小野 章昌
一般社団法人 日本原子力学会
日本原子力学会誌ATOMOΣ (ISSN:18822606)
vol.56, no.12, pp.780-785, 2014 (Released:2020-02-19)

松枝 秀二 小野 章史 松本 義信 平川 文江 平田 圭 守田 哲朗 長尾 憲樹 長尾 光城
The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics
栄養学雑誌 (ISSN:00215147)
vol.59, no.5, pp.233-239, 2001-10-01 (Released:2010-11-26)

Effects of 8-weeks low-intensity aerobic training on the body composition and basal metaboli sm were evaluated in untrained young females. Twelve subjects randomly divided into two groups. One group was sedentary control. The other half exercised at an intensity of 50% of the maximal aerobic capacity for 30 minutes per day, 4days a week for 8 weeks. Altough maximal aerobic capacity was improved by training the body weight, percent of fat, and lean body mass were not different between before and after training. The basal metabolic rates (BMR), expressed by per day, per body weight, and per lean body mass, decreased significantly (p<0.05) after training, -9%, -8%, -8%, respectively. The blood thyroid hormone, T3, concentration was significantly reduced after training (p<0.001), and T4 and free T4 concentrations also decreased significantly (p<0.05). However, no significant correlation was observed between the decrease of the thyroid hormone level and that of BMR. There were no differense in the daily energy intake of the subjects between before and after training. Interestingly, the estimated daily energy expenditure was reduced after training. This might be related to an increase of sleep-time, and decrease of daily activity level. These results suggest that 8-weeks low-intensity aerobic training did not change body composition in untrained young females, because training resulted reducing the daily activity level, and consequently decreased of BMR and blood thyroid hormone concentrations.
松本 義信 津﨑 智之 中村 博範 宮田 富弘 小野 章史
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.28, no.2, pp.413-421, 2019

低糖質食は肥満あるいは糖尿病などの生活習慣病の予防・改善に対する栄養素等の摂取方法として用いられているが,最近では健康な人のダイエット法として注目されている.しかし,低糖質食は糖質摂取を抑えるかわりに,たんぱく質ならびに脂質のどちらか,あるいはそれらの両方が過剰摂取につながりやすいと考えられる.本研究では動物モデルを用いて低糖質食を摂取した時の成長および生体内代謝に及ぼす影響について比較検討した.実験ではSD系雄性ラット3週齢を用い,一般的な食餌(コントロール食群),あるいはたんぱく質30.0%(w/w),脂質50.0%(w/w)の食餌(30%たんぱく質群),またはたんぱく質40.0%(w/w),脂質40.0%(w/w)の食餌(40%たんぱく質群)の2種類の低糖質食いずれかを10週間与えた.その結果,食餌摂取量はコントロール群に比べて低糖質食を与えた群で有意に低値となったが,エネルギー摂取量,ならびに実験終了時の体重に有意差を認めなかった.血清トリグリセライド濃度はコントロール群に比べて低糖質食群で有意に低値を示した.血清中のアラニンアミノトランスフェラーゼ,アスパラギン酸アミノトランスフェラーゼ(AST)はいずれ も40%たんぱく質群で他の2群より高値を示し,ASTの差は有意であった.肝臓脂質量はコントロール群に比べて低糖質食群で高値となり,40%たんぱく質群との差は有意であった.以上,本研究では低糖質食摂取により肝臓に脂質が蓄積するとともに肝臓代謝機能が低下したことが示唆された.
小野 章
一般社団法人 資源・素材学会
資源と素材 (ISSN:09161740)
vol.109, no.12, pp.1077-1081, 1993-12-25 (Released:2011-01-27)

Hyuga Smelting Co., Ltd. established by Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. started production of ferronickel by Sintering-Electric Furnace Process in September; 1956, which is now owned by Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.(60%), Nippon Steel Corporation (25%) and Mitsui & Co., Ltd.(15%).In accordance with the rapid increase of the market demands, the company made a steady growth, expanding the production capacity from 30 to 200 tons of nickel per month. Because the further expansion required greater productivity and broader acres, the new plant was built at present site in the coastal industrial quarter adopting Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace Process in 1968.Since the improvement of the process, the development of new products and the energy curtailment of the whole plant have been achieved, Hyuga Smelter has become one of the most advanced coastal ferro-nickel smelters, boasting of most modern facilities and incompetitive technical knowledge.Production capacity is 1, 500 tons of nickel per month.
宮尾 秀樹 一杉 安秀 深井 清子 小野 章 川添 太郎
一般社団法人 国立医療学会
医療 (ISSN:00211699)
vol.36, no.6, pp.566-569, 1982-06-20 (Released:2011-10-19)

輸血に伴う低カルシウム血症はACD血中のクエン酸が, 患者血中のイオン化カルシウムと結合することによりおこる. 今回, 我々は胃静脈瘤破裂の患者が, 急速輸血にも, 昇圧剤にも, ステロイド剤にも反応しない重篤な循環虚脱に陥り, カルシウム剤投与により, 急激な循環動態の改善及び心電図上, 心室性期外収縮の消失, ST成分の改善, Q oTc時間の改善をみた. 一般には, 輸血によるイオン化カルシウムの低下は一時的で, 輸血終了後, 次第に上昇してくるといわれている. その理由として, 血中に入つたクエン酸の細胞外液中への拡散, 肝臓によるクエン酸の代謝, 腎臓によるクエン酸の排泄などがあげられている. しかし肝硬変の患者では, クエン酸代謝が障害されているため, 大量輸血時には, 積極的にカルシウム剤を投与すべきであると考える.
松本 義信 津崎 智之 奥 和之 小野 章史
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.27, no.1, pp.147-152, 2017

日本食品標準成分表2015年版において,ひじきの項目は下処理の加熱時に用いる材質がステンレス 製と鉄製に分類されて表記された.しかし,この時の加熱時間は考慮されなかった.そこで,本研究 ではひじきの下処理時の加熱時間が鉄含有量に及ぼす影響について検討した.実験は鹿児島県沿岸 ならびに静岡県沿岸で収穫された下処理等が行われていない未加工のひじきを用い,加熱時間を30~360分間とした.その結果,鉄含有量は両ひじきともステンレス製に比べて鉄製の鍋を用いた方が 高値となった.また,鉄製の鍋を用いた場合,加熱時間が30分間に比べて360分間では30倍以上の高 値となった.日本食品標準成分表2015年版の値に比べてこれらの値は加熱時間が30分間では低値を,360分間では高値を示した.以上の結果から,本研究でひじきの鉄含有量がステンレス製より鉄製の 鍋で高値となったことは日本食品標準成分表2015年版と同様であったが,加熱時間によっても値が異 なることが明らかになった.
小野 章
広島外国語教育研究 (ISSN:13470892)
no.17, pp.39-55, 2014-03-01

This paper owes the definition of" focus on form" to Long and Robinson (1998):" [D]uring an otherwise meaning-focused classroom lesson, focus on form often consists of an occasional shift of attention to linguistic code features . . . ." The aim of this paper is to design teacher questions which will help implement Focus on Form (F on F hereafter) in the reading class. The text to be read is" The Selfish Giant" by Oscar Wilde, which is in Polestar: English Communication I, a MEXT-authorized senior high school English textbook. The research procedure is as follows:(1) Analysis of" The Selfish Giant" as it appears in Polestar: English Communication I(2) Reading of" The Selfish Giant"(3) Designing teacher questions for the implementation of F on FThe results are as follows: (1) Polestar: English Communication I does not include "The Selfish Giant" in its ten "Lessons" but has it as a" Further Reading." The whole of the original" The Selfish Giant" is put with a word list and some explanation on such expressions as" to-morrow" and" Who art thou?" Attached to the text is "COMPREHENSION." It consists of "Summary," "Check for understanding," and" Let's try," which have 5, 4, and 1 question(s), respectively. The point is that all the questions in" COMPREHENSION" direct our attention just to the meaning of the text, not to" linguistic code features" in Long and Robinson's term.(2) Questions asked by a teacher should be based on his/her reading of a text. So it would be necessary for us to have read" The Selfish Giant" in our own way. At the beginning of the story there is a kind of harmony in the Giant's garden with children, flowers and birds affecting one another. The harmony is destroyed when the Giant comes home, his castle. He has a" very gruff" voice which stands in stark contrast to" lovely" elements in the garden. He builds a high wall around the garden so that children cannot play in it. Harmony being destroyed, we start to detect dichotomous elements: inside and outside; mine and yours; the past and the present; winter and the other three seasons; life and death. The turning point in the story is when children creep into the garden through a little hole. As the Giant sees a tree bending its branches so that" a little boy" can reach up to them, his heart eventually" melts" and he feels really sorry for his selfish behavior. Not only his heart but also the boundaries between dichotomous elements" melt." Harmony comes back to the Giant's garden.(3) The 17 questions proposed are based on the reading in (2). All the questions should be answered with" linguistic code features" in the text as a clue. Questions 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15 and 16 are particularly intended to direct our attention to form.
鈴木 悦子 赤松 猛 小野 章
中学教育 : 研究紀要 (ISSN:13441531)
vol.47, pp.77-81, 2016-03-18

本研究の目的は,英文読解において協働的問題解決学習を取り入れることで,内容理解を深めさせる授業を開発することである。授業実践では,物語文の行間を読む際に,推論発問の後で仲間の考えを聞くことで,問いを解決し,問いを新たに生むなど,理解を深める様子が見られた。また,時間いっぱい意見を交わすグループが増えた。さらに,翻訳する際に,心情を考えながら場面に適した言葉を使うようになった。The aim of this study was to develop effective English lessons through 'collaborative problem solving.' In reading activities, it is necessary for students to consider the background of the subject matter and their feelings about it. Through collaborative problem solving in groups, students are able to express their own points of view. Listening to the ideas of other students leads to obtaining a better understanding of the background of the subject matter and cultivating their feelings about it. These activities also help Japanese students develop richer expression in the Japanese language.
松枝 秀二 小野 章史 内田 郷子 中田 裕美
川崎医療福祉学会誌 (ISSN:09174605)
vol.2, no.1, pp.253-257, 1992

高校生野球部員の食生活調査をおこなった.対象はレギュラークラス11名.調査期日は平成元年10月と12月に一週間づつおこなった.その結果, スポーツ選手としては摂取栄養素量は少なく, 特に野菜類, 乳類の摂取不足が顕著であった.エネルギー充足者では内容が蛋白質, 脂質にかたよっていた.今回の調査から若年スポーツ競技者に対する食事指導の必要性が強く感じられた.
小野 章
