curriculum guidelines, is discussed. The second chapter, focusing on the refinement and elutriation of pigments used in Japanese traditional paintings, categorizes and organizes the features of the pigments used. The third chapter refers to the above two books and considers the changes made since then in the types of the pigment. The final chapter summarizes the characteristics of the pigments and gives a general view of how they were traditionally used and concludes that the pigments, many of which have been refined by elutriation, can be utilized effectively in the field of art education today. The author believes that intercourse between the past and present, and understanding and appreciating traditional art, offer new possibilities in the future of art education.
歌川 光一 Koichi UTAGAWA
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.952, pp.80-89, 2020-02

Yoshiko Shigekane (1927-93) was the 12th female winner of the Akutagawa prize in 1979 and was the 10th winner among post-war female winners. This paper looks mainly at journal articles and essays about her achievement and her own recollections of how she became a novelist. Using relevant information from those sources, the author clarifies the factors which allowed this woman to become a celebrated author and her educational environment.Shigekane was disparagingly called the "housewife author." She was particularly criticized for her amateurism because she won the prize after preparing in ways that were unusual. She attended a course called "Novel Writing Method" at a Culture Center (a Japanese private further education school). Culture Centers were one of the most accessible choices women of Shigekane's time had for further education. It was difficult for women to enroll in courses at universities or other officially recognized institutions.Looking at the criticism Shigekane received for her non-traditional education, the author concludes that people, even in those post-war days, undervalued the seriousness of the pursuits some women undertook in their leisure time.
岸山 睦
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.853, pp.1-10, 2011-11
森 明子 山田 直子 吉田 知加子 高尾 恭一 小池 文彦 風間 宏美 須賀 比奈子 高尾 哲也 Akiko MORI Naoko YAMADA Chikako YOSHIDA Kyoichi TAKAO Fumihiko KOIKE Hiromi KAZAMA Hinako SUGA Tetsuya TAKAO
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.782, pp.57-63, 2005-12

RT-PCR法を用いて,葉状乳頭における味覚受容体の発現を検討した。すなわち葉状乳頭部から擦過法により取得した組織を使用し,味覚受容体候補であるTHTRファミリー(THTRs)およびT2Rファミリー(T2Rs)の発現をRT-PCR後,マイクロキャピラリー電気泳動により測定した。40歳以上の健常者ではTHTRs,T2Rsの受容体において,多数を発現していることが認められた。これに対し30歳以下の被験者ではいくつかのTHTRsおよびT2Rsで発現を認めたが,典型的な発現パターンはなかった。さらに薬服用者や高齢の味覚異常者においては,健常者に比べてTHTRs, T2Rsともに発現していない受容体が多かった。これらのことから,まず青年期では味覚受容体が成長段階にあり,20歳の成人になっても味覚の成長は十分ではないことが考えられた。壮年期になると味覚受容体が十分発達し,高齢者になってもその味覚受容体の発現数は減少しないことが示唆された。また薬剤の服用者や味覚異常者も,味覚受容体の欠落の可能性が示唆された。
森本 真一 Shin-ichi Morimoto
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.798, pp.107-123, 2007-04

Oscar Wilde observes in "The Decay of Lying" that life imitates art rather than art imitates life. Akutagawa Ryunosuke was interested in Wilde. He made the protagonist of an autobiographical work wish to catch an aerial spark even at the risk of his life. Wilde and Akutagawa tended to attach more importance to fictitious worlds than the reality. William Faulkner was influenced by Wilde. A character in his novel named Faulkner declares that he is a liar by profession. Joe Christmas in Faulkner's Light in August finishes his life feeling unsure of his relationship to white and black people as he thinks he may be part Negro. He is lynched after many years of violent disobedience. According to Akutagawa, Christ is likely to be bound by the Holy Spirit as an eternal seeker of transcendence. Joe seems to be a powerless Christ vainly striving to get over something. Akutagawa compared artists to climbers and confessed his yearning for the foot of the mountain he was ascending. He called Christ an ultra idiot who kept fighting for poetic justice. This is presumably Akutagawa's reflection on his own fantastic mentality. Wilde was also conscious of a connection between Christ and artists. It may be that artists' passion leads them to ordeals just as Christ's life led him to be crucified. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Wilde is a story of a man who kills himself by means of stabbing his portrait. Likewise Akutagawa was distressed by his shadow and feared that his death might come to his second self. After he committed suicide, a writer lamented that he made a short romance of his life. Sherwood Anderson, who found an excess of talent in Faulkner, warned that he might not write anything because he could write in too many ways. He advised Faulkner to have somewhere to start from and Faulkner wrote a magnificent series of novels with his birthplace as its model. Wilde spent two years in jail on the charge of his homosexual love. Wilde and Akutagawa were tremendously talented. Readers must grieve that Akutagawa did not try to live and write further. As for Wilde, they may ask if he could show his uniqueness only through his fiction. Wilde and Akutagawa, in a sense, never attained their proper starting points from which they could set to work and fully demonstrate their abilities.
大倉 比呂志
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.900, pp.2-9, 2015-10