鬼田 崇作
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.18, pp.39-54, 2015

This paper reports the results of 'Communication IIA' writing courses taught by the present author. The courses tried to foster students' competence of paragraph writing in English by using peer feedback activities. In the first few weeks, students learned some basic rules concerning English paragraph writing, such as punctuation, topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences. Then they learned how writing styles vary depending on topics. They learned one style each week and were assigned oneparagraph writing activity every week. In the next class, they engaged in the peer feedback activities in pairs. They were asked to rate the appropriateness of the target sentences and supporting sentences on a five-point scale. They were also asked to check the appropriateness of English usage, and were asked to make comments. The peer feedback activities lasted for eight weeks. The results of the courses were analyzed in terms of pre- and post- student writings administered at the second and 15th weeks, and students' responses to questionnaires. The results showed that most students' writing products improved, and their perceptions of the course were mostly positive.
阪上 辰也
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.18, pp.55-64, 2015

The purpose of this paper is to investigate students' reactions to re-presented TED conference presentations. A text mining method was used to analyze the data for this research. Text mining is a way to discover knowledge from text data. It is widely used not only in medicine and finance, but also in the humanities. Free software that allows quantitative analysis of free description responses is available. In this study, the text data that were collected from the students in an English classroom were analyzed with the "KH Corder" software, which allows processing of the data, calculation of word frequency, extraction of colloquial expressions, and visualization of the data. As a result, the frequencies of particular words such as "time," "remember," "content," and "difficult" were high. This result indicates that the students did not set aside enough time to prepare for the presentation, taking more time for their own research activity than for studying English, and that they had difficulty understanding and keeping up with what the speaker said in a presentation. This means that clear guidance on how to use and learn materials should be provided to students learning languages.
岩崎 克己
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.2, pp.23-37, 1999-03-31

In order to make up for insufficient learning conditions in non-English foreign language courses at the university level, I have developed an automatic evaluation drill system which functions via WWW. Freshmen are expected to access their assignments from terminals in laboratories on campus. The device for the automatic evaluation is based on a CGI program written with Peri. The purpose of this paper is to describe the general idea of this system. I also refer to related problems which should be solved in the near future. This drill system is designed for foreign language teachers with no special expertise in computers or programming languages. So, teachers can easily input exercise data and make their own on-line drills suitable for their classes. The results are easily recorded and processed with the help of data processing software such as Microsoft Excel. This on-line drill system is teacher-friendly. Instructors can make and manage a large number of grammar drills and word and idiom drills with diverse educational purposes for various levels of students. Additionally, teachers are freed from having to do routine correction work, which normally would require a great deal of energy and time. This system is also learner-friendly. By virtue of automatic evaluation mechanisms, students get immediate feedback on their own learning activities, namely the answers and explanations. They can write and send directly their comments on drills or their questions to their teachers. With the help of such on-line drills, teachers can shift most grammar drills and word and idiom drills from classroom to the homework assignment, so they can concentrate during classes more on communicative activities and authentic tasks which are only possible within the classes.
榎田 一路
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.13, pp.65-73, 2010

In this paper, a classroom practice using Hiroshima University's English Podcast and the survey results are reported. The research was conducted in Enokida's "Communication IIB", an English listening course, in 2008. The class consisted of 50 first-year students from the Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, most of whom were not familiar with learning English using ICT (Information and Communication Technologies). To make up for two lessons (180 minutes in total) missing from 15 required lessons during a semester, students were given about 50 days to listen to the episodes they like from Hiroshima University's English Podcast for at least 180 minutes outside the classroom, and submit a paper and fill in a questionnaire.The results of this classroom practice are reported, especially focusing on the students' feedback in the questionnaire. They can be concluded as follows: 1) Most students found learning while using podcasting to be a new experience, and they felt podcasts were a useful tool. They were more or less happy with using podcasts. 2) As this practice was conducted in a short period of time (50 days), some students could not feel the effects of learning with podcasts. 3) Most of them listened to the podcasts on a PC, which means that the push-style of podcasting did not function well enough as a "pacemaker" for learning.From this classroom practice, the following questions arise: 1) Would the students have been more motivated if ESP materials, like technical English, had been provided? 2) Would it make a difference if a longitudinal study were conducted, in which students learned with podcasts for several months? 3) Would students become comfortable with using podcasts if they were used in every class, not just for a short-term assignment?
前田 啓朗
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.8, pp.109-116, 2005-03-31

This paper investigates two ways in which the English proficiency of students at Hiroshima University is measured: the TOEIC Bridge Test and the TOEIC Test. By administering two different forms of the TOEIC Bridge Test to participants, its test-retest reliability is confirmed. Correlation analyses between scores on the listening and reading sections show that the two sections reasonably measure different components of English proficiency. TOEIC Bridge Test scores were compared with TOEIC Test scores, using correlation analyses and regression analyses. As a result, it is shown that the two kinds of test scores correlate almost linearly, and that the estimation formulas can be used with caution to convert the two kinds of scores.
前田 啓朗
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.6, pp.81-90, 2003-03-31

This study is intended to elucidate gender differences of learning strategy use and learning achievement by Japanese EFL learners. Though much research has addressed the strategy area, few studies have addresed the learners' kinds of strategies and degrees of their use. Especially, gender differences are relatively ignored in research, although they are a socially important factor. Therefore, this research is intented to elucidate general tendencies according to gender and to derive suggestions for instruction from the aspect of Aptitude Interaction Theory. Data were obtained for 1,584 students from 38 high schools. Questions dealt with in this analysis were 36 items. A Otest and items from the STEP test measured learning achievement. Basic statistics are shown for fundamental study. Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling is used to examine the models shown in a preceding study, to compare models under several restrictions, and to estimate means of factors and correlations among factors. Data indicated that learning achievement and correlations among strategies and achievement can be interpreted at the same degree between male and female learners. However, only the factor mean (strategy use) differs remarkably: controlling for proficiency female learners use more strategies than male learners do. Pedagogical suggestions regarding this result are stated for classroom instruction in relation to Aptitude Interaction Theory.
上西 幸治
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.19, pp.65-81, 2016

本研究は,日本人大学生の英語学習に対する内的動機づけを調査したものである。その中には,学習者の情意的側面である英語学習への有用感や楽しさなどを含んでいる。内的動機づけは学習者が英語学習に興味を持ち,英語話者とコミュニケーションを取りたいということに大きくかかわるものである。Hamada (2011) は,学習者の学習意欲を高める効果的な方法としていくつか紹介している。その方法の一つに,教師の独自性というものが挙げられている。それは教師の独自の考えで学習者に題材を提示するもの,例えば海外体験談や世界ニュースのクイズなどである。筆者は教師の独自性に着目し,自ら作成したテキストを使用し,それを基に学習者の動機づけを高める試みを行った。とりわけ,英語を専攻としない学生が教師独自の教材をどの程度好ましく受け入れられるのか,また学生の動機づけと独自教材導入の関連性はあるのかなどに焦点を当ててみた。まず,英語非専攻の学生に関して,セメスター開始時と終了時に学習者の情意面に関わるアンケートデータを収集し,それらを比較・検討した。その結果,英語非専攻の学生は「英語力の向上」「授業内容の理解」「教材内容」の点で,事前と事後で統計的な有意差があった。とりわけ,最後の「教材内容」に関しては,海外旅行体験談に強く興味を持ち,もっと読みたいと思う意識の向上が見られた。また,教材内容と英語学習意識の関連性に関して検討してみると,「英語力向上に対する意識」「授業内容の理解」「将来へ向けた英語学習意識」「英語でのやり取り」に関して,「教材内容」との間にはかなりの相関があった。
小野 章
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.17, pp.39-55, 2014-03-01

This paper owes the definition of" focus on form" to Long and Robinson (1998):" [D]uring an otherwise meaning-focused classroom lesson, focus on form often consists of an occasional shift of attention to linguistic code features . . . ." The aim of this paper is to design teacher questions which will help implement Focus on Form (F on F hereafter) in the reading class. The text to be read is" The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde, which is in Polestar: English Communication I, a MEXT-authorized senior high school English textbook. The research procedure is as follows:(1) Analysis of" The Selfish Giant" as it appears in Polestar: English Communication I(2) Reading of" The Selfish Giant"(3) Designing teacher questions for the implementation of F on FThe results are as follows: (1) Polestar: English Communication I does not include "The Selfish Giant" in its ten "Lessons" but has it as a" Further Reading." The whole of the original" The Selfish Giant" is put with a word list and some explanation on such expressions as" to-morrow" and" Who art thou?" Attached to the text is "COMPREHENSION." It consists of "Summary," "Check for understanding," and" Let's try," which have 5, 4, and 1 question(s), respectively. The point is that all the questions in" COMPREHENSION" direct our attention just to the meaning of the text, not to" linguistic code features" in Long and Robinson's term.(2) Questions asked by a teacher should be based on his/her reading of a text. So it would be necessary for us to have read" The Selfish Giant" in our own way. At the beginning of the story there is a kind of harmony in the Giant's garden with children, flowers and birds affecting one another. The harmony is destroyed when the Giant comes home, his castle. He has a" very gruff" voice which stands in stark contrast to" lovely" elements in the garden. He builds a high wall around the garden so that children cannot play in it. Harmony being destroyed, we start to detect dichotomous elements: inside and outside; mine and yours; the past and the present; winter and the other three seasons; life and death. The turning point in the story is when children creep into the garden through a little hole. As the Giant sees a tree bending its branches so that" a little boy" can reach up to them, his heart eventually" melts" and he feels really sorry for his selfish behavior. Not only his heart but also the boundaries between dichotomous elements" melt." Harmony comes back to the Giant's garden.(3) The 17 questions proposed are based on the reading in (2). All the questions should be answered with" linguistic code features" in the text as a clue. Questions 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16 are particularly intended to direct our attention to form.
ラウアー ジョー
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.4, pp.125-138, 2001-03-31

32種類の英語学習用コンピュータソフトに関し,広島大学の学生39人を対象にアンケートを試みた。その結果,テレビ番組に基づいて作られたソフトはとりわけ最も人気が高く,その反対に教育用ドキュメンタリーに基づいて作られたものは人気がないということがわかった。TOEIC関連のソフトはかなり人気があった。また,日本語と英語の両方の説明を有するソフトの方が,英語だけのものより統計的に見て明らかに高く評価されていた(p<.05)。最も人気のある会話および聞き取り用のソフトは,Listen! (Heinemann). The Rosetta Stone(Fairfield Language Technologies), Quick English (INS)などであることがわかった。また,学生に人気のある受験対策用ソフトは,「TOEIC実践模擬テスト」(アルク),「CD-ROM版TOEICテストスーパー模試600問」(アルク),「TOEIC(R)テストパーフェクト730点」(アルク)であり,最も人気の高いビジネス英語のソフトは, Dynamic Business English (DynEd)であった。よく好まれた物語ソフトは, Murder She Wrote アスキ-), Beverly 90210 (Sourcenext),Columbo(アスキー)などであり,一番良いと評価されたフィクションもののソフトは,「ジェシカおばさんの事件簿シリーズ」,「英語上達ビバリーヒルズ高校白書」,「刑事コロンボ」(以上すべてアスキー)であった。 NEC International/NHK の「日本文化を英語で語ろう」もかなり高く評価された。
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.19, pp.141-150, 2016

本稿は,映画と小説化された作品を用いる Three-Block Method (Howell, 2015) に対し,過去1年間で施した5つの修正,すなわち,ブロックの並べかえ,アクティビティの削減,プリントのカラー化,応用練習の使用,L1インプットの充実を概観するものである。また,ミュージカル映画中の楽曲が Three-Block Method の補助教材としてどのように使用されうるのかを,映画『West Side Story』に焦点をあて詳説する。This article outlines and reflects on five adjustments made over the course of a year to the author's 'three-block' lesson method introduced in Howell (2015). The five adjustments are: resequencing of the activity blocks; reduction in the number of activities; colorization of the handouts; use of expansion drills; and increase in L1 input. In addition, a supplementation of the method using popular songs is presented, exemplified by the musical film 'West Side Story'.
ラウアー ジョー
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.5, pp.19-34, 2002-03-31

近年のマルヂメディアの発展は学生の英語文法能力の向上にとって非常に大きな可能性を提供している。レスポンスの早いインターネット上のリンク,音声認識,ビデオ,画像,ディジタル録音などの技術は英語教育に統合されつつあり,学生がより早く,より少ない努力で学習するという理想に到達することも夢ではないかもしれない。こうした技術は,スピーキング(Eskenazi, 1999; Coniam, 1999),リスニング(Umino, 1999; Brett, 1997),語彙獲得(Cummins, 1998; Grace, 1998)そしてライティング(Liaw, 1998; Braine, 1997)などの英語教育の様々な分野に応用されつつある。しかし,日本人の英語文法の学習を助けるようなマルチメディア教材は市場において決定的に不足している。また,高品質なマルチメディア英語文法学習教材の開発のための基礎として役立つと思われるが,学生の文法能力の教室における調査の量も十分とは言いがたい。文法の能力が言語の習熟にとってもっとも決定的な観点である(Bardovi-Harlig, 1999)ということ,また文法についての明示的な指導が学生にとって役立つ(Ellis, 1998)ことが知られているにも関わらず,文法に関連した調査と教材の不足は現として存在しているのである。本研究の目的は,1)マルチメディアが英語文法学習の現状にどのように貢献しているかを改めて調査すること,および2)日本人大学一年生の英語文法能力を記述することの2つである。大学一年生の英語文法能力に関しては,いくつかの重要な結果が得られた。たとえば,マルチプルチョイステストの際に,学生は,主語+動詞(be動詞以外)+補語(現在分詞・過去分詞)や分詞構文の同定が苦手である。それに対し,lt+be/seem+thatで始まる節,および名詞句や名詞節の代用として使われる代名詞のitなどの文法構造はかなりよく認識している。これらの発見はマルチメディア教材の設計と開発の際の基礎として役立つものとなろう。
LAUER Joe SELWOOD Jaime 榎田 一路
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.19, pp.129-140, 2016

本稿では,日本の大学1年生102名の英語コミュニケーション能力を,1セメスターにわたり詳細に分析する,総合的な縦断研究を行った。2名の教員が,それぞれ2クラスの授業において,一方は教科書,他方はポッドキャストを教材として用いた。各クラスにおいては英語力や専攻などの変数を統制した。セメスターの最初,中間,および最後に,コミュニケーション能力テストを実施した。特筆すべき点として,本稿で用いられている実験手法は,Gilmore (2011) の重要な研究を一部踏襲している。同研究では,ウェブを中心とする「オーセンティックな教材」を用いる方が教科書に比べて効果が高いとされた。それゆえ,本稿の目的は,Gilmore の研究結果を確認し,教科書とポッドキャストを用いた教材のどちらが,学生の口頭能力の向上に効果が高いかを探ることにある。本研究の結果,どちらの教材を用いても,学生は同様の向上を示した。例えば,リスニングテストでは全4クラスにおいて,平均約10%の,統計的に有意なスコアの上昇が見られた (p < .05)。また,語彙・文法のスコアは,概ねどのクラスも特に向上は見られなかった。録音によるスピーキングテストでは,全クラスで,流暢さ(3分間に発話された語数),/l/ の発音の正確さの点で有意な上昇が見られた。しかし,冠詞や前置詞といったその他の難易度の高い文法項目においては,どのクラスにおいても,概して向上は見られなかった。本研究の結果は,ウェブを教材に用いる方が教科書よりも良いとする Gilmore の主張に重大な疑問を呈するものである。In a comprehensive longitudinal study, the English communicative abilities of 102 Japanese university freshmen were analyzed in detail during one semester. Two teachers each taught two courses; in one course a textbook was used, and in the other course podcasts were used. There were several controlled variables, including starting language abilities and student majors. A series of communicative language tests were given at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester. Importantly, the experimental method used here partially mirrored an influential study published by Gilmore (2011), which found that utilizing "authentic materials"—which were mostly Web-based—seemed to be more effective than utilizing textbooks. Thus, the goal of the present study was to confirm Gilmore's findings by determining which pedagogical materials were more effective in improving students' oral abilities: textbooks or podcasts.It was found that students progressed in similar ways, regardless of the pedagogical materials used. For example, students in all four classes improved their scores on listening tests by an average of about 10%, this improvement being statistically significant (p < .05). And, on average, students in none of the classes noticeably improved their vocabulary-grammar scores much. On audio recordings of students having conversations in English, there were remarkable improvements during the semester in all classes with respect to both fluency (number of words uttered during 3 minutes) and the correct pronunciation of /l/. But none of the classes, when taken as a whole, seemed to improve other spoken grammatical trouble spots, such as use of grammatical articles or prepositions. The results seriously question Gilmore's contention that Web-based materials are better than textbooks.
達川 奎三
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.18, pp.1-15, 2015

本研究の目的は,大学教養教育英語ライティング授業におけるラジオ・ドラマ使用の有用性を検討することである。学習者の聴解力育成に関わって,映画やテレビ・ドラマなどの視聴覚教材の利点について多くの報告がある。しかしながら,外国語教育におけるラジオ・ドラマの活用についての報告は少なく,とりわけ作文指導における有用性の報告はほとんどない。そこで,ラジオ・ドラマをライティング活動のインプット素材として用い,学習者の受け止めなどについて調査した結果を報告する。The purpose of this paper is to investigate the usefulness of using a radio drama in general English writing classes at the university level. Authentic audio-visual materials often motivate learners to watch and listen to the information provided in the target language. Recently, a lot of research has identified the merits of using films, TV dramas, and other visual materials for developing students' listening abilities. However, there have been few papers reporting about the usefulness of radio dramas used in foreign language classrooms, especially the use of them as input to stimulate writing practices, namely to promote output activities. A radio-style drama of 11 episodes, Acapulco Vacation, was used for an English writing course in the autumn semester of 2013, and 28 Japanese intermediate-level university students (average TOEIC score of 593.3) took it as a compulsory subject. The students were expected to listen to one of the 11 episodes before each class, and worked on open-type comprehension questions, writing their answers on a worksheet every week. Also, each student wrote a 500-word summary of the whole story as an assignment at the end of the course. A questionnaire was conducted in the last lesson to evaluate the course. The results of the survey indicated that most of the students found it useful to use the radio drama to practice writing as well as listening. They also felt that their writing abilities had improved. In addition, many comments were reported to create positive attitudes or stronger motivation for second/foreign language learning.
Lauer Joe
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.11, pp.95-106, 2008

英語のリスニングの技能を向上させるための新しくかつ刺激的な方法の一つとしてポッドキャストがある。楽しいだけでなく教育的でもあるサウンドファイルを、学生たちはiPodやコンピューターにインターネットから無料でダウンロードすることができる。重要なのは、日々のニュースから異文化情報、スピーキングの技能さらには英文法をめぐる議論まで、彼らが関心を持つ諸々のテーマの議論を、しかも無料で聞くことができる点である。本研究は三つの部分からなる。我々は、まず第一に良質の英語学習用ポッドキャストの特質に関し、どのようなタイプのポッドキャストが英語学習に効果的であるかを検討した。次に、298人の日本人大学生を対象にアンケート調査を行い、彼ら現在がどのようにポッドキャストを使ってるか、どういうポッドキャストを望んでいるかについて調べた。最後に、インターネット上の無料で利用可能な77の英語学習用ポッドキャストサイトを分析し、最良のサイトをいくつか選び出した。この研究の結果からわかったこととしては、たとえば、現在、3人に2人の大学生がディジタル・オーディオプレーヤ(例:iPod)や音楽再生機能のついた携帯電話(例:携帯ワォークマン)を持っており、簡単にポッドキャストをダウンロードして使うことができる環境にある。しかし驚くべきことにわずかその1割(298人中31人)の学生しかポッドキャストを聴いたことがなく、その半分のみが、英語学習用ポッドキャストをときどき利用しているに過ぎなかった。英語の中級レベルの日本人学生に適したポッドキャストの例としては、たとえばWeblish:メディア英会話、the Daily English Show、English Journalなどのサイトがあることも明らかになった。
Lauer Joe Yamada Jun
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.1, pp.133-140, 1998-03-31

盧 濤
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.10, pp.209-218, 2007

榎田 一路
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.12, pp.71-83, 2009

In this paper, the process of developing and delivering an original English learning podcast, "Hiroshima University's English Podcast," is explained, especially focusing on technical details. First, the advantages of podcasts compared with other ways of delivering media are discussed. Not only can teachers let their students learn with podcasts in and outside the classroom without having to copy them into package media, but they can use a variety of podcasting materials for free and without worrying about copyright and license infringement. In addition, the potentials of RSS feeds as "pacemakers" for self-learners should be strongly considered. In short, podcasting can be used in university language education as a supplement to its limited class hours without costs and efforts. The survey conducted in Enokida (2008) showed, however, that despite its high potential as a learning tool, very few students as well as teachers use podcasting for self-learning or course materials.Considering the status quo mentioned above, I have set the following four goals for our podcasting project: to develop original materials which fit the students' needs and abilities, to deliver them on line so that they can be available in wired and mobile situations, to encourage students to learn with podcasts, and to try using them in classrooms to see if podcasting helps students improve their English abilities and learning habits. Since this paper concentrates on the first two goals, detailed information is given on how a podcasting program was planned, recorded, edited, and put onto the web server. Materials recorded in an analogue studio were digitized with a digital recorder. GarageBand, produced by Apple for MacOSX, and cross-platform Audacity were useful in editing digital audio files, enhancing the speech volumes and adding background music, jingles, and sound effects. Nucleus, a freeware CMS program, was used to provide podcasting services; it made it easy to generate not only beautiful web pages but also an RSS feed for iTunes. The podcasts are now open to the public and can be found at iTunes Store. The paper concludes that the first two goals are being achieved, and finds that podcasting materials can be created at low costs thanks to the freeware programs.
小川 泰生
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
vol.6, pp.117-129, 2003-03-31
